Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 435 The Soaring Goddess

Without any words on the screen, Ye nodded directly and said, "That's right." Ye understood that it was the leaders of the Resistance Army who really needed to be taught a lesson, not the low-level soldiers of the Resistance Army. Contrary to Ye's distasteful attitude toward the senior officials who supported Zakayev, Ye still had a good impression of, and even some admiration for, the lower-level soldiers of the Resistance Army. However, this attack by Night God's Hammer cannot be canceled because of its goodwill towards some low-level soldiers, because the Federation needs to establish its power once to give those guys who are trying to fish in troubled waters in the war between the Federation and the Empire a warning and a deterrent. . At the same time, he also told the Empire that although the Federation took the initiative to sign a peace agreement with the Empire due to internal problems, this did not mean that the Federation's military strength on the battlefield was at a disadvantage. On the contrary, the Federation's combat power was still strong.

The Hammer of Night in space began to enter the recovery state, and the Fourth Fleet, under the command of Sauron, cleverly inserted between the Imperial C excitement fleet and the Hammer of Night to separate the two. The Hammer of Night in the recovered state is as fragile as when it was deployed. As long as the gun rail without magnetic field and armor protection is hit by a beam the size of a mecha machine gun, the entire gun rail may be completely scrapped. , and the gun rails used by the Hammer of Night are all manufactured and transported from the earth. Regardless of the high cost and long manufacturing time, the transportation cost and time alone are surprising and unwilling to do it again. Try numbers.

The Federation seemed to know that the Imperial commander would be hesitant to take this opportunity to destroy the Hammer of Night, and another fleet entered their warning circle.

"Fourth Fleet, this is the Third Fleet, it seems we missed a good show." Lieutenant General Lewis, commander of the Third Fleet, contacted Admiral Sauron.

"Lewis, you missed a rare fireworks ceremony." Sauron smiled. Although Lewis arrived half an hour later than he expected, it had no impact on the entire plan.

"This is the Federation's Fourth Fleet and the Federation's Third Fleet. We are about to return. Empire Mobile Fleet C, thank you for escorting us all the way, Federation Three-Star Admiral George Sauron." Sauron euphemistically issued the ejection order.

"This is the Imperial Mobile Fleet C. I wish your army all the best. Imperial Rear Admiral David Betty." The Imperial Fleet Commander appeared on the screen at this moment. When the third fleet appeared in the fleet's monitor, he wisely gave up his plan to destroy the Hammer of Night and chose to leave. Although the Imperial Fleet has a chance to destroy the Hammer of Night with a desperate blow, this chance is too slim. Because the mechas of the Third Fleet have long joined the ranks of protecting the Hammer of Night God. At that time, David thought that these mechas were the distant vigilance troops of the Fourth Fleet. Seeing the density of mechas around Night God's Hammer at this moment, David knew that he was confused by Sauron.

"As expected of the admiral of the Federation Fleet, he hid the mecha in the shadow of Night God's Hammer so that we could not detect it, and then passed through the distant Third Fleet's non-stop fire during the long hour of Night God's Hammer shooting. Come on. The mecha troops guarding the Hammer of Night God unknowingly reached the number that the two fleets can carry. No wonder I have been wondering why some of the mechas on guard in the distance take off and land so frequently. It turns out that it is After hearing what the other party said, these mechas simply returned to the battleship to replenish energy." David directed his fleet to leave while thinking through the whole thing.

"Hahaha." The two middle-aged men looked at the departing imperial fleet and laughed. Apparently they thought that the other party had been severely tricked by them.

"Lewis, your mecha unit is not late, so why is your fleet late?" Sauron asked after smiling.

"If you don't ask, I almost forgot to tell you, Sauron." Lewis smiled mysteriously, "The new Third Fleet is here, and they seem to be guarding some important items. We happened to be there when some of the transport ships docked. We were preparing to leave the port, but the tower gave priority to the behemoths inside, which delayed our departure time. But fortunately, I asked the mecha troops to set off from the battleship early. The universe is good, and the mechas have flown so far, so they can’t consume it. How much energy.”

"Indeed, just charging the mechas of your fleet will take a lot of time, haha. But what is the third fleet escorting? Have I notified the tower to give priority to your fleet in everything?"

"These transport ships have the highest secret and highest priority clearance in the military from the Supreme Command. What does the priority clearance of a little three-star general like you count?"

"You guy, haha." Zoro laughed and cursed.

"But speaking of it, these transport ships don't seem to be military transport ships."


Lewis ordered the correspondent on his battleship to call up a video and send it to the New Orleans, saying: "Look at that ship emblem. It has not been logged in to our army."

Zoro looked at the blue ship emblem on the white transport ship. In his influence, there was indeed no fleet that used such a ship emblem, because this one looked like it was upside down? The symbol looks nothing like any number.

"That's the emblem of the Aria Group's private fleet." Einstein said with a smile beside Zoro.

"Aria Group, isn't that the group of that little girl Alicia? It seems that Ye Boy has good equipment to equip again. I'm jealous." Zoro rubbed his hands. Staring at the transport channels with bright eyes.

"Speaking of the transport ships, there is another secret message that has arrived with the transport ships." Lewis suddenly said seriously, "Three-star Admiral Sauron, the following message can only be transmitted through military short-wave communications. It is forbidden to use long-range communications that are easy to be intercepted. .”

"Understood, Lieutenant General Lewis."

"The Federal Supreme Council has now received accurate information proving that members of the Federal Supreme Council Wang Hong and Mercedes Testa Rosa have committed treason. The current military police should quickly arrest members of the Wang family and Testa Rosa. The above .”

"Hey, it seems that there are only five of the seven nobles left. I hope the Death Saber can be merciful and leave a little blood to the two families." After hearing the news, Einstein sighed, but then shook his head gently. Shaking his head, "The Death Saber never shows any mercy in its attacks. I can only pray that some of the more flexible or unknown descendants of the two families can escape this disaster."

Sauron looked at the old man strangely, as if he didn't understand why the old man wanted a trace of blood from these two rebellious families to remain in the world.

As if he felt Sauron's gaze, Einstein's self-deprecating mouth curled up slightly: "Those two old guys and I had many classes in the same classroom. At that time, Long Aoshi, Ye Kesim, Gu Ranma, Seaman, and Manstein are all together and in harmony, but now..."

"Aren't the seven major families always united? How could these two families suddenly rebel?"

"What Gulanma has determined is not wrong. Haha." Einstein said with a wry smile.

"Indeed, Speaker Gulanma's reputation is unrivaled in the Federation." Sauron nodded.

"That means the two families have indeed committed treason. Lao Hong, I can guess a thing or two. As for the Mercedes guy, I have no idea at all."

"Can you guess the reason for the Wang family's treason?" A gossipy expression appeared on Sauron's face. Although he hates politics, people who know him well know that under this guy's rough appearance, there is a gossipy heart hidden.

"The fate of number one and number three." Einstein sighed, "The Long family is the largest family in China, and the Wang family is the third largest family. But originally the gap between the two was not very big. The Long family is bigger and the Long family is smaller, which makes the Wang family have a lot more control over many forces than the Long family. However, the elites of the Long family for generations have expertise in some fields, especially important fields, that the Wang family cannot match. Among people in the world In the eyes, it’s like the Long family is always directing the Wang family.”

"The Wang family can't stand the fact that the Long family is above them. Is that why?"

"No, the Wang family is self-aware. The Long family is indeed better than them, and they are also willing to help the Long family. But the combination of Zhentian and Elsa broke the balance between the Long family and the Wang family."

"Ye Xiaozi's father and mother?"

"Well, the Huaxia family is also a prosperous family. They took this marriage as an opportunity to begin to replace the Wang family's positions. They have the same abilities. According to the character of the Huaxia people, they naturally take relatives. Their own status is threatened. There was a rift in the relationship between the Wang family and the Long family, but it was not enough to break until Elsa's space shuttle crashed. Presumably Ao Shi also got the news. It was the Wang family who deliberately leaked Elsa's itinerary to the empire. ,well."


"It's true." Einstein nodded heavily. "Although this kind of thing has reached the bottom of Long Aoshi, due to the restrictions of other families, the Long family may not be able to take action against the Wang family. And this time the five major families Acting together, it must be Lao Hong who wants to touch the Aria Group. He is confused. Although the Aria Group is the property of the Florence family, he does not know that it is the Long family, the Huaxia family, and the Florence family. The Si family and the Besman family were established together, doesn't this give Ao Shi a chance to deal with him?"

"Then the Federation is not in civil strife?"

"There was already an undercurrent surging when the armistice order was issued. It should have calmed down now, otherwise the Aria Group's fleet would not have left here at this moment." Einstein frowned and looked in the direction of the distant earth.

The Federation's home planet Earth, the New Venice Military Port has entered a state of martial law. Countless armed soldiers and heavy troops have surrounded this military base located in a tourist resort.

"I'm back on Earth. New Venice is so beautiful." Io, who was sitting in the shuttle, admired as he looked through the porthole at the water city below.

"Yes." Yufang's mood was still a little low. Yulan's unconsciousness made this usually lively girl become taciturn.

"Don't worry, Sister Yufang, Sister Alicia will definitely be able to wake up Sister Yulan." Iao gently held Yufang's hand and comforted her.

"Thank you, Iao." Yufang reluctantly showed a smile to Iao.

The huge shuttle carrying the members of the Death Commando landed steadily on the runway of the military port. As the ramp was lowered, several cars surrounded them. The one running at the front was an ambulance, and the medical staff inside swarmed out almost as soon as the car stopped and rushed up the ramp. Then Magnolia was gently carried out on a stretcher.

Alicia also walked out of a limousine that followed, her right hand shining with a faint blue light, and she gently placed it on Magnolia's forehead.

"Huh, it's just a slight compression of the nerves and no damage to the brain." The girl who used the sensory ability breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that Yu Lan's condition was not in a very bad condition.

"How long will it take for my sister to wake up?" the impatient Yufang asked immediately.

"The blood clots in Yulan's brain are small. Our equipment can completely remove them in just three hours. But when Yulan wakes up depends entirely on herself. If it's fast, it may only take an hour. If it's slow, it may take only an hour." Just a week." Apparently the Aria Group has done a lot of human experiments, and Alicia immediately gave the answer.

"If the soul is stimulated, it will definitely wake up in just ten minutes." Limu, standing next to Alicia, said softly.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Limu. It seems that you are the only one who can stimulate the soul." Alicia reached out and stroked the girl's little head.

"Well, Sister Alicia." The little Loli nodded vigorously.

"Then let's go to the hospital quickly." Iao grabbed Yufang and was about to get into Alicia's car, but suddenly a big hand stretched out from the side and gently grabbed the little witch's ear. .

"My dear granddaughter, you want to run away when you see grandpa not saying a word?" An old man wearing a marshal's uniform, with snow-white temples but still full of energy, gently pulled the little witch's ear and said.

"Grandpa." Iao turned around and saw the old man. With tears in his eyes, he threw himself directly into the old man's arms.

"Who is the marshal?" Yufang asked Alicia curiously.

Alicia waved her hand and signaled for the ambulance to send Yulan for treatment first, and then replied: "Marshal Manstein von Beismann, the marshal of the armored forces known as the Iron-Blooded Lion."

"Yes, Iao's surname is Bisman, and her grandfather is a marshal, so there is only Marshal Bisman." Seeing that her sister had been sent to medical treatment, Yufang also regained her lively nature. Find Shuyuan

"Well, as a lieutenant general, how could I have the right to impose martial law on a military base?" Alicia smiled.

After Io greeted his grandfather, he immediately returned to Alicia. Although she missed her parents very much and wanted to talk to her grandfather more, she decided to go to the hospital first to see how Yulan was being treated.

"You can't keep a female college student." The old marshal smiled and patted the little head of his most doting granddaughter.

"Grandpa Manstein can also go and sit at the Aria headquarters." Alicia smiled at the old marshal.

"No, haha, I'm still very busy. It's not like you, a weird little girl, who manages such a big group, but still often has time to drink tea and play with Athena, Akara and the others." Manshi Marshal Tanin waved his hand and said.

"You don't have to do everything yourself, and Anna, Akali, Erica, and Alice also helped me a lot. Helen Hill and Aunt Helen haven't retired either." (To be continued.)

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