Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 438 Thick and Heavy Body

"So beautiful." The three girls exclaimed. This mecha, which was rated as slender as a girl by the production staff, received more feminine compliments from the girls.

"It's a pity that we don't drive it." After admiring, the three girls sighed at the same time. Their mecha was definitely not the Phoenix in front of them.

"Sister Alicia, whose mecha is this Phoenix?" Yufang couldn't help but ask.

"This mecha is Li Lin's landline." Alicia smiled and looked at the surprised looks of the three girls, and added: "Actually, when I started to interpret the design book written by Ye, I I once thought this was a mecha that focused on long-range attacks, but Ye gave me a lot of surprises. No wonder he always asked me about mind control. Well, I remember that Ye was controlling a few machines at the same time. Fly the spoon around yourself and ask me questions about that."

"Mind control?"

"It's the ability of some superpowers. A simple understanding is that it can make an item act according to your thoughts. And Ye added this design at the end of the design book, haha, it was actually written at the end, I don't know the specific details For the principle and detailed design information, please refer to the third to last paragraph on page 398 of "Elsa's Secret Book" about the naive words about the design of weapons in this aspect."

"Haha, Ye's last design was copied from his mother's?" Iao laughed.

"There is indeed a design for such a weapon in the teacher's record. However, although the teacher has such a design, the person who drives the weapon with such a design is a person with superpowers, so the teacher has not done any experiments. But fortunately, the teacher's design There is not a big mistake, now the mental weapons installed on the Phoenix can be used normally after our experiments and debugging."

"So Sister Lin is a person with superpowers? That's not right. Sister Lin's eyes are brown, not sapphire blue." Yulan recalled.

"She is an invisible person like Ye." Alicia, who had always been gentle and gentle, had a murderous intent in her eyes. It gave the girls who were used to Alicia's gentle image a sense of overwhelming fear.

Alicia collected her emotions and said: "One of the captains responsible for escorting her transport ship was an interplanetary agent of the empire. After the jump, he secretly cut off the oxygen supply to Linlin's room."

"What, how dare he do this."

"Fortunately, Linlin is a person with superpowers and a remote control user. When she was in a hypoxic coma, she was instinctive and opened her handcuffs and the locked door. The air flowing in the corridor saved her life. .”

"These handcuffs are equipped with explosives. If they are cracked violently, wouldn't Sister Lin's hands be..." Yulan, who is familiar with the structure of federal handcuffs, exclaimed. If these handcuffs are cracked violently, the explosives inside will be activated, although the power is not great. , but it can still be done by blowing off the arm.

"The result of opening the handcuffs remotely with your mind is the same as opening it with the correct electronic key. So Linlin is fine, but the color of her eyes will never change again." After speaking, Alicia took out a photo. Gave it to three girls.

"What a beautiful color." In the photo, Lin's left eye turned blue, which symbolizes people with supernatural powers. And the right eye actually turned emerald green.

"The Rubedo tribe has unique green eyes. Anyone with superpowers in their tribe must be a powerful remote control user." Alicia added with a smile.

The three girls were still a little confused about the fact that the Phoenix could only be driven by people with powers, but Alicia's next behavior cleared up their doubts.

Alicia picked up a watch-like instrument from the console on one side and put it on her right hand. Then she entered a series of numbers on the instrument, and then the mecha's eyes flashed green. The display of the instrument in Alicia's hand showed a series of Phoenix conditions. After Alicia set up some data with ease, she smiled mysteriously at the three girls.

The clear eyes in Alicia's beautiful sapphire eyes suddenly became so deep that they seemed to be able to absorb the surrounding light. The two wings in the middle of the six wings behind the phoenix also unfolded along with Alicia's changes. Three thin wings similar to wings were separated from the originally smooth wings.

The tail of the flake unfolded four tiny tail fins, and the head also split. It became a beam cannon composed of two gun rails. Then these wings began to fly around the long corridor across the air at a speed faster than that of a flying bird.

"Are these controlled by the pilot's superpowers?" Iao asked in surprise.

"Ah, pull, pull, of course, otherwise there would be no need for a superpower to drive her." Alicia neatly surrounded herself with six mind weapons. Then smiled. The six weapons rotated around her under her control, constantly changing their positions up, down, left and right, appearing quite flexible.

"It's amazing. What functions do they have?" Yulan exclaimed.

"Everything is a secret until Linlin learns how to use it, haha." Alicia gently tapped her lips with her jade-like index finger.

"Sister Alicia, tell us." Yufang immediately shook Alicia's left hand reluctantly.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, I really can't tell you, because I can't use many functions. After all, I'm not good at remote control with my mind. This level is already my limit. And the functions that haven't been tested are not Determine whether they can work. So I still can't say. Alas, the only people with superpowers who can meet the Phoenix's requirements for telekinesis are the Rubedo tribe and some particularly powerful telekinesis users." Alicia regretted She said, and then she waved her hand, and the six weapons left her side, flew back to their clasps, and were firmly locked with the middle wings of the phoenix.

Lin needed to unlock more functions of the Phoenix, which was obviously impossible at the moment, so the girls left the hangar and looked at the first hangar on the left. There were no patterns on that hangar, only A simple s.

"What's in that hangar?" Io asked.

"It's just a test product. In fact, it was developed at the same time as Pluto. Pluto is a product developed by the Rangers as a model, and it is a brand-new test product. Sky is a new type of mecha developed as Experimental product, it’s a pity that we failed.” Alicia shook her head with some emotion. The Aria Group invested a lot of new technologies and concepts in this special sky machine, but this machine almost became a failure because of its original structure. However, the Aria Group installed a large number of experimental weapons on this expensive machine body, turning this mecha that was almost thrown into the scrapyard into an experimental machine.

But the girls were attracted by the name of the experimental subjects. Immediately ask to enter to catch a glimpse of the sky.

"That mecha is not as slender as the mecha designed by Ye, and the slenderness of the Phoenix mainly means that the legs of the mecha are too slender at the moment, and its body is no smaller than Pluto. And although the Phoenix is ​​completed. But It was completed according to Ye's design, and some details still need to be modified according to the pilot's requirements. Especially the installation of the leg engine system and the space maneuvering nozzle. These are equipment that Ye has not considered before. If these equipment are added , Phoenix's legs will no longer look so slender." Alicia corrected the girls' misunderstandings about the sky while explaining why Phoenix looked so slender.

The door of the first hangar slowly opened, and the girls still walked along the dark corridor to a control panel. With Alicia's operation, the girls' eyes were illuminated, showing the experimental special aircraft. Installation.

"Oh my God. That's two extremes from Phoenix." Yufang said. The mecha in front of me does not have the beautiful color or the good figure of Phoenix. The appearance of the sky mecha is light gray, and the gray feeling makes the light of the five high-power searchlights seem a bit gray. The body of this mecha is also inconsistent with its name, which means lightness in the sky. Its body is almost 1.2 times as thick as the Phoenix, and it also carries a huge backpack behind it that is almost as thick as the fuselage.

"Actually, from all aspects of performance, this mecha performs quite well, but its deformable structure makes the mecha's waist more likely to cause serious damage when attacked. In combat, the mecha The areas most susceptible to injury are the chest and waist.”

"What's going on, sister Alicia?" Yulan asked curiously.

Alicia called up an image from the control panel, in which the huge sky mecha began its transformation process. The first is the legs of the mecha. The knee armor is installed on the knee joint instead of being integrated with the calf armor. This mobile armor design is to allow the knee joint to allow the mecha's calf to fold back on the thigh like a snake's chin without being covered by the knee armor. stuck. The mecha's hips are separated to the left and right, and the hip joints are everted and moved up to the waist. Also move the joint points of the legs upward.

Then Sky's hands were separated from the shoulder joints, and the shoulder armor turned down to cover the armor gap left by the arms. The arms were guided by the side and waist rails, and the hands were guided to the hips and fixed, filling the space between the legs. The unarmored gap covered the hip joints, and then he made fists with both hands, and the armor on the arms also rose up to cover the hands.

Finally, the chest armor was raised and moved to the back of the mecha together with the cockpit. Then the mecha's shield filled the gap left by the chest armor, and at the same time covered the mecha's head and became the nose.

"Fighter?" Iao asked immediately after watching the video.

"Yeah. It's still super heavy. Not only is its length five meters longer than the Hellfire, but its thickness is almost the same as the overlap of two Hellfire fuselages." Alicia told the sky's data.

"The Hellfire is seventeen meters long. Except for the three-meter-high landing gear and vertical tail, the fighter plane in the sky is twenty-three meters long and six meters high? Can such a thick fighter fly?" Yulan asked in surprise.

"In order to be able to fly in the sky, our technicians put a lot of thought into it. But the hard work paid off. After adding a new engine like Pluto and reducing a lot of armor weight, it still flew into the blue sky. Unfortunately, without the assistance of a high-power backpack, its performance in the air is not as good as some old-fashioned propeller transport aircraft." Alicia said with some helplessness.

Although the Sky Mecha is a head taller than Pluto in its mecha form, its weight is nearly ten tons lighter than Pluto's sixty tons. This effect lies in the foam armor installed on it. This new technology can be said to be specially developed by the Aria Group for the sky. The basic idea of ​​foam armor is to form honeycomb-like cavities in the middle of the armor material. These structures can reduce the armor's defense capability by about one-third in exchange for nearly half the weight load. However, the Aria Group took into account the armor strength of this mecha's very fragile waist and very core chest, so it only used this technology on the mecha's limbs.

"It's so bad." Iao curled his lips. Obviously, this kind of air combat performance was completely useless.

"Ah, ah, ah, don't be so anxious, Io." Alicia smiled and shook her index finger and said, "In order to solve the problem of poor air combat capabilities, our group specially developed a backpack. It can be used by four A backpack composed of the Wraith transport's particle engine can make Sky's air combat performance rival that of the Hellfire."

"So exaggerated." Yufang asked in disbelief.

"Exchanging a weight of more than nine tons for a backpack that has almost twice the engine output of the mecha itself is a natural result. The flight backpacks used by the army now use the same concept, but the additional output is smaller. A lot."

"It's scary, but the flexibility of a mecha of this weight is probably very poor." Yulan said after thinking for a while.

"It's not too bad. The flexibility is between the performance of the Ghost Transport and the Hellfire. It should be considered good. After all, the engine and the large number of nozzles installed on it can help it to a great extent, and the most important thing is , at subsonic speeds, the sky can increase flexibility by switching between fighter planes and mechas. Find Shuyuan ”

"Indeed, as long as the engine is powerful enough to resist gravity and the joints are tough enough to resist air resistance, deformation can indeed produce unexpected effects and extra flexibility." Yulan thought for a moment.

"Then this mecha is pretty good. Why did my sister say it failed?" Io asked. In her opinion, the sky that can carry out both air combat and mecha combat is a true mecha. Yukora Rikusan uses his mecha.

"Haha, this mecha has a fatal structural flaw. First of all, from the perspective of the mecha's deformation ability, once the guide rails on the mecha's side and waist are damaged, the mecha's hand deformation will fail. And if the waist joints If it is damaged, the function of moving the legs up will not be completed. At the same time, if the deformation mechanism of the shoulder is injured, it will also affect the deformation. On the battlefield, the body of the mecha is the most vulnerable to attack. Of course, these problems can be solved through additional The mobile covering armor has been solved to a certain extent, but its defensive capabilities are far inferior to normal mecha armor. Therefore, once the sky is seriously injured on the battlefield, it will easily affect the mecha's deformation ability. Moreover, the sky is complicated The waist joint greatly reduces the structural strength of the mecha's waist, so that when the waist is subjected to a huge impact, the sky will easily fail due to structural displacement." Alicia explained, "From this point of view, the flight of this mecha The ability is indeed a bit useless." After Alicia's analysis, Io understood the structural flaws of the sky. (To be continued.)

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