"I thought it would be a commando skirmishing formation. Wang Hui is pretty good." Ye's mouth curled up slightly. The commando skirmisher formation is a commonly used formation for mechas. It is a formation in which mechas gather as a unit and serve as attack points. The Federation used this formation when attacking Emma. The advantage is that it has sufficient firepower and can form a certain amount of firepower. The disadvantage of the encirclement ability is that it is not as strong as the parallel array.

However, the Wolf Cavalry is a high-speed machine, which is doomed to ruin Wang Hui's idea of ​​surrounding Ye. The Wolf Cavalry began to advance at high speed towards one end of the parallel formation, which was the biggest weakness of this formation.

Wang Hui and others naturally saw Ye's actions and immediately adjusted. However, how could the cumbersome Bear be able to outrun the Wolf Cavalry? Wang Hui could only give up the idea of ​​semi-encircling Ye's attack and ordered the Bear on the far right to start retreating. .

"A very good response." Ye praised Wang Hui through the communicator.

"Of course, sir, my Wang Hui was the best young tactical commander of the Resistance Army." Johnny's unabashedly proud voice came out immediately. It seemed that he liked his nephew very much.

"Uncle." Wang Hui called out with some embarrassment. He was not as thick-skinned as Johnny.

"But Wang Hui, you seem to regard the Wolf Cavalry as a bear style. How can you use it like the other bear styles?" Ye pointed out Wang Hui's shortcomings while continuing to press the opponent's formation.

"Instructor, I'm afraid I'll get caught by you if I walk too far ahead." Wang Hui said with a smile. Although he could walk faster by floating, it would be very dangerous. Playing one-on-one with the Federation's number one ace, Wang Hui is still somewhat self-aware.

"You can control the mecha to wander around my shooting range and distract me. This can reduce the pressure on your men, and you haven't noticed. You can never catch up with the Wolf Cavalry with such speed of formation changes. You It's time to decisively detach a part of the mecha to entangle me and gain a time advantage for the encirclement. Of course, it's useless now. Because I will definitely run away." Ye knew that Wang Hui would not come out naturally, and the others Nor would he want to face himself alone. Because these pilots were attracted by their own reputations and had no confidence, Ye taught Wang Hui another method, and Wang Hui immediately used this method.

Wang Hui's Wolf Cavalry quickly approached Ye's mecha. At the same time, the Bear Commando closest to Ye also turned and rushed towards Ye. These pilots understood Ye's meaning very well, but Ye did not act like a knight. Confronting them head-on turned out to be exactly what he said. He quickly retreated and distanced himself.

Wang Hui's command is indeed very talented. After seeing Ye's retreat, he immediately asked three Bears to form a defensive line with himself to block Ye's attack. The remaining nine Bears still maintained a parallel line and moved towards Ye. At this moment, the four Tigers on the horizon were approaching.

"A very good troop division tactic, Wang Hui. Unfortunately, there are a few people to deal with me." Ye saw Wang Hui's intention at a glance. The engine on the back of the silver mecha flashed, and it completed a beautiful turn on the small town's narrow road, and then rushed at full speed towards the four mechas trying to delay it.

The Wolf Cavalry is very fast. He rushed within the shooting range of both sides at once, and Wang Hui immediately commanded the three Bears to fire at Ye together with himself.

"Tiger crew, fight and retreat, don't be eaten by all nine of their mechas at once." Ye ordered the friendly troops in the distance while starting to shake the mecha slightly to avoid the artillery fire from inside. The pilots not far away stopped their mechas again, which made Ye dumbfounded. It seemed that the previous lectures were in vain. Only by making them suffer some pain could they remember not to press the trigger for a long time. Stand still.

The silver wolf cavalry shuttled through the barrage easily. Ye felt that the pressure these four mechas put on him was not as great as the barrage formed by the empire's three-machine commando of ordinary pilots. These Resistance pilots underestimated the speed of the Wolf Troopers, aided by turbofans and ion engines. Wolf Cavalry can dodge bullets much faster than humans. Some of them shot at Ye directly, but Ye naturally avoided them all.

The Silver Wolf Cavalry attacked the Great Holy World after covering a sufficient distance. He raised the machine gun in his hand and fired a shot at the Bear closest to him. The standing bear had just moved a step when seven or eight practice bombs hit the cockpit in the chest, and the armor on the front was stained red with dye.

"Move, shoot, and move again. I told you, don't stay where you are, run for me." Ye knew that the mecha had been judged destroyed, because the controller had turned off the bear's bright one-eyed red light. The power supply was cut off.

After hearing Ye's words, the remaining mechas began to maneuver, but their shots were still directed at Ye's mecha, so Ye could only remind them again: "Everyone, the moving speed of mechas is several times that of humans. The emergency stop and turn speed are also very fast, so if you want to hit a moving mecha, you must not only calculate sufficient lead time, but also pay attention to coordination. There must be at least three of you blocking my dodge direction."

Ye's teachings were regarded as imperial edicts by the pilots within the resistance army. The three mechas followed them almost immediately, and Ye suddenly felt a little more pressured. However, due to movement, the shooting level of these pilots dropped by almost half. The night they discovered this problem, there was no good solution, because this is a basic skill problem for pilots to manually correct the fire control system, and it cannot be solved by just a few words. .

Ding, the continuous shooting emptied the magazine of a Bear. The automatic ejection machine pushed the huge drum magazine away from the machine gun body and hit the ground heavily, stirring up a lot of dust. , which also made the resistance pilot stunned for a moment. He stopped his mecha behind a building and began to change the magazine.

"I said, don't stop behind a bunker that can't protect you, let alone expose part of your mecha outside the building to let others know your location." Ye had already noticed this bear-type aircraft. After he hid in the building, Ye easily determined the location of the mecha based on its elbow that was accidentally exposed outside the building. After a burst of shooting through the wall, the pilot's mecha was also determined to be eliminated by the control system because the back and right chest armor of his mecha were covered with dye.

Ye's attack made Wang Hui and the other pilot of the Bear-type a little dazed. Not long after they took fire, the three mechas were ruled out. This was half of their containment force. Wang Hui began to understand Ye. Saying that there were too few mechas to contain him meant a lot.

"At our current level, we can't destroy the instructors just by relying on three mechas. We can only contain the instructors and wait for them to finish the Tiger to support us before attacking the instructors with all our strength." Wang Hui pointed to the side who was talking to the tigers. The nine Bear-style battles were in full battle, and he said to the only Bear-style left in his army.

"Understood." Those in the Resistance Army who pilot mechas are their best people. The reaction on the battlefield was naturally not slow, and the Bear immediately turned its gun. They only spread barrages at night in the direction they were heading.

"Are you reacting quickly?" Ye immediately noticed the change. The opponent's three mechas were slowly retreating, and at the same time they focused their barrages in the direction facing them. This undoubtedly increased the difficulty of Ye's assault. , forcing Ye to start taking a detour to find a breakthrough.

However, Wang Hui's commanding ability shocked Ye. No matter how Ye maneuvered, there was always barrage interference in their direction, even though Ye made a lot of progress while the three of them were changing magazines. But this sudden advance seemed insignificant under the cover of three people.

"Yes, it seems that I have to create opportunities myself." Ye is not an ordinary person. He has many ways to solve this situation. The simplest way is to forcefully break in, because the opponent only has three, and the firepower network constructed is not enough to deal with the wolf. The cavalry does a lot of damage. If there are four of them, Ye seems to be afraid to break through.

But Ye obviously didn't want his mecha to be stained with dye, so he chose a more troublesome method, and this method also required the cooperation of his opponent, but Ye was confident. Because the opponent is a rookie who has just experienced actual combat.

The silver Wolf Cavalry raised the machine gun in his hand, aiming at the Bear and firing while moving. Although at this distance, due to the performance of the machine gun, the accuracy of shooting has been slightly deviated. But Ye still relied on his own shooting skills to densely distribute bullet impact points around the Bear. While stirring up large amounts of dust, many lucky bullets also hit the Bear.

The pilot of the Bear became panicked as Ye expected, and kept retreating in an attempt to leave Ye's attack range. However, he was too nervous and tripped over a building behind him, causing the entire Bear to collapse. The buildings were buried in the dust thrown up.

Ye would never waste such a good opportunity. This mecha that fell to the ground was almost an undefended target. Ye easily followed the previous impact point and sent the bullet into the sand and fog for nine turns. Then he focused his attention on Wang Hui's wolf cavalry.

Wang Hui didn't expect that his teammates would be taken care of by Ye so easily. In a panic, he immediately started running towards the nine bear styles.

Ye looked at the wolf cavalry running on three legs. With a wry smile, he connected to Wang Hui's communication and said: "Wolf Cavalry. Wolf Cavalry, you are a cavalry, why are you using Route 11?"

"Instructor, I was so nervous that I forgot." Wang Hui's somewhat embarrassed voice came. This guy had started the turbo fan, but due to operational problems, he crashed into a building.

"I don't think you know how to use the floating function." Ye Ye could tell at a glance that Wang Hui was unfamiliar with the operation.

"Haha, instructor, Mrs. Ames never lets us use wolf cavalry for practice, so..." Wang Hui lowered his head on the monitor, and his dark face also glowed red.

Ye nodded unequivocally. He could completely understand the importance that Mrs. Ames attached to these mechas, especially excellent mechas like the Wolf Cavalry. After all, if it was damaged, the resistance army with poor supplies might be 100% sure that it would be possible. Ability to repair the mecha. But now that they have the support of the federation, they don’t have to worry about the damage to these powerful war machines. The federation is also capable of producing parts for these imperial mechas. After all, the federal science and technology department has dismantled the remains of nearly a hundred imperial mechas. .

"Give me special training when you go back. Damn it, the brightest part of the Wolf Cavalry has been buried by you." Ye made a fierce look. You must know that special training in the federal army is quite difficult, and it is the most unsatisfactory thing for soldiers. One of the words I would like to hear from the mouth of a superior. But Wang Hui didn't seem to be affected by Ye's expression at all. Instead, he cheered happily. In his opinion, this special training was Ye's one-on-one tutoring.

Ye was stunned by Wang Hui's cheers, and then he put the wolf cavalry of Wang Hui, who was a little carried away, into the target, and said: "Wang Hui, we are in battle right now, don't desert." After that, A flurry of bullets roared out, covering the Wolf Cavalry's body.

"Instructor, you sneak attack on me." The words "Destroyed" appeared on Wang Hui's cockpit. These red letters were like pouring cold water on Wang Hui, who was in high spirits.

"Idiot, on the battlefield there is only life or death, victory or defeat. As long as you win, who cares what method you use." Ye scolded. The cruelty on the battlefield will not disappear because of some boring chivalry, although some pilots still like to insist on some so-called chivalry or bushido spirit.

"I understand, instructor." Wang Hui nodded.

The silver wolf cavalry slid past Wang Hui's wolf cavalry and rushed towards the nine Bears that were suppressing the Tigers. It's time to share some of the pressure on these Tigers, because one of these Tigers has been judged to have been destroyed, and another one was also judged to have suffered serious chest injuries and was almost eliminated.

"You retreat, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and then find a way to outflank these bear styles from the other end of the formation." Ye quickly ordered the tiger styles inside.

Since Wang Hui was ruled out, the nine Bears lost command from Wang Hui because the control system cut off the connection between them. This directly caused the formation of the nine Bears to collapse and become a combat group dominated by commandos.

The Silver Wolf Cavalry used continuous machine gun attacks to separate a commando's Bear from the nine-machine formation, while issuing a mobile containment order to the Tiger that had begun an outflanking movement. The members of the Tiger mecha were also the best among the resistance pilots. They immediately understood Ye's intention and launched suppressive fire on the six Bear mechas.

Ye Shun commanded the Wolf Cavalry to throw away the machine gun that had fired all the bullets in his hand, then pulled out a huge ship-cutting knife, connected everyone's communications, and said: "The reason why mechas have become the mainstream on the battlefield is not only because Mechas have continuous and violent long-range attacks. Compared with tanks and fighter planes, mechas have the ability to fight in close combat with one hit." After saying that, with the help of powerful engines, the silver mechas launched towards the three bears. high-speed assault.

"Ah." Seeing the pilot who was attacking him raise his machine gun in the night, the bear-style image recognition fire control system quickly identified the high-speed Wolf Cavalry, and then controlled the right hand of the mecha to lock and aim. (To be continued)

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