Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 430: The Last Troops of the Federation

The last special force of the Federation is the AS special service team that Qiao Jia just sent out. Strictly speaking, this unit is not an infantry unit, but a mecha unit. AS is an individual heavy armor system that the Aria Group had secretly researched before developing mechas. With the help of Night Mother's humanoid robot research data, the Aria Group had completed part of the test before the war broke out. sample. The completion of these samples also allowed Aria Group to complete the design and manufacturing of mechas in a short period of time. In the words of one of their design department personnel, the mecha is to enlarge the power armor eight times, and then install a cockpit and cheap joints and power systems, and that's it.

The appearance of power armor is similar to that of mecha, but its internal structure is much more complicated. After the surface armor is disassembled, every part of the power armor is surrounded by various power transmission devices. The most important thing is the inner link joints, which have dozens of small gears and hydraulic shafts. A power loop that increases strength without affecting joint flexibility. These items are designed to increase strength and flexibility for the humans who wear them. The considerations for mechas are much simpler. Human-like joint designs can be used at the joints instead of forming a structure surrounding the joints.

In addition to the joint structure, the power armor also uses a series of external power-assist devices. These link joints and the hydraulic axes at the joints can substantially improve the power of the AS. While the designers of Aria armored the AS, they also installed an ultra-small, high-efficiency jet engine on its back, allowing the AS to glide using ground effect like the Rangers.

However, these excellent functions gave power armor, which was developed earlier than mechas, a fatal flaw, that is, its requirements for operators are too high.

AS operators not only need to be able to adapt well to the incongruity caused by external assistance, but also need to be able to flexibly use weapon systems and ground-effect flight packs. You must know that it is difficult to overcome the discomfort of being placed in a small and closed environment. Otherwise, the soldiers' combat capabilities would not be greatly reduced after putting on chemical protective suits.

However, there are very few people who can not only overcome the small environment, but also adapt well to the incongruous feeling of wrong power. Only after these people passed complex AS operation training and cruel military special forces training could they become part of the one hundred and twenty people in the AS special service team.

If the Death Saber were called the blade of the Federation. The AS SWAT team is the strong shield of the Federation. Powered armor with armor capable of withstanding damage from most medium-sized weapons has become an indispensable bodyguard for protecting Federation dignitaries. In a team of 120 people, two commandos are responsible for protecting the seven members of the Supreme Council, while one commando is responsible for guarding the chamber of the House of Representatives. The remaining commando team is usually used as a mobile force to provide protection for important people moving around, such as General Qiao Jia, the supreme commander of the capital star during the current war.

The emergence of power armor troops, an almost terrifying performance in infantry combat. The federal high-level officials were excited. However, due to the expensive micro-power system and operational difficulties, the federal military had to give up its dream of fully militaryizing AS. It could only settle for the next best thing and approved the use of AS to form a special force. , which is the AS special service team at this moment.

However, the military bosses still did not give up on forming a force similar to power armor, so the clever Alicia provided them with a simplified version of the AS design, one that did not use expensive power rings and only used hydraulic pressure. The shaft provides hand and leg assistance, and the installation volume is large. A heavy weapon system with low working efficiency and cheap ordinary jet engines.

Compared with power armor, heavy armor lacks flexibility. However, its performance in terms of firepower and protection is not inferior at all. This design was approved almost as soon as it was proposed and became a sequence of federal infantry. It was just because it appeared very late and the price was not very cheap. So far, the Federation has only deployed one heavy support division on Earth, the home planet of mankind.

While the Aria Group formed the AS special service team for the federation, it also invested in the development of power armor auxiliary equipment. Among them, the one that satisfied the military the most was the extreme speed support system.

The extreme speed support system uses the Federation's most commonly used expedition-class heavy rockets. Drop a drop pod equipped with AS into an area that requires power armor support. The rocket will launch the drop capsule at an altitude of 13,000 meters, and then the big guy will fully activate the three deceleration jet engines installed on its side. At an altitude of 1800 meters. The three jet engines will automatically leave the drop cabin, and then the three hatches will be blown open. The ASs had less than a minute to jump out of the airborne capsule and use their power armor's ground-effect flight system to make a selective landing.

Qiao Jia looked at the rocket going away on the display screen and whispered: "I have tried my best. Now I can only pray that Boy Ye is okay."

In the Pompeii tunnels, Johnny and the others had covered their ears, and then Mike pressed the detonator heavily. Targeted explosives were detonated, blowing away a large amount of debris.

"Ahem, Mike, how much explosives did you use? How could it be so powerful?" Johnny, who was affected by the explosion, shook his dizzy head and asked angrily.

"I didn't expect the wreckage on top to be so thin, so I used a little more, Captain." Mike smiled at Johnny sheepishly.

"You idiot, you almost shocked everyone to death. Forget it, time is running out now, I will settle the score with you later. Everyone get on board, we have to rush to the fourth hangar."

Outside the fourth hangar, Ye opened the cockpit cover of his mecha with some difficulty, and what came into Ye's eyes, which made Ye's pupils shrink suddenly, was the huge mushroom cloud in the distance.

"Oh, my God." Ye climbed out of the mecha and was shocked by the scene in front of him. None of the houses around the street were now more than three floors, and all the buildings were burning, and the flames spread from the broken walls. and the window, the rising smoke combined with the dust of the nuclear explosion and enveloped the sky over Pompeii, making the already not very bright sunset even dimmer.

The silver bear's original color could no longer be seen, and it was now a pile of black scrap metal lying on the ground. The legs, hand joints, these weak points in the defensive armor have been melted and become one body. Even if the bear's power system was intact, Ye would not be able to let such a mecha stand up.

Seeing the miserable appearance of his mecha, Ye shook his head and lightly punched the mecha as a farewell to his comrade. But this gentle blow made Ye feel extremely painful.

"Tch, have you been injured by radiation? Now you're in trouble." Ye looked at his hands. The originally white and tender, girl-like hands turned an unusual pink color, and the dazzling little red spots told Ye that he was being eroded by a large dose of nuclear radiation.

Ye opened a backpack around his waist and quickly found a plastic film used for temporary warmth, wrapping his body around him. Although he knew that this was not very useful, it was better to have a layer of protection than to face him directly. The radiation against terror is much stronger.

"It would be nice if there was anti-radiation medicine." Ye looked at the mushroom cloud in the distance and thought, "But how could the resistance army have such a thing? The price of one injection of medicine is as much as a truckload of ammunition. It seems that this time Dead."

Suddenly, Ye felt a warmth in his nose. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and his hands were wet. Apparently, the capillaries in his nose could no longer withstand the damage of radiation and had ruptured.

"This is my first nosebleed since I joined the army. I hope the method I used when I was a child will work." Ye looked at the dazzling red color on her hands and couldn't help but think of her father who always asked her to practice the method silently when she had a nosebleed when she was a child. When the Dharma arises. The nosebleed stopped in just a few seconds.

As the mind moved, a slight heat began to flow from the Dantian to the limbs and bones. The feeling was no different from when I was a child. It still makes people feel comfortable and want to speak out. After running for a week, Ye reached out and touched his nose to make sure that the nosebleeds were no longer flowing.

"It's still as effective as when I was a child." Ye smiled and saw that there was no fresh blood on his index finger. Then, he made an even greater discovery. The red spots on his hands were significantly reduced.

Ye, who originally thought he was dead, immediately sat down cross-legged, and his mind that had stopped running started to run crazily again under Ye's urging. The small flow of heat in the body once again flowed throughout the body, and Ye also felt it every time this flow of heat flowed through. It brings out a trace of heat from the skin, healing his body.

"This heat is radiated energy," Ye thought. While speeding up the operation of the mental method again. When I was young, my grandfather once said that the mind can absorb the energy between heaven and earth. It was for his own use, but Ye had practiced for two years before he had the slightest bit of energy. This made Ye lose confidence in the efficacy of the mental method. He only used this thing as an exercise to strengthen his body, but he did not expect that what grandpa said at the time was That's absolutely right. Ye couldn't help but feel glad that she still remembered the inner thoughts instead of forgetting them in the back of her mind.

The heat flow flowed through Ye's body seven times, completely absorbing all the radiation in Ye's body. But on the eighth time, Ye realized that something was wrong. A large amount of radiation began to enter his body along his skin, flowing crazily. Entering the heat stream, your meridians will swell.

"You're too greedy. You shouldn't be running the mental method so fast." Ye slowly slowed down the speed of the mental method, but the violent energy still caused Ye to suffer serious internal injuries. He could only open his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, draining the blood from his internal organs. Stress relieves.

With a squeak, a hound stopped beside Ye. Johnny jumped out of the car and grabbed Ye, "Sir, are you okay? Why are you vomiting blood?"

"I'm fine, Johnny." Ye shook his head, which was a little dizzy from the energy in his body.

"It's okay, sir, we are going to inject you with anti-radiation medicine." Johnny took the injection handed over by his subordinates and pulled off the cap and said.

Ye tilted his neck and allowed Johnny to inject the medicine into his body. Then he held up the empty syringe and asked curiously, "How come you have such an expensive medicine?"

"I got it from the supply warehouse. I saw it was a new drug. I couldn't help but be curious, so I asked the supply staff to bring a box over to play with." Johnny's explanation made Ye feel dumbfounded, but it also gave Ye a message, that is Someone in the Resistance Army must have planned and arranged the ****, or else they could have prepared this kind of injection.

"I originally thought that someone deliberately tricked you and secretly hid the ***, but it seems that's not the case now." Ye climbed into the car and whispered.

"What did you say, sir?"

"It's nothing, Johnny, go find Wang Hui and the others. Their mechas are there."

Because Wang Hui and his three mechas were not prepared like Ye, all three mechas were blown to a building a hundred meters away and lay on the ground in an extremely inelegant posture. However, what made everyone who came over feel lucky was that although the armor on the cockpit covers of the three mechas had melted like the armor elsewhere, it did not lock the cockpits of the three mechas, otherwise the cockpits would have been opened. The job of covering it is enough for seven people without many tools to drink from a pot.

Wang Hui, Dennis and Lerina were still unconscious in the cockpit due to the impact. The helpless Johnny could only carry them into the car one by one and inject them with medicine. Ye Ye on the side felt lucky for their coma. If it weren't for the fact that they were comatose and stayed in the extremely sealed cockpit, I'm afraid these three little guys would have been killed by excessive radiation.

"Sir, where should we go next after we go to the pick-up point?" Johnny asked Ye Ye as he threw away the empty syringe in his hand and got into the car.

"Go east to Federal-occupied territory."

Three jeeps drove out from the burning Pompeii, under the afterglow of the setting sun, taking advantage of the chaos of the emperor, and drove towards a small oasis three kilometers away to the east, where Mrs. Ames arranged responders, and there are much faster Warthog Jeeps out there.

In the oasis, look for Shuyuan Ye was surprised to see the figure of Mrs. Ames among the responders. This elegant old man was wearing a federal military uniform and looked very distinguished.

"Long time no see, madam." Ye greeted the old man with a smile.

"Indeed, Ye, I didn't expect that our meeting again would be under such circumstances." Madam also gave Ye a smile back, but this smile contained a lot of helplessness.

Johnny and the others quickly activated the warthog, and then, with a trace of reluctance, installed delayed explosives on their hounds to prevent these vehicles from being used by the pursuers to pursue them.

A total of eleven warthogs in the convoy set off again, and on the way, Ye also knew why Mrs. Ames was waiting for them in the oasis. In fact, Johnny was not the first person to discover the ****. Mrs. Ames's guards were the first to discover the **** hidden in the Gobi warehouse. This also led to Zakayev's early discovery. carried out the assassination of Madam.

With the help of some resistance forces, Madame's guard troops escaped from the Gobi with a narrow escape, successfully got rid of their pursuers, and escaped the search force sent from Cambes. But without the radio station, they had no way to contact Ye Ye, so they could only rush to the Oasis, the scheduled connection point, around 3 p.m. (To be continued)

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