Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 415: Attacking Rookie

"What? It's just a fighter." Ye Ye could tell at a glance that the so-called Shiranui-class mecha was a fighter produced by the Hohenheim Company. The only difference from the fighter that had been discontinued was the short-bore beam cannon on the chest of Shiranui. It was removed and turned into a heat sink like a normal mecha.

"Hey, fighter? That kind of garbage is vulnerable. Don't compare my uncle's treasure with that kind of thing." Butterick snorted.

"Oh? Listen to what you said, that kind of machine must be very strong? Do you have the guts to compete with my Wolf Cavalry, Mr. Super Rookie?" Ye knew that you can't judge a thing by its appearance, so he decided to try Buos's imitation in person. Fighter mecha, let’s see what the advantages of Buos’ new machine are.

"What super rookie? Okay, let me, who has maintained a perfect invincible record in the simulator, come and meet you, a brat from the Federation." Butterick easily fell into Ye's provocation and agreed to Ye's Require.

"Sure enough, it came out of the simulator. It's really doubtful whether your score was changed with golden fingers." Ye smiled evilly and continued to stimulate the captain in front of him, because he found that through the mouth of the guy in front of him, he could Knowing the general strength of Buos pilots, this information is still very useful to the Federation.

"What, I am upright. You know, the guy in third place also doubted my strength like you, but I still stood in front of him and told him with hard facts that the result was not even one-third of mine. What do you call a second-highest guy? Hahaha." Butrick obviously thought that his glorious deeds should be publicized.

"Oh, when we fight this guy later, we will know the approximate strength of the pilots at the Buos Training Office. I'm really looking forward to it." Ye smiled slightly and motioned to Johnny on the side to inform Ruel to prepare his own mecha. Thinking. "Since this guy claims to be top-notch, it is necessary for the intelligence department to check. If it is true, then the Buos pilot's ability is only about half of this idiot, haha. Interesting."

"Henry, inform the maintenance officers to prepare my mecha. I want to teach the Federation brats a lesson." Butterick didn't think too much at night, and immediately ordered his deputy squadron leader to notify the maintenance officers to prepare his mecha. First.

"This is not good, captain. And Zakayev will not agree to it." Henry frowned on the side. He didn't think what his captain was doing was right.

"Ignore that bald donkey of the Resistance Army. Without our help, how could his radical faction become the leader of the Resistance Army? In his eyes, my uncle's decision is his decision." Butrick obviously has no confidence in the Resistance Army. The new leader doesn’t catch the cold.

"Understood. I will send someone to prepare immediately. Please wait a moment. After all, we are still in the area of ​​the Resistance Army. It is still necessary to inform our allies who are not yet hot on this matter." Henry saw Butterick He would not change his mind and could only inform the new leader of the resistance, Zakayev.

Obviously, the new leader of the Resistance Army complied with the wishes of the Buos pilot. They agreed to have a duel in a desert outside the Gobi. This news made Butterick, who could no longer bear the excitement, drive his Shiranui to take the lead and taxi out of the hangar. Driving quickly out of the Gobi.

"Is it floating and gliding? Sure enough, it's different from a fighter." Ye, who was driving the Wolf Cavalry out of the hangar, happened to see Shiranui's back, and quickly controlled the Wolf Cavalry's monitor to take a picture of Shiranui's back.

Through these images, Ye quickly found out the secret of Shiranui's floating body. Not only did the back of this mecha have three huge main engine nozzles, there were also four long branch pipes branching out from the sides of the main engine nozzle. These The top of the branch pipe is spraying particles.

"Branch engine system. Yes, although the multi-functional loading and unloading backpack setting is abandoned. But it gives the mecha the ability to float, haha. It seems that Buos still hasn't been able to crack the Ranger's leg design, and can only use other method to replace it. However, if mother’s design can be cracked so easily, then mother will not be called a mechanical genius of the former Federation, not to mention that the leg system has been optimized by Alicia, the genius at this time, and it has not been completed in half a year. Don't even think about cracking it." Ye shook his head with emotion, and drove the Wolf Cavalry to follow Shiranui, "Let me see what is the difference between Shiranui and Fighter besides the engine design."

The head-to-head showdown between the three factions of pilots naturally attracted the pilots. Wang Hui and the others followed Johnny and climbed up to the lookout post on the top of the Gobi, while the Buos pilots and the exercise simulators, We arrived at the exit of the Gobi Desert.

"Henry, do you think that idiot can win?" a Buos pilot asked their deputy squadron leader, a small fruit knife kept rolling in the guy's hand.

"What do you think, Ryan." Henry smiled and threw the question back to the questioner.

"Well, I just hope he doesn't embarrass us too much. After all, we have only participated in three exercises. Compared with the long-famous federal ace, we have too little experience." Ryan turned his hands. He put the fruit knife away and put it in his jacket pocket while saying casually.

"Super ace, in fact, there were rookie moments before we went to the battlefield. We were sent here to go through this difficult moment, so that when our motherland is hurt, we can defend her as a true ace, instead of Now this kind of quasi-rookie, pseudo-ace status.”

"Understood, Captain." Ryan nodded in agreement, "After passing this experience, we will definitely be no worse than that apostle's pilot."

"Of course, we are the real soldiers of Buos. The Apostle is still a foreigner at this moment, how can we be compared with these outsiders."

In the desert outside the Gobi, after the exercise equipment was set up, a red signal flare was shot into the sky. The engines on the backs of the three mechas 5 kilometers apart erupted in shining blue at the same time.

"Hey, little brat from the Federation, take a shot from me." At 2.5 kilometers, Shiranui, controlled by Butterick, raised the 120mm machine gun in his hand, and the practice bullets were like sprinkles on the wolf cavalry in the night. go.

"As expected, I am a rookie. In the simulator, only shots within a 1.5-kilometer range will be avoided. This leaves the same reaction time for a 2.5-kilometer shot and a 1.5-kilometer shot. But people are different. In this case, talents will not Too stupid to take bullets."

The Wolf Cavalry suddenly deflected to the right, causing all of Butterick's bullets to miss. Then at 1.5 kilometers, which is the optimal range of the 120mm bullet. The machine gun in hand also started to fight back.

"Why is the empire's fire control system so powerful? This can't keep up with it." Ye's precise shooting immediately made Butterick scramble. The evasive methods that can usually avoid most locks seemed to be ineffective. The opponent's attacks were always Able to kiss one's own shield.

"Is there a difference in strength?" Henry looked at the three mechas shooting at each other with a pair of red eyes shining brightly.

"That idiot Butterick is still complaining about the excellence of the Empire's fire control system. He is really stupid." Ryan on the side pulled a disdainful smile, "The program on the simulator. How can we possibly test our CMP?" His true strength is only in the academy, so it’s really unpleasant to let this guy stand out.”

"Didn't we play tricks on him in the exercise battle? Otherwise, why would we have the rank of captain on our shoulders, haha. It's a pity that he has a good sister, so he can be the leader this time. I hope he will be as you wish. , don’t embarrass our Buos pilots too much.”

But Ye had no intention of letting go, and the wolf cavalry rushed in quickly. He approached Shiranui in an instant, and took out his ship-cutting sword in his left hand, preparing for a close combat.

"Close combat is my favorite. Damn brat." Butterick laughed loudly when he saw the opponent rushing in. While smashing his shield at the Wolf Cavalry, the mecha also took out his own shield with both hands. Beam saber.

Ye did not choose to avoid the shield that hit his mecha. Instead, like playing baseball, he used his ship-cutting sword to slash the shield towards Shiranui, who had started the engine and was preparing to attack.

"What a delicate operation. Even our CMPs are not sure that we can hit the shield back like this." Ryan clenched his fists with excitement on his face, "I don't know when I will have the chance to fight him. That black pupil."

"Haha, don't think about it now. But it will be hard to say in the future. It seems that we not only have to defeat the pilot of the Apostle, but also defeat the guy in front of us. It is really a difficult challenge, haha, but I like it."

Henry and Ryan didn't know that Ye in the cockpit was different from usual. The blue eyes on the left and red on the right, coupled with Ye's delicate face, gave people an indescribable sense of enchantment. Just like Butterick felt right now. Even though he has three swords against his opponent with one sword, he has no upper hand at all. The opponent seems to know his sword moves. He can neutralize his attack with a light blow at the weakest point of his sword, and then use his strength. Another sword facing him.

"How could this happen?" Batrick, tortured by this feeling, activated the close-range defense cannon on his head, but the Wolf Cavalry strangely avoided his line of fire. With the help of the air cushion and ion engine, he drew a beautiful line The arc came to Shiranui's back.

"The joint output and reaction speed are basically the same as those of a fighter. It seems that Buos's so-called new machine is just a waste of the Federation." Through previous confrontations, Ye has basically figured out the performance of Shiranui, and with Buos The Shiranui with the original branch engine is at the same level as the lightly armored Ranger. If you count the many backpacks that the Rangers can add, for example, a high-energy reserve backpack for snipers (which began to be equipped after the development of Pluto's beam sniper rifle to make up for the lack of energy in the body that has not replaced the battery), a backpack specifically for firepower players Phalanx missile backpack (developed based on the No. 4 aircraft backpack, the Gatling gun is too expensive, so it cannot be mass-produced), a ship-cutting knife specifically for combatants, and a melee backpack with an additional nozzle to enhance maneuverability (Yu Fang and Iao , as well as Richard's frequent use). Shiranui's performance can only be considered between the Rangers and Privates. Of course, overall it is closer to the Rangers.

Having already understood the situation, Ye waited for Shiranui to turn around, and the ship-cutting sword in his hand made a slash, leaving a streak of dye on Shiranui's back.

"Tch, did you dodge it?" Butterick suddenly jumped forward at the critical moment, which made the exercise system determine that Shiranui's back ion engine was completely destroyed, rather than the entire machine being destroyed as Ye thought. But how could Shiranui, who couldn't start the engine, avoid Ye Ye's attack again? The ship-cutting sword in the wolf cavalry's hand came out flat and stabbed Shiranui in the back. Then the light of the fake fighter's binocular monitor dimmed. Go down.

"It's not a shame to lose like this. Compared with the apostle's performance of cutting people with sticks, the Federation's super technique is much simpler, and the scene is much more beautiful, at least it doesn't look embarrassing."

"But what the person in front of us demonstrated is the real method of killing. It is much more dangerous than that gorgeous performance. And the most important thing is that he has probably figured out Shiranui's performance. Right." Henry didn't pay too much attention to the situation, but directly saw Ye's purpose.

"How is that possible?"

"The initial panning and assault were to test Shiranui's fire control system and aiming ability. Didn't you notice that his speed gradually accelerated after being attacked? If it was not a test, it seems that it should be near the power allowed by the engine. Fluctuate instead of increasing power bit by bit. In the subsequent close combat, although his defense was very clever, he almost never fought back during this period. This was obviously a test of Shiranui's joint output, and the only One counterattack defeated Butterick." Henry analyzed.

"No, I clearly saw him fight back several times, but he was blocked by Butterick."

Henry patted Ryan's head and looked for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.comm said with a smile: "Boy, this is the difference caused by me having five years more food than you and joining the army four years earlier. That super, in your so-called counterattack, withdrew his strength and was waiting for Butterick. Then apply pressure when the defense is in the best position, so that we can better test Shiranui's joint output."

After destroying Shiranui, Ye's wolf cavalry easily turned around and came to the opponent. At the same time, he also gave a thumbs up to the students watching the battle on the top of the desert.

"How's it going, super rookie, if you want to defeat me, you're still 100 million years early, haha." Then ignoring Butterick who was shouting, the Wolf Cavalry's air cushion stirred up a burst of sand and headed towards the resistance base. Drive away.

This information about the changes in the leadership of the resistance army was brought back through the federal supply team three days later and was placed in front of General Joga, the highest commander in the federal desert area.

"Heinz, what do you think of this matter?" Qiao Jia gently rubbed his temples with both hands while asking Guderian sitting in front of him.

"Too bad, our original plan to use the Resistance Army to train pilots had to be shelved, because the Resistance Army pilots are no longer under the control of our federation." (To be continued)

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