Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 445 The elite are the elite

"As expected of an elite, he was able to react like this under the influence of such bad weather and Athena's singing." Alicia clearly detected the effect of this attack. Although many sparks exploded on the sea, However, only four Rangers were destroyed, and only five were damaged, because some of the elite members of the Council raised their shields immediately, which greatly reduced the lethality of the beam.

"Not bad." Li Lin also frowned slightly, taking advantage of the moment when her weapon was recharging, commanding her six phoenix tail wings to start attacking. The short and compact tail was not noticed at all in the heavy rain. Each selected its own target and fired three consecutive shots, sending all the energy of the tail into the other's cockpit.

"What?" The sudden attack made the elites who were panicked by the sniper even more confused. They did not notice that there seemed to be a shadow appearing in the sea under their feet.

"Asaphanie, attack." Alicia contacted the Death Feathers lurking in the sea. Under her guidance, this force had moved directly below the Parliament Rangers.

"Okay." The Germanic girl simply agreed, giving the parliamentary rangers a death blow.

The rangers on the sea never thought that opponents would appear underneath them. When the Plutos rushed out of the sea with their ship-cutting knives, they didn't even have time to switch to the long-range weapons in their hands.

"How could there be so many Hades?" Such a thought flashed through the mind of the parliamentary ranger commando captain before he was cut off by Aesaphine's Pluto, who also bore the mark of the commando captain.

"Calling it up." Yulan put down the sniper rifle in her hand, and the same message came from Yufang on the other side, and the battle on both sides ended almost at the same time.

"Huh." Alicia let out a gentle breath. The superpower that had been maintained for a day was retracted, and the clouds over New Venice began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Although I guessed the outcome tonight, I didn't expect that I didn't make any effort." Akara said a little depressed.

The fighting on Valentine's Day did not attract a lot of attention among the civilian population. It just caused some buzz in New Venice. Under the guidance of the public opinion of the Aria Group, the people of New Venice began to affectionately call the special machines that flew over New Venice and protected them on Valentine's Day as Valkyries. On the government side, this battle, which could be called a one-sided massacre, surprised the top federal officials. Hayd and Wang Hong were surprised by Aria's strength, while the Supreme Council and the military were interested in the four special aircraft, Pluto, and the beam weapon that instantly killed the Elite Eighteen Fleet. to this end. Speaker Gulanma and Marshal Long Aoshi flew from Beijing to New Venice and arrived at the secret underground hangar of Aria headquarters.

After the visit, Gulanma quietly pulled Alicia to a corner and asked softly: "Alicia, have you really decided to leave the Aria Group?"

"Yes, Gulanma. I have handed over all the affairs of the group to Akali a while ago. With her ability, she can definitely lead the group well."

"Akali? Apart from you, she is indeed the most suitable person to lead the group. But I still don't want you to leave the group. After all, the person I like most is you." Gulanma frowned slightly.

"This is my only request, Grandma Gulanma." Alicia's right hand caressed the ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

"Okay, but promise me to protect yourself."

"Well, I will bring everyone back, including Ye." Alicia glanced at the four girls who were surrounding Marshal Long Aoshi introducing their special machines.

"Okay, we must bring back our federation's Valkyrie and their captain."

The next day, Gu Lanma and Long Aoshi took the transport shuttle transporting the Death Feather Commando to the Tianping Space Station to visit the mysterious thing that Alicia had become a symbol of the federal military strength. But as for this thing. Alicia has always been tight-lipped, only saying that it would definitely give the two old people a big surprise.

Space Station Director Ruthie Baker greeted the transport team at the airport, and then took a group of people to the top of the huge Balance. In front of a huge battleship. All the newcomers, including Gu Lanma and Long Aoshi, opened their mouths. The battleship in front of them was so spectacular.

"This is the No. 1 Tianping-class fortress ship built under the leadership of Miss Alicia, the Tianping." Lu Xi explained to everyone, "Miss has explained that when completed, this battleship will become Gulanma Florence. The Speaker’s ship.”

"This girl, haha, is really thoughtful." Gulanma said with a smile.

Long Aoshi on the other side was more concerned about the battleship's capabilities and asked, "This battleship serves as the ship for the Speaker of the Supreme Council. What's so special about it?"

"We have only completed seventy-six percent of this battleship." Lu Xi pointed to the scale that looked like a large rhombus and four small rhombuses on the plane. "But the most special part of this battleship is We have completed the installation. That is the improved Night God's Hammer, the Judgment Hammer. Secondly, this battleship's mecha carrying capacity is also unique in the universe, reaching the number of 30 for a commando team."

"The Hammer of Judgment is the weapon that instantly killed the Elite Eighteen Fleet. It's a very good thing. However, the number of mechas carried seems to be too small for such a huge battleship. One entire fleet can carry ninety mechas. A, reaching three times the number this battleship can carry." Marshal Long Aoshi pointedly pointed out the problem with this battleship.

"That's because this battleship requires a lot of space to install an independent stargate system, and a giant battleship repair dock needs to be set up on the top of the battleship. These require a lot of space, so the battleship's mecha carrying capacity is not particularly large. But the lady said, Soldiers are more valuable than elites, and the equipment of the mecha troops carried by the Tianping is definitely the most elite." Lu Xi explained.

"Indeed, Plutos are all manufactured to special machine standards. Such luxurious configurations can definitely make ordinary mecha troop pilots vomit blood." Long Aoshi said with a bold smile, "The independent star gate system is currently on Earth and Moon. A mobile version of the Stargate built by Balance Point?”

"Yes, Marshal. Our research department has theoretically successfully deduced that the independent stargate created by the Balance in one charge is enough to allow an elite fleet and itself to travel from the solar system to the New Britain system. However, the independent stargate system Manufacturing is far more complicated than star gates, and they are currently missing on the Scales."

"Good stuff." Long Aoshi praised with a high-five. He has long known the advantages of star gates from the scientific research department. This device can break open space with a large amount of energy. In a short period of time, it forms a point-to-point connection with another star gate, creating an artificial jumping hole, and completing the jumping journey in one-tenth of the time of a natural jumping hole. It is a way of jumping that exchanges energy for time. The independent star gate obviously does not need the support of another star gate, and can play a more important role in the army's galaxy battle.

When Long Aoshi was asking questions around the Tianping. Granma also found Eldia and asked: "Eldia, Death Feather only has one commando configuration. They were deployed to the scales and Phoenix's third ship, Iphigenia. Isn’t it true that there are no mechas left to carry it?”

Eldia thought for a moment and then said: "Grandma Gulanma, I heard Sister Alicia and Sister Nicole discuss this issue. Sister Alicia has trained nine pilots, but it seems that she There are no more resources to build enough mechs."

"That's true. The manufacturing materials for these things are secretly purchased and saved from the group. At this point, Alicia must have reached her limit."

The display of the Aria Group's strength shocked the top leaders of the federation, and these troops were immediately integrated into the federal army in an organic manner, instead of being dispersed and integrated into local troops like ordinary civilian troops. This also shocked the politicians. We have an extremely unusual piece of information, anyone can see the Supreme Council's favoritism towards the Aria Group.

At the Azelia Military Port at the end of February, five members of the Supreme Council were holding a launching ceremony for the third warship of Team B. This beautiful Phoenix II ship has been equipped with an atmospheric breakthrough device and is quietly waiting in the dock for the order to take off.

In front of the five council members were seven pretty girls, the captain Alicia, the vice-captains Illya and Primula. Pilots Li Lin, Yu Lan, Yu Fang and Yi Ao. Such a lineup made Congressman Ye Kesim and Huaxia look at Long Aoshi with a strange expression, and whispered: "Beidou?"

Long Aoshi raised his eyebrows in disbelief, and the corners of his mysterious mouth curled up slightly.

After a simple launching ceremony. Wang Hui Themis flew into the blue sky, and the five congressmen raised their glasses together and said to the departing battleship: "May the Valkyries of the Federation always fly in the sky of the Federation."

At the end of February, the Federal Supreme Council also issued a series of shocking orders. The five nobles directly carried out a comprehensive strangulation of the Wang family, one of the culprits of this incident, and the people of the Hayid faction in the House of Representatives also looked in fear all day long. The entire top federal level became bloody under the joint attack of the Chinese army and special forces.

The first one to be taken over was the space fleet controlled by the Wang family. The AS special service launched a surprise attack without activating the heavy equipment. The strong power armor allowed them to ignore the automatic weapons in the hands of the soldiers and quickly occupied the battleship bridge. Kill the opponent's commander.

When the AS special service fully took over the fleet, Marshal Long Aoshi's troops on Earth also took lightning action to control the troops of Speaker Hayd and Marshal Apduyi. Faced with the Chinese troops who broke into the military camp and occupied geographical and numerical advantages, some soldiers classified as rebels by the parliament wisely chose to surrender.

The federal special forces Death Saber and Delta Force were not idle either. Started to kill the descendants of the Wang family scattered around the world. This bloody massacre was to prevent this family, which once controlled a large amount of federal resources, from rising again and threatening the future peace of the federation.

The bodyguards of the royal family are not fully equipped with automatic weapons like the army. Equipped with only a certain number of automatic weapons and pistols, they are no match for the well-equipped Delta. Some of the tightly guarded facilities were also infiltrated by the Death Saber, the federation's strongest special forces. On March 1, the most secure underground bunker of the Wang family was breached by Long Aoxue and his Feng group. Wang Hong and Wang Tian committed suicide by taking poison when Long Aoxue entered the underground chamber. The Wang family, once one of the highest nobles in the federation, was wiped out.

However, some descendants of the Wang family also escaped. Wang Hong's granddaughter Wang Meng, under the protection of her bodyguard Xuelong, injured four members of the Death Saber and escaped. What made Long Aoxue depressed was that she actually found the design drawings of the special machine Sky from the computer left by Wang Meng.

This news made Akali, who had just taken charge of the Aria Group, very angry. With the help of the Superpower Association, she quickly began to clean up the Aria Group. Under the detection of the psychic seers of the Superpower Association, many potential spies were discovered, including those from the same industry in the Federation and those from the Empire. Fortunately, except for the senior spy of the Wang family, no spy has entered the three most important research departments of the Aria Group, the Mecha Research and Development Department, the Battleship Manufacturing Department, and the Headquarters Research and Development Institute.

More than ten people of the Death Saber were injured in this operation, but this number of injuries made Long Aoyu furious, because in his opinion, the Death Saber should not be injured when dealing with such civilians.

However, nearly ten members of the Death Saber who were injured during the attack on a secret research facility of the Wang family provided a piece of alarming information that made Long Aoyu's face almost distorted.

"What kind of monsters are these? They can actually withstand the attack of three commandos' death sabers with only three of them. If other commandos hadn't arrived for support, I'm afraid these children wouldn't be able to come back." Long Aoyu was angry. He threw a stack of photos on the meeting table of the Supreme Council. The photos inside showed three piles of rotten meat. From the appearance, they could barely be recognized as humanoid, but the disgusting green body fluids inside were not something normal humans could possess.

"Intelligence shows that it is related to the Testarossa family. When we attacked the Wang family, the Testarossa family began to withdraw from the federation. Unfortunately, our intelligence department did not have enough information to stop it in time. This will After we fully accept the Testarossa family's business and study their information, we will know what is inside." Gulanma said with a gloomy expression.

"They will completely destroy the evidence when they evacuate."

"The hard drives they used are all products of the Aria Group. Our technicians have the ability to obtain certain information from the smashed hard drives, and then combine them with the information seized at the research institute to guess Testa Rosa. What did the family do?"

"It's not a good thing anyway, otherwise Mercedes would have no reason to leave the Federation. These things look like the products of *experiments. Is that lunatic doing *experiments on humans?" Long Aoshi said with a frown.

"I don't know. I only know that at this moment, members of the Wang family and the Testarossa family need to be comprehensively wanted. What does the Supreme Council think of my proposal?" Gulshinas said. (To be continued.)

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