
On the capital planet, everyone's focus was on Buos. As a country that openly supports the Resistance, it is almost simultaneously hostile to the Federation and the Empire. The Ninth Fleet of the Federal Capital Navy, which suffered a big loss at the hands of the Holy War Angel, even received support from the First Fleet, surrounding Buos like an iron barrel. Three special aircraft of the First Special Forces frequently entered Buos territorial waters and damaged several Buos patrol ships. The Buos diplomats protested many times, but the federal military headquarters started to practice Tai Chi, telling the Buos diplomats that they would restrain the frontline troops and return the two fleets that "sailed privately" as soon as possible. , but on the other hand, a commendation was issued to the pilots of the First Special Forces.

The imperial troops that suffered heavy losses in the battle began large-scale repairs. The lost mechas needed to be replenished, the destroyed equipment needed to be manufactured, the soldiers who were killed and injured needed medical treatment, and a large number of soldiers who were stimulated by the attacks needed the attention of psychologists. help. These have greatly increased the burden on the empire's logistics department, especially the medical department. The urgently needed drugs for treating burns and suppressing radiation on the front line have almost emptied the medical warehouse reserves in the western empire-controlled areas.

After the Hammer of Night demonstration, on March 8th, Women's Day, a large number of federal media began to declare that they would teach Buos an unforgettable lesson. In response to the calls of these media, an entire fleet of federal mechas Under the leadership of Federal Admiral Joga and the tank divisions and infantry divisions that cooperated with them, the troops gathered at the federal-controlled port of Motas in the northern Tyrad Desert, preparing to board the Third Fleet of the Federal Capital Navy waiting there.

The gathering of federal troops made the empire a little nervous, but the federation sent the empire much-needed medicines and the constant propaganda from the federal media convinced the empire that these federal troops were ready to teach Buos a lesson. Some of the more people who believed in the Resistance were Imperial soldiers provided by Buos and marched in the Imperial military camp, expressing their intention to join the Federation Army. Land on the evil island of Buos.

At a time when the morale of the entire federal army was high, the night in Tris was extremely depressed because he saw an unexpected person at the entrance of the Tris command post.

"Brother Ye." A man with long golden hair reaching his ears. The person who looked like a porcelain doll hugged Ye tightly, who had just stepped out of the elevator, causing Ye's originally sunny face to instantly turn gloomy.

"Dio. Damn it. Luciola, why don't you pull your young master away?" Ye immediately recognized the person hugging him and immediately said to the boy with a short hair on the other side.

"Master Ye." Luciola just bowed her head and greeted Ye respectfully.

"Cousin." A short boy wearing a black Tang suit and long black braids also walked out from behind Luciola and said to Ye with a smile on his face.

"Dizzy, two Dios." Ye lamented as he broke away from Dio who was hugging him.

Dio Erakuya is the tall man hugging Ye. He is the only son of the Elakuyea family, second only to the seven major families in the federation. However, this young man who was born with a golden key had a rebellious character. He actually ran away on his coming-of-age ceremony and joined the Federal Air Force without telling his family. Dio's flying talent was very high, but he met Io who overpowered him. However, Io was defeated by Ye, which made him have an almost blind worship of Ye. When Ye's elite Thirteen Fleet was stationed on the earth, it often pestered Ye Ye. What makes Ye even more depressed is that Dio's favorite thing is to hug people. This extremely feminine-looking boy hugged Ye tightly as soon as they met, causing many rumors to spread in the fleet, making Ye see Dio. Just like a mouse hiding away from a cat.

Dior Huaxia is Ye's cousin. His father is the brother of Ye's mother, and his mother is the sister of Ye's father. They have the same bloodline as Ye. He is a hybrid of the Long family and the Huaxia family. However, this boy has been obsessed with Chinese Kung Fu since he was a child and is the youngest member of the Death Saber.

"From now on, Eraku Yeya will be called Big Dio, and Huaxia will be called Little Dio." Ye said with a headache.

"Is it just because I'm shorter?" Dior Huaxia shrugged helplessly.

"You are much taller than before." Ye rubbed his head unceremoniously.

"Cousin, I discovered that I was dwarfed by you rubbing me when I was little, so I forbid anyone from rubbing my head right now." Dio dodged Ye's hand.

"Objection, Brother Ye. Big Dio is too ugly."

"Objection." Luciola on the side also nodded. As Dio's most loyal servant, the young master's decision is always the right one.

"It's not brother Ye, it's Ye." Ye was called "brother" by Dio, which made goosebumps all over the floor.

In Joga's office. Qiao Jia was obviously very satisfied with the personnel and materials that came from Earth this time, while Guderian on the other side was a little sulky. This time, the Aria Group transport fleet not only brought the materials needed to build the star gate. Sixteen tri-titanium silver alloy armored Hades were also brought. However, these Plutos let the Iron-Blooded Commandos take away nine of them, which made Guderian a little depressed.

"Isn't there only seven pilots in Iron Blood?" Guderian asked.

"It used to be seven. Now it's nine. In order to maximize combat power, the military department requires all warships to be fully equipped with troops, so two aces from the space fleet were specially transferred to the Iron Blood." Qiao Jia explained. road.

"Damn, isn't Juncker's commando team strengthened again?" Qiao Jia's words were heard by Ye who had just entered the door, and Ye immediately expressed his slight sullenness. The battleship was equipped first by Juncker's commando, and the trump card was allocated to Juncker's commando first. However, Ye has been the bare commander for several months, which makes Ye extremely depressed.

"Your Death Commando is already on its way to the New Britain Galaxy, and the military has decided to put the Death Cross on the King Hui Themis. Why are you still a little angry? Phew, sixteen Dragon Knights, Our Desert Army has only been assigned three aircraft, and I'm not depressed yet." Guderian snorted resentfully.

"Then who have the other four?" Ye Ke didn't think the military would allocate the Dragon Knight to the Cross of Death.

"Your Death Cross also has a new pilot named Dio Huaxia. That captain will become the captain of Death Cross." Qiao Jia said.

"No." Ye stepped toward the door, revealing the two Dios behind him.

"Captain Dio Huaxia reports to you, three-star general Qiao Jia."

"Captain Dio Erakuya reports to you, three-star general Qiao Jia."

"Lieutenant Luciola reports to you, three-star general Qiao Jia."

"Two Dios. Haha, but it's okay. One is a pilot. One is a pilot, so it won't cause any confusion." The corner of Qiao Jia's mouth curled up slightly.

"I know that your team B is the most favored by the Supreme Council. So many new equipment are given to you. Even the Death Cross can get so many good equipment." Guderian said sourly.

"I said, why didn't you go to Nantia Port? Didn't your troops gather there? By the way, General Qiaojia also came back from Motas?" Ye Cong felt something was wrong when he was summoned. It was not until later that I realized that the two commanders who were supposed to be at the two major ports in the Tyrad Desert had returned to Tris at some point.

"In order to discuss the next battle plan with you, I rushed to Tris. The reason why radio was not used was that the two ports carried out large-density particle interference in order to block the news. There was no way to use radio. Another reason On the one hand, it is to prevent the radio waves from being monitored," Qiaojia explained.

"Oh." Ye knew that during this sensitive period, if someone intercepted the radio and guessed the federation's intentions, it would have an almost devastating blow to the federation's plans. Because a lot of equipment is not yet in place, the troops' ammunition reserves are also somewhat insufficient, and some troops are not even in place yet. However, once the plan is launched, no matter how much the other party intercepts it, it will not help.

Qiao Jia waved his hand and signaled the three people who came to report to leave, and then said with some seriousness: "Ye, you know that when the Hotsand Offensive and Defense War was planned, we needed to capture Terrance and build a certain defense as a buffer. But Time is of the essence now. We do not have a third chance to launch a full-scale attack on the Empire."

"Why?" Ye was a little confused, because with the current situation, if the Federation launched a full-scale attack on the Empire, the Empire would definitely be stunned like before.

"According to the report, the empire's support fleet has already set off from the home system, so we must save time. In the original plan, we were going to spend two weeks to gather all the troops on the two wings, but now we don't dare to waste two weeks. weeks.”

"Is there support from space?" Ye frowned, they had missed the best time to attack.

In mid-March, the federal army completed the boarding mission, and the Navy's Third Fleet left Motas. At the same time, at the airport in Tris, the highest level of martial law in the eighteen hangars was once again raised. Groups of soldiers patrolling the hangars and red warning lights flashing on top of the hangars indicated that no one was allowed to enter these hangars. .

And in the pilot lounge connected to the hangar. Ye Que saluted an officer with the rank of major: "Good evening, instructor."

"Good evening. Ye. Now he is actually a special major. He is worthy of being a soldier trained by our Special Service 22." Major Mike Mirian was Ye's sniper instructor. The 22nd Special Service Squadron he was talking about has now been merged into Delta, becoming Delta's most powerful 32nd Squadron.

"Sir, this time Major Mike and Major Zhang Daniu have joined us as pilots of the Land King." Richard said.

"The instructor is actually flying a mecha? Where's instructor Daniu?" Ye looked around, but didn't see the tall man like an iron tower.

"If you don't drive a mecha, I can only watch you fight lively on Earth, haha. But let me tell you, Ye, where did you get such a treasure as the King of Land? It is simply customized for snipers and gunners. Good stuff. That guy Daniel never wanted to leave when he first saw that thing. He insisted that I didn’t have artillery skills and asked the technicians to change it to a two-seater. In addition, many people in our squadron changed careers and became pilots. Even the boss has participated in pilot training."

"Instructor Pease actually wants to come to the front line?"

"No, I can't put my head down in the 22nd Squadron. Although I learned how to pilot a mecha, I didn't apply for transfer. No, the only ones who applied for transfer to the front line were Daniel and I. Soap, Hayami, and the instructors all stayed. Earth." Mike shook his head.

"But it's fate that Mike and I came here, because there is a good guy like the King of Land on the front line, haha." A rough voice came from the door, and Daniel opened the door to the lounge with excitement on his face, " I heard that this thing was seized from the empire, Ye?"

"The equipment was made by the empire, and we exchanged it with the lives of six camouflaged soldiers." Mentioning the King of Land, Ye couldn't help but think of the sacrificed Sherlock, and his eyes dimmed.

"Then we will use this big guy to recover the blood debts of these pilots." Daniel patted Ye's shoulder with his hand as big as a cattail fan, making Ye grin.

When the sun sank into the horizon, the runways of the entire Tris Air Force Base were brightly lit, and eighteen of the Federation's best stealth transport aircraft were neatly arranged on the three runways of Tris. Before them, the Red Eye Squadron and the two new pilots, Dio and Luciola, known as the White Angels, had already taken off.

"This is B-7's call for units participating in the Hotsand Offensive and Defense War. This time we need to take the Ghost to the sky above Terrance and parachute directly to seize the empire's base. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com After we leave the Ghost, These transport planes will return to carry the third wave of troops, and we need to completely suppress Terrance Airport and enemy anti-aircraft firepower within the two hours of the transport plane's round trip to create conditions for the transport plane to land. During this period, there will be heavily armed aircraft The troops cooperate with us, but it is still very challenging to completely suppress the opponent. I don't want anyone to stay there forever. Above, I wish you victory." Ye confirmed the mission to each unit again through laser directional communication.

Eighteen Phantoms began to accelerate off the runway one after another, twelve of which carried a squadron of elite Rangers. These troops would become the secret weapon for Joga and Guderian to contain the Black Tristar. The four transport planes carried the Hades of the Night and Snow Night Duke Commandos, and the last two were dragging a huge load-bearing device, which carried the Land King, which was much heavier than ordinary mechas.

Death Cross was not allowed to participate in this battle because Wang Hui and the others were not very experienced, and Dio also needed to get used to his teammates.

"Yeah, a real combat flight. After this battle, the name of Dio Erakuya will be praised forever. Are you right, brother Ye?" The white hellfire flew past the ghost nose of the night, The pilot was so frightened that he lowered the nose of the plane.

"Dior, don't make such jokes during the march." Ye said angrily. (To be continued.)

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