"Haha, you girls from the Florence family are all eloquent. This old man like me is no match for you. Let's go. The military department still has a lot of things to deal with." Manstein said on his side Feeling impressed by the excellence of the girls in the Florence family, he shook his head and got into his car.

The Florence family is the head of the seven nobles of the Federation, but this family is the only one among the seven nobles that does not rely on blood inheritance. The members of the Florence family have no blood connection. They are all young girls with excellent qualifications selected by the Florence family from tens of millions of orphans across the federation. After they are selected by the family's organization, they begin to receive training in fields that match their qualifications and do not conflict with their interests. Of course, such training, like other projects, is sky-high.

Among the nearly one hundred girls, more than ten will meet the family's highest requirements and officially become members of the Florence family, as well as its affiliated military family, the Flo family, and the Lens family, which controls the supernatural association. Although the remaining dozens of girls have not been given surnames by their families, they can still become the pillars of the Federation. Of course, most of them will choose to stay and work in the Aria Group to repay their families for lifting them out of poverty. They were adopted from an orphanage and given the grace to raise them with their skills.

Compared with other families who cultivate talents from people with family blood, the Florence family cultivates much more talents, and the qualifications of the people are much better. After all, her foundation for selecting and cultivating talents is thousands of people in the entire federation. Thousands of orphans, instead of dozens or hundreds of family members. It is because of this selection mechanism that the Florence family, an emerging family with a far less distant history than the other six major families, successfully survived the difficult period of being jointly suppressed by the eleven major families of the original federation, and successfully succeeded in taking over the leadership of the Federal Supreme Council. The number of seats was expanded to twelve. Later, he rose to prominence during the Federation Rebellion and became the head of the seven nobles of the Federation. He has occupied the position of Federal Speaker for a long time.

The Florence family of the previous generation was named starting with the letter "g", including Federation Speaker Gulanma Florence and the current only female marshal of the Federation, Gursinas Flo. The president of the Federal Superpower Association, Gemelia Lens, is the most famous. Among this generation of girls starting with the letter a, there is Alicia Florence, the controller of the Aria Group. Athena Lens, who has the title of soul singer, and Akara Lens, the vice-president of the Superpower Association known as the Queen of Roses, and a plant-type psychic, attracted the most attention.

"What an enviable family." Manstein sighed slightly. The girls in the Superpower Association and the military department all occupy enviable positions, and Yaya, who controls 80% of the private enterprises in the federation, The Aria Group is even more enviable. "Fortunately, I listened to Aoshi and participated in the initial construction of the Aria Group and became one of the shareholders. Otherwise, I would have been as depressed as the old Jerry of the Einzbern family." Yeah, haha."

The Aria Group did not promote their new medical equipment, so the convoy did not drive to the nearest New Venice Military Port Hospital, but drove to the headquarters of the Aria Group, which is located in the R\u0026D Park in the center of New Venice. Asia Group's medical trials department and equipment capable of treating Magnolia.

New Venice is an artificial island created by people in the beautiful Mediterranean. This artificial island, which is far opposite to Venice, has the same extremely pleasant climate and scenery as its template Venice, and it also has waterways extending in all directions. In addition to the waterways that dot the town, New Venice has four highways leading to its core area, the headquarters of the Aria Group. One of them is a road specially used by the military and connected to the New Venice Military Port. One is for the loading and unloading of goods by the Aria Group headquarters, and is also convenient for the public, connecting the New Venice Air and Sea Private Port. One is a highway for independent use by Aria Group researchers, connecting the Aria Group employee villa area and the headquarters, and the last road is connected to the third and third highways, surrounding the entire central part of New Venice. ring highway.

In the car driving fast on the highway, the two girls were attracted by the scenery flashing outside the window. Their two little faces were pressed against the car window with excitement on their faces.

"Sister Alicia. Isn't the new Venice all gondolas and no mechanical boats?" Yufang asked, pointing to the Venetian boats running on the waterway.

"Mechanical boats travel on the Grand Canal that runs through the entire city. Small waterways cannot accommodate them."

"Then why not expand the waterway? Mechanically powered ships not only save labor, but are also much faster." Iao asked with some confusion.

"That is to preserve the ancient atmosphere of Venice. Except for the four highways and the electric boats running on the canals, all the buildings and means of transportation in the entire New Venice retain the medieval style of Venice, at least in appearance. Today's Venice is already modernizing The ancient style was lost during the transformation. In order to preserve the precious heritage left by our ancestors, the Supreme Council proposed to build a new Venice, a water city with a medieval style."

"Hey, is the Liard Bridge across the Grand Canal really built in 1592 AD?" Yufang asked in surprise with her mouth wide open.

"Of course, except for the new military port and the Aria Group headquarters and their ancillary facilities, most of the other buildings in New Venice were moved from Venice. Unfortunately, many ancient buildings were destroyed during modern renovations, and they can only be restored in the original Carry out imitation in the position." Alicia sighed and shook her head. At the beginning of the space voyage, people used the sea as a landing site for space shuttles. This could save the construction cost of expensive ultra-long runways required for space landing, and also facilitate popularization. As a result, a large number of seaside cities were transformed into space ports. As a very large port city on the Mediterranean, Venice also joined this transformation. A large number of ancient buildings were replaced by new buildings, making Venice a cultural city that does not deserve its name. Reality.

However, fortunately, some cultural protectors from the Chinese family and the Besmann family who controlled Europe at that time preserved and moved many Venetian buildings. Otherwise, in today's New Venice, at least more than two-thirds of the buildings and more than three-thirds One-third of the places of interest need to be imitated.

"Then when my sister gets better, we will go to the Bridge of Sighs, St. Mark's Campanile and St. Mark's Square."

"I also want to go to the La Fenice Opera House, ride the gondola, and I must buy Murano glassware, eh. And I want to eat buttered potatoes."

"No problem, Io, you actually know about buttered potatoes?" Alicia smiled.

"Of course, my brother got married and came to New Venice for his honeymoon. When he came back, he said he must try the buttered potatoes."

Aria Headquarters is a city within a vast city. This wall that looks thousands of years old contains dozens of equally ancient castles inside. But the interior of these castles has a completely opposite feeling than the appearance.

"Welcome to the Aria Group." The car stopped in front of a castle with a red cross logo painted on the top, and Alicia was the first to get out of the car with a smile.

"This is completely different from what it looks like from the outside." Iao said with some surprise when he came inside the castle. There were no bluestone steps, ancient murals and elegant and polite housekeepers in the castle as she had imagined in her family's castle on the outskirts of Berlin. All she could see were silver-white walls made of high-tech alloys and flashing information displays. screens and hurried staff.

"Hehe, this way." Alicia led the two girls to an elevator.

In the huge basement, Yulan was lying on a white hospital bed, and a huge ring-shaped machine was slowly rotating around the girl's head.

"How is the situation?" Alicia, who had put on sterile clothing, asked the doctor who was recording data.

"The instrument operates stably. Moreover, the blood clot is easier to remove than expected and does not solidify very hard, so the operation can be completed in only two hours."

"Very good." Alicia nodded, while Yufang beside her breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Just as everyone was quietly watching the area showing blood clots on the monitor getting smaller and smaller, a security guard came to Alicia and said: "Miss, a person claiming to be Li Lie, chairman of Spark Heavy Industries, is looking for you."

"Take him to the first reception room, I'll be there later." Alicia nodded gently, and then said to the two girls with doubts in their eyes: "It's Lian, Lin and An's father."

"Ah, by the way. There's also the matter of Sister Lin." Yufang and Yiao shouted. Lin arrived on Earth two weeks earlier than them, and Lin's case became very difficult because of Lin's military rank in the empire and the Wang family's deliberate attempts to make things difficult.

"Uncle Li Lie is probably here just because of Lin's affairs. Please go to the reception room with me."


In the reception room, Li Lie sat quietly on the sofa in the reception room. The anxiety and uneasiness in his heart made this usually calm middle-aged man frown, and there seemed to be a lot of white hair on his head, but there was a hint of determination in his expression.

"Uncle Li Lie, you are here." Alicia entered the reception room and greeted her best sister's father with a smile.

"Miss Alicia, I want to completely merge Spark Heavy Industries into the Aria Group." Li Lie dropped a bombshell as soon as he opened his mouth. This news caught Alicia off guard.

Seeing Alicia's somewhat surprised expression, Li Lie had a fleeting smile on his face, but Alicia's next words surprised him, "It was Grandma Gulsinas who told You do this."

"Yes. Marshal Long and Marshal Beisman also proposed the same thing." Li Lie nodded.

"This group of adults, in order to make the Aria Group stronger, did not hesitate to use this method to let uncle use Spark Heavy Industry in exchange for the support of the Supreme Command. Really..., don't they consider the feelings of Ye and me at all? Huh?" Alicia frowned slightly, obviously a little angry at her elder's behavior.

"And my feelings." Iao on the side also felt a little angry that his grandfather was involved in such a thing.

"Haha, the two young ladies don't have to blame the marshal and the others. This is also the intention of the Jerry family. Miss Alicia, you also know that if it weren't for the fact that Ciri is the second lady of the Einzbern family and let Starfire get the Einzbern family, Without the strong support of the Zbelen family, Xinghuo might not be able to achieve such an achievement.”

"But is Lin's situation really that bad?"

"If Spark Heavy Industries does not join the Wang Group, Marshal Wang Tian and Marshal Apduyi will try Linlin for treason, while Marshal Long, Marshal Flo and Marshal Besman will remain neutral. In addition, the Li family They will also be prosecuted for collaborating with the enemy. Although we have not done that, it is easy for the Wang family to do something to the Li family." Li Lie said with a wry smile. The two marshals recognized the crime of treason, and there are no other crimes. With the support of the marshal, his daughter's crime was definitely established, and there was only one punishment for being found guilty of treason, and that was hanging. Once Li Lin is found guilty of treason, the most favorable evidence will be obtained to accuse the family of collaborating with the enemy, and the entire Li family will be wiped out.

"Grandma, it's true. In exchange for their support, Spark Heavy Industries is merged into Aria Group?" Alicia sighed. She knew that her Grandma Gulsinas' business ability was as good as Grandma Gulanma's when she was young. This act of taking advantage of the opportunity to increase the strength of the Ariya Group must have been proposed by her, the business marshal, and not by someone without any business acumen. The idea of ​​Grandpa Long Aoshi and Marshal Manstein.


"The Wang family has gone too far, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com to be so aggressive." Iao shouted.

"The Wang family has indeed gone too far. Uncle Li, the merger is not a small matter. I need to discuss it with the directors before making a decision. I hope you can understand."

"I understand, Miss Alicia. I'm leaving." Li Lie breathed a sigh of relief. The directors of the Aria Group's board of directors are composed of people from the Florence family, the Long family, the Huaxia family and the Besman family, and The request for annexation was made by three of the families, and the merger was almost certain.

After Li Lie left, Iao immediately pulled Alicia and said, "Sister, we really want to merge with Xinghuo. That is the most important company of Sister Lian's father."

"Haha, there is nothing we can do about it. Even if the marshals support Li Lin, we will be unable to prevent the Wang family from plotting against the Li family. Although the Li family has Spark, the tenth largest heavy industry company in the federation, as a newly rising The gap between our family, whether it is the strength on the surface or the power behind the scenes, is really huge when compared to the Wang family, the third largest family in China."

"Then let's let the AS troops and the Death Saber protect the Li family so that the Wang family can't do anything." (To be continued.)

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