Alicia smiled and gave Io a slight headache and said, "Do you know what the procedures are for mobilizing those two troops?"

"As seems to require the permission of the Supreme Council." Io stuck out his little tongue, "But as for the Death Saber, it seems that they are actually loyal to the Long family."

"How did you know?" Alicia and Yufang were surprised at the same time. However, Alicia was surprised that Iao knew the news, while Yufang was surprised that as the most terrifying special forces in the federation, he was not Loyal to the Federation but to the Long family.

"Grandpa told me, and he also told me that Ye is actually the grandson of Marshal Long Aoshi." The little witch said with a proud look.

But this time only Yufang was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth, while Alicia on the side gently flicked the little witch's smooth forehead with her finger and said: "Just tell Yufang and Yulan about Ye's life." Yes, please don’t show off to others, and Ye is not considered a descendant of the Long family at this moment."

"Well, I won't talk nonsense. Yufang is my good sister, so I dare to say it here. But to be honest, the system of the Long family is really complicated."

"Is Ye really from the Long family?" Yufang tried to confirm the situation.

As the person who had been in contact with Ye the longest, Alicia explained Ye's situation to Yufang in detail, which made the girl's jaw tend to dislocate. And Iao was even more afraid that the world would be in chaos, so he told Marshal Besman's speculation that the Wang family revealed Elsa's whereabouts, which led to the death of Ye's parents.

"That thing is true." Alicia's affirmative answer immediately made the two girls even more angry towards the Wang family.

"Then why did the Long family not send the Death Saber to help the Li family, but instead chose to let the Aria Group annex the Li family?"

"The Long family had their own reasons for not choosing to use the Death Saber to help the Li family. In this incident, no matter whether the Li family survived or not, it would not have an impact on the Wang family. As for the Long family's use of the Death Saber on their own initiative, once the Wang family catches it The Long family will be very passive. Therefore, choosing to let the Aria Group merge with the Li family enterprise is the best way to deal with it. On the one hand, it can strengthen the Aria Group, so that the Long family, as the third largest shareholder, will naturally benefit. , on the other hand, it will also give the Einzbern family the opportunity to join the Aria Group."

"Join the Aria Group?"

"Uncle Li said it, didn't he? The merger was also the request of Grandpa Jerry Einzbern. Grandpa Jerry had a good plan this time, if I'm not wrong. The Einzbern family on the board of directors There will be more companies requesting to be merged into Aria Group," Alicia said confidently. The Aria Group is actually a joint venture of several Supreme Council families. As the largest group in the Federation, it integrates a large number of scientific research, testing, and manufacturing companies. Once it can join such a large group, it will have a large number of military manufacturing companies that are engaged in research and development. Naturally, the Einzbern family, which is lacking in power, is the best thing to do. Jerry once complained to Gulanma that tens of billions of dollars are spent every year on the purchase and use of Aria Group's raw materials and scientific research patents. At this time, if the Einzbern family's companies can be successfully merged into the Aria Group. The money saved, especially the expensive patent royalties, was enough to make Old Jerry smile from ear to ear.

Magnolia's treatment went very smoothly. Not long after Li Lie left, Illya, who was wearing a princess dress, pulled Lim to the reception room and brought the good news that Magnolia had awakened to the three girls inside.

"Thank you, Lim." Yufang hugged Lim, who looked a little pale due to using a lot of mental power, and gently kissed the silver-haired girl's forehead with gratitude.

Lim raised her little face and showed a smile to Yufang. This little girl could only speak easily to Alicia and Yecai, and to other people. Being able to show expressions is already pretty good.

After Yufang expressed her gratitude, she began to sense her sister. The girl who got the familiar sense again immediately rushed out of the reception room. Run to the ward.

Yulan lay quietly on the snow-white hospital bed, her face a little pale. When she saw Yufang rushing in, she gently pinched her sister's nose behind her.

"Sister, how is your health?"

"The doctor said there is nothing wrong and he will be able to go to bed in a few hours."


"Well, it's like being beaten and needing recovery time." Yulan used a relatively appropriate metaphor.

"That's great, we can go to New Venice to play in the evening." Yufang shouted.

However, the girl's wish was not realized because Alicia needed to discuss the merger with the board of directors after she left. Iao also chose to accompany his grandfather who was about to leave. After all, they had not seen each other for a long time.

On the Aria Group conference call three days later. The floating screen in front of Alicia indeed had an extra side, and the one on top of the screen had a red rosy nose. But the old man with his hair neatly combed and looking a little uncoordinated was none other than the head of the Einzbern family, Jerry Einzbern. There was also an easy-going old man sitting next to this old man. It was the legendary figure known as the shopping mall genius among the Gulanma generation, Seaman Einzbern.

There was no suspense about the outcome of the meeting, because the older generation had already made the decision in a private gathering, and this meeting was more like informing Alicia to take over some of the properties belonging to the Einzbern family. .

The Einzbern family and the Bessmann family have cooperated with the Bessmann family a long time ago. Krupp Military Industry, a joint venture between the two, has the largest tank production line in the federation, and the other joint venture, Rheinmetall, has even more. It is the largest ammunition supplier in the Federation. Although these two companies have joined the Aria Group in the name of the Bessmann family, the Einzbern family has never stated that they have sold the stocks they hold. His family's original Krause Aviation, an aircraft manufacturing company named after a head of the family who was passionate about aircraft design, is also responsible for 15% of the federal fighter aircraft orders.

"Ah la, la, la. It seems that the Einzbern family's joining the Aria Group was brought to the attention of Grandpa Heman, and he had already started planning it when the Aria Group was established." Alicia smiled. road.

"He is such a cunning guy. He actually had plans to merge into the Aria Group. Otherwise, companies like Krupp Military Industries and Rheinmetall, with the shares held by the Besmann family, how could everything be smooth sailing? It’s because He-Man can’t save face. So we can only announce that the Einzbern family will not join the Aria Group, while secretly agreeing to some companies to join in the name of the Bessmann family, haha.” Gulamma is the only director in New Venice. At this moment, this kind old man is standing on the balcony of Aria Company, looking at the beautiful view of the Mediterranean sea and sky in the distance. Aria Company is the predecessor of Aria Group, but this company is the only company in the group that is not included in the distribution of shares. As the first company of the Florence family. This small company, whose pilots drive gondolas to take tourists around New Venice, carries too much meaning for the Florence family.

"Oh, there is something that Grandpa Seaman can't do to save his face. He is very thick-skinned." Alicia's business teacher is Seaman, a business wizard. She knows the thickness of her teacher's face best. of.

"It's not your Grandma Gulsinas who scared others." Gulanma's eyes were full of nostalgia, "Back then, there were three talents in the business world: wizards, geniuses, and one geek. That was you Gulsinas Grandma, haha."

"The wizard is Grandma Gulanma, the genius is Grandpa Heman, and I didn't expect that the weirdo whose name has always been known to the outside world is Grandma Gulanma." Alicia said in surprise.

"Yes, and that guy Seaman has been pestering your grandma Gulsinas ever since she lost to her in a corporate acquisition, haha."

"Why did Grandma Gulsinas become the head of the Flo family?" Alicia asked this question that had been bothering her, although she had to admit that Gulsinas's military performance and She's just as good in the business world.

"She gave up the business world just to get rid of the annoying guy Heyman. I remember when she joined the army, Heyman cried in front of this small house for three days and three nights, haha." Gulanma caressed her gently. Railings on the balcony. It seemed like I was stuck in the memories of that time.

"Grandpa He-Man also has such embarrassing moments, haha."

"More than thirty years have passed since the merger was proposed. Only this small house has not changed. It is still a small company. And the Aria Group named after it has become The first federal group, haha."

"After careful calculation, the group's share of private enterprises has reached 88%." Faced with such data, Alicia was also a little surprised. Because there are only five families gathered together, the group occupies almost 90% of the enterprises in the federation.

"Don't be surprised. Alicia."

"Indeed, the Huaxia family. The Bessmann family and the Einzbern family are all families that control a large number of companies. The Long family also controls a large number of Chinese companies. However, the Wang family and Testaro who have not joined the Aria Group The Sha family does control very few companies. Although the Wang family is the third largest family in China, except for the entertainment industry and some underworld, most of their strength relies on the Long family. How should I say, they are considered part-time workers of the Long family? Come on, haha." At this point, Alicia couldn't help but chuckle. When the Long family merged into the Aria Group, the Wang family tried to use strikes to avoid the union of the Long family and other families. At that time, Long Aoshi But Mr. Long said something to the big guys who attended the joint meeting at that time, "Brothers, let me borrow your baby."

At the same time that the Aria Group's merger plan was launched, a large number of Long family descendants began to move into the Li family. These people were the elites selected from the Death Saber reserve and entered the Long family for ancient martial arts training. At this time, they happened to be taken over by Long Aoshi. Come and become a free bodyguard for your family and partners.

On the Death Commando side, Yulan, Yufang and Iao were taken to a secret underground base by Alicia. This base is located in Gibraltar, the lower level of the Federal Mediterranean Headquarters. Its confidentiality level is actually one level higher than the Gibraltar base that commands the entire Federal Mediterranean theater.

In the huge underground base, countless researchers shuttled through five huge semi-sunken hangars. The hangars did not have the serial numbers commonly used by the Federation, but some patterns.

"Hey, that's my symbol." Io pointed excitedly at a charming red-eyed succubus on the central hangar.

"And our logo, the twin stars." Yufang also happily pointed to the two hangars on the right.

"Are our special machines being assembled in these hangars, sister Alicia?" Yulan asked.

"Oh, pull, pull, Magnolia is really smart." Alicia confirmed.

"Eh? Why is the symbol of Ye on the floor of the base?" Io pointed at the huge pattern of an angel holding a sickle and a cross on the ground of the base.

"Because Ye's mecha is assembled in the largest hangar underground in the base. It was designed by my teacher himself, so this mecha can only be driven by Ye."

"Whose aircraft are the two hangars on the left? The Death Commandos consist of my sister and I, and Io and Ye are the pilots. Those two hangars are extra." Yufang asked Ellie curiously Thea, "And there seems to be no staff coming or going from those two hangars. Are they empty?"

"No, it's the third hangar on the left." Alicia pointed to the hangar with a huge phoenix pattern painted on the door and said, "That one is an aircraft designed by Ye Xiaoxiao."

"Really?" the three women asked almost in unison.

"Ah la, la, of course it's true, look for Shuyuan And the shape of that aircraft is not like yours, so it was completed first."

"Then can we go and have a look?" Yulan asked.


As the yellow light flashed, the huge hangar door slowly opened under the push of a hydraulic press. The four of them walked through the dark long corridor and came to a huge operation panel, and Alicia showed a sly smile on her face and said: "Everyone, don't be scared."

Five huge searchlights lit up simultaneously as Alicia pressed a button, illuminating the darkness on the left side of the corridor. In the bright light, a red and silver special machine with six wings appeared in front of the girls.

The mecha armor in front of me does not use the square-angled armor that the Federation usually uses, but uses rounded curved armor. However, this design method, which is somewhat similar to the Imperial mecha armor, does not make the body look as bulky as the Imperial armor. On the contrary, the Phoenix's appearance is a little more slender than the Federation's Rangers. The head monitor does not adopt the design of the Aria Group's goggles, but adopts the humanoid face design of Hohenheim. The dark green eyes and the same-colored long-range monitor on the head make the entire machine stand out. A looks a little more mysterious. (To be continued.)

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