The Bears suffered a small loss at the beginning of the battle. Originally, they thought that the hotspots were filled with Resistance gunners and only a handful of particle rocket launchers. They were almost no threat to them and were not worth wasting their mecha bullets. ¥f, but in order to meet the large army of Imperial Mechas, the commander of the Resistance Army deliberately deployed a large number of particle rocket launchers in the buildings at the forefront of the town. This caused the Commander of the Imperial Mechas to lose them at the beginning of the attack. The most important defensive equipment of a mecha is the shield.

"Damn it, demolish these buildings for me." The angry Bear pilot started shooting at the buildings. The powerful 120mm bullets opened large holes in the buildings, destroying the main load-bearing structure of the buildings.

"The leg joints of the four Bears were directly hit by multiple rockets and were forced to withdraw from the battlefield. The shields of the remaining troops were seriously damaged. Normally, wouldn't the mecha troops be damaged only when they advance to the central area of ​​the town?" Kai was a little skeptical. He looked at the communications staff officer in front of him.

The poor staff officer wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand and replied affirmatively: "Yes, sir. Captain Richard, the commander of the Bear Force, did say that. He said that the Resistance Army was ambushing in the outer building. His unit was caught unawares by the large number of anti-tank troops.”

"That idiot, inform the reserve team to send two commandos to attack. Our attack intensity cannot be reduced. Tell Richard to be careful and don't underestimate the enemy."


In the underground hangar of the Resistance Army, the Death Cross commandos who had completed their final inspection lit up their red one-eyes, and the huge and heavy hangar slowly opened under the cover of smoke bombs.

"The first commando is responsible for the central theater, the third commando holds the left wing, and the third commando does not let the right wing collapse. The opponent has fighter planes covering our position, so we have to fight and retreat when it is time to retreat. Don't You've been dumped." Ye warned the pilots behind him cautiously, and then controlled the bear style and jumped out of the hangar first.


Every move of the Resistance Army was under surveillance by Imperial Prue fighter jets, just as the Death Commandos were dispatched. The location of the Resistance's secret underground hangar was notified to all mecha units participating in the battle, and then. Some Prussians who were not afraid of death tried to attack these mechas from the hangar, but the intensive anti-aircraft firepower formed by the mechas made them retreat.

At the front line, Johnny led the soldiers from the first company of his independent mobile attack battalion to lurk in a building. These tall men were all wrapped in water-soaked quilts and a layer of plastic film. Although heat-sensing instruments can penetrate most concrete and steel buildings or mud houses with not too thick walls, they cannot penetrate these camouflages. With the help of these earthen bags, Jonny and the others successfully blended the thermal sensor with the room.

Heavy mecha footsteps sounded from a distance. Richard, who had received the Death Cross attack, knew that the nine Bears he led were about to face the challenge of the opponent's first commando. This made the fierce general couldn't help but lick his chapped lips, "Brothers, the little one above Bird said, we are about to come into contact with the mecha troops of the Resistance Army, and it is said that the whisper of the federal god of death is also there, haha, the time has come for us to make a contribution, everyone, come with me."

Richard took the lead in the bear type, and the huge mecha began to attack. Completely separated from the infantry who were covering their advance and checking the buildings one by one.

"Captain, we should call for reinforcements. That is the whisper of the god of death. And the mecha to replace the fourth commando team has not come up yet."

"Idiot, Death's Whisper is piloting the same Bear type as you and me. It's not an excellent special machine from the Federation. There's nothing to be afraid of. With the same mecha performance, we have an absolute numerical advantage. , I don’t believe that little federal brat has three heads and six arms.”

Inspired by their captain, the three commando bear styles roared in unison, and together with their captain, they took long strides and charged forward.

"Block ahead. No hot spots."

"Haha, it seems that the resistance infantry is deployed too much on the front line. As a result, there is no depth of defense. In this way, we will be more confident in getting rid of the whisper of death without infantry cover." Richard laughed wildly. But he didn't know that the building in front was in the darkness far away from the window, and countless pairs of eyes were staring at him.

Nine Bears passed through three streets in a formation of three aircraft. Several Resistance Army artillery positions with wide shooting fields in front had been destroyed in previous shellings. It can be said that there is no threat on the road ahead. Richard and their resistance army.

Just as the Bear was running wildly, Johnny, who was lurking, quickly gave orders to his men, "The three Bears are coming along our street. When everyone attacks, remember to aim at the monitors, joints, and nozzles of the mecha. Attack, only by hitting these weak links can our rockets really hurt these giants."

"I know, battalion commander. You still think that we are new recruits who have never fought against mechas." A tall man next to Johnny curled his lips in disdain.

"The battalion commander always thinks of us as new recruits." Another tall man looked at the mecha getting closer in the distance and teased Johnny.

"Okay, then you plan to be on target. Maybe we can cancel these three at once and relieve the pressure on the commander and the others." Johnny said with some worry. Ye knew about their ambush, and Ye would immediately attack them after they attacked. Led the First Commando here, it will be up to Johnny and the others to decide how many enemy planes the First Commando will have to face.

Richard took the lead and ran at the front of the team. The bear type with an antenna on his head as a mark of the commando leader lit up his ion engine from time to time to speed up, and almost instantly approached Johnny's ambush point.

"This is the moment." Johnny yelled, and ordered an attack when the third mecha was facing the window. Nearly ten wired rockets flew out of the building, hitting each of them under the precise control of the missile operator. The goal.

Richard was quite depressed. As he was moving forward rapidly, the sensor of his mecha suddenly beeped like crazy. This was the alarm sound that the mecha sensed that a high-temperature hot spot was approaching. The so-called high hot spot usually refers to It's a missile.

Boom, continuous explosions enveloped the three Bears, and the Resistance's carefully designed traps damaged the Bears. Bear pose in third position. That is to say, the Bear facing the window was hit the most miserably by the missile. The missiles, controlled by the elite soldiers of Johnny's unit, suddenly flew upwards on the arms and body like they had eyes, and accurately penetrated into the shoulder joints of the Bear from the unarmored armpits of the Bear. Then the huge left arm of the mecha was completely removed with a violent explosion, and the other two missiles were released. It hit the Bear's head and left leg respectively. The missile on the head directly penetrated the bulletproof glass and exploded the Bear's beautiful one-eye into a pile of parts. However, the missile that hit the leg joints was blocked by the Bear's knee armor. Afterwards, no results were achieved.

Xiong Shi, who was walking at the back, also felt uncomfortable. The head monitor was destroyed, the ankle joint of his left leg was hit, most of the left foot of the mecha was shattered, and the entire mecha became lame. And Richard was at the forefront. The engine nozzle on the back, which was exposed to the resistance and was in standby mode, was hit. Fortunately, Richard reacted quickly and did not start the engine again, otherwise the entire back of the mecha would have been exploded by the particle turbulence.

After his missile hit the target, Johnny threw away the particle rocket in his hand, "Evacuate at full speed, don't stop." As he said this, the tall man took off his disguise and grabbed the preset The rope landed at the bottom of the building with a swipe, then forcefully opened the building's garbage pipe, and entered a password on a button on the side of the pipe. Ding. The light showing the status of the garbage pipe changed from green to indicate smoothness to a red and green flashing. This is a sign that the garbage pipe has switched to a secret tunnel of the Resistance Army.

Johnny saw that his teammates were already filing down, so he jumped into the pipe first. The other tall men didn't hesitate at all. Amidst the continuous explosions from the building above, the pipe entered. Just after the last person entered the pipe, the building finally couldn't withstand the fierce bear attack and collapsed.

The same scene happened on three streets at the same time. The Bears of the other two commandos were also injured respectively, but not as seriously as the Richard Commando.

But Richard's disaster was not over. On the street corner in the distance, silver light flashed. A huge Bear raised its machine gun and aimed at Richard, who was shooting at the building frantically.

After all, Richard is also a captain-level pilot. Seeing night from the corner of his eye, he immediately turned around and raised his shield. Immediately, intensive blows hit the shield like a storm, knocking back the unsteady bear by a big step.

"Fight quickly." Ye gave the order simply. On every street now. The first commando team is two against three. Although they have the convenience of sneak attack, if it is delayed for a long time, the disadvantage of military strength will be exposed.

Ye started the engine under the cover of Wang Hui behind him, and the machine gun in his hand with a huge ammunition capacity was still spitting out tongues of flame crazily to suppress the opponent. The line of fire formed by the two mechas actually suppressed the opponent on the narrow street. Some of the bullets even passed through Richard's shield and hit the cockpit of the third Bear, severely damaging the unlucky Bear. Knocked to the ground.

"Yeer." Richard didn't expect that the other party could shoot so accurately, knocking down one of his own mechas at the moment of the exchange of fire. Angry, he raised his machine gun and started shooting into the night from the edge of the shield.

Ye still uses ricochet defense technology. The distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching, and the accuracy of shooting is also increasing crazily. This shows the difference in the value of the defense technology between the two sides. Ye's shield was still working. Although it was gradually unable to bounce bullets, there was no sign of being penetrated. But Richard's shield was full of bullet holes, and there were many marks of damage on the Bear's fuselage. Obviously, the protective effect of his shield was quite limited.

Ding, the machine gun that fired all the bullets crazily pushed the magazine away from the gun body, and Ye's left hand secretly dropped the mecha Shouye that was already in the palm of his hand, and then the mecha's right foot kicked it and knocked this The huge explosives kicked Richard's bear style like a football. I'm afraid only talented people can accomplish this kind of action.

Richard saw the machine gun in Ye's hand ejecting the magazine. Just as he was about to remove his shield and attack Ye, he suddenly saw a black sphere flying straight towards the monitor of his mecha. Out of instinct, he He raised the shield that was not completely lowered again, and luckily blocked the object with the upper edge of the shield.

Boom, the powerful hand exploded on Xiong Shi's head, causing Richard to take a step back again, and Xiong Shi's back foot touched the fallen Xiong Shi.

A ray of light flashed out from the smoke of the explosion, and Ye had already raised his ship-cutting knife to kill, slashing straight at him, as if he was going to split Richard in two from the middle.

"Damn it." Richard, who was unable to retreat, raised his shield high, but how could the shield that was riddled with holes withstand the ship-cutting knife? The entire shield and his left arm were chopped off like tofu. But this moment was enough for Richard to save his life.

A beam saber was accurately placed on Xiong Shi's left shoulder, crossing the attack path of Ye's ship-cutting sword. The particles collided and radiated light, but the beam saber blocked the ship-cutting sword.

"Sure enough, the best way to defend against particles is the particles themselves. No, it should be said to be the magnetic field that restrains the particles." Ye noticed the twisted particle turbulence between the intersections of the two knives. Find Shuyuan These turbulences caused by the mutual resistance of the magnetic fields blocked the ship-cutting knife. However, the ship-cutting sword still took advantage of the design structure. Its constraining magnetic field was more powerful and was eroding the magnetic field of the beam saber. The tip of Richard's saber had already collapsed. The silver bear style suddenly lit up his engine and increased the strength of the ship-cutting sword. This would help the ship-cutting sword break through the resistance of the opponent's saber faster.

Richard's engine was completely disabled, which made his bear style completely unable to resist the power from Ye Na. The bear style that was caught on the back foot could only fall down unwillingly, but this also saved Richard. Unfortunately, Ye's ship-cutting sword failed to cut off his beam saber because of his sudden fall backwards.

While knocking down Richard, the silver bear style showed flexibility that was completely opposite to its bulky body. He retracted his legs and kicked on the waist of the fallen Bear. The entire mecha rushed towards the third Bear who was still shooting without slowing down and had no time to put on the beam saber. The huge ship-cutting knife strangely slipped under the arm that tried to block it, and cut hard on the joint of Xiong Shi's waist, cutting Xiong Shi into two.

While Ye finished the last bear pose, Wang Hui also brought despair to Richard who fell to the ground. He accurately shot and destroyed Richard's bear pose's right arm. Then, people walked out of the buildings on the edge of the war zone one after another. Some Resistance soldiers, apparently trying to capture Richard's bear. To be continued

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