"No matter what they are going to do! Let's take action immediately and get rid of this thing first! It will save us a lot of nightmares!" Chen Nan made a decisive decision and ordered: "Fernandez, put the base into the highest alert state! In addition, notify the garrison headquarters in Jihua Star Territory, Immediately dispatch two fleets to escort the return journey!"

"All scientific researchers related to this project will be transferred with the fleet immediately. Don't worry, you will have a more trouble-free living environment and research conditions in the imperial capital!"

"Issue a hush order for all peripheral personnel of the base! Everything that happens here today will be classified as a top secret in the empire, and no leaks are allowed!"

"Immediately notify the Imperial Security Department's station on the Blue Algae Star and ask them to keep a close eye on those volleyballs! Report any unusual movements immediately!"

The order was immediately implemented, and a sharp alarm sounded inside the base! Thousands of searchlights lit up, and countless figures emerged from different corners, completing their respective responsibilities as quickly as possible under the orders of the commander! All defense systems were turned on, and undispatched warships were ordered to take off immediately! The entire base is like a huge and sophisticated machine running at high speed!

A Qinghai warship slowly approached and hovered over the base! , the huge and thick alloy dome of the base slowly slid open, revealing the central research institute below.

All scientific researchers and movable equipment have been evacuated. The inside of Nuo University's research institute is empty, with only dozens of awakened people still guarding the crystal pillar.

"Man! We're afraid we won't be able to leave!" Xing Feng said.

"Yes! They are already here!" Chen Nan sighed softly. Under the perception of the Qianxing strongman, thousands of volleyball shadows had appeared in the space fault above the base. The energy intensity of several of them was Compared to the two of them, they don’t have to give in too much!

"It's hard to handle! Why don't we bring more people here this time, and we'll just have to run away!" There are times when violence is used! Why are you so tough this time?"

"It's almost a demonstration! Do you want to talk to them?" Chen Nan asked.

"Looking at this posture, it doesn't look like they are here to negotiate. They are already planning to completely break up!"

The words just fell. A tyrannical mental wave poured down like a tide: "Humans, hand over the things in the research institute! Otherwise, die!"

The two looked at each other and nodded gently.

A thousand-meter-long sharp sword light appeared out of thin air and slashed across the universe! The next second, the space shattered like a mirror! Thousands of round ghost race people appeared out of thin air in front of everyone!

The main guns of hundreds of battleships suddenly fired, and the muzzles of the guns erupted like lava, and the violent energy tide flooded the airspace in an instant! Caught off guard, hundreds of ghost race people were blasted to ashes!

"Zizzi..." A strange mental fluctuation sounded in everyone's mind, and everyone who heard this sound had a splitting headache! Many people have lost the ability to move. The movement of the battleship group came to a standstill! Immediately afterwards, countless black threads appeared from that space, a black color that was darker than the background of the universe. The threads quickly spread over and surrounded a battleship like a living creature, gently wrapping around it. The thousand-meter-long metal beast fell apart like a paper toy! It turned into a pile of fine metal garbage floating in the universe. Occasionally, you can see the incomplete human commando tissue and blood scattered everywhere!

Then came the second and third ships...

"Damn it, won't you get out of the way?" Xing Feng roared, and a golden light emerged from his body. Turn into an energy shield to protect him! With a slight movement of his body, the whole person disappeared out of thin air! When the next moment appeared, he had already appeared above the base. The strange-shaped brush in his hand emits a dazzling white light, and tiny cyan inscriptions keep flying around the pen barrel. It is obviously a very powerful piece of equipment! He waved the brush and pointed dozens of times at high speed at the relatively nearby universe! Immediately, dozens of ghost race people were squeezed out of the space fault by inexplicable force. Their bodies without exception began to expand, and then burst like balloons!

Chen Nan also appeared in a relatively close place. He had put on a silver-white heavy armor and was holding a knight's epee in his hand. Half of the sword's blade was serrated. The whole body is filled with blood-red brilliance! All I saw was the light of his sword as he raised his hand to slash and slash. The universe is shaking! The ghost race people who have re-hidden into the space gap appear before us again!

The two powerful Qianxing men attracted most of the attention of the ghost race! The officers and soldiers on the battleship finally recovered from the strange mental attack and retreated one after another.

"Send this thing to the battleship quickly. Let's move immediately!" Fernandez ordered hurriedly, "Those volleyballs are not to be trifled with. All awakened ones with five stars and above should go and help the two generals! Those with less than five stars in combat effectiveness should leave. Been gone for a while!”

There were hundreds of awakened people stationed in the base, and the supernatural troops brought by the two generals totaled 5,000 people. However, excluding those below five stars, there were only less than 700 truly strong ones! At this time, these strong men put on their equipment and flew into the sky to fight!

The armor plate on the ventral side of the Qinghai battleship opened, and a blue metal box ten meters long and five meters wide and high slowly lowered and stopped in the air three hundred meters away from the research institute! A beam of light shot out from the bottom of the box, covering the entire central research institute! Immediately afterwards, the research institute shook and slowly began to rise! At the same time, the size is getting smaller.

Just when the institute was about to be completely occupied by the space cargo box, a black ice gun as thick as a thigh and dozens of meters long appeared out of thin air and suddenly crashed into the cargo box! The two supernatural warriors on the cargo box tried to block it, but the spear penetrated their bodies like tearing paper, and then hit the cargo box hard! A circle of blue light appeared around the cargo box, flashing rapidly several times. After all, it failed to prevent the fate of destruction and disintegrated in the explosion!

The research institute fell heavily to the ground from 300 meters in the air. In the violent shock, all the equipment inside was thrown into a mess! Fortunately, the main body of the institute is also made of black meteorite iron alloy, so it survived the fate of being thrown into a mess!

Hundreds of faint blue weeping flowers appeared from the universe, and their indigo blue eyes stared coldly at the battlefield!

"Venerable Senluo! What should we do now?" Duo Linghua said.

"Don't worry about them, let's go find Kildel! Get the dry stuff back!" the leader cried Linghuayan. But before they could take action, an accident occurred in the research institute below!

A low whistle came out, and a blood-red light flashed away! The entire institute seemed like an ice cube under the flames. It turned into a pool of metallic juice in an instant! A red sun is rising slowly holding a faint blue weeping flower!

"Hahaha... I finally have a chance to escape! I've been stuck in this hellish place for so long! I've had enough." The wanton mental fluctuations spread unbridled into the consciousness of every intelligent life form present!

"Kilder, you actually walked out!" Lord Senluo was shocked!

"Yes, how can I, the Patriarch, be so easy to deal with? You guys are following Lovyanlov in his rebellion. I will tear you all to pieces!" Kilder said fiercely.

The red sun shines brightly, and countless golden-red light arrows shoot towards the crying Linghua camp like a violent storm! Light arrows are extremely lethal. It only takes a few hits and the skin will peel off even if you don't die! In the blink of an eye, dozens of flowers were hit by the light arrows. The blue flowers turned red in an instant, and then shriveled up, as if they were dehydrated dried vegetables!

"Kilder! You bastard! Why can you still use the Alchemy Cauldron Pearl?" Venerable Senluo was shocked and angry. He worked together with his subordinates to hold up a light curtain to resist the light arrow offensive.

"It's not used. Why can your mediocre skills resist the power of dry matter?" Kilder laughed wildly. Pushing the Dan Cauldron Pearl harder, the density of the light arrows immediately increased by a Taiwan star!

The light arrows fell like a tide. One or two of them could not stop the light curtain, but they could not hold up a large number! The thickness of the light curtain gradually became thinner, and everyone was crying and struggling to support it!

Just when the light curtain was about to collapse, the red sun dimmed, and the light arrow offensive suddenly slowed down! Kilder only felt the energy in his body stagnate, and bursts of pain came from him. "Damn it, the old injury has recurred! At this critical time!" it scolded privately, "We have to find a place to recover from the injury. These rebellious people, let you live a few more days!"

"Kilder, you can't hold on anymore! Are you injured?" The shrewd Lord Senluo quickly discovered the abnormality of the other party.

"Hand over the Dan Cauldron Pearl. I'll let you go today. We can also let you return to your race and become a Venerable!" Venerable Senluo ordered his subordinates to surround Kildel while trying to persuade him to surrender.

"Random thoughts!" Kilder snorted, activated the Dan Cauldron Pearl, and the red sun wrapped its body and began to merge into the universe!

Everyone was crying and worried, and launched attacks one after another! All kinds of ice edges, ice blades, ice balls, and icicles fell on the red sun like raindrops, mixed with countless spiritual shocks! However, is the defense of the artifact so easy to break through?

Just when the red sun was about to disappear, a black light flashed and the space shook slightly. The red sun pops up again!

"Kilder, hand over the Dan Cauldron Pearl! I'll let you go today!" Three ghost race people appeared in front of it.

"Since when? You bunch of chubby losers who only know how to do business have turned to banditry?" Kilder stared at Fang Yan coldly and asked.

"This thing is very important to our race, and we have no choice but to do it!" The leader of the ghost race said calmly. "Give it to me and I can help you deal with your enemies!"

"What if I don't agree?"

"You don't know my race's accomplishments in the laws of space! You can't run away! Even if there is a divine weapon!" The magnetic field on the side of the ghost race's body vibrates gently, and green photons fly out, and the photons develop Wherever you go, the surrounding space quickly becomes stagnant, and a kilometer radius is blocked by unknown forces. As long as you step into this airspace, you will be like a fly falling into jelly, unable to move! The unlucky group of crying Linghua were also sealed inside and unable to move!

"Haha... Are you so confident? If so, then I will show you what the real power of space is!" Kilder laughed wildly and activated the Dan Cauldron Pearl. The red sun shone brightly and slowly turned golden. Then the golden ball of light began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, pushing away the force that blocked the space! After reaching a diameter of nearly a hundred meters, it suddenly retracted, and hundreds of golden lights burst out, splitting the surrounding space! Those ghost race people were also swept by the light, and their round bodies were split into two like watermelons!

"Things that don't know whether they are dead or alive!" Kilder cursed, feeling the pain in his body getting more intense, and he had to leave here immediately.

However, just as it was planning to escape into the universe again, a blood-red heavy sword suddenly appeared and struck the red sun hard!

"Are you planning to run away? It's not that easy!" Chen Nan stopped it with a wave of his heavy sword.

"Damn human beings?" The Furious Kilder activated the Dan Cauldron Pearl, and golden-red arrows of light shot towards Chen Nan like raindrops.

"Is this level of attack enough to kill me?" Chen Nan laughed, and the armor on his body floated with a layer of milky white light, firmly blocking the impact of the light arrow. The sword in his hand waved, and the space of thousands of meters was instantly enveloped in sword light! The Crying Linghua race within the killing range suffered heavy casualties!

The heavy sword trembled lowly, and the blade was full of brilliance, as if it was alive.

In just a few seconds, tens of millions of attacks fell on the red sun. With the terrifyingly accurate control of the Qianxing strongman, they found Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com He can ensure that the strength of each blow is completely equal, and there will be no error in the location of the attack! He knew that this was an artifact, and its defense was difficult to break even with the power of Qianxing! But to drive the artifact, it consumes a huge amount of energy, and the opponent seems to be injured, so he may not be able to last long! He is confident that he can quickly deplete the opponent's energy by concentrating his strength and attacking the same point with high frequency, thus achieving victory!

His guess was right! After a while, the light of the red sun became dimmer. Kildel tried his best to squeeze out the last bit of energy in his body, but it was of no use! Everyone can see that it is at the end of its strength!

However, just when Chen Nan was about to win, the space behind him moved again! A big black net quietly appeared and covered him extremely quickly! With the keenness of the Qianxing strongman, he managed to avoid the attack of the black net, but the edge of the black net still rubbed his left arm, and a section of his arm from the elbow joint down was instantly cut into pieces. Minced meat!

"Qian Xing?" He endured the pain and tried his best to steady himself in the air! A ghost race person surrounded by a pale golden magnetic field slowly appeared in the universe. On the surface of its round body, there are countless tiny golden light spots constantly emerging from those complicated and exquisite patterns, flying an absolute distance away from the body. Then slowly disappeared into the air! The powerful aura exuding from its body all the time shows that it at least has the combat power of a Qianxing! (To be continued.)

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