( ) This blatant action was quickly caught by the Imperial Air Force, and a commando fighter plane was dispatched to ravage the poor convoy. Butterick's mecha was as unlucky as its owner. It was fixed to the truck and became a shield for the resistance vehicles underneath. The huge body was hit by nearly ten anti-tank missiles. Although these small anti-tank missiles could not destroy the mecha's defense, which was much thicker than the armor on the top of the tank, the mecha was still disabled, with its head monitoring The weapon was destroyed, the chest armor of the mecha was hit with four serious dents, and the armor of the thigh of the right leg was hit once. The armor in these three places needs to be replaced, and the entire head monitor needs to be replaced.

However, it is not bad news that the maintenance date of Butterick's mecha has changed from three days to one week, because Butterick, this guy who has been having bad luck since arriving in the desert, will have to stay in the Resistance Army's hospital for at least a week. The poor man was hit in the butt by shrapnel emitted by a missile that hit his mecha. He knocked the Buos captain to the ground on the spot, wailing loudly that he was going to die.

After being sent to the hospital by the surrounding resistance soldiers who were suppressing their smiles, the proud master immediately contacted Buos and asked them to send fighter planes over. However, Buos's air force was not even as powerful as the Empire, so what? Maybe send precious fighter jets to the Resistance Army. Therefore, the person in charge of supporting the resistance army could only send a large amount of anti-aircraft shotguns and explained that it was to prepare the pilots for fighting against a large number of fighter planes in the future.

But which pilot is willing to do some boring escort missions? The targets of the Imperial Air Force are internal and external forces, especially the supply convoys of the Resistance Army, but the initiative lies in the hands of these Imperial pilots. Many times, these imperial flies will pretend to dive and attack above your head, and then before entering the mecha's anti-aircraft circle, they will pull up, shake their own wings, and laugh at the enemy mecha below.

This thankless thing made the Buos pilots lose interest after experiencing it once, and completely handed over the task of escorting the convoy to Pluto Cross. Ye had an indifferent attitude towards such things. He was originally here to train resistance army pilots. Rather than letting these pilots under your command sit on standby in boredom, it is better to pull them out and train them to increase their time on the aircraft. Moreover, air combat can better train the pilots' shooting accuracy and ability to judge the lead time.

Every escort mission. At night, they all carried three magazines of shotguns and three magazines of armor-piercing shells. They brought the armor-piercing shells to prevent possible mecha assaults from the empire. In case the empire's wolf cavalry made a sneak attack and their mecha troops did not carry armor-piercing shells. , it seems that Pluto's Cross will be all responsible for the escort mission.

"Instructor. The 11th supply convoy is about to return to the Gobi. The third commando team is on standby. Will you go with the team this time?" Wang Hui asked while controlling the loader to press bullets into the magazine and walked into the hangar. night. The sixteen mechas of Pluto's Cross were divided into three commando teams of five machines, while Ye stood out independently.

"I won't go. I just came to Cambes with your first commando team in the morning, and we have to set off again in the afternoon. I'm too tired, and Jimmy also has the ability to command independently. I don't need to worry about it." Ye said about the third commando team. The commando leader is very confident, and the third commando team, like the third commando team, is composed of three Tigers and three Bears, and its combat effectiveness is stronger than the first commando team, which is composed of five Bears.

"Oh." Wang Hui nodded and continued to operate the loading machine in his hand. The huge bullet was accurately taken out of the ammunition box by the mechanical arm and pressed into the magazine in front of Wang Hui. Mecha ammunition cannot be pressed into the magazine by humans with just two hands. The reason is not that the mecha ammunition is too heavy, but because the ammunition is too long and a single person cannot grasp the force when pressing into the magazine.

Most of the quality of today's live ammunition comes from its combat part, because the quality of this part directly determines the power of the ammunition. The standard 120mm bullet length is 900mm. The mass of the armor-piercing bullet is twelve kilograms, of which eight kilograms is the weight of the 700 mm long tungsten core alloy warhead. Such a lightweight propellant is also due to the invention of a new type of lightweight propellant. To use night words to describe it, the live ammunition at this moment. Except for the tungsten core and the light metal shell outside, it is just foam. Compared with armor-piercing bullets, shotgun shells are much lighter. The warhead with thousands of steel balls weighs only five kilograms, and the total weight of the entire shell is less than ten kilograms. That's why they can carry an extra magazine of shotgun shells at night. While in the federation. It can only carry five magazines of armor-piercing rounds.

With a click, Wang Hui immediately jumped off the console, ran to the bottom of the huge magazine, and broke off an upright iron rod. This is the first spring retainer of the three-layer magazine common to mechas. The three-layer magazine used by the mecha can ensure the continuous firepower of the mecha, but one hundred bullets cannot be discharged in one layer, so smart people designed a three-layer magazine to strengthen the mecha. of firepower. It's just that the operation of these magazines is a bit complicated when loading, and the feeding springs on the first and third layers need to be fixed.

Boom, there were several explosions outside the maintenance hangar, and it was Prue from the Empire who dropped several small bombs. These small bombs cannot even penetrate the roof of a tank, let alone the heavily reinforced hangar roofs and warehouse roofs of the Resistance Army. Moreover, bombs dropped by Imperial fighter planes hiding far outside the range of anti-aircraft artillery are too accurate. Worse. When I walked out of the hangar, I only saw a few thick smoke coming from the distant towns, but there wasn't even a hole in the base.

"The Third Commando of Pluto's Cross is preparing to dispatch. After meeting the eleventh supply convoy outside the town, it will advance towards the desert." In the hangar next door, the commando captain of the Third Commando, Jimmy, was giving a mission briefing. Seeing Ye coming in, he immediately turned around, saluted and asked: "Instructor, will you set off with us for this mission?"

"No, Jimmy, running back and forth like this is a bit too much for me, and when you are able to act independently, it's time to go out and be independent."

"Understood, instructor, I will complete the task and will not let you down." Jimmy, a tall black guy, saluted.

Ye, who was accustomed to Jimmy's serious style, did not stop him, but reminded him: "Bring shotguns and armor-piercing bullets with you, and contact the reconnaissance troops responsible for guarding your surroundings at any time. Don't let the imperial mecha troops sneak attack. In addition, if you encounter an irreversible situation, Formally, give up when it's time to give up. If the supplies are gone, the Federation and Buos will replenish them. If the mecha is gone, it will be difficult."

"Yes, instructor."

"Come on board. Ready to go."

"All boarding, final inspection."


In the hangar, one mecha after another lit up their one-eye, at Ye's request. The steel giant, painted in the protective color of the earth-yellow desert, began to move towards the outside of the town.

"Instructor, they should have gained something this time. Haha, stay with the instructor. Even the Imperial fighter planes dare not fly down. They are dispatched independently this time. They should be able to eat alone." Wang Hui came out after finishing a magazine of bullets. Er Lieye smiled from behind. In the first few escort missions, Ye shot down at least one squadron of Imperial fighter planes, which made Prue's pilots no longer dare to attack the convoy escorted by the Silver Bear. After all, no one wants to fly a lightly armored fighter plane to experience that kind of accurate shotgun attack.

"Okay, this way we can train them. Anyway, even if Prue brings bombs and missiles, he can't do anything with the bear style. I just hope that no imperial mecha troops will appear, although the chance is very low. In the future, you will escort I will not participate in the mission. Let you complete it independently."

"Understood, instructor." Wang Hui looked excited. He liked the feeling of attacking with Ye very much, but this passionate boy liked the thrill of fighting the imperial troops even more.

Obviously, the Resistance Army's offensive did not stop because of the huge losses of the infantry troops in Cambes. Just three days later, the Shiranui Mecha troops, led by Henry, set off again and attacked another frontline town, Pompeii.

The commander of Pompeii completely imitated the tactics of the commander of Cambes last time, but as people often say. The person who does it the first time is a genius, and the person who does it the third time is usually an idiot. As this expensive fireworks did not hurt even a single Resistance infantryman. Then, a commando mecha was ambushed but had superior strength. Defeated by the Resistance and forced to retreat after losing three Commando Bears.

"Use the tactics to your advantage. Those guys from Buos fought really well." Ye, who received the battle report from the front at the rear, had to sigh with emotion that these frontline personnel did indeed perform well.

"With a disadvantaged force, they were still able to inflict a two-to-one battle loss. It seems that their mechas are very good." Wang Hui said enviously. In this battle, the resistance army only lost a mecha from the commando team. The pilots of these mechas are all students of the Resistance Army.

"Shiranui's performance is probably better than that of the Tiger. This battle was entirely the opponent's commander's fault. It's not that easy to imitate these days. The imperial commander rashly sent out an attack force without confirming the battle situation inside the town. . Moreover, the attacking troops were divided into four directions to completely surround Pompeii."

"He has a really big appetite. He wants to kill all the Shiranuis. Unfortunately, his teeth are not very good and they are now chipped." Wang Hui said excitedly.

"Well, the vice-captain of Buos is pretty good. He knew how to concentrate his strength to severely damage the enemy. At the beginning of the battle, he unexpectedly defeated the enemies from three directions." Ye gave a very high opinion of Henry's tactics in this battle. evaluation of. But this guy drank all the water in his cup and continued: "But having said that, the real hero should actually be the opponent's commander. If he only chooses to attack from the left and right instead of encircling the whole country, the empire will not lose so much." heavy."

Wang Hui shrugged, took the cup that was shaking in Ye's hand and poured a full glass of ice water for Ye. There was no way, the resistance army's meager air conditioning facilities were all installed in the hangar. In the dormitory, they could only drink ice water to cool down.

The three victories of the Resistance Army completely angered the Empire. This country that could compete with the Federation burst out with terrifying fighting power. Three reorganized mecha commandos that were being repaired were mobilized and began to march towards the front line of the Resistance Army. The leader of this mecha force was the Imperial Ace Assault that made the federal pilots change their minds in the Red Cloud Desert. Team, Black Three Stars.

The Imperial Army originally believed that relying on the three commando mechas stationed in Cambes and Pompeii would be enough to handle the situation. Intelligence showed that the resistance army had no more than one commando mecha force. However, the facts told them that the resistance army not only had There are a large number of mecha troops, and the average performance of their mechas is still higher than that of the Bear type used extensively by the empire. Moreover, the opponent's pilots are not just some stupid young men, but on the contrary, the opponent's tactical commanders are also quite outstanding. This forced the empire to order a rest period in order to prepare for possible plans from the upper levels. Three reorganized commandos were drawn from the mecha troops to attack Buos and formed a regiment with the original three commandos to attack the resistance army. main force.

Such a large-scale mobilization by the empire cannot be hidden from the ubiquitous eyes and ears of the resistance organization. The resistance's mecha troops completed their transformation almost instantly. Pluto Cross, who originally escorted supplies, was pushed to the forefront of the war, while the resistance's Shiranui troops took over their work. Buos's Shiranui troops also withdrew from their main offensive position and became mobile troops. After all, their purpose was to come here for training. What they needed to participate in was fighting against mechas, not participating in escort missions.

Ye is not very fond of Buos's mobile troops. To put it bluntly, they are just picking on the weaklings. It is impossible to expect them to be like normal mobile troops. When the battle situation is the most difficult, they will stand in the most difficult places and look for books. Yuanwww.zhaoshhuyuan.com can help you.

The atmosphere in the hangar of the Resistance Army was a bit heavy. The enemy the Resistance Army faced this time was completely beyond their imagination. In previous battles, due to the constraints of the Federation, the Empire was not even able to send mecha troops to clear out the resistance. But now, the Resistance Army has obtained the mecha unit they dreamed of, and it is more than one mecha unit organized by a commando. However, when they discovered that they had mechas in their hands, the Empire did defeat them again in terms of numbers. It's like a person fighting with bare hands against a person holding a dagger. When he got a long sword, he found that the other person had a submachine gun in his hands. This feeling made Zakayev, the new leader of the resistance, almost smash his desk.

Contrary to the atmosphere in the hangar, the resistance infantry were not too frustrated. They were still preparing their jeeps with high morale and wiping the assault rifles on their hands. They have fought against the Imperial Mecha Troops before, but in their opinion, the number of Steel Giants they have to deal with this time is just too large.

Compared with the optimism of the infantry and the dullness of the pilots, Ye's judgment on the war situation was extremely pessimistic. The personnel of the Resistance Army may have noticed that the combat forces that the Empire has now liberated from the front line against the Federation include fighter units in addition to mechas, but how can the Resistance Army, which has basically no air superiority, understand that these forces have almost never been used before? What does the fighter planes flying above the heads of the Resistance Army mean. (~^~)

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