Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 448: A journey of thousands of miles

Pluto's right hand grasped the hilt of the sword, and the data of the ship-cutting knife, which had the same interface as the Federation weapon, was immediately read by the central computer on Pluto. The Federation's replacement driver for the imperial weapon was started, lighting up the imperial weapon.

Unfortunately, Ye's movements were still half a beat too slow, and the opponent's wolf cavalry suddenly flew sideways as if it had been hit hard by an object. The wolf cavalry disintegrated in the air, and the huge ship-cutting knife flew out of his hands and stuck diagonally on the road in front of Ye.

"Perfect." Mike's unique deep voice during the battle came, and at the same time, Daniel's cheers also came, "Ye, slow hands mean nothing, you must have been robbed, hahaha."

It turned out that after a bombardment destroyed a hangar, the King of Land did not continue to kill the base forts in the distance as planned, but took a risk and approached Terrance. Because Mike feels that the power of the King of Land can truly be exerted at the distance of two to three kilometers where he can best perform. Daniel also felt that shelling at close range was more enjoyable. After all, watching his opponent being blown away was completely different from seeing a mushroom cloud from a distance.

So this bulky weapon began to approach Terrance, and happened to see the night situation, so Mike fired an armor-piercing projectile purely based on feeling without sniper correction and precise calculation of the influence of the wind.

Facts have proved that the two guys who set foot on the capital star battlefield for the first time today are really lucky. Just like Daniel's cloud blast bomb before, which fell in front of the open hangar door instead of hitting the hard hangar roof, this roughly aimed armor-piercing bomb magically hit the opponent after flying three kilometers. The thick cannonballs carried huge kinetic energy and entered through the slender side waist armor of the Wolf Cavalry. Under the action of huge spin force and penetration force, the mass-produced mecha with the strongest defense in the empire was split into two.

However, he didn't know that Mike hadn't taken careful aim. He still thanked this sniper instructor whom he had always respected and admired, even though the other party seemed to have taken away his credit.

Chuck is a former member of the Delta Special Forces, but this elite soldier failed during the selection of AS special service. However, the heavily armed force formed by the Federation gave this special forces firepower hope. In order to satisfy his desire to use a six-barreled Gatling gun with one hand. He resolutely chose to leave Delta, where he had served for nearly ten years, and join the new federal force.

Chuck's excellent physical fitness allowed Chuck not only to become a senior officer in the heavy armor division, but also to become the first group of airborne heavy troops with a group of the best soldiers.

The spindle-shaped airborne capsule descended at high speed. The friction of the air turned the entire drop cabin red. Eighteen red dots immediately attracted the attention of the imperial troops, but they no longer had the ability to attack these targets that were obvious on the heat sensors. The Empire's missile anti-aircraft vehicle was pinned down in the garage by the Federation's rangers. Although the Rangers without heavy attack equipment were helpless in the sturdy underground garages, the Imperial Army also lost the space to launch missiles.

"Get ready to slow down," Chuck shouted when the altitude reached six thousand meters.

The three rocket engines deployed on the sides of the airborne capsule started, immediately causing the body of the person in the airborne capsule to feel heavy. As the engine gradually increased its horsepower, the g-force in the airborne cabin also gradually increased to 5g. Although this kind of gravity is not as good as the average 7g that ordinary pilots can withstand, this overweight state needs to last for nearly twenty seconds.

The energy of the engine gained the upper hand in the battle against gravity, quickly reducing the terrifying speed of the airborne capsule of more than two thousand kilometers per hour. The heavily armed soldiers inside were also silently enduring the pain caused by this confrontation. Everyone's face was somewhat distorted and deformed under the influence of gravity, and some soldiers with poor physical fitness even made a sound.

Ten seconds passed. The speed of the airborne capsule was greatly reduced, and the altitude also reached a height of one thousand meters. Bang, the heat protector of the airborne capsule, which was made of expensive and highly efficient heat-dissipating metal alloy, split into four pieces and separated from the airborne capsule. Then Chuck opened the instrument panel in front of him and selected the landing site through the camera set at the bottom. After minor adjustments, most of the airborne pods landed on the large airport of the imperial base and began to seize the airport directly.

Because of the large deviation of Chuck's airborne capsule, he chose an open field. Unfortunately, this field was a playground in front of an Imperial Infantry Barracks.

boom. The door of the airborne cabin was blown away, and the imperial infantrymen who had just left the dormitory with simple automatic weapons were attracted by this big guy and returned to the playground, approaching in an encircling manner. At the instruction of their commander. The soldiers facing the three doors of the airborne capsule began to shoot at the airborne capsule with their rifles.

Woo, a very light sound of an electric motor came, but it seemed particularly clear on the noisy battlefield. Then three lines of fire shot out from the huge drop pod, sweeping through the circle of Imperial infantry surrounding the drop pod.

Although there were only three lines of fire, the dense tracer bullets showed the terrifying rate of fire of these weapons. The imperial infantry immediately scattered in search of bunkers, but there was not much in the empty playground that could stop seven-millimeter bullets.

"It's the Vulcan. Damn it, hide it." The imperial lieutenant commanding the scene immediately identified the weapons that caused horrific casualties to his men. He, who was experienced in the battlefield, pulled his adjutant over and said: "Let the grenadier use the throwing weapon." The canister blows that thing up.”

Several grenades flew into the drop bay with the help of small rockets. Then it exploded in this small space, and huge fireballs erupted from the three doors. Let the imperial soldiers present cheer loudly.

However, the cheers of the imperial soldiers were interrupted by heavy footsteps coming from the airborne capsule. Six steel monsters slowly walked out of the burning airborne capsule. And there seemed to be only some traces of being blackened by fire on their bodies.

"What is this?" The lieutenant looked at the monster in front of him in great surprise. There was a semicircular glass window on the kite-shaped body, revealing the faces of the federal soldiers inside. All limbs are covered with armor, and the composite shielding armor at the joints makes these weak spots difficult to attack. There is a hydraulically controlled iron plate behind the legs of the legs being slowly lowered, while the huge shield on the monster's left hand is leaning lightly on the ground, and the huge six-barreled seven-millimeter Vulcan cannon on the right hand begins to rotate at an accelerated speed, making a terrifying sound. The whine.

The six tongues of fire once again swept across the Imperial Army, filling the Imperial Army that was originally cheering with wails. A few brave Imperials fought back with their automatic rifles, but most of their bullets ricocheted off shields and armor. But when they were exposed, they were torn to pieces by the violent Gatling guns. Without even wailing, he fell to the ground in a twisted shape.

The invulnerability of their opponents and the misery of their own side caused the morale of the Imperial infantry to collapse, and they fled the hellish playground to the other side of the battlefield. Their mecha troops also suffered an almost devastating blow.

Mike's armor-piercing bullet scared the three pilots who were suppressing the Snowy Night Duke Commando into a cold sweat. Realizing that they had been flanked by the enemy, they tried to leave their bunkers. However, they were driven back again by the suppressive firepower of the Snowy Duke Commando.

Near the ruins of the hangar, Ye used the captured ship-cutting sword to quickly knock down the two Bears struggling out of the ruins, and then was pushed out by a cloud explosion bomb from Daniel. This powerful shell hit three Imperial mechas hiding behind a solid building, pushing these mechas out of their bunkers and becoming the target of the Duke's commandos on a snowy night. And Ye was also pushed because he was too close and on the open ground.

Ye's mecha skills were naturally not afraid of such interference. The engine on Pluto's back flashed, and the silver mecha pounced on the fallen imperial mechas faster than it could retreat.

Richard and Joe on the side also ducked out of the bunker, because their target's vital parts were completely obscured by the building when they fell to the ground. Only Smith was happy to send his bullet into the opponent's chest before Ye arrived. Who made his opponent fall sideways on the wide road.

Richard's Pluto passed over the ship-cutting knife stuck on the road at high speed. He stretched out his right hand to hold the frightening weapon, and then, driven by Pluto at high speed, chopped the rising Imperial mecha into pieces. two.

Ye immediately changed direction after seeing his chosen target being knocked down by Smith, but the last Imperial pilot was experienced and lay on the ground and opened fire to drive Ye back. This was an advantage for Joe, who was attacking from the other side. The saber pierced the chest of the enemy who didn't even notice him.

In the night sky of the Tyrad Desert, a squadron of federal transport planes flew silently. Their appearance looks very strange. The four engines are installed on the top of the four wings of the aircraft. Together with the somewhat stubby wings, they look a bit like a super-small Galaxy transport aircraft with sawed-off wings. The lift produced by the transport plane's wings does not appear to be sufficient to support its weight. Therefore, the four engines maintain a certain tilt angle. The blue flames emitted by the engine indicate that this transport aircraft also uses an ion engine that cannot be locked by thermal missiles. This is the Pelican transport aircraft specially designed by the Federation for special forces.

However, this time the Pelican was transporting not the three special forces, but the soldiers of the Red Flag Regiment, an elite force that is very famous in the Tyrad Desert.

Wan Jia is a new soldier who joined the Red Flag Regiment, but the soldiers in the Red Flag Regiment admire him very much. Because he was a soldier who had experienced the great defeat of the Union in the west, and he was a soldier in the rear-broken army.

Wanjia was sitting in the transport plane, looking out the window at the dark desert, and her thoughts drifted to the first battle she experienced.

At that time, Wanjia, as a new recruit, and his company came to the capital star far away from his hometown on Earth. Having just arrived in Ekrich, he was very panicked about the chaotic situation of the Federation in the western region of the capital star.

The capital of Xingxi Continent is the seat of the New Britain government, and its people are quite resistant to the federal army. Federal troops stationed in the West, especially infantry units, have been under attack from car bombs and suicide bombers by insurgents for more than a month since February's Valentine's Day bloodshed. Threat of letter poison. These civilian attacks made the Union Army soldiers very nervous.

Wanjia's instructor and the commander of his infantry company, Johnson, was a tall black man. The very humorous second lieutenant laughed and teased the very nervous Wan Jiazi: "Xiao Jiazi. Why are you nervous?"

"No, sir." Wan Jia looked around nervously. He replied with a trembling voice.

"The tone of your voice has changed and you're not nervous? You've called me sir, haha." Johnson smiled, looked around the surroundings carelessly, took out a cigar and lit it, then blew out a standard smoke ring and said: " Don’t be nervous, this is an area controlled by pro-federal forces, and the military will not let us inspect areas where there are independent elements."

"Haha." The soldiers around him laughed kindly. In Johnson's company, he asked others to call him chief instead of chief. For this, Johnson was often punished by his superiors. Otherwise, this man who has won military exploits several times A soldier is not just a company commander.

"Really?" Wan Jia shrank his neck. A huge explosion just came from the West District, followed by continuous gunshots.

"Of course, the military has set up warning checkpoints in Dongcheng District and Xicheng District. People in the east have been strictly vetted and there will be no independent elements." Johnson laughed.

Wan Jia lowered his head and muttered softly: "That's not necessarily true." As a Chinese, he knew that his ancestors had a tactic called guerrilla warfare, which was to inflict heavy losses on the enemy's rear. It seemed that the Dongcheng District at this moment was Ekri. The rear of the Greek federal army.

"Boss, the 18th checkpoint to the west requires support." The communications soldier on one side called.

"Guys, move, the brothers at checkpoint 18 need our support, run." Johnson bit his cigar and shouted with a wave of his left hand.

"Oh. Find Shuyuan" The ten-man patrol team responded loudly, running and starting to check their own bodies.

Wanjia followed his team closely. He was the only new recruit in this team. The other soldiers had more or less experienced combat. Although these battles with alien creatures were completely different from those of fellow soldiers, these soldiers who had seen blood were still much stronger than this new recruit like him.

"We're getting close. Damn it, why are there iron fences here?" Johnson, who had only been in Ekrich for a short time, was not very familiar with Ekrich's roads. After choosing a small path based on the map, he was depressed to find that he had entered a dead end.

"Melt it." Johnson ordered decisively.

One soldier took out a spray can and sprayed a hole around the barbed wire that was large enough for one person to pass through. Then another soldier took off the barbed wire without much effort.

"Action." Johnson ducked through the hole, and the gunshots in everyone's ears became louder and louder.

"It's not a small playground, it's a nasty shanty town." The place marked as an empty small playground on the map is now a messy shanty town. No wonder the road before was blocked by barbed wire. (To be continued.)

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