Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 424 The brave man is fearless

The Imperial Artillery Regiment is very cautious. They have been conducting their platoon work at night outside the range of the Resistance Artillery Battalion. This made the artillery staff officer of the Resistance Army somewhat helpless when holding the ballistic estimation report, because none of the predicted positions were within the strike range of his men.

After clearing the night area twice, the Imperial artillery began to move forward. Under the guidance of the air force, the anti-aircraft firepower of Pompeii 3 was bombarded by name. At this time, the sky above Pompeii was no different from the daytime, except that the light was not the sun, but the large number of flares dropped by Imperial fighter planes.

The Empire's flares were distributed quite reasonably, illuminating the entire Pompeii without excessive density. The ones who guided the artillery bombardment were not the fighter planes flying over Pompeii, but the Prussians hovering around the town. They could rely on the help of these lights to accurately find the location of the resistance army, instead of being like in the town. Prue was dazzled by her own flares at high altitude.

The accuracy of guided artillery fire is quite terrifying. Even if the empire does not care much about and invest in their artillery regiments, even if the artillerymen use artillery that is very old compared to the federal artillery equipment, the resistance air defense positions Still couldn't hold on for long. Under the intensive attack of the imperial artillery, an hour later, the surface of Pompeii became a state undefended by the air force.

Immediately after the anti-aircraft position was hit, the supply warehouses of the Resistance Army were fortunately transported by the logistics personnel of the Resistance Army to relatively safe underground warehouses and some relatively strong and hidden buildings. The explosion of ammunition can definitely lift a block near the warehouse into the sky.

While the Resistance Army silently endured the Empire's indiscriminate bombing, the Resistance Army's two artillery battalions also began their counterattack, targeting the Imperial Artillery Regiment that exposed its position due to the bombardment. The artillery staff of the Resistance Army deliberately waited until the Imperial Artillery Regiment was conducting random attacks to launch the attack, because at this time, the most accurate position of the Imperial Artillery Regiment could be obtained through the data of multiple targets, and there were no longer Imperial Artillery to focus on the target. The group's vigilance is also the lowest. Following the staff officer's order, nearly thirty artillery pieces stretched out their barrels from their carefully designed bunkers in groups of three and launched an attack.

The Empire obviously did not expect the Resistance's artillery response, although they had already known that the Resistance had many artillery stations. However, the random shelling for nearly three hours before made the commander of the Imperial Artillery Regiment a little careless. He actually forgot to change his position, allowing the resistance artillery to hit him. The resistance's counterattack caused many artillery pieces in the Imperial Artillery Regiment to become silent, but due to insufficient firepower density. They only severely damaged an Imperial artillery regiment.

Prue in the sky immediately attacked the resistance artillery positions. These fighter planes notified the opponent's position to their own artillery regiments while diving towards the inner bunkers.

The resistance commanders were clearly prepared for this situation, as the walls of mud houses near the artillery positions collapsed, followed by the collapse of the houses. Two wheeled armored vehicles sprang out, slingshot-type four-barreled low-altitude defense armored vehicles equipped by all countries.

The dense 30mm barrage headed towards the diving Pulu cage. The specially-made tungsten-core armor-piercing projectiles penetrated the not-thick super-tensile ceramic composite steel armor on the fighter fuselage, twisting the inside of the fighter into a mess. In the city's environment where the attack angle was narrow and the attack route could only be along the streets, facing the high-density firepower network, Prue had no chance. Several fighters rushing at the front were torn into pieces, while the remaining fighters It can only be pulled up to get out. The further away from those terrifying anti-aircraft vehicles, the better.

"Call rear artillery support, the third, third squadron, can your anti-tank missiles lock them?" The frustrated Commander Prue asked the squadron among them with anti-tank missiles.

"There is no way, sir. The three artillery regiments are all moving their positions and cannot attack." the wingman replied.

"This is the Third Squadron. We can take out some of the anti-aircraft vehicles inside, sir. Their engines are like street lights in the dark, attracting our heat-sensing missiles. Let's do it now."

"Third Squadron, no problem"

The Prussians of the two squadrons separated from the mass of aircraft in the air and entered the attack position from high altitude. After locking on their respective targets. A missile under their wing was sent towards the vehicle.

The Pelican missile shot into the air like an arrow. As a small missile, it can only attack the top of an armored vehicle with the weakest defense before it can destroy the vehicle with one blow. Therefore, in its program, it needs to climb high first. Make sure you have enough height.

Obviously, this procedure gave the resistance forces enough time to react. The commander of the armored vehicle immediately activated the heat-insulating smoke grenade on the vehicle. Suddenly, a large amount of smoke enveloped the armored vehicle. On the thermal sensor of the imperial fighter plane, dozens of red dots that were originally extremely bright disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The Pelican, which had lost its target, still pierced the target position like an arrow, but which commander would be stupid and not move? You can tell from the constantly changing shape of the smoke that there is no one there.

If missing the target was what the Imperial pilots expected, the scene after the smoke cleared was unacceptable to them. In the cramped streets of Pompeii, the original chariots had completely disappeared. If it weren't for the wreckage of several Prussians scattered in the town, they wouldn't have believed that these armored vehicles had appeared.

"I hate guerrilla warfare." The captain of the Third Squadron shouted. It was obvious that some resistance vehicles had entered the house again, and there must be tunnels connected to each other under some houses. This is a long-term relationship between the empire and the resistance. The experience of combat.

The Resistance is far inferior to the Federation and the Empire in the construction of permanent fortifications, but they have their own unique defense method, which is tunnel warfare. Tunnels that pass through wide streets can avoid the exposure of personnel in open areas. The relatively spacious tunnels that connect several important positions can ensure that the resistance's precious armored vehicles can maximize their role, rather than being transferred. Destroyed by the Empire on the way. These simple tunnels constitute the resistance system of the resistance, a combat method most suitable for infantry defense.

The development of this tactic of the Resistance Army is also due to the ease of excavation in the sand. Although the sand is easy to flow and prone to collapse when exposed to excessive vibration, after a small amount of cement is infiltrated into the sand wall, the solidity of these tunnels will be improved. With the qualitative improvement, it can completely withstand the mecha passing above.

Although the Imperial Artillery Regiment suffered a sudden attack, they quickly completed the transfer of positions and launched another attack. The precise 180mm will destroy the resistance army's simple artillery positions. These positions at the base of the buildings were buried by the buildings above them in the dense explosions, and became a pile of ruins.

"Have you calculated the position of the imperial artillery?" the resistance artillery staff officer asked the officer beside him.

"Right away, sir."

"Have the Third Battalion and the Third Battalion arrived at the new position?"

"No call, sir. Do you want us to hurry up?" The adjutant picked up the phone on his side.

"Hurry up, or the empire may have to move its position." The staff officer frowned and urged.

At this moment, a communications soldier covered with dust ran into the temporary command room, "Reporting to the commander, the 3rd Artillery Battalion has entered position 7. The third battalion has three minutes to fully enter the position. The headquarters is connected to the eastern area. Telephone lines damaged by Imperial shelling.”

"Okay. After the ballistic calculation is completed, immediately assign a correspondent to inform them of the artillery bombardment. Adjutant, immediately organize manpower to repair the phone line." In order to prevent the empire from detecting the location of their headquarters through the density of communication waves, the resistance army used a large number of wired communication equipment , the biggest disadvantage of these devices is that once the lines are damaged, manpower will be needed to repair them, otherwise there will be no way to communicate. However, the Resistance Army, which lacks a large amount of electronic concealment and jamming equipment, can only use this cheap, extremely limited wired communication equipment.

The underground temporary hangar of the Resistance Army, this underground bunker dug by the Resistance Army, was shaking constantly under the bombardment. From time to time, sand and cement fragments fell on the mecha, making a squeaking sound.

"Instructor, will we be buried alive?" Lelina is the only female team member in the entire Death Cross and belongs to the third commando team. She was originally afraid of the dark and heard the subtle noises from her mecha from time to time. asked with some concern.

Ye connected to the girl's communication, "Don't worry, this fortification will not be destroyed by the empire's 180mm grenade."

"Oh." The girl responded simply, obviously she was still very nervous.

Ye knew that Lerina was not just afraid of the darkness, but also nervous about the upcoming battle. This kind of atmosphere before a big battle cannot be compared with the usual trivial missions, so Ye simply connected all the pilots' communications and asked: "Are you nervous?"

"Instructor, we are not nervous, but we are a little excited." Dennis, the captain of the third commando team, answered. His answer was immediately echoed by most pilots.

"That's good. In fact, it doesn't matter if you're nervous. Take a deep breath, and then just follow your usual training and protect yourself. It will be dawn soon, and Pompeii will be our stage by then." Ye encouraged everyone.

Early in the morning. The shelling from both sides slowly subsided. The Resistance Army artillery battalion had no new positions to move to, and the Imperial Army had fired most of the artillery shells.

Kai looked at the rising sun in the east and issued an order for a full-scale attack on Pompeii. Although this time period was not what he thought was the best time to attack, he knew that only a compact offensive would not give the Resistance Army another chance. The time required to build artillery positions can suppress the resistance counterattack to the greatest extent. Kaico did not want his mecha troops to blindly enter the areas guarded by 180mm field guns. In the previous month-long battle for the town with the resistance army, there were many imperial mechas on the corners of the streets. Everywhere was attacked by the opponent's artillery positions that were ambushed in advance, and turned into a pile of expensive scrap metal.

In Kai's original plan, his artillery regiment should completely clear out the resistance artillery positions around three o'clock, and then his mecha troops could take advantage of the night and enter Pompeii. In that environment, the mecha's thermal instrument can play its greatest role and clearly detect the resistance soldiers hiding in the house without being affected by the high temperature outside like it is during the day. However, the resistance artillery's tenacity and unexpected attack not only killed almost an entire Imperial artillery regiment, but also greatly delayed the attack time of Kai's mecha troops.

"Inform the mecha troops to try their best to advance along the enemy artillery positions that we have destroyed. The resistance army will not be able to establish artillery positions in these areas again in a short period of time. Tell them that if they encounter artillery positions in other areas, there is no guarantee that they will be lightly damaged. If we lose and capture, we should bypass what can be bypassed, and let the infantry snatch what cannot be bypassed. Our artillery is silent during the day and cannot provide support." Kai ordered his adjutant, he did not want his mecha Someone in the army was hit by field artillery that was no less powerful than a mecha sniper rifle. During the day, it was impossible for his artillery regiment to provide precise strikes, because the sun's fierce rays were enough to dehydrate the artillerymen who were not protected by strict sunshades and were subject to strenuous exercise.

A mixed group of mecha troops and infantry transport vehicles began to advance towards Pompeii. Kai looked at the approaching town in front of him, knowing that a fierce battle would be waiting for them.

If the Federation's initial attack on Amarr took advantage of the empire's extremely low supply of troops and used superior firepower and troops to win it in one fell swoop, this time the empire's attack on Pompeii can be described as a difficult battle. However, Kai believed that he could successfully capture Pompeii in one day, because he had much more aces, mechas, than the Resistance.

The regiment that Kai invested in the front was composed of thirty Bears, six Tigers, the 3rd Battalion of the 29th Light Cavalry Regiment and the 3rd Brigade of the 74th Desert Infantry Division. Find Shuyuan www. The remaining troops were divided into two groups by him. One group was a reserve group composed of a squadron of Bears and the remaining personnel of the Desert Division, while the other group consisted of 48 mechas including 18 Wolf Cavalry. The highly mobile troops composed of the remaining 1st and 3rd Battalions of the 29th Hussars will bypass Pompeii and advance towards Cambes. They will form an ambush circle in the desert between the two towns to ambush any resistance that may come from Cambes. Military reinforcements. Cambes has the remaining 18 Shiranuis and 2 Wolf Cavalry of the Resistance Army. Their high mobility requires the Wolf Cavalry to suppress them, and their own combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

The Emperor's powerful regiments entered Pompeii without being attacked by any long-range firepower from the Resistance. It seems that the bombardment by the Imperial Artillery Regiment last night had a considerable effect. The entire town of Pompeii was like a sponge absorbing water, quietly absorbing the imperial troops. Suddenly, the entire land roared, and the Resistance Army began to launch a fierce attack on the Imperial troops entering the town.

The first to bear the brunt was naturally the Empire's mecha troops. These three-machine troops were warmly welcomed by the Resistance's particle rocketeers hidden in the building. Countless anti-tank rockets flew towards the Bear like wasps, exploding fireballs one after another on the steel giant's body.

The imperial infantry also began to break into the buildings and fight with the resistance soldiers hiding inside. On some streets where there were no mechas to attack, the imperial soldiers hid behind strong wheeled armored vehicles and slowly pushed towards the temporary street positions of the resistance army. (~^~)

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