Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 420: Frontline Reinforcements

These fighter planes mean intelligence, and intelligence is one of the most important things in the war at this moment. Why was the Federation able to stabilize the front line in the early stages of the war when the Empire had a large number of mecha troops, without causing a major rout of the entire capital planet? It is because of the intelligence of the Federal Air Force that every time the Federation is at its most dangerous on the front, it creates an advantage in tanks against mechas in the weakest areas of the Empire, forcing the Empire to slow down its offensive. Even an excellent commander like Guderian used intelligence to grasp the movements of the empire's troops, and used inferior forces to defeat the empire's huge mecha main force. Now, the Imperial Pulu, who no longer have to worry about the threat of federal fighter planes, brought their high-definition cameras to the skies above the Resistance Army.

With a pessimistic attitude towards the war situation, Ye found Mrs. Ames, and through this old man, met the leader of the current resistance army. The first words he said straight to the point in the night made the old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle furious.

"With all due respect, the resistance army is unable to compete with the imperial forces at the moment. I think the best countermeasure at present is to retreat to the Gobi and use the terrain advantages to fight the empire to preserve the precious mecha combat power." Ye felt that the old man in front of him It gave people a rather bad feeling, a bit eerie, and the treacherous eyes coupled with the scarred, serious face made people's spines stand on end.

"Ye. Special Major of China, it seems that our resistance army does not need you, a senior federal official, to participate in the future strategic deployment." A trace of anger flashed in Zakayev's eyes, but it was immediately covered up by the old man, but he almost broke up The broken right hand on the edge of the desk revealed the old man's mood at the moment.

Regarding the other party's answer, Ye was helpless. After all, the affairs of the Resistance Army were not something he could interfere with. The only thing he could do was to prevent Pluto from dying in vain.

Fully mobilize the troops who are in the rest period. It was also a time-consuming job. It took the empire almost five days to complete the departure of the mecha, and the logistics department. The empire had only mobilized half of its strength. The urgently dispatched imperial mecha troops and the infantry divisions that cooperated with them were due to a lack of logistical strength. It brought disaster to the small town where they were stationed. Because of the emperor's practice, when supplies were in short supply, each unit had the right to solve the problem locally.

The residents of the three towns where the imperial troops were stationed, Mars Town and Beqi Town, fell into fear. People's doors were kicked open by the imperial soldiers brutally. Then these soldiers snatched away their only food and seized them. Pistol for self-defense. After cutting off their wires, which were unable to carry much current, the soldiers gave the house owner a food ration receipt and a curfew notice, and left.

Of course, many residents tried to resist under the leadership of a small number of resistance guerrillas, but in the face of an overwhelmingly superior enemy, their sacrifices were in vain. With only a small number of light weapons, they only repelled the front troops in the early stages. Imperial infantry who came to collect food. After these infantrymen called for mecha support, the people with only three guided missiles seemed so powerless in the face of the mecha's destructive attack.

The three guided missiles, controlled by the resistance guerrillas, all accurately hit their targets. But after the smoke, the Wolf Cavalry only had deformed armor on its legs and left hand. The anti-tank particle rockets used by individual resistance soldiers were more powerful than the Wolf Cavalry, which had thicker armor than the Bear. Still too small. If they were using the Federation's latest anti-mecha particle rockets, maybe this attack might be successful. But how could the Federation give equipment to the Resistance Army that has not even been installed by its own troops? The Wolf Cavalry immediately launched a counterattack after being attacked. The shotgun fired by the mecha easily destroyed the house where the guided missile operator was hidden. Amidst the roar of the building collapse, it turned into a pile of ruins.

The blood of the rebels filled the streets. Faced with the threat of blood, most people chose to compromise, but the anger in people's eyes could not be hidden. Especially those who have lost family members in the conflict.

The disadvantage in terms of military strength made Ye decide to use towns where a large number of infantry could be ambushed to defend, but there was no other way to do so. Because none of the mechas used by Pluto Cross could survive the pursuit of the Imperial Wolf Cavalry. Their speed is too slow compared to the air-cushioned Wolf Cavalry.

Compared to Ye's decision, the Buos troops issued an order to take the initiative. Having received information that the Imperial troops only had one and a half squadrons of wolf cavalry, they decided to find trouble with some of the Imperial troops in the vast desert. Their tactical commander judged that the opponent's wolf cavalry could not be used in a concentrated manner, and the time to assemble these wolf cavalry was the best time for Shiranui to complete the attack and retreat. Moreover, Shiranui was faster than the wolf cavalry. He was confident that his troops would be in After being attacked by wolf cavalry, he escaped unscathed.

Late at night, next to the Pompeii hangar where Ye was, the Buos mecha troops were stationed. Under the guidance of the maintenance personnel, twelve Shiranuis slowly walked out of the hangar, then lit up their respective engines and glided out of the town. . They took full advantage of the Imperial fighter planes' lack of night reconnaissance capabilities and quietly left for the predetermined ambush location.

The Prue fighter is different from the Federation's Hellfire. It was originally designed for pure air combat. Compared with the all-round Hellfire, the Prue's space for modification is narrower. So when the Empire wanted to convert these fighters into reconnaissance aircraft, It was discovered that its power system could not support the night vision camera system at all, so the Puru in the hands of the Empire could not attack at night like the Hellfire, and their too small pilot team could not support their high-frequency sorties.

The most tragic thing is that the Prussian Empire has invested so little in the research and development of fighter aircraft that they have never been improved. Their combat effectiveness focused on air combat is comparable to that of the Hellfire. This makes pilots who have never been taken seriously The team became even thinner.

Nights without Imperial birds have become a world of activity for the Resistance Army. Supply convoys always arrive in towns at this time. At this time, a reorganized mecha squadron will penetrate the Empire's defense line and attack some areas in the Empire because of the presence of enemies. Fighter planes protected and removed the supply convoy defended by mechas.

Near noon, the sleeping Butrick was awakened by Henry's communication in his cockpit. The captain, who looked very sleepy because he stayed up late and rushed on the road, connected to his vice-captain's communication with an unhappy face, "If not If the imperial convoy comes and wakes me up, I will have you removed from your post, Henry."

"It's a pity. You don't have this chance, Captain Butterick. The empire's supply convoy is already out of our sight at this moment. It is three kilometers away from our ambush range." Henry shrugged indifferently. He was not satisfied with Butterick's temper. But it's crystal clear. In his opinion, there is no need for him to be familiar with this idiot.

"Okay, haha." Butterick immediately started the monitor of his mecha. In order to sleep better, he had closed the eyes of the mecha before, so as to ensure sufficient darkness in the cockpit.

In the distance, a convoy of trucks escorted by three Longbows was driving slowly, which made Butterick's sleepiness disappear without a trace. "Imperial supply team. The transport vehicles are unarmored trucks, small ones." Guys, give me some shotguns, and we must teach these arrogant imperial pigs a lesson."

"Who will deal with those three tanks?" Ryan asked.

"I'll kill them." Butterick didn't switch his mecha bullets.

"Understood." The Zhongbuos pilot put his finger on the button for switching magazines, so that they could switch their bullets as soon as they rushed out of the sand.

"The target is three kilometers. Guys, hold on tight. Don't rush out just because you are greedy for success." Butterick tightly grabbed the joystick of his mecha with both hands. He tried his best to stabilize his excitement. After all, this was his first time on the battlefield with live ammunition.

Hearing Butterick's words, Henry and Ryan couldn't help but smile bitterly. The most unstable person in the entire team is their captain.

"The target is one kilometer, boys, let's get going." Butterick actually stabilized his emotions and issued the attack order when the convoy was one kilometer away from them. This distance was the maximum range for the 120mm machine gun in the mecha's hand. The distance that can exert combat effectiveness.

"That idiot is not bad." Henry smiled, and controlled his mecha to stand up. The yellow sand and camouflage cloth that originally covered the mecha fell off, and were then blown away by the particle stream ejected from the ion engine on the back of the mecha. .

The Imperial troops obviously didn't expect this. There was actually a mecha squadron ambushing beside him, and they started to flee in panic. Because their only armed force was disintegrated the moment the other party appeared.

"Ryan, Henry. You actually dare to take the credit from me." Butterick answered the communications of his three deputies in displeasure.

"We are just destroying the opponent's attack force at the first moment, sir. Otherwise, these tanks are very likely to launch an attack. Their armor-piercing bullets, our armor may not be able to completely withstand them." Henry argued.

"Hmph." Butterick had nothing to do with such an excuse. After all, the large-caliber cannon installed on the longbow could penetrate the armor of the mecha.

Under attack from shotgun shells and 30mm close-range anti-aircraft guns, the empire's convoy did not last long before turning into piles of wreckage. Amid sparks and thick smoke, the Buos troops walked away.

"It's really boring. Why are there no mecha guards? In this way, I can make my first contribution." Butterick complained with a disappointed look on his face.

"Imperial fighter planes, direction six o'clock, number six." Henry keenly observed the black spots on the sky, "We can attack some of the imperial troops surrounding us on the way back, so that we can always catch one or three. Bar."

"Henry, you are such a genius, haha, kids, let's change the route and go to Becky's cordon to see if any imperial pigs without eyes come out to die." Butterick's eyes lit up and he immediately Change plans.

"Sir, this is inconsistent with the original plan. The commander requires us to retreat immediately after the ambush is completed." A second lieutenant pilot reminded.

"It doesn't matter, let's go to Beqi. The intelligence says that there are only three commando wolf cavalry stationed there. We should be able to give them some color. If we see a large number of wolf cavalry, we will dodge and let the bulky guys inside eat them. Go away. Haha, this plan is very good, everyone." Although Butterick is extremely proud and a bit ignorant, he will become very shrewd when his own life is at stake. Knowing that the only Imperial force that could pose a huge threat to him was the Wolf Cavalry, he issued an order to retreat when encountering a large number of Wolf Cavalry.

Butterick's decision made the pilots unable to refute, and most of the pilots still hoped to have a fight with the Imperial mecha troops. The previous battle against the trucks aroused their passion, but did not satisfy them.

Every move of the Buos troops was in the sight of Prue, who was monitoring them from high altitude. The pilots who noticed the change of direction of these mechas gliding at high speed on the desert immediately informed Beqi's commander of the situation.

"I really don't know whether I should say that these Buos people were dazzled by the victory, or whether I should praise them for their bravery, haha." This lieutenant general commander was the one who suffered a big loss from Butterick and the others in Cambes. Bit.

"Kay, it's probably a problem with the other party's intelligence department. After all, when we came here, the mechas were brought in covered with canvas." Next to Lieutenant General Kai, there were three tall men in black military uniforms. Men, you can tell from their uniforms, which are different from those of ordinary Imperial pilots, that they are from the Empire.

"Haha, I haven't played with the Rangers for a long time since the Terrans were captured." The pilot, who had a long face and a flat nose, and looked a bit clumsy, said with a wide smile. Who would have thought of this? This guy with an honest look is Major Ortiga, the most famous among the famous Black Three Stars, who is best at fierce and violent close combat.

"Please, those are high-mobility fighters. Didn't you see that they have human faces? They don't have as good eyesight as me." The one-eyed Matthew laughed at the big man standing next to him. He is a firepower attacker in the Black Tri-Stars, and is particularly good at using large-caliber particle rockets. He has an impressive record of sinking three Federation Galileo-class cruisers in the Battle of Odessa. It was during that battle that he broke into the Federation fleet too much and was chased and intercepted by a fighter squadron led by the little witch Io. The mecha was shot in the chest, causing part of the display screen in the cockpit to be shattered. The scattered fragments unfortunately captured him. The major's right eye was taken away, forcing him to withdraw from the battle.

"Highly mobile fighter? Matthew, please don't add new mecha models to the federal army. That's Buos's Shiranui. Haven't you seen the intelligence the federation gave us?" The captain of the Black Three Stars asked, The mustachioed Lieutenant Colonel Gaia helplessly corrected his men. When they make a fool of themselves, it's like he makes a fool of himself.

"Haha, Gaia, I'll leave them to you and another team of Wolf Cavalry to take care of them. How about dispatching Tiger and Bear to cover you? We have a lot of these three types of mechas stationed here." Kai said with a smile.

"No, these guys can't catch up with us, and they may scare them away."

"Yes, to deal with these rookies who have never been on the battlefield, six Wolf Cavalry are enough. You know, Xiaoda and his commandos have been cooperating with us. The strength we have exerted is unimaginable by the Buos commandos. .”

"Okay, that's it. I wish you success." Kai also had absolute confidence in the ace commando in front of him.

"We'll take care of it." The three of them responded, then left the command post and ran towards the hangar. (To be continued)

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