On the street, armored vehicles were lifted into the air by air waves and rolled helplessly on the gravel road. The armor composed of super-tensioned ceramic composite steel could not withstand the heat generated by the bomb explosion and began to melt. As the vehicle rolled, it spread in all directions.

A mecha weighing more than 60 tons cannot survive a nuclear attack. In an EMP shock wave of the level of a nuclear explosion, no electronic system can continue to work, and a mecha that loses control is like a puppet. Knocked down. The surface armor was melted and blown up in the nuclear hurricane, causing armor spikes to sprout from the edges of the mecha. Some pilots tried to use their ion engines to accelerate their escape, but the out-of-control ion engines, instead of taking them out of danger, became the death that took away their lives. No pilot could survive the complete explosion of the mecha's ion engine.

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, shrouding Pompeii under its power. Within a two-kilometer-diameter area of ​​the center of the explosion, houses turned into dust, human bodies were reduced to molecules, armor became molten steel, and there were raging fires everywhere. The setting sun illuminates the desert red.

Ye adjusted the posture of his mecha in time and squatted down facing the gun. However, the emp shock wave that arrived before the bomb exploded instantly destroyed the bear's electronic system, causing Ye to lose control. Mecha control. Then, a fierce storm swept through, pushing the squatting bear to the ground. The three mechas behind Ye were even worse. The standing ones were blown away without any suspense. After knocking down several buildings, they lay on the ground without making any sound.

"Hmm." Ye shook his head, which had hit the edge of the seat because he suddenly fell to the ground, and opened the seat belt in the dark. Then he reached for the tool box, took out the backup operating system, opened the panel neatly, and reached out to pull it out. Broken system.

"Hey. It's so hot." Ye unfortunately touched a chip on the circuit board that was burned by the electromagnetic impact. This small thing with millions of transistors was emitting an astonishing amount of heat due to a short circuit.

Ye blew on her burned fingers. He sighed helplessly and fumbled for a small flashlight from the tool box. With the help of this weak light source, the circuit board was pulled out while avoiding the hot chips inside.

"****It's so fierce, EMP can actually burn this thing like this." Ye looked at the dark board in front of him with some emotion, shook his head helplessly, then inserted the spare in his hand and pressed down start up button.

The mecha's screen lit up again, but what was displayed on it was not the external situation. Instead, it was a dazzling dark red, which highlighted the seven large white characters on it, and the main power system was damaged.

"Damn, this EMP is too perverted." Ye wailed. The mecha's excellent power system shield, which was immune to the electromagnetic attacks of the tiger-style electric whip, was actually not able to withstand the *** EMP. At this moment, the bear-type system has been switched to the backup battery that is not normally turned on. This system is designed for space and is used to maintain the operation of the mecha's life support equipment after the main power system of the mecha is destroyed. It cannot drive the entire mecha. Mecha action.

The detonation of the two bombs produced two terrifying long tones on the federal geophone. The content of the Resistance Army's high-power radio message received by the radio monitoring station also shocked Qiao Jia and Guderian.

"That's actually a ****. When did the Resistance Army have a ****?" Guderian looked in disbelief. After all, nuclear weapons at this moment are not as easy to obtain as they were when they just entered the cosmic era. As the most important raw material for powering warships, nuclear fuel has always been firmly controlled by the government. Even if the Aria Group needs nuclear fuel, it needs to register with the federal government and be ready for inspection at all times.

"What we need to care about right now is not how the Resistance Army obtained intelligence. The intelligence department will give us a reasonable explanation. What we need to know right now is that that boy Ye is still in Pompeii." Qiao Jia's His face was gloomy, and his eyes were flashing with murderous intent.

"Oh, damn. The entire army is on first-level alert. All patrol units, immediately move closer to Pompeii. As fast as possible. The Red Eye Squadron, equipped with a super-speed rocket pack, set off immediately. Mecha unit. Let the Snowy Night Duke Commando bring the high speed. Motorized flight pack, hurry up." Guderian immediately issued a series of orders to the staff around him.

A shrill siren began to echo over Tris, and the pilots of the Red Eye Squadron were summoned. With the help of the ground crew, they boarded the Hellfire Kai, which they had only been familiar with for a week.

There is almost no difference in appearance between the Hellfire Kai and the Hellfire, except that the original ion engine has been replaced with a new engine with higher output, and some missile pylons and special backpack interfaces have been installed on the wings and belly.

The super-speed rocket backpack is specially designed for the high-speed attack of Hellfire. The main body is two huge rockets. Of course, in the atmosphere, the expensive rocket engines in these rockets are replaced by relatively cheap jet engines. These two rockets can allow the Hellfire to fly at a top speed of Mach 4 for two hours without using its own engine, which is far faster than the Hellfire's original top speed of Mach 1.8.

"Lieutenant, what we went to rescue this time was actually the whisper of death, haha." A lieutenant pilot smiled and put his arm around their captain Kahn's shoulders.

"So everyone, please keep your spirits up. If we don't find Ye, the squadron leader will definitely come back and kill us." Kahn smiled and encouraged his teammates. The squadron he led has gone through dozens of battles , finally became an all-ace flying squadron that can name itself without using simple military numbers. And this flying squadron, which is composed entirely of former elite twenty-seventh fleet pilots, naturally uses the famous flying squadron of their original fleet. The beautiful and unique red eyes of Hao's goddess Io are her symbol. The position of squadron leader has always been vacant, because they hope that Iao will come back and become their captain again one day, although they all know that that hope is almost zero.

"Roar." The pilots climbed onto their fighter planes. The tail fins of these white Hellfires were painted with Io's cartoonish little head, and a pair of bright red eyes were particularly shining.

"Hongtong, this is the control tower. Runways 1 and 2 are open and the airport is clear. Please take off from the above runways in groups of two."

"Hongtong No. 1 understands that the first and third commandos enter runway 1, and the rest enter runway 2. After arriving at the take-off position, make final inspections and prepare to take off."


Just when the Hellfires were preparing to take off. In the Tris hangar, the rangers of the Snowy Night Duke Commando also put on jetpacks. This backpack, which is composed of wide wings and two latest high-power ion engines, is designed to allow the mecha to reach its destination without relying on transport aircraft. However, if you hang this backpack, you cannot attach other auxiliary backpacks. Moreover, the wide wings are quite awkward on land, which also affects the flexibility of the mecha to a certain extent, so pilots usually choose to discard it when arriving on the battlefield. This wasteful approach makes this backpack only available when used On urgent mission. It was only designated for use by the military officers and had a place to be used.

"Duke Snowy Night, this is the tower. Auxiliary runway 3 has been opened. The catapult is working normally and the airport is clear. Please board the catapult and prepare to take off."

"Duke Xueye understands."

Richard, Joe, and Smith control the Rangers. With the help of the ground crew, the mecha was fixed on the large catapult. There was no way, the runway required for the mecha to take off was too long. It was not possible to build such a long runway in Tris, so people borrowed a solution from aircraft carriers, which was to use catapults.

Amidst the roar, fighter planes and mechas took off and flew towards Pompeii. Kahn, who had completed the formation work, controlled his fighter plane and shook its wings in front of Richard, saying: "Duke Xue Ye, Hong Tong will set off first to search the battlefield and find the whereabouts of Major Ye Special. You can help us." Good news." After saying that, the twelve Hellfires suddenly opened their backpacks to the maximum. Like twelve arrows across the sky.

"Halo, why is our mecha equipped with a flight pack? It can only reach a speed of Mach 0.8." Qiao said with some envy as he looked at the fighter jets going away. He also wanted to rush to Ye's place quickly and take this Pompeii is rescued by a kindly older boy.

"Why didn't you say that the weight of our mecha is ten times that of those Hellfires?" Smith said angrily. His mood was the same as Joe's, but he knew that the flight pack his mecha carried had already destroyed his mecha. Raised to extreme speed.

The tunnels in Pompeii were filled with dust. These simple tunnels miraculously withstood the tremors of the explosions. However, a large amount of sand and dust was shaken down, making it very difficult for Johnny and the others who were traveling at high speed in the tunnels. Uncomfortable. But it's coming soon, Johnny thought as he looked at the tunnel map in his hand.

The Jeep turned a corner at high speed, and Johnny stopped the car at what seemed to be a dead end. Then he took out a box of green injections from the trunk of the car. It was an anti-radiation agent that could reduce nuclear radiation within a certain period of time. Radiation damage to the human body, these injections were found in the supply warehouse. Although Johnny did not think they were useful at the time, he somehow managed to get a box of twelve injections from the supply staff.

Five of Johnny's most trusted men each took one, took off the plastic shield at the injection end, then placed the end tightly against the carotid artery of their neck, and pressed the injection button at the back end of the injection.

With a click, the small needle under the injection button pierced the air bag, and the compressed air pushed the piston to inject the medicine through countless tiny capillary needle holes into the subcutaneous blood vessels of the human body. Then it entered the arteries along the capillaries and flowed throughout the body.

After finishing the injection, Johnny opened a secret compartment next to him and entered the password to open the tunnel door on a small keyboard that popped up. The door at the top of the tunnel slowly descended as an elevator, but the exit above the garage floor of a building was blocked by a large number of building debris. Obviously, the garage as a cover failed to withstand the attacker's attack. collapsed.

"Damn it, Mike, use C4 to blow up these wrecks." Johnny said to his men.

"Understood, battalion commander." A tall black man walked out with a bundle of C4. After checking the situation, he said, "But the battalion commander doesn't need to be so angry. We are still lucky. The wreckage was held up by the tunnel opening and there was no damage." It hurts the elevator guide rail, haha.”

"Stop talking nonsense, can you blast the wreckage without letting the garbage fall down?"

"No problem, just use more explosives. Everyone, plug your ears."

At Tris Base, Qiao Jia was still restless in the underground command post. He raised his hand and gently rubbed his temples, and suddenly said to two 2.2-meter-tall men in cloaks behind him: "Go and let them go." Assemble the third squadron and let them also go out to find Ye."

"Teacher, they are specifically responsible for your safety." Qiao Jia shouted on the side.

"I'm just going to a squadron. I have a squadron and a half of guards around me, and I'm in the Tris base. I'm safe, Heinz. I've thought about it before. Although we sent a large number of troops to Pompeii, But the most critical army infantry is still too few, and their speed is not fast enough. Only these people can reach the battlefield in about the same time as Kahn and others."

Guderian nodded silently, and the people behind Qiao Jia also walked up to Qiao Jia, gave a military salute, and said: "The third squadron has been assembled and is on standby in the third underground area. The speed support system is on standby." Yes, sir."

"Okay, the 3rd Squadron of the 4th Commando Team of the AS Special Forces has entered the speed support system, and the delivery location is Pompeii."

"Follow your orders, sir."

A huge hangar roof at the Federal Tris base suddenly opened, revealing the deep and huge missile silo underneath. A passage connecting the top of the missile was slowly being evacuated, and the computer in the underground command headquarters also used its emotionless voice. Report the situation to Qiao Jia: "Extreme speed support system, the delivery location is locked, the AS troops have boarded the cabin, and are ready to hit."

"Set off."

"Understood, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. The transport rocket has entered a one-minute countdown to start."

Well, piercing sirens began to echo in the missile silo, and dozens of yellow warning lights kept flashing, reminding people that the missile silo at this time was completely closed to personnel.

"The countdown is over, the main engine of the rocket is started, and it is running in good condition. The rocket is lifted off, and everything is normal." The rocket, carrying a squadron of twelve AS personnel, flew towards Pompeii at a speed no less than a Hellfire-turned-superspeed backpack.

AS Special Forces, the abbreviation of the Federal Powered Armor Special Forces, is one of the three special forces of the Federation and the one with the smallest number of people in the Federation. The federal special forces have their own characteristics. The first is the Delta Special Forces, which has the largest number of people. This force of nearly 10,000 people draws talents from all branches of the military and is an elite force capable of completing various tasks.

Next is the Death Saber Force, which ranks third in number. This force does not bring together people from all over the world like Delta. In this army, all the people have Chinese blood, and the advantage brought by this blood is that this army has terrifying fighting, sneaking, and assassination capabilities. In the Imperial Ministry database, these two An army of less than a hundred people was defined by them as the highest danger level of SSS, and the notes also stated that this army was an army of all superpowers. In fact, the Death Saber relied on the practice of ancient martial arts as its selection criteria. (To be continued)

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