"Driving another twenty-seven kilometers southeast, we can see the largest river in the Tyrad Desert, the Lys River. After passing the Lys Bridge and driving thirty-four kilometers east, we can enter the Federal District." Johnny said The route was marked on the map, and the calculation results were told to Ye.

"So we can return to the Federation in one hour?"

"Yes, sir, one hour at most. The speed of this new car is really good." Nims, who was sitting in the back seat, patted the doorway of the car. The Warthog could still maintain a speed of nearly 120 kilometers on the harsh terrain of the desert. It is indeed worthy of praise.

However, Zakayev was not prepared to let Ye and the others leave so easily. Just when Ye and the others had seen the towering tower of the Reese Bridge, the sound of high-power turbine engines came from the sky. It was three resistance fighters. Moose gunship.

Seven jeeps driven by Mrs. Ames' guards immediately surrounded the convoy, and Car No. 3 driven by Mike also transferred Lerina from their car to Johnny's car. These people were ready to use the heat source of their own car engines to deflect the missiles fired at them from the three cars in the center.

The Moose's pilot fired deadly missiles at the convoy, and the convoy immediately changed direction. A Warthog broke away from the team, and the resistance on the car ignited itself in order to better attract the attention of the thermal sensor on the missile. With the spare gasoline cans on the car, the entire Warthog burst out with a light even brighter than the setting sun, and drove in the opposite direction of the convoy.

More than half of the missiles were immediately attracted by this most obvious hotspot, while the remaining missiles were also attracted by the two Warthogs leaving behind, away from the convoy.

Boom, dense explosions sounded, and it also announced that the twelve missiles in the first round of Moose's attack did not hit Mrs. Ames and Ye's Jeep as their pilots expected.

"Fly closer and then attack. Our missiles are not as smart as us." The leading pilot was obviously a little angry about the results he had achieved.

"Goodbye." The guards would not sit still and wait for death. They took out the particle rockets on their vehicles and shot at the helicopters in the sky. However, they shot at the high-speed moving helicopters during the high-speed bumpy movement. The hit rate of the missiles is really low, even if they use the latest ones from the Federation. A line-guided individual low-altitude defense missile with the longest guidance line.

Squeak, Mike, who was at the back of the convoy, resolutely stepped on his brakes. The Warthog, which was driving at high speed, swerved and stopped on the road. Mike took the particle rocket thrown by another person in the car and aimed it at the front. The moose.

"I can't hit accurately when I'm moving, but if I stand still I have no reason to miss. This man is the most powerful particle rocket launcher in the mobile battalion." Mike grinned, putting the moose into his aiming circle and pulling the trigger.

Two bursts of fire shot out. Drawing a wonderful arc in the air, under the incredulous eyes of the lead pilot, it hit the moose, which had already begun to perform a difficult maneuver, and blew the helicopter's propeller into the sky.

"Mike." Johnny looked sadly in the rearview mirror of his car. The parked Jeep was torn into pieces by the machine guns of the two helicopters that followed.

Mike's behavior caused the helicopters to distance themselves again, attacking from a distance with their remaining twenty-four missiles, firing them one by one, hoping to consume the remaining vehicles of the resistance.

Facing the missile, all the warthogs began to swing their butts, and the high-speed zigzag path caused the fireworks missiles to draw a crooked trajectory in the air. Then he plunged headlong into the sand next to the jeep. The high-speed maneuvering target could not be hit by one missile at a time. More than ten missiles came out one after another. Just blow up one Warthog.

Ye was very unhappy with the car that kept moving left and right. He was not one to fight back when being beaten. He directly took the particle rocket handed over by Nims and fired it at the two flies in the distance.

Ye's missile flew towards the target along with more than a dozen rockets. Through the guidance point in the sight, Ye secretly hid the figure of his own rocket behind the two rockets, where it would not be hit by the opponent's pilots. See, the warhead will not explode due to the tail flame of the rocket.

The two Mooses began to maneuver, aided by two massive jet engines. These big guys display agility and acceleration capabilities that belie their bulky appearance.

A swarm of rockets passed under the bellies of the two helicopters, except at night. The guards didn't even have time to pull up their missiles.

Ye Ye in the car suddenly raised his body, and the backward particle rocket guided the rocket upward at an astonishing angle. It barely missed the tail propeller of the front one and shot into the sky.

"Tch, I actually missed." Ye put down the weapon in his hand and watched his attack that missed the tail wing turn and fly towards the desert. Suddenly, Ye felt the particle rocket in his hand tighten, and the disguised rocket seemed to be pulled by something, turned over, and then kissed the tail of the helicopter behind him. A ball of fire exploded, blowing away the helicopter's tail propeller without a trace. The helicopter, which had lost its tail, spun in the air. Without a tail propeller to balance the torque caused by the rotation of the main propeller, it was lost in the crazy rotation. The height turned into a pile of burning wreckage on the sand. The other Moose didn't expect that his teammate would be shot down like this. In panic, he raised the altitude again and dodged far away.

"Damn, the guide line was rolled up by the tail propeller of the helicopter in front. I didn't expect such a comic effect." Ye looked at the guide line at the front of the particle rocket in front of him silently, sighing at the mystery of luck.

"As expected of you, sir, this can be done." Nims looked at Ye with admiration, making Ye feel quite embarrassed.

"Could it be that sir is the legendary lover of the goddess of luck?" Johnny also joked at night.

"Our danger is not over yet. Focus on driving, we are about to get on the bridge, Johnny." Ye Ke was not in the mood to joke. When he saw the convoy in front of him entering the approach bridge of Leith Bridge, Ye immediately reminded Johnny to prevent the tall man from driving the car to the bridge. Under the approach bridge.

The Warthog Jeep rushed onto the approach bridge at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers. On the other end of the bridge, there was a sudden roar. Three giant transport helicopters flew in from there. There was a Jeep hanging from the bottom of each plane. It was obviously stuck. Kaev did not think that relying on the air force could kill them. So when he was entangled by a moose in a convoy, he boarded the transport helicopter and circled to the front of the only road to the Federation.

A convoy of six vehicles passed the bridge at high speed. At this moment, the escaping moose suddenly flew diagonally toward the bridge. He fired all the rockets he carried at the convoy in the middle of the bridge.

Boom, continuous explosions occurred, and the missile with thermal guidance turned off directly hit the front of the Warthog where Ye was in the middle of the convoy. The huge explosion swept across the bridge deck with fire and debris, splitting the middle of the Rees Bridge in two.

In this case, Johnny had no time to step on the brakes. The Warthog passed through the explosion at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, leaped over the collapsing bridge deck, and hit the bridge on the other side hard.

Ye tried hard to shake his head, which was a little dizzy from the violent impact. Johnny beside him seemed to have just woken up, covering his head and groaning. The tall man's head hit the Warthog's solid steering wheel in the previous impact.

Ye looked around, then patted Johnny and said, "Johnny, I think we'd better get out of this damn place quickly."

"Yeah." Johnny put his head out of the car and immediately retracted it. At this moment, their Warthog was stuck at the bottom of the bridge section, and the reinforced concrete supporting them had obviously reached its limit. The ground behind the vehicle had begun to collapse and fell into the raging River Rees.

Johnny woke up Nims as quickly as possible, and Ye also carried Lelina, who was still unconscious, on her back. The actions of the four seemed to alarm the bridge. In an instant, the collapsed areas began to accelerate, opening its bloody mouth like a giant beast that chooses people to eat. Pounced on the four of them.

"Run." Johnny yelled and quickly ran down the slope to the intact bridge deck in the east. Ye followed closely behind. Although he was carrying a person on his back, with the help of his family's footwork, his speed was not slower than Johnny's. Instead, he showed a sense of freedom and ease, jumping among the rocks like an elf.

Johnny gasped and climbed onto the bridge, and then Ye Ye jumped up and put Lelina down gently. But at the end, Nims tripped over a crack as he approached, and the particle rocket he was carrying fell to the ground. It rolled and collapsed into the river.

"I've got you." Just when Nims was desperate, two hands stretched out from the bridge. Caught him tightly.

"Batalion Commander, sir."

"You're so heavy," Johnny said with a grin as his head emerged from the bridge.

"Pull him up quickly. Otherwise our hands will be broken."

Nims raised his neck and felt warm liquid flowing over his face. The red color was the blood of Johnny and Ye. Their arms were cut by the rough port of the bridge deck fault.

The two men who pulled Nims up ignored their wounds and immediately picked up their weapons. The convoy passing in front had already exchanged fire with the landing Zhajiev Guard Battalion personnel. Ye glanced at the situation on the battlefield. The fourth Warthog, the one in front of Ye's car, was blown to pieces in the explosion, while the three Warthogs at the front were not seriously damaged. It became a temporary bunker for the Resistance Army, while Mrs. Ames hid behind the third Warthog, holding an MK74, and fought with her soldiers.

"Give me a rifle." Ye, who hunched over to the third car, put his pistol on his back and asked a guard carrying two MK74s for weapons.

"Here." The black man handed the gun in his hand to Ye, "I'll throw the magazine on the ground and I'll take it myself."

"Okay." Ye looked at the magazine of the gun in his hand and found that there was still half of the ammunition. He crawled out from the side of the car and knocked down a Zakhaev guard to the ground with a precise three-point shot.

Ye's overall shooting performance, that is, shooting and hits, is among the top three in the federal standard test. A mk74 in Ye's hands not only maintains its proud shooting speed, but also has sniper capabilities. Rifle-like accuracy. Every time a three-point shot was fired, one person's head was always penetrated. Ye Yiyi, with his precise shooting and terrifying rate of fire, almost suppressed the attacks of three or four people on the opponent's side at the same time.

"Prepare particle rockets and blow up those jeeps that are in the way." Zakayev, who was in the rear transport helicopter, saw that his guards had no way to move forward, and gave the order to the soldiers who only knew how to rush forward. .

The six soldiers took out the particle rockets from the helicopter and then aimed and fired. Ye, however, could only kill two of them because he had no time to change the magazine of the gun in his hand. Two rockets hit the first Warthog. The three soldiers hiding behind the vehicle were unable to leave under the suppressed firepower of the other party. The vehicle was blown away by the explosion and rolled over the bridge wailing. The warthog in front of Ye was also hit by a rocket. Ye, who was hiding behind the car, only had time to protect his head before he was pushed away by the blast and fell heavily onto the bridge.

Ye felt that his left hand had lost all feeling, and his legs seemed to be cut open by something, causing unbearable pain. Ye tried hard to support his body with his right hand, but the imbalance caused by the explosion made him only able to lift his head. Ye's ears seemed to be temporarily deafened by the shock, and Ye could not hear a trace of gunshots. The heavy dizziness made Ye see the scene with double images, but Ye could still distinguish the wreckage of the third Warthog next to him, and the fallen car. Johnny and his wife, who do not know whether they are alive or dead.

A big hand grabbed Ye's collar and dragged Ye forcefully behind the wreckage, trying to drag him out of the dangerous bridge without any cover. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com

Ye raised his head and looked up, and found that Nims, whose face was covered in blood, was dragging him. In the black man's right hand, a pistol was shooting at those who tried to attack him.

Ye was stuck for a moment. The pistol attached to his waist was stuck in a crack in the bridge, which made Nims unable to drag Ye anymore.

"Hide quickly." Ye wanted to say this, but he found that no sound came out of his mouth. He could feel the enemy's bullets getting denser and denser, but he could not alert the person who wanted to save him. The tall man stayed out of danger.

Nims tried a few more times and found that there was no way to drag Ye anymore. The tall man showed a trace of regret and frustration on his face, but this expression only flashed past. Then, his face was filled with fortitude and he threw away He took off the small pistol in his hand, resolutely took off the heavy machine gun on his back, and started shooting wildly.

"Are you struggling to the death?" Zakev stepped out of the helicopter and looked at the bridge. There was only one soldier of Mrs. Ames fighting there, but just such a heavy machine gun actually suppressed seven of his men, leaving these people helpless. Raise your neck. With a grin, Zakayev picked up a MK74 from the body of his men, played with it for a while, and then set the crosshair firmly on the figure four hundred meters away. (To be continued)

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