Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 414 The Rookie in the Reserves

The three of them talked and laughed, not taking their escort mission to heart at all. In their opinion, the resistance army did not have the courage to attack a supply convoy with mecha escorts. However, behind the sand dunes on their left, there was a There was a hint of red light.

"Wang Hui, join me in attacking the commando leader of the opponent's mecha unit. In Tiger type, aim at the other side's mecha units. In Bear type, aim at the opponent's anti-aircraft missile vehicle. Report when completed." That red light was emitted by the wolf cavalry at night. , but in the desert, this red light is far less intense than sunlight, so there is no need to worry about being discovered by imperial soldiers.

"Tiger style, locked on the opponent."

"Bear pose, complete lockout."

"Instructor, can we fire now?"

"Fire." After everyone responded by locking their respective targets, Ye issued the attack order. Suddenly, the entire dune became lively. Countless 120mm tracer bullets rushed towards the Imperial supply convoy. At the same time, three guided missiles fired by the Wolf Cavalry's standard 320mm particle rockets also flew towards the Imperial machine walking on the left side of the team. The Wolf Cavalry driven by the commando captain of Unit A.

"Enemy attack." Anal reacted quickly, but in his haste, he only had time to shout out before three guided missiles hit the left shoulder of his mecha. In the violent explosion, the Wolf Cavalry was severely thrown away. When he got out, the joints of his left arm were completely broken off, and black engine oil spilled all over the floor.

"Hey." Kya, who was already a little annoyed, turned around directly. Thinking that he was being harassed by a resistance car, he raised the machine gun in his mecha's hand dismissively, but the mecha's uncontrollable force The shaking showed that what hit his mecha this time was not the weak 30mm bullets inside, but the 120mm armor-piercing bullets specially designed for mechas. The frontal armor of the Bear was suddenly filled with deep craters, and the red light in the monitor also had a hint of unwillingness. Disappeared quickly.

"Kia, Captain." Abraham's reaction of moving forward at high speed saved his life. The lines of fire from the three Tigers flew past the Bear's back engine. Three supply trucks were hit, and the explosive ammunition lifted the three unsuspecting transport trucks into the sky.

"Retreat. Concentrate all firepower on the Bear as you walk. Wang Hui, inform the Air Force that the nail has been pulled out." Ye Shun fired a guided missile at the Wolf Cavalry who fell to the ground, and then fired at Wang Hui ordered. The precise shooting of the Bears has destroyed all the anti-aircraft missile vehicles of this imperial convoy. At this moment, the only one that this unit can fight, or to be precise, can fight in the air, is the Bear that escaped. style, but faced the crazy attacks of more than ten machine guns. Abraham didn't last long and was quickly hit and fell to the ground.

The Imperial Army's disaster did not end with the temporary departure of the mechas. There was a roar in the desert sky, and more than ten heavy armed helicopters appeared on the horizon, bringing the Imperial supply team that had lost its air defense power. Despair.

Under the influence of rice particles, Nighta, which was originally light and reliable, was like a bat with its ears plugged, unable to detect it at all, let alone lock it. As for infrared guidance, although it has made leaps and bounds. However, the size of the missile is still too large for individual soldiers to use, which makes the empire's supply fleet lose its anti-aircraft missile vehicle. They can only face the fate of being ravaged by the armed helicopter forces of the resistance organization.

The Moose armed helicopter used by the resistance is a retired product of the Federation. It uses three high-performance turbine engines. While it has excellent performance, it has also become the most obvious target on the thermal sensor. The electric engine has not been well applied to helicopters due to power output problems. This has made the Moose helicopter a federal retirement product rather than a eliminated product. It has also made the helicopter combat order withdraw from the federal government like the previous bombers. Military sequence.

But the Moose helicopter. But in the Resistance Army, it once again became the main model. Capable of carrying 16 firework heavy-duty thermal missiles and a cannon capable of carrying 1,200 rounds of 30mm armor-piercing projectiles, the Moose has become an indispensable anti-armor weapon for the resistance. After the infantry desperately destroyed most of the imperial anti-aircraft weapons, they would appear to help their infantry and give a harsh lesson to the imperial army, which also had no helicopter troops.

After the imperial infantry saw that all the mechas they accompanied were annihilated, and the six longbows were turned into fireballs by moose, they immediately raised their hands high. In the wilderness, they could not hold on until their own army Prunus The arrival of fighter jets.

The resistance soldiers cheered and ran towards some Imperial supply vehicles from behind the dunes where they were hiding. They disarmed the depressed Imperial soldiers and drove them to a sand dune. After leaving plenty of water and sunshade, they started driving in high spirits. Read the full text of Return of the Imperial Vehicle. Some Moose helicopters also flew low over the convoy, covering the traces of the convoy's journey in the desert.

These remaining Imperial soldiers should be able to survive until their troops arrive. If not, the Resistance has no good solution, because all the vehicles are filled with the supplies they captured, and there is really no room for more Imperial soldiers. , can only leave water and sunshade cloth, and then throw them in the desert.

"It's so simple." Wang Hui said happily to Ye while controlling his Wolf Cavalry to move back and forth behind the mecha troops. The air cushion made by the Wolf Cavalry's turbine engine covered up the traces of the mecha troops. It is difficult to see a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft without careful observation.

"Haha, the empire was caught off guard this time. It won't be that easy in the future. After all, the empire had no information that the resistance army had mechas before. The pilots escorting the troops were obviously absent-minded. In addition, we had prepared a sneak attack. Otherwise, It is impossible for the first round of attacks to achieve such results." Ye was also doing this job of hiding traces, and secretly said that he was lucky. If he had encountered the imperial troops using such a concealment ambush, it seemed that his troops would have to A big loss. However, for the imperial troops who do not have helicopters in service and only have a small amount of Wolf Cavalry equipment, if they want to hide their whereabouts in this way, the Wolf Cavalry pilots will be tired to death. At least, they will feel very tired at this time of the night because this job is too boring. . However, the Federation troops who were ambushed during the preparations for the Hotsand Offensive and Defense War were deceived by the Empire's stealth tactics. This was just something Ye didn't know about.

In the huge mecha hangar at the resistance base, the mechanics did not cheer for the victory of their army's mecha in the first battle. Instead, they packed their things angrily.

"Uncle Ruel. What's wrong?" Ye asked curiously. As a precious combat power of the resistance army, the mecha could not move without the help of the maintainer.

"Move out of Hangar No. 1 and make room for the pilots with their noses in the air." Uncle Ruhr answered Ye's question. While throwing the tool box heavily into the truck.

"Ah?" Ye was even more confused now. He couldn't remember when he had offended the maintenance officer in front of him. Before setting off, the old man who was dressed in an inappropriate manner smiled and wanted to give some imperial troops a good look.

"Sir." Johnny, who hurried over after seeing Ye entering the hangar, grabbed Ye and began to explain his doubts to Ye after taking a breath, while Ruel on the side sighed heavily helplessly. Keep organizing your tools.

"What's going on, Johnny, we just went out for a few hours, and why have we come back completely different?" Ye looked around the hangar, seeing the faces of the maintenance officers and logistics personnel. There was no smile like they had before the attack, but helplessness, with a slight sullenness deeply hidden in it.

"Oh, those radical guys caused trouble." Johnny sighed and said something that made Ye feel confused.

"What's the meaning?"

"The radicals are a little angry about Mrs. Ames's steady and progressive leadership style. They used this imperial annihilation war to launch a vote of no confidence in the lady on the grounds of losing all the towns. Alas, the idiots in the resistance in some places . Actually, a resolution was passed in lightning to remove Madam from the post of general leader. Damn it, we didn’t receive any news beforehand." Johnny punched the guardrail. to show his anger.

"The radicals are so powerful?" Ye asked doubtfully. Through the information from the Federal Intelligence Agency and a month of contact with the Resistance Army, Ye knew Mrs. Ames's status in the Resistance Army. The leaders of many important departments in the Resistance Army are orphans adopted by this kind lady in her early years, and her students can be found in almost every position in the Resistance Army. As a well-known philanthropist and educator in the desert, Madam's prestige is unparalleled. This is why she, who does not understand military affairs, can gain the support of the resistance forces.

"It's not that they are powerful. It's that their background is powerful, and the huge benefits have made most of the local leaders of the Resistance Army become their supporters." Johnny is one of the orphans adopted by his wife. The wife was ostracized by others and her many contributions to the Resistance Army were denied. This upright man had anger written on his face.

"Then Madam's departure also means that the cooperation between the Federation and the Resistance Army may end?" The relationship between the Federation and the Resistance Army was mostly established through Mrs. Ames, but the dismissal of the Madam from her position is very likely to lead to the end of the relationship between the Federation and the Resistance Army. Relations between the military were disrupted.

"It's impossible to end, but we won't be as close as before. There will be no afterlife. This time Uncle Ruhl and the others moved out of the hangar in order to move the first hangar with the most complete facilities and the newly built fourth The hangar is for the Buos pilots with their tails raised to the sky."

"Buos? Pilot?" Ye was stunned. The New Britain Independent State actually intervened in the affairs of the Resistance Army. You know, although the Resistance Army is under the banner of resisting the Imperial Army, they still have very little contact with the independent country that claims to be neutral.

"Yes, a squadron of new Buos mechas is not in large numbers, but it has caused some local leaders to change their support for the radicals." Johnny was helpless and embarrassed, because he knew that the federal supplies to support the resistance army , the total is far more than a squadron of mechas. However, due to the ceasefire agreement between the Federation and the Empire, it is impossible to transport finished mechas to the Resistance Army. These bulk cargoes are naturally not finished products in the eyes of the Resistance Army leaders. Mechas come with value.

"Hey, why haven't you finished sorting it out? How long do you want me to wait in the damn open space outside?" An arrogant voice came from the back door of the hangar. A man in Buos standard military uniform, about 20 years old, The young man of many years walked slowly into the hangar and said with a frown.

"Who are you?" Ye looked at this guy with some disdain. Buos' mecha unit pilot, a rookie who had never been on the battlefield, seemed to Ye to have no pride at all.

"Unexpectedly, I don't even know about this." However, this guy obviously didn't notice Ye's disdain. He raised his neck proudly and introduced himself, "I belong to Buos, Captain Patrik Gorasova, you can I will call you Mr. Gorasova. Resistance boy, you are too ignorant. But there is nothing you can do about it. The poor kid is still driving a rag from the Empire. It is normal for you not to know my name. After all, Aren’t we from the same world?”

"Captain Golasova, are you famous among pilots?" Ye laughed disdainfully. The guy in front of him was simply a living treasure. If he didn't play well, it would be his fault.

"Of course, together with my beloved machine, Shiranui, I will become a super that the world has noticed." The captain, who was immersed in his own pleasure, did not notice the kid's smile in front of him at all.

"Jiang, that's not it yet, haha, it turns out he is a rookie who came out of the simulator." Ye very well maintained the Chinese tradition of chewing words.

"You inexperienced brat, haven't you Resistance Army pilots just finished their training?" Gorasova was obviously caught by Ye's words, and shouted angrily, while his hands continued to draw strokes in front of Ye.

"That's not right. We went out to fight with the Imperial Army today and killed three of them. How could he be such a super rookie who has never even been on the battlefield?"

"I'm very angry, and the consequences will be serious." The captain, who was obviously irritated by Ye's super rookie words, raised his hands to grab Ye.

However, his idea is good, but his implementation is very different. Find the bookstore After the night, Johnny, who looked like an iron tower, quickly grabbed his hands and said with a ferocious smile: "What do you want to do to my commander?"

"Ah, against violence." The captain immediately wailed. It seemed that Johnny was still pinching very hard.

"That's it, Johnny." Ye smiled and patted Johnny on the shoulder, signaling him to let go of the idiot in front of him.

"This young master is the true Chinese super major of the Federation, Ye. You can call me Master Huaxia, and you can also call me Master Ye. Of course, if you insist on calling me Super Ace Master, I have no objection. After all, this is It's the real thing, not the record on the simulator." Ye imitated Butterick's words and introduced himself in a more embellished way.

"Are you the chief ace of the Federation?" Butterick looked at Ye carefully, and then laughed loudly, "The ace of the Federation is a brat like you? It seems that the pilots of the Federation are not that good either. But there is nothing we can do about it. , How can a rubbish private be compared to my Shiranui."


"Yes, the mecha named after the famous sword Shiranui." Butterick proudly pointed to the back door of the hangar, where his favorite machine was lying on the truck. (To be continued)

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