Most of these people abandoned by human traffickers are African-Americans because their lives on earth are so miserable. Eager to change their living conditions, they ignore the federal government's ban and risk boarding the traffickers' boats. The rest of the people are mainly white people, because they are rich and usually want to travel everywhere, but the federal government does not want people to travel to various planets privately, because doing so will bring unnecessary space jump points to the federal government. burden.

It is actually not easy for human traffickers to smuggle people, because every jumping point out of the solar system is guarded by federal warships, and some nearby unmanned systems are also monitored by unmanned detectors. It seems almost impossible to smuggle them. It's impossible. But the government's military is not perfect. Some warship captains monitoring jump points gave the traffickers the green light after receiving cash payments from them.

Some of the people trafficked by human traffickers were lucky enough to land near some towns, and some were unfortunately destroyed by the town's defense forces as objects hitting the town. The most unfortunate ones were those who landed in deserts, ice fields, and highlands. . The survival rate of these people in such a harsh environment is no more than 20%. Most of them fell before a shelter was established due to natural or other reasons. But after the natural survival of the fittest, the remaining people are almost all strong, and they tenaciously established their own homes in these harsh places. When the capital star government discovered them, if they hadn't understood the history of the Federation, they would have regarded them as aborigines.

Most of the people who reconnected with the world of human civilization chose to return, but a small number of people still chose to stay, because this is the home they and their predecessors built with their own hands. This is also the origin of human beings in the Red Cloud Desert and the Northern Woods Icefield. .

The people who originally designed the town would never have imagined that there would be a group of steel monsters ten times larger than humans running in their town. In just half an hour, nearly a third of the buildings in this town had been turned into ruins, but Ye Ye also had a brief understanding of the level of most pilots. Call them out of the town before it is further destroyed. This small town Ye didn't want to completely destroy it once, he wanted to use it again.

Seventeen mechas quickly ran in front of Ye, and they all had some dye on them. This means that on the battlefield, these mechas all have to go back to the hangar for maintenance. Moreover, some pilots have the opportunity to become the glorious "maintenance class nightmare", which is not a good term.

All the pilots gathered in the temporary tent set up by the independent mobile attack battalion. This is the observation post set up for this exercise. The actions of all the mechas have been recorded by seventeen cameras. It seems that Mrs. Ames attaches great importance to this exercise. Not only did she dispatch an elite force to assist Ye, she also did not skimp on equipment.

"Bear No. 7, you have the most dye on your body, do you know why?" Ye asked, pointing to a Bear with the number on its right shoulder covered with dye.

"Well, it's because my skills are relatively poor." The pilot who was called out at night said with a slight cry. It was quite embarrassing to be called out and criticized by the instructor in the first exercise.

Ye shook his head calmly and said: "It's not a problem with your skills, it's a problem with your consciousness." After saying that, Ye motioned to Johnny to adjust the video of Unit 7 on the big screen in the tent.

All the pilots looked at the No. 7 machine on the video, waiting for Ye's explanation. Ye picked up a laser pointer on the side, pointed at Unit 7, which was avoiding the attack, and said: "You rely too much on bunkers when defending. You seem to think that as long as something is in front of you, you will not Under attack." Unit 7 on the screen seemed to be cooperating with Ye's words. He was hit by a drill bomb that penetrated the building, and his arm was stained with a lot of dye.

"You don't realize that this kind of bunker cannot give you sufficient protection. The above situation occurred many times in the subsequent battles." Ye's laser pointer circled around Unit 7. He continued: "In mecha battles, you do need to rely on bunkers, but I hope you will pay attention to the strength of the bunkers and don't hide behind this kind of tofu that can't even block practice bombs."

"Yes, instructor." All the pilots listened to Ye's words very seriously. The night is talking about you, which means that the previous advice is for all pilots.

Ye nodded and said: "Others also have various minor problems, but they are not very serious problems, so I will tell them in front of everyone. Now it's time to talk about all of you. Something is wrong. Do you know why your mechas are all in trouble?"

Pilots, you look at me and I look at you. Then he shook his head blankly. In their view, being wounded in combat is something to be proud of. This is probably the reason why these resistance organizations are not afraid of death in battle.

"Your fighting style is too fierce." Ye looked at these pilots funny and said, "You always pursue maximum damage to your opponents in battle, but neglect your own protection." In line with Ye's words, Johnny put The scenes of each of the seventeen mechas fighting were displayed on the big screen. Without exception, these scenes were the scenes when some of the mechas inside were shot.

"In order to pursue the stability of shooting, you usually don't maneuver when shooting. This is understandable. However, when you stand still, you shoot for a long time. This is the main reason why you are all injured. Mecha, mecha Armor begins with the word "machine", so the characteristic of mechas is constant maneuvering in battle, especially in this environment without good cover, you must pay attention to movement. The battlefield is not a gladiatorial arena, what you are facing It's not just one enemy, but a group of enemies. Your shooting can only suppress enemies within a certain range at a time. At the same time, when you leave the bunker, you also become the target of other enemies that are not suppressed. So you have to maneuver and shoot after a short period of time. To maneuver, you must keep maneuvering while attacking your opponent, and try to minimize the time you spend standing still, so that you can better protect yourself, do you understand?"

This time the pilots did not agree immediately. Wang Hui said with some confusion: "Instructor, I don't understand. You can kill the enemy better if you stand still. Why not fight like this? People don't say that the best defense is Attack?"

The other pilots nodded when they heard Wang Hui's words, while Ye couldn't help but roll his eyes. The combat thoughts of these pilots in front of him made Ye feel dizzy. They had received that kind of brave education since childhood. But this kind of fighting method that ignores one's own life is no longer suitable for the current situation on the battlefield. Long-term standing shooting can only be used in three situations in the night, that is, when the sneak attack starts and the number of mechas has an absolute advantage. Other times, standing still for a long time is just like a target. You must know that it is very easy for a moving mecha to attack a non-moving target. But if the mecha wants to attack a moving target, its efficiency will be greatly reduced.

"Listen. If you want to be an ordinary pilot, an ordinary pilot who can fight with a large mecha army, there is no problem in standing still and shooting for a long time, because in that case, this shooting method can Maximize the combat effectiveness of the mechas. But you are the pilots of the Resistance Army, not the pilots of the Federation or the Empire. You have less than three squadrons of mechas. Even if you can replenish the mechas in the future, it is unlikely. There are too many mechas. This means that you must protect these precious mechas, rather than risking them in order to show your bravery in battle. As the pilots of these mechas, you must abandon your inner These brave but dangerous fighting methods are used to try other good methods, which some ace pilots use to protect their own fighting methods."

After hearing Ye's words, all the pilots lowered their heads and pondered. Ye Ze called the other personnel on the side to leave the tent. On the one hand, he wanted to give the pilots a quiet space to think. On the other hand, Ye also wanted to try out the performance of the Wolf Cavalry.

Knowing that Ye was going to test the performance of his mecha, Qiao Ni immediately informed Wang Hui in the tent. The result was a commotion among the pilots. You can think about the problem later, but Ye Xiu's first time in the Resistance Army. Ye Ye, who had just gotten into the cockpit, glared at Johnny angrily, and he knew that Johnny must be the one causing the trouble.

"Instructor, do you need some target drones?" Wang Hui shouted while standing under the Wolf Cavalry.

"You guys wipe all the mechas clean, and then let's play simulated battles together." Ye said while looking at the eager pilots underground. He was unwilling to select a few of them to serve as target drones, because this might make the pilots who were not selected feel undervalued. This was not true for pilots who had just been exposed to mecha combat. a good thing.

"Instructor, you mean seventeen of us will deal with one of you?" Wang Hui said in shock.

Ye Dun couldn't help but smile bitterly. He just wanted to wait for all the pilots to board the plane and start allocating teams. He didn't expect that it would cause Wang Hui such a misunderstanding, so he had to quickly explain: "The Wolf Cavalry is not a specially equipped aircraft. It is still a bit difficult to fight seventeen. . My best record is to use Pluto, which is better than the Wolf Cavalry, to fight twelve in space. I don’t have that confidence on the ground."

In fact, the mecha itself is designed for space combat, only in space. Mechas can exert their maximum capabilities because they are no longer bound by gravity. Mechas have become more flexible, and they can better reflect the difference between aces and ordinary pilots in space. It's different on the ground. The restraint of gravity has narrowed the gap between aces and ordinary pilots to a great extent. Therefore, Ye Cai is not sure about one-on-one-twelve, even if the people he deals with are resistance soldiers who are new to mecha combat. of chicks.

"How many mechas do you need, instructor?" Wang Hui couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard that Ye's best record was only killing twelve at once.

Hearing Wang Hui's words, all the pilots raised their hands and said, "Instructor, let me help you." Everyone wanted to fight side by side with Ye. Even if it was just a simulated battle, it would allow them to show off for a while. .

"Let's do this. Four Tigers will help me, and the identification of friends and foes will be unified into the Imperial Identification Code. The rest of us will work together, okay?" Ye directly chose the four Tigers as his teammates. Their level should be able to share half of the responsibility. Bear pose. Ye was still somewhat confident in dealing with half a squadron of Bears and one Wolf Cavalry. After all, these pilots were not the well-trained pilots in the Eleventh Fleet.

The four Tiger pilots immediately ran towards their mechas, and the other pilots were not disappointed, because in their opinion, the strength of the two sides was almost three times different, and they were confident of victory.

Eighteen mechas prepared to enter the town again. Before the exercise began, Ye once again warned: "Don't forget to maneuver, don't hold the trigger for a long time, and don't change magazines behind a bunker that can't withstand bullets. understand?"

"Understood, instructor." The pilots were all in a state of excitement about being able to fight with Ye. They didn't notice what Ye was saying. They just agreed out of habit.

This exercise was not as casual as the previous one. Ye informed Johnny to turn on the damage simulation system, which is a system that relies on dye distribution to determine the damage to the mecha. The Federation's simulated damage device is an independent system for each mecha, while the Empire is an external monitoring system. The effects of the three systems are the same. Generally speaking, the difference is that the federal system is easy to use, while the empire's system can save a lot of costs.

After getting a positive answer from Johnny, Ye gave everyone the order to start the exercise, and then ordered the four Tigers to form a commando team to cover the operation, and then controlled the wolf cavalry to slide towards the town. He wanted Try your best to appear in positions where the pilots would not expect, so that you can inflict heavy damage on your opponents to the greatest extent.

The terrain of the town is very unfavorable for the mecha's concealment. Usually, the mecha has to sit down before it can completely huddle up behind the house, looking for the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.comm. However, this also means that Ye can clearly see the thirteen machines on the opposite side. The direction of the mecha was to attack them from the flank.

Only now did I have a real experience with the floating function of the Wolf Ranger. This turbofan, which is said to be better than the Ranger floating system, does have its uniqueness. The first feeling I felt for Ye was that it was stable. Unlike the Rangers who adjusted the balance of the mecha every second due to the movement of their legs, the Wolf Cavalry did not have a trace of shaking when it floated, even some uneven surfaces. They are all floating and stable on the ground. However, this has both advantages and disadvantages at night. Stability is an advantage and a disadvantage. Due to the limitation of the fan, the Wolf Cavalry cannot make some more intense movements, such as sharp turns or emergency stops and retreats. The movements are not as flexible as the Rangers, and can even be said to be a bit slow.

"It seems that I still prefer the Rangers, but Pluto seems to be better than the three old cavalry." Ye muttered while observing the monitor. He had already skated a lot, and he should be able to see the horizon now. There are some resistance forces on board.

"Advance in parallel?" Thirteen mechas appeared on Ye's monitor at the same time. They ranked the most commonly used parallel advance formation when the mechas had an advantage in numbers. Although this formation is ineffective when facing an equal number of mechas, In some cases, the firepower is too scattered and the formation is too weak. However, for a small number of mechas, it can put the opponent under encirclement pressure and a more comprehensive firepower strike. (To be continued)

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