Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 442 Objection is invalid

"Our rangers can definitely kill them. Even if they are the famous Death Commandos, they can't stand up to a large number of people." Apduyi was full of confidence in his commando rangers.

"That's good, haha, if the other three machines of the Ariya Group are still on the production line, then we will seize them. If they have been assembled, we can also destroy them with confidence. That's good." Hayd nodded with satisfaction. Then he asked: "In terms of the universe, where should we attack?"

"In terms of space, we need to assemble a fleet to attack a space station." Apduyi opened the star map of the solar system before Wang Tian and said: "The Tianping Space Station is located on the edge of the moon. This space station is where the Aria Group invested a lot of money during the war. , a newly built scientific research and manufacturing space station using a large number of rapid-build modules, it is also the largest space station built by the Federation so far."

"It is indeed very large and heavily guarded. Except for members of the Supreme Council, no one can enter the interior to see what they are studying." Hayd said while looking at Wang Hong.

"New armor, new battleships." Wang Hong shrugged, "But none of them have been successful. There are also new mining technologies and space jumping technologies. These two seem to be bearing fruit. The star gate currently being built at the Earth-Moon Balance Point It seems to be the result of space jumping technology.”

Hayd pondered for a moment and said, "Did they report this star gate technology to the military before announcing the results?"

"No." Apduyi replied firmly.

"Then it seems that the materials Alicia secretly put into the Aria Group are used to develop this and new mechas." Hayd and Wang Hong, who had received the information, looked at each other and smiled, but they did not know. The amount of raw materials in the information they obtained was less than a quarter of the amount Gulanma knew.

"Then it's best to fully occupy this space station. Is there any problem?" Both Hayd and Wang Tian coveted the Aria Group's technology.

"No problem." Wang Tian, ​​who is mainly responsible for space operations, said confidently. His brother had told him that the surrounding federal forces would not provide any help to the Aria Group. Although Wang Tian's troops were in the rear of the Wuxian Constellation. The fighter planes have not been replaced by mechas, but with a regular army, he has no reason to be afraid of the Aria Group, which only has some experimental products.

"That's good. Haha." Hayd nodded with satisfaction.

Hayid and Wang Hong believed that their troops were sufficient to capture their intended target, but they did not know that Alicia was informed of these deployments by Gulanma at the first opportunity. But there was no trace of panic on the girl's face.

"The Wang family controls two reorganized fleets and one elite fleet. The one attacking the Tianping Space Station this time was their most loyal elite fleet, the Eighteenth Fleet. The other two fleets were blocked by Ao Shi to prevent possible sneak attacks from the empire. The Wang family also There is not much objection, after all, the regular fleet defense areas are rotated regularly, and they do not have time to completely exclude our people from the fleet."

"Fortunately, the carrier-based units of the Elite Eighteen Fleet were not re-equipped, otherwise we would have lost two more mechas as commandos." Alicia's words did not seem to mention the famous elite. The bombardment fleet was in sight.

"Alicia, the combat capability of the Elite Eighteen Fleet is not inferior to that of the Elite Thirteen Fleet." Gulanma felt that Alicia had underestimated the enemy.

"Grandma Gulanma. I remember when Grandpa Einstein designed the Night God's Hammer, it was designed to destroy an enemy fleet equipped with an elite fleet with one blow." After speaking, Alicia mysteriously said to Gulan Ma blinked.

"What a weird girl, she actually managed to get something like that, haha."

"Ara ala, hehe."

"Then do you have confidence in Marshal Upduy's ground forces?"

"That depends on how many troops he has and the configuration of those troops."

"Two Commando Rangers."

There was a hint of surprise in Alicia's eyes, and she said, "Why are there so many rangers?"

"Marshal Abduyi himself is the supreme commander responsible for the defense of the Parliament and the Middle East. He has a total of five commando mechas, including three commando soldiers and one commando ranger responsible for the defense of the Central and Far East from Tianzhu to Jerusalem. and parts of Africa such as the Sina Peninsula. And a commando ranger is dedicated to protecting the Berlin Parliament. Not long ago, he transferred the commando rangers from the Middle East to Berlin in order to deal with attacks from imperial terrorists. .”

"How could he control the rangers who protect the Parliament?" Alicia knew. As the parliament's escort force, the Rangers should be loyal to the parliament rather than to a marshal. But being smart, she immediately thought of the reason and said: "It seems that it is the work of Speaker Hayed. Haha, I almost forgot that they are all from Tianzhu."

"Then are you confident about facing the attack by two groups of rangers?" Gulanma's face showed a trace of worry. After all, she didn't know how much resistance the Aria Group had.

"Then we have to use our final trump card. Haha, there is one more commando ranger than I expected, but it's a pity that they don't have enough equipment." Alicia sighed.

"Oh, Alicia, it seems that your hidden power is still very strong?" Gulanma said with a smile. But there was no hint of blame, because she knew that the promise made by Alicia would not be broken. The power controlled by Aria Group and Alicia will always belong to the Federation.

During the week that the Elite Eighteen Fleet came to the solar system, the staff of the Aria Group in New Venice were also quite busy. Countless data began to be backed up. Numerous research laboratories began to be sealed and reinforced, and the busiest one was the unknown giant hangar underground at Aria headquarters.

In this underground hangar, which is half the size of New Venice, the four girls of the Death Commando are piloting their new mechas and training with Alicia’s final trump card. The huge underground hangar is full of Listening to the roar of the ion engine and the collision between mechas.

Beep, Alicia, who came to the underground hangar after receiving the information provided by Gulanma, pressed the button to summon the troops. In front of the observation window of the hangar, the four exquisite special-installed aircraft of the Death Commando arrived first and parked on their aircraft positions. Subsequently, a total of thirty Plutos with the traditional blue and white livery of the Aria Group parked behind four specially designed fuselages.

"Everyone come to the first conference room for a meeting." Alicia said, "There is important information about the enemies we may face."

"Yeah, we finally have a battle to fight." The voice coming from the communicator made Alicia dumbfounded.

A phenomenon similar to paint peeling suddenly appeared on the surface of an entire commando team's mecha in the hangar. The blue and white Pluto that originally looked very nice turned gray in just a few seconds. If there is a senior technician from Hohenheim or a preparer from the Federal First Special Forces at this time. You will definitely exclaim: "Why are there so many tri-titanium silver alloy armors?"

As the saying goes, two women equal a thousand ducks, and at this moment, at least 17,000 ducks flooded into the first conference room. Still the kind of person who gets particularly excited when stimulated. The girls were happily discussing the upcoming battle in pairs, but they didn't seem to take their opponents seriously.

Alicia raised her hand and pressed it softly after everyone entered the conference room. Immediately, there was no sound in the entire venue. All the girls selected by the Florence family respected Alicia.

Alicia explained the information in a very concise language. When she heard that she was going to face enemies twice her size, no one in the women's army in the conference room panicked. Instead, they began to discuss how many enemy planes they could destroy.

"It seems that the equipment they are equipped with is so good that they don't take all the enemies seriously. Such an attitude is not good." Yulan said to Alicia who smiled bitterly. Almost all the troops with new scientific and technological achievements of the Riya Group were specially formed by Alicia. The main purpose of this unit is to support Team B. Alicia is particularly interested in the Elite Thirteen Fleet, which is now Team B. In other words, she is particularly interested in the fleet where Ye is.

"It's up to you to attack them. I don't want them to be damaged on the battlefield."

"Sister Alicia, this requirement is not easy. We may have no problem dealing with one commando by ourselves, but we can't handle it no matter how many. Their armor is really good. Sister Lin and my high-powered sniper The gun cannot penetrate them according to the simulator's judgment, if it is ordinary armor. We can penetrate a commando with one blow." Yulan said with a bitter smile.

With the help of the House of Representatives, the two commando rangers under Marshal Apduy finally successfully transferred to the Cavernu military base located east of Venice and north of New Venice. A squadron of mechas originally stationed in this military base was transferred by Marshal Long in advance to prevent these neutral soldiers from being coerced into attacking New Venice, where the Aria Group is located. And in the universe. The battleships of the Elite Eighteen Fleet also approached the Tianping Space Station.

While the House of Representatives and the Royal Family troops were in place, the girls trained by the Aria Headquarters also achieved impressive results in just one week. After all, they are pilots carefully selected by the group, and their learning ability and In terms of talent, he is much higher than the average federal pilot.

The Death Commando also mastered their new mecha in a short period of time, although the training process made the four girls a little depressed. At the beginning of the training, the girls relied on the latest equipment in their hands to defeat Pluto, whose armor was set to ordinary super-tension ceramic composite steel. Yulan and Li Lin, who had the most powerful long-range attack weapons, even fought one dozen times. Two achievements. However, as the girls of the Aria Group grew up, their records shrank rapidly. So much so that in the end, when his mecha was set to normal armor, there was a risk of serious damage against three of them. This made Yufang complain: "Sister Alicia must have selected these pilots at the level of a mecha assault captain."

On the other hand, Iao, who was also extremely depressed, objected: "At least he is at the level of a squadron leader."

"This is why there are so few female pilots in the Federation. There are even fewer elite female pilots." Yulan smiled and touched the heads of the two girls. There are indeed very few female pilots in the Federation compared to other branches of the military.

And the other side. However, Alicia boarded an aircraft carrier at the New Venice Military Port. This aircraft carrier was not registered with the federal army because it was not an aircraft carrier itself, and the shell of the aircraft carrier was just a disguise.

"Sister Alicia." Ilia, who left New Venice secretly for Azalea a few weeks ago, cheered and threw herself into Alicia's arms.

"Ilia, thank you for your hard work." Alicia hugged the girl and whispered.

"It's not hard work." The little Loli shook her head, then pointed at the aircraft carrier excitedly and said, "Wang Hui Themis's modification is so great. At this moment, she can almost overcome the gravity of the earth."

"It seems that theory has been successful." Alicia smiled. This anti-gravity device proposed by the fourth research department of the Aria Group and based on the magnetic levitation gyroscope is the key to solving the problem of space battleships entering the atmosphere for land operations.

"Well, it consumes too much power. When they are turned on, the engine cannot release any power for the sniper cannon," Illya said.

"There are always pros and cons in everything, and the Phoenix class without a sniper cannon is not weak at all."


In the early morning of Valentine's Day, February 14, U.E. 380, two commando groups of sixty Rangers left the federal Italy's Cavernu base and went straight to New Venice to implement the resolution passed by the House of Representatives to take back the nationalization of the Aria Group by force. At the same time, the Elite Eighteen Fleet, which had completed supply and repair work at the Federation Moon Base, also entered the warning range of the Aria Group's huge Tianping Space Station.

The Elite Eighteen Fleet is an artillery fleet as famous as the Elite Thirteen Fleet. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoss.como. This elite fleet led by Lieutenant General Wang Li did not take the huge space station in front of them at all. Because the known force of this space station is only six triple-mounted 400mm beam cannons, and the distribution of these beam cannons allows the fleet to only face four at the same time. This firepower is the frontal firepower of two Galileo-class cruisers.

"Attention, all fleets. When the time comes, concentrate your firepower to take out the opponent's forts. I don't want my fleet to be sunk by some amateur gunners, and then the Marines will attack and force a landing. Gunners, please listen to me. I gave up my fighter planes and carried them." The Marines guys just want them to occupy the big thing in front of them. Be careful not to damage it when you fight, I don't want these young guys to occupy a space station that is full of holes, leaking air, and is on fire."


"This is the third Phoenix-class high-speed cruiser Iphigenia of the Aria Group, the Elite Eighteenth Fleet. You have entered the alert range of the Tianping Space Station belonging to the Aria Group. According to the wartime alert regulations, the future Entering the security area of ​​the group's space station without permission from the group will be regarded as an attempt to attack the group. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, please withdraw from the security circle quickly." A cruiser appeared in front of the Elite Eighteen Fleet, this Phoenix The female captain on the class cruiser said sternly to Wang Li. (To be continued.)

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