Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 434 The Empire is Preparing

"Wait a minute, Marshal Long Aoshi's daughter-in-law, wasn't that night..." Zoro's mind stopped.

"You are also a general. You should also know something about the situation of the Federal Supreme Council. Although I know you have that kind of temper, neither your father nor I want you to simply become a warrior. There are some political things that still need to be dealt with. I understand, Sauron." The old man smiled and shook his head. He knew that Sauron was a very good general on the battlefield, but he could not become a marshal if he did not understand politics.

Sauron nodded, but the old man who knew Sauron still saw that the guy in front of him did not listen to his advice. He could only shake his head helplessly and continued to explain: "The Long family has a family motto that all descendants must reach adulthood. Afterwards, they have to leave the protection of the family and explore the world alone. Only after meeting the requirements of the family can they be recognized by the family. This is why the elites of the Long family have become an indispensable pillar of the federation. The children of the Long family who join the army, The minimum requirement is to have the rank of major general. Unfortunately, Ye's father, Long Zhentian, passed away with only the rank of lieutenant colonel. This made Yu Fei, a child, have to reach the rank of lieutenant general in order to be recognized by the family. The previous generation did not get it. With the approval of the family, the next generation must meet higher requirements, which is really a strict family motto."

"Ye Xiaozi's Chinese name?"

"Well, the old guy Long Aoshi got it at the beginning, but he is not qualified to use this name after he turns sixteen, unless he can become a special lieutenant colonel. Haha, that kid is already a special major, and he is close to being recognized by the Long family. Ah." The corner of Einstein's kind mouth twitched slightly, because he was the only one who understood that Ye's surname was Long. It was not simply that his last name was "Long", but that it represented a huge family.

As for a family that can use dragon as its symbol, Einstein knew very well what kind of existence it was.

"Sir, Major Ye Chel has received a message. The posture of Night God's Hammer has been adjusted and the target has been locked. The charging time is 30 minutes away." The correspondent interrupted the chat between the two. Reported the latest situation of Night God's Hammer to Sauron.

In the universe, a slender but extremely bright laser shot out from the middle of the four gun rails of the Night God's Hammer, penetrating the atmosphere of the capital star and shining on the center of the Gobi.

On the ground, this red laser was extremely dazzling in the night. Seeing it, Ye got into his own Pluto and called to Richard and the others: "Let's go. Get on the mecha and let's watch the fireworks."

"This is Ye. The Chinese special-grade major is notifying all air force transport units in the Gobi region to quickly deploy airborne troops and then follow the Hellfire Wing to leave. Although I don't know whether the particle beam will produce emp shock waves when it attacks the ground, but for your sake To be safe, stay as far away from the Gobi as possible." Ye issued the air force evacuation order in accordance with Qiao Jia's wishes. General Qiao Jia did not want most of his air force to turn into debris in the desert after the performance of Night God's Hammer. .

The galaxies, which have been hovering outside the Gobi and away from the Gobi anti-aircraft missile attack area, opened their cargo compartments to reveal the goods they carried inside. Mechas and mammoths.

Umbrella flowers opened in the air, and then Galaxy and Hellfire immediately turned around and left at full speed. Pilots don't dare to bet on whether the Night God's Hammer will cause some terrifying emp shock waves. So it’s better to stay as far away as possible. The air force is quite vulnerable to EMP attacks. Once the system crashes, there is no way to survive if the system is not restored before falling to the ground. The hatch cover locked by the hydraulic system cannot be easily repaired by manpower even without air pressure. opened. There is only one ending for falling to the ground, and that is death.

The federal troops in Bechi Town mobilized and left the town, followed by the Empire's troops. Although the Empire lost a large number of mecha troops in the Battle of Pompeii, their infantry troops suffered little loss. . Still able to devote a battalion of troops to follow Ye and the others.

"Sir, we have a tail." Richard, who noticed the smoke and dust behind the troops, connected the night communication.

"The troops of the empire. Let them follow. Anyway, the purpose of this time is to show the Hammer of Night God." Ye controlled the flashlight above Pluto's head and used Morse code to greet the red-eyed squadron flying over his head. He said nonchalantly.

"The Hammer of the Night God must be a very terrifying weapon. Five minutes before the bombardment, the particles coming out of the muzzle alone had already interrupted our long-distance communications." Smith sighed as he looked at the desert swarms appearing on the horizon in the distance. road.

In space, Ye Chel's five-minute countdown communication made Zoro rub his hands in excitement, and his anxious expression made Einstein on the side shake his head.

"Three minutes countdown." Ye Chel, who was in the control room of the Night God's Hammer, was also very excited. Every minute, he would report the situation to Sauron through the communication line between the Night God's Hammer and the New Orleans.

At this moment, the body of the Hammer of the Night God is like a lamp flashing with strong light. The high-density particles are tightly constrained by four guide rails in the body composed of a magnetic field, and the magnetic field at the muzzle is relatively small. In the weak part, a large number of particles overflowed, forming a gradually fading light path along the route of the bombardment.

"Attention Fourth Fleet, don't forget to monitor the Imperial fleet next to you while admiring it." While looking at the beautiful scene in front of him, Sauron informed his fleet through a secret channel. He didn't want his men to just watch the fireworks. The vigilance mission was relaxed.

"One minute countdown," Ye Chelton reported.

The cannon body of Night God's Hammer was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it, and at the muzzle, the scattered particles formed an arrow of light that was enough to pierce the atmosphere.

"Sir, look." Joe on the ground was the first to notice the strange phenomenon above the Gobi. The light spots were like flying elves, condensing and dissipating above the Gobi.

"The particle concentration over the Gobi can already make the particles appear luminous. It is indeed a terrifying weapon." Ye knew that once the concentration of rice particles exceeds a certain level, they will become luminous.

The beam of light in the sky is getting brighter and brighter, and Ye Chel in space has also entered a half-minute countdown. All the federal soldiers in the Fourth Fleet began to count down to the sound of Ye Che's voice, even the extremely steady Dr. Einstein was no exception.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Fire." The Night God's Hammer cannot store such a huge amount of energy in the barrel. After it is charged to 100% and reaches the critical point. The control system automatically turned off the shielding magnetic field at the muzzle. The raging particle flow found a vent, and huge energy erupted instantly.

People in space felt that their eyes suddenly went dark. Immediately, the fleet seemed to be given a slight push, slightly disrupting the originally neat battle formation.

"It's so scary. We are so far away and we are still swept away by the escaping particle flow." Sauron knew that the vibration of the battleship was caused by the particle flow that escaped due to the cannon attack of the Hammer of Night. But I still couldn't help but sigh, because the New Orleans was at least one kilometer away from the Hammer of Night. Such a long distance and such a massive warship was still shaken by the aftermath of the bombardment. One can imagine the terrifying power of the Night God's Hammer.

"Indeed, the power is beyond my calculation." Einstein was very satisfied with the performance of Night God's Hammer. The red-faced old man could not close his mouth with laughter at this moment.

The Imperial Fleet and Buos Fleet near the Fourth Fleet also contacted their headquarters again immediately and sent out the image data of the Night God's Hammer shooting.

Just as people in space were shocked by the performance of Night God's Hammer, people on the ground were also waiting for Night God's power.

A hazy pillar of light had formed over the Gobi, and Ye was counting the time silently in his heart. When the number zero softly popped out of his mouth, Ye felt that the world seemed to have stopped.

A light dragon that was hundreds of billions times brighter than the light beam followed the light beam and hit the Gobi. The powerful light forced Pluto to stop the night vision mode. Switch to strong light mode for desert daytime use.

The light dragon in the center of the Gobi took up residence at the landing point, slowly forming a light group until the light dragon ended. This light group expanded at high speed like an inflated balloon, spreading in all directions from the Gobi.

In Pluto's monitor, the Gobi far away on the horizon began to leak out countless sky-like lights from the inner canyons, and then these lights gradually expanded to cover the entire Gobi.

"Be prepared for the emp shock wave, prepare for the collision." Ye Tong knew, and at the same time, he controlled Hades to hide behind a sand dune, with only a monitor exposed to observe the desert in the distance.

A mushroom cloud almost identical in shape to a bomb explosion rose over the Gobi. Just in terms of color, the mushroom cloud formed by the Night God's Hammer seems slightly paler. However, the highly destructive nature represented by the mushroom cloud has not diminished at all. The powerful shock wave carried countless flying sand and rocks and spread around the Gobi.

In the Pluto cockpit, the red light on the left side of the night warning of the EMP attack also flashed. It shows that the particle beam attack of Night God's Hammer will also cause emp impact. But the longer distance makes this attack less powerful than the electromagnetic attack of a Tiger electromagnetic whip.

Almost as soon as the flashing red light stopped, a terrifying wave of air swept over. Ye hurriedly manipulated his Hades to hide behind the sand dunes. The sand and stones carried in the air waves can easily scratch the protective glasses. These scratches will more or less affect the mecha's surveillance system. This is not what Ye wants to see. Moreover, when the guys in the maintenance class see such scratches, they will nag in the pilot's ear for a long time. He hates trouble the most at night, but he is most afraid of others nagging in his ear.

The shock wave came and went quickly. That night, after they gently shook off the sand and dust covering the mecha, the effects of the attack were displayed in front of the four of them. The Gobi group that originally looked quite spectacular on the horizon was reduced by almost half in this attack, and its middle was also ignited with flames reaching into the sky.

"Let's get closer and take a look." Pluto of the Night left the sand dune covering his mecha at the earliest opportunity. With the help of the leg engines, he hovered and slid towards the desert at high speed, while the three members of the Snow Night Duke Commando followed closely behind.

The closer they got to the Gobi, the more shocked Ye and the others were. The sand gradually connected together, reflecting the firelight in the distance. Qiao couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh my God, it's glass."

"The high temperature generated by the attack can actually turn the ground so far away into glass." Smith also looked at the ground with some fear.

"Very good, very powerful." Richard praised in a very embarrassing way.

"Haha, I'm looking forward to seeing the scene in the Gobi." Ye smiled.

The Gobi Canyon, which was originally a bit narrow and could only accommodate vehicles, has been widened a lot. At least at night, their mechas can move freely through it. The rock walls on the left and right were as straight as if they had been cut with an axe, without the various protrusions that Ye Yuan had seen before.

"Sir, our navigation system does not seem to be interfered with." Smith connected to Ye's communication and reported. He remembered that Ye had told them that after entering the desert, the navigation system might be inexplicably interfered with.

"Oh? Is the navigation system back to normal?" Ye Wensheng looked down at the pointing system on his mecha. The map on the screen did not flicker like before because of the constant changes in direction.

"It seems that the hammer of the Night God has completely destroyed the Gobi desert." Qiao controlled his mecha to turn 180 degrees, and his navigation system still worked normally.

The four mechas entered the center of the Gobi under the leadership of Ye. The original Gobi base of the resistance army had turned into a large pit with a depression of more than ten meters. All the base facilities, together with the rocks hiding them, were destroyed by the beam of the Night God's Hammer. broken down into the most primitive molecules.

Pluto ignited the engine on his back and looked for Shuyuan www. jumped to the center of the pit. Ye looked around and calculated the diameter of the crater. "The diameter of this crater completely exceeds the Gobi base. Haha, it seems that the most important base of the Resistance Army has been evaporated from the world by the Night God's Hammer."

"The power of the Night God is beyond the power of mortals." Standing on the edge of the pit, Richard suddenly said something very awesome, which made everyone look at him.

"Indeed." Ye was stunned for a moment and then nodded in agreement, because he understood very well what Richard's seemingly magical words meant.

Without the influence of the Night God's Hammer, the high-concentration rice particles dissipated very quickly. After just ten minutes, they could no longer interfere with remote communications. And just as the rustling sound in the communicator in Pluto's cockpit disappeared, Ye got good news.

The federal army that established a cordon in the northern Gobi intercepted a convoy, and sitting on the armored vehicle in the middle of the convoy was Asazo, the new leader of the resistance army.

"Sir, the other party is requesting surrender." The person who connected Ye's communication was Captain Keyes of the Sand Scorpion Commando. This captain, who had a close relationship with Ye, sent Asazo's surrender message to Ye. (To be continued)

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