"Obviously they are too bad. With my flying skills, how could I hit them?" Dio snorted disdainfully, but still listened to Ye's words and flew the fighter plane steadily on the left wing of the transport plane.

"Dior." Ye was very angry at Dior's arrogant words. Although Ye knew that Dio had the same temper in the flight academy and looked down on any pilot whose level was much worse than him, at this moment everyone was working together as a whole, and Dio's temper was likely to lead to some bad consequences.

"Pilots of Ghost 7, I apologize to you on behalf of my young master." Luciola immediately apologized for Dio.

Dio's white fighter plane suddenly dived away from the formation and accelerated to fly in front of Hong Tong.

"Master Ye, I'm sorry to be with you." Luciola said apologetically, and then followed Dio's trajectory and flew to the front of the queue.

Ye shook his head with a wry smile. Dio's willful temper had offended almost all the students and teachers in the academy, but now that he was on the battlefield for the first time, he immediately became unhappy with others. But he didn't pay much attention to it because he knew it was due to Dio's arrogance, or the bad temper passed down from the Erakuya family.

The one-hour journey soon ended, and the brightly lit Terrans base appeared on the distant horizon. Today, the Terrans base is only in the third alert state, with only a small number of soldiers on duty and patrolling. The anti-aircraft searchlight, which is usually in the third alert state, was not turned on, and the pilot did not leave a certain number of manpower in the hangar.

The imperial commander did not think that the Federation would attack this giant base, because there was another large base in front of the base that was separated from the Federation's frontline base. The alert level of that base has reached the first alert state, and it is fully capable of guarding Terrance. Coupled with the recent boarding of a mecha fleet of the Federation and its departure from Tyrad, and the massive pro-imperial behavior of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Empire, from its commanders to its soldiers, did not believe that the Federation would go to war against the Empire in the near future.

It's a pity that the Federation always believes that the Empire is the Federation's biggest enemy, coupled with the latest ghost stealth transport aircraft. This allowed the federal army to cross the 67th defense base in front of them from the air, which the emperor did not expect, and directly attack their Terrans base.

The Land King, as a heavy long-range attack equipment, was thrown off the transport plane after seeing Tyrance. The black carrying vehicle and the black parachute. Let this behemoth blend into the night. The two Phantoms returned immediately after unloading their cargo. After all, they were transport aircraft. In order to be able to carry more cargo, in addition to the main parts of them being armored, the rest of them are made of carbon fiber skins that are extremely light but have little defense.

The fleet of sixteen ghosts still moved forward. The blue tail flames were blocked by the wings, so that no trace of light could be seen on the ground. The use of ion engines also reduced the flight noise of the aircraft to a minimum.

"Woo." The sortie alarm began to sound in the cabin, and the pilots started their mechas and quickly completed the final inspection. The hydraulic hatch at the tail of the Phantom aircraft slowly opened, revealing the desert shrouded in darkness. The mecha left the cargo bay along the guide rails extending from the belly of the aircraft. Then with a series of clicks, the mecha slid away from the transport machine along the guide rails.

There was also a roar in the distance. The King of Land landed not only with a parachute, but also with a heavy rocket to slow down. The activated rocket illuminated a large area of ​​​​the desert, and also caused the imperial sentry to raise the telescope in his hand.

The rocket stalled three seconds after it started. At this time, the Land King had already completed its landing. After a small explosion, the lock of the carrying tool that fixed it was opened. The powerful electronic engine of the Land King roared, and the four tracks pulled this once The weapon that brought nightmares to the Empire was activated. Left the vehicle.

Daniel controlled the cannon to rise, and under the guidance of the ghost, he selected a hangar as quickly as possible, and the 400 mm caliber cloud blast bomb was pushed into the barrel. Excited by the firing pin, it roared towards Terrance.

At the same time as the operations on the ground began, a small fleet in space also arrived over the Tyradh Desert. The leading cruiser was the Phoenix-class No. 1 ship, the Logilas, which frightened the Imperial Space Force. Behind this battleship were three armed transport ships of the Aria Group.

The Iron Bloods, who had been expanded into a nine-man commando team, were currently on guard around the three transport ships. Juncker's white Pluto floated quietly in front of the bridge of a transport ship, watching the staff inside busy calculating the airborne trajectory.

On the ground, the noise caused by the mecha's airborne landing and the scream of the cloud bomb formed a frightening symphony, making the entire Terrans base boil like a pot of oil filled with water. The people who had just finished dinner and were bragging and chatting looked at the dark night sky in surprise, except for a few quick-thinking guys who ran to their posts. Most people, especially the new recruits who joined the army later, looked a little overwhelmed.

"The Ranger squadron suppresses the enemy's anti-aircraft missile firepower. Eliminates the threat of airborne heavy aircraft. Pluto clears the enemy hangar. Hellfire attacks the enemy's soldier dormitories and canteen." Ye controlled Pluto to fly towards a huge hangar. While giving orders quickly.

"Yeah, tremble, Imperials." Dio's white fighter took the lead, making a fancy circle around the Pluto of the Night and then accelerated towards an Imperial pilot dormitory. A high-explosive aerial bomb, controlled by Diod, accurately hit the vulture logo that was painted on the top of the floor to symbolize the imperial pilot. The bomb with great penetrating power penetrated two floors and exploded on the fifth floor of the six-story building. Luciola, who followed closely, accurately sent his bomb into the crater created by his young master. This violent explosion directly collapsed the building.

Most of the pilots of the Red Eye Squadron chose the canteen and military entertainment facilities. High-explosive bombs quickly killed the Imperial soldiers, but these small explosions were nothing compared to the big explosion in the first hangar.

Daniel is worthy of being Ye's artillery instructor. This sturdy Chinese man has the same good luck as Ye. His first shot hit the street in front of the gate of the Empire's No. 1 hangar. Violent power poured in from the open door of the hangar, and the high-temperature storm carried shrapnel and gravel and instantly killed all living targets in the hangar.

"No." The imperial base commander saw this scene just as he entered the command room. The gray-haired old man wailed. The first hangar is where the best squadron pilots of Terrance are located, and in the just raid, these pilots were among the few who ran towards their mechas. But not long after these pilots opened the hangar door and entered the hangar, death visited them. The open door did not serve as a gateway for them to march out against the enemy. Instead, it became the gate of hell where the God of Death claimed their lives.

"Good job." Ye praised loudly, and Pluto also landed in front of the third hangar, firing the weapon in his hand and the two beam guns on the weapon rack. Quickly smash the hangar door. Then the explosive device specially equipped for this operation was detached from Pluto's back, and the box containing high explosives was stuffed into the broken door by Ye. Hades then started the engine and sped off.

Boom, four mushroom clouds larger than the first hangar rose up, burying the remaining four hangars of Terrance into ruins. At the same time, the Rangers scattered everywhere also sent messages that they had completed clearing the thermal anti-aircraft missiles.

In the universe, three transport ships that had completed orbit calculations stood upright, and the hatches at the rear were opened. Two rows of six spindle-like drop pods extend from the tail of each transport ship.

"Heavy Armored Mecha Company B is ready." The leading transport ship informed Rear Admiral Tyson, and at the same time, news of Ye's success in clearing heat-sensing missiles also came.

"Heavy armored assault. Begin." Major General Tyson ordered.

Eighteen spindles were dropped by the transport ship. These drop pods did not cut into the atmosphere at a small angle like the usual drop pods, but entered at an almost vertical angle. Generally, small-angle airdrops require two to three hours of flight time. Although it is much better than the Earth era, which requires a full day of flight time, it is not enough to meet military needs. But now such a vertical airborne can shorten the time to five minutes. This can be said to be a very brutal airborne method is to achieve the effect of a high-speed raid, which requires a cost-effective airborne capsule and a heavy-armored machine that can withstand a large impact. Military uniforms and soldiers who can withstand large g-forces for a long time.

The top rockets of the eighteen airborne capsules were activated, pushing the cone-shaped bottoms to break through the air, causing the speed of the airborne capsules to reach the limit it could bear in an instant, and then the top engines were shut down. Three centrally located reverse engine starts control the speed of the drop pod.

On the ground, the Empire began to fight back after experiencing the initial chaos, and their situation seemed to become difficult.

Night ordered the dispersed rangers to suppress the opponent's anti-aircraft guns and armored garages at the same time. Like the members of the Snowy Night Duke Commando, they began to hit the mecha in the ruins of the hangar in front of them. The mechas that were not buried firmly by the ruins and looked relatively complete when exposed did not escape the bad luck. The gleaming beam saber penetrated the cockpit of the unmanned mecha, turning the core of the mecha into a pile of scrap metal.

But just when they were solving the hidden danger in the night, the first hangar that was destroyed by the King of Land's blow revealed several piles of debris. Some pilots near the gate in the first hangar were lucky enough to get into their own mechas before the Land King's attack arrived. Although their mechas lost some weapons during the attack, they were still able to attack the scattered federal mechas.

The first person to be threatened was Ye who was closest to the first hangar. Three lines of fire rushed towards Ye's Pluto. If Ye hadn't sensed the threat, he turned around in time and put the shield in front of him. The back engine of Ye's Pluto will definitely be scrapped. The danger of staying overnight has just begun. Driven by their brutal joint power, the two Wolf Cavalry opened up the ruins. Sliding and sprinting towards Hades, in their hands were the ship-cutting knives that could cause horrific damage to any mecha.

"Fuck." Ye controlled the mecha to retreat. While using the beam saber in his right hand, he blocked the attack from the right. He used the beam saber to resist for a short time and successfully left the opponent's attack range. As for the guy coming from the left, Ye could only activate his attack shield and fight with the opponent when he was slashing.

The huge particle sparks exploded, which also attracted the attention of Duke Xue Ye's commando team. The three of them immediately abandoned their work and ran to help Ye. However, the opponent's three mechas had also climbed up from the ruins, and the two sides immediately fell into a shooting situation.

"Rangers, the enemy mecha troops in the hangar need support." The opponent's suppressive firepower made it impossible for Richard and the others to support Ye. What was even more frightening was that some imperial pilots ignored the mechas in the fierce battle and went crazy. He ran towards the buried mechas.

"It's not that easy." Ye Ye noticed the situation below and immediately activated the close-range defense cannon on his head. However, the opponent's two close-combat pilots did not give Ye the slightest chance to breathe and quickly forced them over. Their experienced men also tried to force Ye out of the ruins of the hangar to cover the brave colleagues inside.

Ye used the opponent's formation to block the attack route of a Wolf Cavalry, and used the attack shield to fight the opponent again. Then he had no choice but to exit the ruins, and watched the opponent's two pilots get into the bear style. middle. The blocked Wolf Cavalry pilot bypassed his teammates at high speed from the left, and stabbed Ye with the ship-cutting knife in his hand directly at the retreating Ye.

"First one." A white dot swooped down in the air, and Dio's fighter plane accurately caught the gap where the shield swayed when the opponent's mecha stabbed. The newly installed ion engine allowed the Hellfire Kai to once again carry their space-standard 100mm beam cannon to show off its power, and two consecutive beams accurately hit the opponent's cockpit side armor.

Unfortunately, the heavy armor of the wolf cavalry completely withstood Dio's attack. Find Shuyuan www.zhaosshuyuan. com only punched two huge craters in the side armor. However, this attack frightened the Wolf Cavalry pilot. The stabbing movement was completely deformed, and the knife originally aimed at the night cockpit became a stab at Pluto's shoulder.

Ye's reaction was also quick. The dragon knight's left leg suddenly fell to his knees. The knife stabbed from the right side only made a terrifying scratch on the dragon knight's left shoulder. The shining particle stream was directed towards Pluto's head. The monitor makes you have to close your eyes at night in the cockpit.

Even if he closed his eyes overnight, he could still capture the opponent's position with impression and telepathy. The beam sword on his right hand penetrated the crater made by Dio before the opponent's left shield was withdrawn, dimming the Wolf Cavalry's one eye. .

"It was so dangerous, I almost penetrated the armor." Ye Xin looked at the scratch on his left shoulder with lingering fear. As long as it was a little deeper, the ship-cutting knife could penetrate the shoulder armor and make close contact with Pluto's shoulder missile launcher. In that case, even if there is an explosion guide to guide the missile's explosion to the outside, Pluto's entire left arm may be blown away.

However, the situation on the battlefield did not allow Ye to lament his good luck. Pluto retracted his right hand, retracted the beam sword and at the same time grasped the opponent's ship-cutting knife that had extinguished its light. He took advantage of the situation and snatched it. Then he retreated with the engine at full speed to avoid the opponent's arrival. The pilot's direct attack. (To be continued.)

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