Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 423: What are you afraid of?

"Are you afraid? What are you afraid of? The place where we are fighting is different from that of the Buos rookies. We are fighting in cities and towns. Before, your elders, those brave resistance army soldiers, were not without opportunities. With the help of A, we have repelled the empire's attacks again and again. With their help, are you still afraid?" The most proud thing about the Resistance Army is their infantry. The Resistance Army soldiers with a fearless spirit have experienced actual combat Through hard training, they have a combat effectiveness that is not weaker than the regular troops of the Empire and the Federation, and on some occasions, they can even compete with elite troops.

Ye's words made the pilots below shine. Indeed, in previous battles, the infantry of the Resistance Army used their flesh and blood to withstand the empire's steel offensives again and again. These extremely powerful infantry can even raid bases guarded by imperial mechas and steal vital mechas, ammunition and parts for their pilots.

"They are our pride, instructor, and we will not embarrass the Resistance Army." Wang Hui's face was a little ferocious. In his memory, he clearly remembered that Johnny was lying on a stretcher covered in blood and was sent back. He went to the Gobi and touched the top of his head with his rough but warm hands, recounting his battle experiences and describing how he snatched the 60-ton steel giants from the heavily defended imperial base and transported them to the resistance. Army's Gobi.

"It's such a small ambition. Isn't it okay if it's not embarrassing?"

"Tell the instructor, we will definitely become the pride of the Resistance Army." The pilots roared loudly.

Ye's encouragement maximized the morale of Pluto's Cross, but facing the overwhelming advantage of the Emperor, Ye himself knew that Pompeii could not hold on. For this reason, Mrs. Ames specially sent her guard force to contact Ye, and prepared a rapid evacuation route to the federal area for the pilots who were not killed in the battle. These latest warthog jeeps were used by some Loyal warriors were stationed in the sand dunes near Pompeii.

The empire seems to want to use a perfect victory to show the prowess of their army. They spent a full week preparing their army and adjusting their supplies. It's worth spending the time to give your troops more lasting combat effectiveness. Their frontline commander, Lieutenant General Kaipernerus, was preparing to hit the Gobi, the home base of the Resistance Army, in one fell swoop.

The Imperial Army's reorganization also gave the Resistance Army more time to improve their defenses, and a high-density night zone was laid in front of Pompeii. The Third Artillery Battalion among the three artillery battalions of the Resistance Army also joined the defensive force, greatly increasing the heavy firepower of this small town. And Zakayev, the new leader of the Resistance Army, also sent the third battalion of his elite guard regiment to the front line to boost morale. This unit will represent him. Fight on the front lines between the Resistance and the Empire.

A spring desert night. It was still as cold as winter, but Becky and Max looked extremely hot. The roar of guns echoed over the town, and fireballs exploded from time to time, making the dark night above the town look like day.

Although the empire has tightened martial law in the city, a large number of resistance soldiers still sneaked into these two important towns and began to carry out the tasks assigned by their leaders, destroying imperial supplies and snatching imperial mechas.

The Resistance's preemptive sneak attack achieved good results in the early stages. The Imperial Curfew Patrol was almost wiped out by them. The Resistance Army's team has grown from more than a hundred Resistance Army guerrilla soldiers to a town armed force of nearly a thousand people. The unarmed townspeople, led by the resistance soldiers, entered the hiding place of the resistance weapons and took the weapons. Then these people followed the large troops to the heavily guarded imperial military base.

The guerrillas of the Resistance Army were not as impulsive as the townspeople. They held anti-tank particle rockets and hid in the assault team, watching like hawks. Watching the street. There were also some team members walking on both sides of the team, carrying a large number of weapons in the bulging backpacks on their backs.

The imperial troops placed several iron bars at the gate of the base.

Silk nets were used to block the mob, but the mob was not unarmed people, but armed militiamen equipped with a large number of light weapons. The imperial sentries were blinded by the opponent's firepower almost instantly. They hid in the fortifications and shouted loudly on the phone. Ask for help.

Kai's staff officer was already familiar with the riots. He did not wake Kai up, but directly ordered the mecha troops to dispatch. In the past, basically as long as the mecha troops were dispatched, the mob would collapse at the first touch.

The appearance of the Imperial mechas was immediately warmly welcomed. Dozens of rockets swarmed in, shrouding these mechas in flames. However, the recently equipped shields in front of the Imperial mechas made the Resistance's offensive come to nothing. . Facing the crowd, the bear-like one-eye that removed its shield emitted a ferocious red color.

When a large number of townspeople attracted the attention of the Imperial forces, members of the Resistance Army's demolition team secretly approached the tall reinforced concrete walls of the Imperial base through the cover of street buildings. The wall breaker was stuck tightly to the weak point of the wall by these well-trained people. With a roar, a hole large enough for two people to pass through was opened in the empire's wall.

More than 20 people from the demolition team filed in. They must hurry up and find the empire's ammunition warehouse or mecha hangar, because their time was bought by the townspeople in front of the imperial camp with their lives. The commandos in groups of three spread out from the entrance and rushed towards the largest buildings in the imperial camp. The resistance forces at the door began to use small mortars to attack the imperial base, mixed with a lot of smoke bombs and tear gas. These were all intended to cause chaos in the imperial base. Only in the chaos could their demolition team be able to blow up the base. More valuable goals.

Bang, the sound of the sniper rifle was so unique that the noisy gunfire at the door could not be covered up at all. A member of the resistance army's demolition team was hit hard. The highly penetrating and destructive large-caliber sniper bullet turned the internal organs into a ball of minced meat the moment it entered the human body.

Obviously, the Empire had more than one sniper in place. After two rounds of shooting, 90% of the resistance's demolition team turned into corpses lying on the ground. No one could escape when being attacked by a sniper, let alone The location is still familiar to snipers. The Resistance Army's demolition team was hit hard almost instantly by the Emperor's troops who were on guard. The remaining personnel have been suppressed by snipers, and what awaits them will be cleared by Imperial infantry. Their hiding places may be thrown into a few bullets, or directly burned to charcoal by the Empire's flamethrowers. The Demomen all knew what was going to happen to them, so they all took off their backpacks and started setting up some powerful weapons.

The townspeople in front of the base also suffered a devastating blow, which was different from the previous imperial troops. This time the emperor spread death without any scruples, and did not mind the collapse of the buildings around the military camp. In the face of this devastating blow, human nature appears so fragile. Against the background of several fireballs rising from the empire base. Amidst the blood of human bodies on the streets, the resistance army wisely chose to retreat.

"It seems that we are too kind to the untouchables." Kai, who was awakened by the sound of gunfire, smiled and looked at the massacre in front of the base and said to his adjutant.

"After all, the people are the foundation of the empire. When these untouchables truly join the empire, they can become the strength of the empire. That's why the higher ups don't let us kill these untouchables at will."

"It's really troublesome." Kai frowned and ordered, "Have the 74th Desert Infantry Division dispatch a regiment after the battle to gather the townspeople to the eastern city for supervision. At this time when the empire is about to have a large-scale operation .I don’t want what happened tonight to happen again.”

"Understood, sir."

The failure of the Resistance Army's sneak attack on the troops did not affect the morale of the infantry. On the contrary, there was a hint of excitement on the faces of these tall and sturdy men. The happy expressions of meeting a good opponent made uninformed people think that the Resistance Army was fighting last night. Victory in action. At least when Zaiye asked a second lieutenant company commander about their army's gains, he was embarrassed by the other party's answer.

/\u003e "The infantry of your resistance army are all freaks." Ye, who was depressed, complained to Wang Hui, who was snickering on the side.

"Uncle, they are our pride. In normal times, some imperial soldiers are beaten to a pulp. Uncle often complains that the imperial soldiers rely on mechas to bully people without beating them. Last night, the empire wiped out the resistance forces inside the base, but there was no such thing. The use of mechas shows that the infantry of this army of the Empire are of good quality."

Wang Hui's explanation made Ye feel confused. Although the resistance infantry was strong, it was unlikely that they would seek defeat alone.

The resistance army was not discouraged by the failure. On the contrary, they still organized a sneak attack at night. However, due to Kai's tactics of solidifying the wall and clearing the field, they were unable to launch an attack on the imperial base without the cover of the townspeople. However, some of the soldiers who attacked the supply convoy successfully captured an Imperial ammunition supply convoy with only a small amount of infantry escort. However, because the imperial soldiers destroyed all the tires before retreating, these soldiers had no choice but to burn the ammunition of more than ten vehicles.

The empire would not allow the resistance forces to harass them, and the empire's mecha troops also began to appear frequently near Pompeii, the frontline. In the next few days, the Wolf Cavalry fired rockets and missiles at Pompeii every day. Although most of the missiles and rockets were intercepted, some that slipped through the net inevitably caused the death of some civilians. casualties.

This mutual harassment continued for a whole week, and the Empire finally decided to attack Pompeii. The huge mecha troops were dispatched, and the dust they raised covered the sky and the sun. After Major General Kai left a squadron of mechas in each of the two towns as a defensive force, he set off with the mecha troops.

"Ninety-six?" The information about the resistance army was handed over to Ye at the first opportunity. The number of mechas in the first line of the information made Ye scream in surprise. Although Ye already knew that the empire had an integrated mecha unit dedicated to the clearing operation, he did not expect that the commander of the empire would dare to devote this unit to the attack on Pompeii at once. In Ye's opinion, it is most appropriate to arrange one to one and a half commandos of mechas as the attack force, and a squadron of mechas as the reserve team.

"Yes, sir," Johnny confirmed, "accompanying us are the Empire's 29th Light Cavalry Regiment and most of the 74th Desert Infantry Division. Among them, the 29th Light Cavalry Regiment is a mechanized regiment based on armored vehicles and motorized infantry. The 74th Infantry Division is also an elite division dedicated to field operations in desert areas."

"It seems that the Empire is serious about attacking a small town and using almost an entire elite division." Ye said with emotion. When the Federation attacked Emma, ​​they only used two divisions of troops, and Emma was more powerful than Pang. Baby, I don’t know how much older it is.

"Our military strength is not much worse than that of the Empire. Moreover, the light cavalry regiment only has more than 700 people, more than 50 armored vehicles, and the infantry division. The number of troops they have invested is less than 9,000, which is not a lot, sir."

"Well, I know. Our infantry is indeed no less than that of the Empire. The Third Division of the Resistance Army here is also an elite force that has been battle-tested. But the opponent has mechanized troops, and the advantage of the opponent's mechas is too obvious. You know, an assault If the mechas of the team are fighting in urban terrain, regardless of protecting buildings, their power can almost wipe out a regiment of more than a thousand people. Of course, this is when the opponent does not have a large number of anti-armor weapons." Ye said somewhat cautiously. A regiment has a dedicated anti-armor company, but these anti-armor weapons do not pose much of a threat to a commando mecha, both in terms of damage and quantity. But now the situation of the Resistance Army is even worse than this. Their brigade-level units, or even division-level units, may not be able to get a reorganized anti-armor company if they go to Shuyuan

"Sir, I know, so each of us has brought anti-armor ammunition, and our soldiers are the best anti-mecha weapons." Johnny patted his chest, and he understood what he meant. Human bombs, a squad of soldiers carrying anti-mecha Jiye are enough to paralyze a mecha.

Ye looked helplessly

Looking at Johnny with a determined look, he suddenly remembered what the instructor said in the training camp: it is not weapons that determine victory on the battlefield, but people.

The sunset gradually sets, and the black sky covers the desert. Tomorrow's Pompeii is destined to be unrest.

Pompeii's personnel were ready, and a large number of civilians were moved to underground bunkers. Soldiers were also stationed in the building and stood ready at their posts, waiting for the imperial troops to enter the town.

The prelude to the empire's attack began at midnight. Nearly 150 artillery pieces from three artillery regiments began to conduct air blasts against the night zone in front of Pompeii. Dense air burst grenades exploded on the desert. Two hours later, the Imperial artillery completely destroyed the ground and night zone that the resistance forces had worked hard to set up for two nights. (To be continued.)


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