Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 418 The Trap Appears

"I know, so many fireballs don't look like mushroom clouds. I'm just impressed by the power of the explosions. I really don't know how the empire can detonate so many earthly things at the same time."

"I don't know. Is it a self-destruct device?"

"Di Ye, who can self-destruct, is a good idea. Why has no one wanted to think of such a wretched attention since ancient times?" Ye made a look of realization. Di Ye, who has a self-destruction device, is not afraid of counterattacks. The ground he planted in advance accidentally injured his own troops.

"Sometimes, the simpler things are, the less people think about them. At this moment, I can only pray that the troops in front will not suffer heavy casualties."

"Aren't they on the opposite side of your position?"

"Haha, although they are radicals, Mrs. Ames said that no matter whether they are radicals or conservatives, everyone is a part of the Resistance Army. They will always be our comrades, unless they try to harm Mrs. Ames ." Johnny said firmly.

Ye shrugged helplessly in the cockpit, "It seems that the task assigned to him by Uncle Qiao Jia is not that difficult. It is not difficult to win over those who are pro-federal in the Resistance Army. The problem is that it is too difficult for these people to join the federation." It’s difficult. After all, few people in the Resistance Army dare to harm Mrs. Ames.”

Johnny's prayer seemed to have had some effect. Except for their captain, none of the Shiranui mecha troops that the resistance army entered the town were seriously damaged. Most of the mecha armor surfaces were broken out by shrapnel and building debris. Countless little pits. The most severely damaged mecha, that is, the mobile phone of Butterick, the captain of Buos Shiranui's force, only had the joints of his left wrist damaged, the entire left leg was damaged, and the chest mecha had obvious dents and needed to be replaced. The main thing There was not much damage to the body part. The most precious fighting force of the Resistance Army did not suffer a fatal blow in this spectacular fireworks display.

Compared to everyone in the mecha unit having nothing to do. The infantry units that penetrated deep into the night area, especially the units that attacked the imperial camp, did not have such good luck. More than half of the forward battalion of more than 300 commandos was knocked down by the metal storm attack. The remaining people also suffered heavy losses due to the suppression of the opponent's Vulcan cannon and the double blow of self-exploding buildings. In the end, less than 30 people were able to evacuate the battlefield. The three companies responsible for the roundabout attack on the flanks, a team of about 200 people, were almost half killed by the empire's trap. After all, it was a trap composed of dozens of individual cloud explosive bombs. This kind of terrifying power is not human flesh and blood. The body can compete.

The engineering force of the resistance army has also lost nearly one-third, and these people are expelling Diye. I didn't expect that these Ji Ye would self-destruct. Without regular explosion-proof clothing, they would be so vulnerable when facing Ji Ye. But having said that, even if they were wearing federal-style platoon explosion-proof clothing, they would not be able to withstand the anti-mecha Ji Ye. The power is great, because these Earthly Nights are designed to bring down steel giants that are ten times larger than humans.

The fireworks plunged the frontline troops of the Resistance Army into chaos. The imperial commander who looked at the smoke-filled Cambes in the sand dunes in the distance shook his head with regret and said to himself: "I didn't expect that the Resistance Army actually got it." With Buos’s strong support, there are so many mechas. It’s unexpected.”

The adjutant on the side said with pity on his face: "Our intended target this time is just to guard the supply convoy in the rear. It's really disappointing. The original plan was to attract the Resistance Army's mecha troops into Cambes, and then Use large-scale explosions to create chaos and create opportunities for our troops to ambush. But the resistance mecha troops at the moment are not something we can destroy."

The lieutenant general commander also looked at a commando mecha on standby behind him with pity on his face, and sighed with some disappointment: "We could have used superior mecha troops to attack the enemy in chaos to achieve minimal losses. .At this moment, the Resistance Army’s mecha troops have almost one more squadron than ours, and they still use the Shiranui, which is better than the Bear-type. It would be great if they had one less squadron. I can still bear that level of loss. , but if we attack now, the possibility of our total destruction is too high."

"Yes." The adjutant took the telescope handed to him by the lieutenant general angrily. Receive the package carefully.

"Inform the Prussian troops that the plan has changed. We will not go to Cambes. We do not need their assistance. Let them bypass Cambes when attacking. Directly attack the opponent's rear supply convoy and helicopter formation, and then close it when it is ready. City There are too many mechas inside, and the terrain is not conducive to their attack. The mecha troops and longbow troops retreat." The lieutenant general began to issue orders. Although his carefully laid plan was aborted due to intelligence errors, he still made a decisive decision retreat.

"Understood, sir."

"Damn, the incompetent intelligence department made me sacrifice a platoon of soldiers in vain." The lieutenant general cursed in a low voice as he boarded his jeep. His heart was full of anger. Although this trap-style defensive counterattack plan had been formulated as early as when he entered Cambes, the intelligence department not only failed to carry out the plan when the federation informed him that Buos mecha troops were stationed in the resistance army, They knew the number of mechas that the resistance had, and they didn't even give advance warning about the opponent's attack on Cambes. If there is enough time, the Lieutenant General will have the confidence to mobilize a commando mecha as a reserve team, unlike now, he can only rely on a commando mecha in his hand. The concealment work done by his own troops for such a long time, and the deception operation that led some resistance forces to think that there was only one squadron of mechas stationed in Cambes, were all in vain. Thinking that his efforts would be in vain, the lieutenant general couldn't help but punch the dashboard hard.

Compared with the retreat of the Imperial Commander, Ye encountered trouble. Thirty black spots appeared on the sky for Ye's monitor to capture. This allowed the ace who had been fighting under the cover of a powerful air force to experience the original Empire. Helplessness towards the Federation.

"The enemy Prue, a commando, is coming for us." Johnny also discovered the Imperial fighter force and shouted.

"It's for the supply team and the helicopter formation." Ye was a famous fighter before he became a mecha. Knowing that fighters in the atmosphere can hardly cause any damage to mechas, he immediately determined the opponent's real attack target.

"This is the Moose troop. Let's retreat first. We can't defeat these particle-driven fighter planes." The Moose commander quickly issued a retreat order, and the helicopter that was originally hovering over the supply team flashed cleanly in an instant. Makes the night feel like they're not just using a turbine engine to drive a propeller. There must also be a jet engine installed on the side of the helicopter to facilitate escape at times like this.

"This is a supply convoy, what should we do?" The resistance supply team has never encountered such a situation. In peacetime, when the Resistance Army fights, the infantrymen bring their own supplies. This time they were newly formed and came to the rear of the battlefield. Mainly to provide support for the main offensive mecha troops. These people who had never been out of the Gobi were panicked when they faced the imperial air force in the vast desert.

"Try your best to avoid and seek mecha protection." Ye didn't know what to do. In the past, when I was in the Federation, no Imperial fighter plane dared to fly over the Federation supply team. Moreover, the resistance supply team uses cheap civilian trucks as transportation vehicles. You must know that the top armor of the transportation vehicles used by the Federation and equipped with super-tension ceramic composite steel armor may not be able to completely withstand the 30 mm incoming air. Attacked by armor-piercing bullets, these civilian trucks are simply representatives of being hit and killed in Ye Ye's eyes. It is extremely difficult to protect these vehicles without any armor at all.

"Bear, air attack, missile set air burst mode, launch." Wang Hui commanded the Bear troops and launched an attack on Prue, who was gradually approaching. After a simple air burst setting, the missile was launched from the Bear's legs. Flying out of the clamps, these clamps were then abandoned in a bear style and hit the sand heavily.

"Transport vehicle. Low-altitude smoke bombs, use them at high density. Don't let the smoke cover up our mecha's monitor." Johnny has experience fighting the Imperial Air Force on flat ground.

The missile flew crookedly towards the fighter group. They were originally used to track down enemies and had no firepower density at all, and the randomly set air burst parameters were not quite correct either. These missiles exploded in front of the Prussian fighter planes, forming a cloud of sparks.

However, the experience of the Imperial flying force was not very rich. Some fighter planes left their own flying formations like frightened birds, immediately messing up the Imperial fighter formation.

"Attention all mechas, the opponent is a rookie. Let's practice anti-air combat with mechas this time. Those who carry shotguns should put on the shotgun clips. That thing is very useful against fighters." Ye Ke is very shrewd. One action from the other party can let Ye get a lot of information.

The three Bears began to replace their magazines. This number was a bit low for Ye's expectation. But there is no way around it. Shotguns are only produced by the Empire. Federation mechas all use the 30mm close-in anti-aircraft cannon on their own mecha heads for air defense. So in federally funded supplies. There are only armor-piercing projectiles used by mechas, but no anti-aircraft projectiles. The shotshells used by these bear types at this time were all snatched by their soldiers from the empire's warehouse, and were part of the small amount of shotshells stored in the resistance army's warehouse.

At this moment in the night, I could feel the depression of the Imperial pilots when they used 120mm machine guns to attack the Federation fighters. Fortunately, the mecha's machine gun firepower was very good, and the dense firepower network was able to control the sixteen mechas. formed in the sky and accurately tore apart three Prussians.

However, three Prussians were still too few for the entire Prussian fleet that began to dive. These scattered fighters began to attack from different angles, seriously distracting the mechas' anti-aircraft firepower, and Ye had to order the mechas to attack. Conduct air defense as a commando unit.

"The opponent, Commander Prue, is a veteran." Ye sighed. It would be great if the opponent conducted a concentrated dive like when attacking the 209 transfer base. It seems that that kind of rookie behavior of grabbing credit will not happen in this battle.

Compared with the depression of Ye Ye, Commander Prue was also quite uncomfortable. At this moment, the supply convoys of the resistance army were hidden in the smoke, which made their attack almost blind. Although in the smoke, Five fireballs flew up, but they also lost three fighters. In his opinion, this loss was too great. Their other target, the resistance helicopter formation, was at full power and fled far away.

"Damn it, retreat. We can't accurately attack the vehicles inside the smoke." Commander Prue saw that he couldn't get any advantage and that the opponent's air defense network began to form an effective organization, so he decisively ordered a retreat.

"Huh." Ye and the others took a breath. You must know that three of the three enemy planes shot down before were shot down by shotguns, and now there were not many shotguns left in the three Bears.

"You can be considered to have escaped." Wang Hui felt a little lucky that the bullets fired from the machine gun in his hand did not even hit the side of a Pru.

"Yeah, but it's really difficult to use this thing to masturbate. The close-range anti-aircraft gun is more refreshing. With a bang, the butt of a fighter plane is smoking." Ye shook the 120mm machine gun in his hand. He used armor-piercing bullets. The attack on Prue was the only one that was fruitful, but he still missed the weapons on the heads of the Rangers and Hades greatly, even though he had never fought a fighter with that thing.

The Resistance successfully recaptured Cambes, taking a town for themselves and giving the Empire a clear target. Imperial fighter planes began to conduct high-density reconnaissance missions over Cambes. Without the suppression of federal fighter planes, they experienced the pleasure of air strikes against the Resistance Army.

Although the Prussian fighter cannot carry a large number of missiles or heavy aerial bombs, there is still no problem if three small heat-sensing missiles are hung under its wings. These Imperial-produced Kingfisher short-range air combat missiles and Pelican anti-tank missiles can easily capture the huge heat energy emitted by the engines of the Resistance helicopter troops and tank troops. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Imperial fighter planes are circling in the sky of Cambes all the time. These Prus blockade Cambes and attack any resistance helicopters, tanks, jeeps, and even soldiers who dare to leave the protection range of Cambes' ground anti-aircraft artillery.

"Damn, the Empire is using the Resistance Army to practice the air force's ground combat capabilities." He once again escorted the transport team to Cambes and complained while looking at the six small black dots in the sky at night. In order to ensure their transportation lines, the resistance army can only use mechas to conduct escort operations, and this drudgery is naturally completed by Pluto's Cross where Ye is.

But there is one thing to be thankful for. Buos sent a large number of 120mm shotguns for mechas among his own support supplies. It seems that the Boos military still has little confidence in the mecha's air defense relying solely on the three close-range anti-aircraft guns on its head, so their mecha ammunition production line has a shotgun production line that the Federation does not have.

The arrival of these shotguns has to be thanked for the vigorous efforts of Captain Butterick, the leader of the Buos pilots, because this unlucky guy's mecha needs to be returned to the resistance army's Gobi hangar for repairs, so this one is attacking Cambes The captain, who had his mecha become the most severely damaged one, returned with the convoy carrying his mecha. (To be continued)

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