Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 441 The Ghost Arrives

"That's good, Alicia." Gulanma's gentle mouth curled up slightly and said, "Although your grandpa Aoshi, grandpa Manstein, and grandma Gulshinas can't help you this time, But it is also a good opportunity for you to use this opportunity to show off your achievements and let those who doubt you in the family see your abilities."

"Thank you for your trust." Alicia naturally heard Gulanma's hint and emphasized that the three marshals could not help her. It seemed that the news from the Parliament was true.

After getting the tacit consent of other families, the Wang family began to take action with great fanfare. Some people began to demonstrate on the streets, demanding that the Aria Group be nationalized. However, the federation now implements a wartime system. As an important enterprise of the federation, the Aria Group's security forces use their authority to directly imprison those who dare to cause trouble near the Aria Group into small black rooms.

The Aria Group's tough tactics made the Wang family very angry, but the federal wartime system did give the Aria Group such rights, so the Wang family could only ask the Supreme Council to cancel the wartime system.

"Although the federation seems to be very safe at the moment, if you can guarantee that no spies from the empire will destroy our important production lines, we will agree." Long Aoshi pushed the Wang family back with just one sentence. No one has such responsibility. Can afford it.

What makes the Wang family even more depressed is that the Supreme Court has never passed the monopoly crime of the Aria Group, because the president of the Supreme Court is someone trained by the Florence family, and this person whom Alicia calls Among the three mothers, Alicia is the most precious.

"Damn it." Wang Hong smashed an underglaze red antique from the Hongwu period into pieces, causing Wang Tian and Apduyi, who were sitting on the sofa, to twitch in their faces. It was a treasure worth tens of millions.

"Brother, don't we still have a backup plan? Don't be so anxious." Wang Tian stopped his brother from picking up an antique blue and white fruit bowl and said. The value of that fruit bowl is no less than the underglaze red one in front.

"Senior Councilor Wang Hong. My boss will definitely pass that resolution, please rest assured." Apduyi said with confidence.

Unlike the Wang family who gathered together to conspire, today the girls of the Death Commando finally did not have to participate in Death Saber training. Because of their instructors, the four old ladies from the Suzaku Group were recalled to China overnight. This gives the girl who has completed the mecha armor casting finally a chance to visit the beautiful new Venice.

The ancient charm of New Venice keeps girls lingering. Ancient buildings, clear river water, simple residents, and what makes the girls most happy is that the people steering their gondola are actually Alicia and Akara.

"Sisters also worked in Aria Company before." Akali, who is now in charge of Aria Company, said to Li Lin, who was a little surprised.

"So you are all pilots?" Iao, who was on the same boat as Li Lin, asked.

"Of course." Erica said proudly.

"Ara ala, haha." Alicia smiled and parked the boat at a small pier.

"The buttered potatoes that Io has been looking forward to." Akara smiled and also docked the boat.

In front of a stall, ten girls each held a small jar in their hands. Iao gently peeled off the potato peel with a cross on his head. The heat inside the potatoes comes out through the cream poured on top, making the already fragrant little pot even more sweet and creamy. The aroma of buttered potatoes mixed with the sweet and delicious taste of butter makes the girls' fingers lick their fingers. The two impatient girls, Yufang and Yiao, ignored the hot potatoes and just blew on them gently before putting them into their small mouths. They exhaled while praising the deliciousness of the buttered potatoes, which made the stall owner on the other side very happy. Ears from ear to ear.

After the delicious food, there was naturally a sightseeing tour. The Bridge of Sighs, Liard Bridge, Grand Canal and various water corridors dazzled the four girls. What was even more surprising was that all the new Venetians seemed to know Alicia. and Akali, streetside. On the bridge, there were people greeting them almost all the time, especially Akali.

"Absolutely popular." Alice said to the Xia sisters in a very positive tone. Athena on the other side actually nodded childishly.

"Ah, is there one?" Akali's hearing is very good, and she heard everything Alice said word for word.

"Yo, Akali."

"Good afternoon, uncle postman." Akali responded naturally to the uncle who just greeted her, and the facts proved everything.

"Ara ala."


The best views in Venice are naturally St. Mark's Square and St. Mark's Basilica, as well as the Doge's Palace and Bell Tower adjacent to them. When the two gondolas arrived at the pier in front of St. Mark's Square, the four girls, who had never been to New Venice, were immediately attracted by the sight in front of them.

"What you are seeing now is the small square outside the central square of New Venice. There are two tall columns erected there. On the right column stands a bronze lion with wings spread. It is the city of Venice. The emblem is a flying lion. The decoration on the column on the other side is Theodore, the patron saint of the Byzantine period." Alicia introduced.

After the girls landed ashore. Alicia continued: "On our right is the magnificent Doge's Palace, and on our left is the famous St. Mark's Bell Tower."

"It's spectacular."

And after passing the Governor's Palace. Alicia continued: "The beautiful building on our right right now is St. Mark's Basilica in New Venice, and on the left is St. Mark's Square in New Venice. The buildings with a radius of three kilometers around the square The objects are all transplanted from Venice, there are no modern imitations.”

"Hey." The girls exclaimed in surprise. Their surprised look made the six Aria Company members who had lived in New Venice for a long time smile.

Climb the bell tower, listen to the bells, and visit the golden cathedral. Then at sunset, the girls sit comfortably in the high-end restaurant converted from the Doge's Palace, enjoying the sea view and enjoying Venice's unique food.

While the girls were enjoying life comfortably, the Bundestag in Berlin had exploded. All the members were quarreling around their speaker Hayd, the Tianzhu man with the unique Tianzhu headscarf on his head. issue. This middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties dropped a bombshell to the 175 members of the House of Representatives during the regular afternoon session today.

"We need to put the use of force to take back the Aria Group on the agenda." Hayd already knew from Apduyi yesterday that their desire to rely on the law to take over the Aria Group has been shattered.

The members of the House of Representatives are indeed very powerful. Focusing on Hayd's issue, they actually argued until past four in the afternoon, which made Hayd, who was sitting on the speaker's seat, frowning. Because he found that many of the MPs he had wooed were on the side of the opposition.

"Sir, we are ready." A man who looked like an officer came to Hayid's side. whispered.

Hayd nodded imperceptibly, and the gloom on his face disappeared, replaced by a bright smile. He gently raised the small golden hammer on his right hand and struck it hard several times, ending the more than two hours of debate among the congressmen below.

"Members of the opposition, why do you think the issue I raised is not feasible?" Hayd asked with a smile on his face.

"Dear Speaker, Aria Group is the largest private enterprise in the Federation. We should use legal means instead of force. The use of force will have a very bad impact on the people." An old man said.

"What if a large number of companies start to leave the Aria Group today?" Hayd asked with a smile. After Wang Hong tried his best yesterday, some companies in the four families began to express their dissatisfaction with the Aria Group. Cooperation and even intention to break away from the group.

This was obviously a precursor to the split among the five noble families, which seemed very normal to Hayd. He spent a whole morning figuring out the reason, which was interests. The Florence family's attraction of the Einzbern family can indeed strengthen the Aria Group to a great extent, but absorbing a manufacturing-focused family is difficult for families that provide raw materials and technology like the Long family and the Huaxia family. It has affected their interests to a great extent. It can be said that the original balance of interests between the four noble families was destroyed by the addition of the Einzbern family.

Although these things may seem a bit abrupt. However, Hayid, who had contacted Wang Hong, still believed that it was Wang Hong's temptation that became the fuse, igniting the dynamite barrel that exploded the cooperation of the five nobles.

"This. If many companies leave, the impact will be much smaller." The old congressman nodded and sat down helplessly. When Hayd finished speaking, a Tianzhu man whispered something in his ear, which filled the congressman's face with horror. And as these Tianzhu people who were not members moved among the members, the voice of the opposition suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Regarding the change of situation below, Hayd nodded with satisfaction, and the deputy speaker beside him also stretched out his fat pig head and said: "Congratulations to the speaker for passing the resolution unanimously. Haha, I heard that Aria The girls in the group are all beautiful and fragrant. Hehe."

Faced with the pig's obscene laughter, Hayd slapped this guy with a sperm on his head to the ground. He said fiercely: "Xiaoquan Ichiro, girls from the Aria Group, especially girls from the Aria Company, please don't let me use any of your tricks, or else neither I nor the Wang family can protect you."

Xiao Quan was startled by Hayd's tone, and then he could only mutter: "Didn't the five nobles give up on Aria?"

Hayd rolled his eyes helplessly and said: "What they gave up was the Aria Group, not the girls from the Florence family. Otherwise, we would have obtained Aria through the law long ago, and we would have needed a lot of money." Did Fei Zhouzhang mobilize his trusted troops from other galaxies?"

The little dog nodded obediently. He also participated in the discussion on yesterday's order to mobilize the fleet. These troops are the most loyal troops controlled by the Wang family, Marshal Apduyi and the Parliament.

The one-week troop mobilization did not take long, and during this period, Hayid, Abduy, core figures of the Wang family, and some important members of the Speaker's faction determined the main attack targets of the troops in the secret room of Hayed's house. Come down.

"Our ground troops will first attack here." Apduyi said, pointing to a city in the Mediterranean.

"New Venice? It is the most important scientific research and management base of the Aria Group on the earth. If you capture it, you can get a lot of confidential scientific research results and management information of the Aria Group." Hayd said with a smile.

"And according to the latest information, there may be a lot of unexpected good things there." Wang Hong took out a chip from the hidden compartment in the briefcase he brought, inserted it into the display terminal in front of him, and said, "In the past few months, , our intelligence officers discovered that Alicia Florence, the chairman of the Aria Group, and three members of the Death Commando left Venice and went to the Federal Gibraltar Command. They stayed there for a whole day , during this period, a group of Chengkong Academy students also entered the base in the afternoon."

"Oh? These elementary school students are not members of the military. They can actually enter and leave the federal headquarters with a high defense level at will." Hayd switched between the photos provided by Wang Hong, and several pictures of elementary school students walking in the base appeared on the screen. Photo.

"More importantly, at midnight, these girls and these children left the base and returned to New Venice, and at this least noticeable moment, five ghost transport planes left."

"Didn't ghosts be given priority to the front line?" Apduyi asked.

"The Phantom is manufactured by the Aria Group. It's not surprising that they can produce a few. But what interests me is, what are these five transport planes transporting?" Hayd's eyes said. Show keen interest.

"They were packed in containers in the secret hangar of the base and then transported to the transport plane, so we don't know exactly what was inside. However, our personnel guessed it was a mecha, because our personnel found a serial number on one of the containers. ." Wang Hong pulled up a photo with the number "x-100" engraved on the corner of the container.

"What does this number mean?"

"Our intelligence personnel have figured out this number. Find it at It is the latest mecha developed by the Aria Group. Our intelligence personnel took precious photos of them during their test flight." Wang Hong Smiling, there was a hint of pride on this middle-aged man's face that he could not hide from his family's intelligence officer.

"Transformable mecha?" Hayd guessed what the number represented through several photos.

"Yes, so I guess that the four ghosts are transporting mechas of this type, and the other one may be carrying their additional accessories."

"The four new mechas are just for the four girls of the Death Commando. It seems that from the beginning, Alicia was full of confidence in rescuing Li Lin. However, with the addition of four new mechas, the defensive capabilities of New Venice It will be greatly enhanced.”

"Speaker Hayed, don't worry. So far, only 100 mechas have been tested, and the four mechas 101, 102, and 103 have no test flight records. Moreover, the combat capabilities of these mechas in mecha form are comparable to those of Ari. The Pluto launched by Asia Group is similar. I believe that Marshal Apduyi’s men can eliminate it." Wang Tian said. (To be continued.)

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