Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 443 The idea of ​​counterattack

"This is the Federation Elite Eighteenth Fleet. In accordance with the nationalization resolution of the Aria Group passed by the House of Representatives, we formally request the Tianping Space Station and its affiliates to stop resisting and wait for our soldiers to take over your facilities." Wang Li is not afraid of the other party's intimidation. , at this moment, the actions of their fleet are decided through the House of Representatives.

The cruiser on the opposite side immediately turned around and returned after receiving Wang Li's communication, and the four asteroid mines linked externally to the Tianping Space Station began to separate. Then these asteroids with a diameter of two to three kilometers flew towards Elite Eighteen under the acceleration of the rocket. fleet.

"Meteorite tactics, haha, it's an old tactic from decades ago. The fleet navigator calculates the trajectory of the planet, the fleet's course remains unchanged, and the heat sense kills the rocket engines of some asteroids." Wang Li knew how to deal with these huge objects.

More than a dozen huge thermal missiles flew towards the asteroid, and under the guidance of the thermal sensors, they accurately hit the huge rocket engine behind the planet. Then the navigators of the fleet quickly calculated the trajectories of these planets and reported them to Wang Li.

"Flying just around the fleet?" Wang Li frowned slightly, obviously he thought that the other party's planet would come directly towards his fleet.

"Could it be that they launched a hidden engine attack when they passed our fleet?" Wang Li looked at the star map and the parallel array used by his fleet to form a battle array more quickly, and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. If these planets really come from the side, then our fleet will face the two planets directly in a long snake formation, so the hit rate of the two planets is almost 100%.

"The entire fleet moves forward in a long snake formation, quickly." Wang Li quickly ordered. In this case, facing any planet, the fleet will form a skirmish formation, which greatly reduces the danger.

The elites of the Elite Eighteen Fleet quickly adjusted their formation. But just when Wang Li breathed a sigh of relief, the flagship inspector screamed: "Directly ahead, high-energy reaction."

"What?" Wang Li stood up. I saw a huge beam of light emitted from the Tianping Space Station, instantly engulfing almost the entire Elite Eighteen Fleet arranged along the beam.

"Yeah." The girls in the secret core control room of Tianping Space Station cheered. As the main gunner, Eldia was even thrown into the sky by the people around her.

"I didn't expect it to be so terrifying when it was only 60% charged." The observer smiled and pointed at the airspace of the Elite Eighteen Fleet that had turned into the most primitive atoms on the screen.

"Of course, this Hammer of Judgment is an improved version of the so-called Hammer of Night God. It was very difficult for me and Sister Alicia to win the position of gunner." Eldia said with a proud look on her face.

In the external command room of the Tianping Space Station, Space Station Administrator Ruthie Baker smiled bitterly as she looked at the terrifying hole in the wall of the space station and the flashing red air leak warning light in the command room. Fortunately, he ordered everyone to enter the shelter before the battle. Otherwise, this shot would not only destroy the entire Elite Eighteen Fleet, but also probably kill all the Aria Group's best shipbuilding engineers.

"The air loss cannot be stopped, and the space station wall repair agent cannot repair the wall. The hole is too big." A maintenance engineer said to the station manager with the latest report.

"Yeah. Let the maintenance team drive the mecha to repair it. Alas, these girls are causing trouble." Lu Xi shook his head.

"But dad, this is the only way to annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop. It is an elite fleet. If we fight hard, the unfinished Tianping may not be able to defeat it." Iphigenia returned to the command room Captain Nicole smiled and said to her father.

"Yes, but now the power of the Tianping's main gun has been exposed." Lu Xi looked through a window in the command room and looked at the secrets that had been kept by the people on the space station since it was built. That space fortress ship is almost as big as the Tianping Space Station, this unique cube space station. Balance number.

"I really want to be the captain of that battleship." Nicole's eyes showed envy.

"That is Master Gulanma's ship. You, the little girl who is the major, are able to become the captain of the Iphigenia this time. It is all thanks to Miss Alicia."

"Yes, although the Balance is the ship of Gu Lanma, it is very likely to be commanded by sister Alicia. It won't be a problem if we go up and take a look." Nicole jumped up happily, because in Eldia, who served as the main gunner on the Scales, once told her that the Scales would go directly to the main battlefield of the New Britain system after the construction was completed.

At the same time as the space battle began, the two commando rangers on the ground also approached the warning circle of New Venice. The sixty rangers gliding on the sea were instantly enveloped by the rain on New Venice.

"Location A4, sixty rangers. Limu. Ask Illya to bring Wang Hui Themis over." In the small building of Aria Company, Alicia opened her eyes and said softly. A shining six-pointed star array appeared in the girl's eyes.

"Oh, that's a big deal. I hope they can rush into the city area so I can play." Akara said with a smile. There was a beautiful bouquet of roses in the girl's hand, which was playing dexterously around the girl's hand.

"Then when will I sing?" Athena asked excitedly.

"Let's wait until the Death Feather comes into contact with some of the rangers before singing, otherwise the effect will not be the best." Alicia's lips curled up slightly, Li Mu's induction had been transmitted, Wang Hui's Themis Already rushed to that area at full speed.

"Never confront the Florence family where there is water again. It seems that the Wang family and Hayd do not know this truth." Long Aoshi, who was far away in Beijing, said with a smile to the four top councilors around him.

Gulanma also looked at the raindrops surrounding New Venice and nodded, saying: "I didn't expect Alicia's ability to have reached this level, but this also affected our viewing."

"Don't be afraid." Long Aoxue's voice suddenly sounded, "In order to allow these girls to fight freely through telepathy, I made this for them, but I also kept one to play with, haha." Long Aoxue performed tricks on her hands. He also took out a dragon-shaped necklace.

"As expected of the strongest person with telepathic powers, he actually made such an interesting little thing." Gemelia snatched the necklace and closed her eyes to sense this small thing that seemed to be made of silver.

"The induction contactor allows people with strong enough mental power to communicate with each other. Some little girls who have passed the most secret training of the Death Saber can indeed use it. And this one seems to be able to intercept information from other contactors. Aoxue, the material of this flower Quite a lot." Gmeliya took out a crystal ball. Put it in a terminal. Then several screens were erected in the conference room, four of which were the clearest.

"Image conversion technique, haha. The one on the bridge belongs to Ilia. It seems that Alicia did not steal that necklace. Haha. The one on the dock belongs to Magnolia, and the two in the sky belong to Yufang and Iao." The four most clearly corresponded to the four necklaces made by Long Aoxue, and as a producer, she easily identified the girls corresponding to the images.

"Sixty Rangers." Gemelia also sensed the message Alicia sent to Primula. After all, Limu and Ilia were both on the bridge of the Wanghui Themis, and the distance was too close. .

"Wang Hui Themis is actually floating." Long Aoshi said with some surprise.

"A technology that surprises everyone." Jerry also exclaimed, and began to calculate how much profit his warship manufacturing company could make from this technology.

"They have seen their opponent, it's interesting." Gulshinas had no interest in technology and said as he saw the increasing number of dots on the sea level.

The two little lolita on the bridge of Wang Hui's Themis did not expect that their contact would be cut off. The little face began to send warning messages to the mecha group in the distance seriously. However, the two little faces did not look serious, and their cute looks made the sixty pilots forget their surprise at seeing the floating battleship, and they all laughed until their stomachs ached.

"Damn it, you dare to laugh at us, then we will stage a demonstration and attack." Illya said angrily.

Limu nodded and sent ten coordinates. Then Illya loudly announced the adjustment parameters of the five two-gun cannon on the left side of the battleship and ordered to fire.

Ten beams of light crossed a distance of four kilometers and hit the sea in front of the mecha group. The water splash caused by the impact smashed several rangers sliding in the front into the sea.

"I hate water." The commando captain of the Middle East Ranger Commando commandeered his ranger to float out of the sea in embarrassment. He said angrily, "Bombardment team, knock out the five turrets of that battleship. Damn it, it said that the Aria Group's test subjects should be captured, but it didn't say that they should be intact."

"Our army is responsible for a roundabout attack on the headquarters of the Aria Group." The parliamentary guards had already discussed the tactics with the Middle Eastern commandos. The credit for the hard work would be given to the bumpkins from the Middle East. As the Speaker, They, who are direct descendants, will naturally take the credit for not resisting. The information inside Aria Headquarters is much more valuable than a floating battleship.

The enemy force was split in two, and a group of rangers tried to detour from the left flank to the port of New Venice and then from there to the highway to the headquarters of the Aria Group.

In the new Venetian port. Two specially equipped machines hidden in the shadow of tall warehouse buildings began to move. The back of the weapon on their left hand slid down, and the magnetic track of the beam gun slid up and cracked a crack the size of a mecha machine gun. The much longer gun on his right hand also cracked. The two mechas connected the magnetic rails of the two guns in their hands to form a longer sniper beam gun.

"Magnolia. Let's see who can kill more flies." Li Lin smiled and controlled the Phoenix to stand up. The four wings on the back of the Phoenix mecha stood up and pointed into the distance together with the sniper rifle.

"Sister Lin, although Phoenix has many long-range weapons, my Death God - Shooting the Moon is not weak either." Yulan also smiled coquettishly and controlled her mecha to stand up. The two 220mm special sniper cannons on her shoulders also deployed. body, allowing the cannon body that was originally folded behind the back to rise long and long from the shoulders.

In the darkness behind the two mechas, groups of ground crews were nervously watching the two mechas, and the two controllers were also nervously watching the two huge cable tractors. This is specially prepared by the group for these two mechas. Although these four special machines are equipped with new large-capacity batteries, these new equipment can store twice the power and particles of the new batteries launched a few months ago. , and could not withstand the consumption of powerful sniper weapons installed on the two sniper aircraft. Moreover, there was more than one weapon, so the engineers had no choice but to connect external energy supply cables to the backs of the two mechas to extend the combat time of the two mechas.

In the distant sky, above the dark rain clouds, Yufang and Iao's mechas were also floating in the air. The two girls were waiting for instructions from Wang Hui Themis to attack each other's mecha troops from above.

"It's a pity that sister and the others can't come together." Yufang controlled her Death God-Zhan Xing to float quietly on the clouds. With the help of the four black particle wings behind her, the black mecha seemed to be stepping lightly on the clouds. The group is average.

"Yeah, but it's good for them down there. At least they won't be blocked by the fate in front of them." Io manipulated Valkyrie's huge lance to fiddle with the clouds under his feet. This action completely destroyed Valkyrie's The image of the four-winged war goddess.

On the sea, the figure of Wang Hui Themis looked a bit ethereal under the cover of waves and rain. The two commandos of the Middle East Ranger Commandos shelled the Rangers. The fire control device had no way to lock on the ship that was almost close to the sea. Battleship on the sea. The pilots' manual shooting was also very inaccurate due to their own movement and the stability of the sea surface, which made their commando leader very angry.

"Li Mu, how long will it take to guarantee a 100% hit?" Illya on the bridge of Wang Hui Themis asked Li Mu beside her.

"They still need to advance two hundred meters so that I can predict their actions." Limu's eyes never opened. As a superpower, she can use her talent to predict the behavior of others, but the effective range of this ability is much closer than sensing enemies.

"Okay. In the fire control center, prepare for the artillery attack. In the communications squad, inform Sister Yufang and the others to prepare for the assault. Tell Sister Lin and the others that the rangers on the right wing will be left to them. The hangar is in the air. After the members of the Death Commando broke into the enemy formation, Death Feathers attacked to prepare them to attack." Illya gave the order while holding Limu's hand to prepare to receive the coordinate data of the enemy aircraft.

Soon, five coordinate data came in, and with the special ability of Illya CMP, they were quickly converted into groups of bombardment parameters, and then the Wang Hui Themis fired the third salvo at the beginning of the battle. Ten thick beams of light crossed the sea and pounced on the artillery rangers who were preparing to slow down for the artillery attack. Under the surprised gaze of the opponent's pilot, five clusters of sparks burst out as they passed through the group of mechas. Some of the mechas inside were either penetrated by the first beam or knocked over by the third beam that followed. (To be continued.)

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