Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 459 Space Teleportation

"Well! Being able to see the abilities of a strong human being is a worthwhile trip!" The strong man of the ghost race gently vibrated the magnetic field and conveyed his wishes to Chen Nan in the form of mental fluctuations.

Chen Nan's face became heavy. A Qianxing strongman who was proficient in the laws of space, and he attacked secretly regardless of his identity. He was no longer sure of winning this battle!

Dozens of ghost race warriors kept emerging around, once again surrounding Kildel!

On the other side of the battlefield, Xing Feng's situation is not optimistic either.

One dry star plus hundreds of five-star or above experts to assist in the battle. Such a powerful lineup is enough to fight against a main space fleet! However, as a veteran cosmic civilization, the ghost race’s combat power accumulated over a long history cannot be underestimated. The fighting power of the remaining hundreds of ghost race warriors is on average higher than that of human awakened ones! It would be better if Xing Feng supported the situation, and humanity would have been defeated long ago!

The golden energy shield became brighter and brighter, and the strange-shaped stylus in his hand rotated like a windmill. Thousands of pen shadows filled the space of several kilometers around. From time to time, people from the ghost race were forced out of the space fault by him and then exploded with one stroke! Blue blood mixed with internal organs flying all over the sky, and the volleyball players' mental screams before they died, turning this universe into a bloody Shura field!

Of course, the other party cannot let him continue to be arrogant! Soon, two ghost race people exuding a terrifying aura stopped him. They had a golden magnetic field, a body that was obviously one size larger than ordinary race people, and golden light spots that kept spraying outward! It all shows that he has hit the iron plate today!

"Human, you are strong! However, that's it! You will return to eternal darkness soon!" A cold mental wave came!

"Huh? I don't think so!" Xing Feng laughed and moved his hand on the armed belt. Suddenly, the battlefield was filled with golden light! Another golden ball of light emerged out of thin air, like a sun!

A strange bird stretched out its body in the ball of light. As if he had woken up from a deep sleep not long ago, as soon as he opened his huge blood-red eyes, he stared at the enemy in front of him, and a blazing aura that burned everything came to his face. It forced the two powerful Qianxing warriors to take half a step back!

"Feather bird! S-grade mutant beast! Let it play with you!" Xing Feng waved his stylus, and the strange bird with a body of several dozen meters rushed towards one of the Qianxing strongmen. Opening his mouth wide, the opponent was enveloped in monstrous flames! The temperature of the flame was extremely high, and it raged everywhere with a destructive momentum, turning this cold universe into a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire! Even the surfaces of satellites more than ten kilometers away were burned and cracked. In the center of the flames, the space was slightly distorted!

One Qianxing strongman contained Yanyu Chifengque's offensive, and the other faced Xing Feng. Black threads formed out of thin air and intertwined around him. In an instant, a big net appeared to cover him! This is a manifestation of the ghost race's high mastery and application of the laws of space. The grid with the space tearing effect can cut through most of the matter in the known universe!

Xing Feng waved the stylus pen repeatedly, and the tip of the pen trembled rapidly. In an instant, countless attacks hit many nodes of the big net. He slightly intercepted the incoming force of the big net, and then shrank and spread his body, dodging it by a hair's breadth. Hit this killing blow!

"It's not in use, can you keep hiding?" The magnetic field beside the strong man of the ghost race was gently restrained, and then a large area of ​​cyan photons developed and scattered in all directions. Wherever the photon development sweeps, the space gradually becomes stagnant, like jelly. Greatly suppressed the flexibility of human awakened people's actions! But the warriors of the ghost race were not affected. For a time, the casualties in the human camp skyrocketed!

Xing Feng was furious, and the golden energy shield on his body became more and more dazzling. Looking through the energy shield, his skin had turned into a light purple, blue veins popped out, and the skin cracked in many places due to the surprising surge of energy. . A trace of blood seeped out, and was evaporated under the sudden increase in body temperature!

A blue lotus flower was silently generated in the universe. The precious light shines brightly! It’s like a beautiful work of art! The next moment. The lotus bloomed, with petals stacked in layers. This scene lasted only a few seconds, and the lotus withered! Countless petals turned into cyan sword energy and scattered, and the space shackles set by the ghost race were easily broken! The ghost race warriors who were swept away by the green sword energy were all penetrated and killed without any resistance!

Xing Feng's face turned pale as a special move was launched. But it was not the time to relax yet. Taking advantage of the opponent's full defense, Tuanshen rushed over. The pen tip in his hand burst out with a bunch of photons, and suddenly clicked on its round body!

The strong man of the ghost race rapidly vibrated the magnetic field, and a transparent shield immediately appeared in front of him, and his entire figure became blurry. It was obvious that he was planning to repeat his old trick and escape into the space fault to escape. But this time it was temporarily revealed, and a powerful force not inferior to it blocked the surrounding space! By the time it reacted and tried to use other means to escape, it was already too late! The tip of the pen suddenly pierced the shield and stabbed its body!

pain! Bone-piercing pain! Cyan blood surged out like a fountain! Even the golden magnetic field beside him dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the opponent's second attack came right after! It endured the pain, formed a large net in front of it to block the opponent, and then used up the remaining energy to activate space teleportation! A circle of fluctuations rippled in the universe. When the space returned to stability, there were no traces of the powerful ghost race!

"You are lucky today!" Xing Feng cursed bitterly. His mutated beast is still in a stalemate with the strong man, and both sides are covered in glory. One of Yanyu Chifengque's wings was almost broken by the opponent's space attack method, while the opponent's whole body was dim, and the golden magnetic field also had a vague sign of dispersion. ! It was obvious that he was seriously injured! After Xing Feng joined the battle group, the strong man of the ghost race who had become the last of his strength was quickly defeated and escaped into the space fault with injuries!

However, Chen Nan's situation is not optimistic. There are already two powerful Qianxing warriors facing him! Even if he was injured, he couldn't fight one against two even if he tried his best. He was about to be torn apart by the strange net!

With a wild roar, Chen Nan showed off his own tricks! A ball of light surrounded by dozens of bright electric lights appeared out of thin air. After a second, the electric light disappeared, and a black three-eyed monster ten meters tall, wearing strange-shaped heavy metal armor and holding a scepter appeared in front of him! Soon, the weirdo opened his eyes. Waving the scepter blocked the attack of the powerful ghost race!

"The mechanical war puppet of the ancient Luojing River civilization? Where did you get this thing?" The strong man of the ghost race was a little surprised.

Chen Nan snorted and ignored it. Just keep attacking! Although the war partner is a mechanical product, its combat power is extremely terrifying. Not inferior to Qianxing! As the scepter was waved, circles of emerald light spread out. The other party seemed to be extremely afraid of that brilliance and did not dare to come into direct contact with it! Just use space to dodge! But soon, the other party discovered a problem. It discovered that its energy loss was much greater. In the past, traveling through space was like taking a leisurely stroll, but now it is like carrying a mountain. Not to mention the effort, after escaping into the space fault, it also The original concealment effect is lost. It only takes two or three breaths for that hateful human to discover them and force them out!

Without the ability to travel through space, the threat of the powerful ghost race is much smaller, and both sides are evenly matched!

Xing Feng raised his hand to put the injured mutant beast back into the space weapon belt. After taking a look at the battlefield, in this short period of time alone, the human camp suffered heavy casualties! Only less than 300 of the 700 strong men were left, and their death conditions were extremely miserable. Under the space cutting attack, there were mutilated corpses everywhere, in a state of microgravity. The liquids are all in a spherical suspension state. Various cyan and blood-red spheres are just floating in the universe. There are also a large number of wreckage of battleships in the distance! A tragic aura emerged spontaneously. The so-called hell is nothing more than this!

"Damn, why did things become like this?" Xing Feng's heart was bleeding. These are all his old subordinates who have been with him for many years, and now they are all here because of that inexplicable thing! He had an urge to curse!

"No matter that much, let's go and help Chen Nan solve the unnecessary troubles first! ***, I lost a lot of money today!" Xing Feng adjusted himself slightly, then stayed over to help.

"Kilder, are you still unwilling to surrender?" a ghost race person asked coldly.

Kildare was in a very bad situation at this time. More than twenty ghost race people jointly blocked the space. The intensity is more than ten times stronger than that blockade! The place where it is located is no different from a piece of crystal. In this state, even the ghost race cannot travel through the space! But at this time, it was already exhausted. Otherwise, it’s not impossible to take advantage of the power of the artifact!

"Surrender? Is there a way to survive if you surrender? I am the patriarch of the great Crying Linghua race! I would rather die in battle than bow to you damn bastards!" Kilder said with a sad smile. "You will not get what you want, I will let you get nothing..."

Its body shrank suddenly, and its blue body was suddenly covered with a layer of dead gray!

"No, it's going to die!" The ghost race people were shocked! Just wait for Wu San to escape!

"It's too late! Let's return to the darkness together!" Kilder laughed crazily! The already extremely dim red sun suddenly became brighter!

A red cloud blooms on the surface of Satellite 3! The earth-shattering explosion wiped out everything in an instant!

"All warships, attack indiscriminately, destroy all targets you can see!" This is Xing Feng's order...

In the cabin, Ye Qingyuan suddenly woke up.

He remembered that he seemed to have had a dream, and a lot of things happened in the dream, but he couldn't figure out the specific plot at the moment!

There was an inexplicable anxiety in my heart, why couldn't I fall asleep, so I simply walked out of the room. When passing his sister's cabin, he hesitated for a moment, but finally didn't go in. Although he knew that the door must be unlocked!

When we came to the balcony, it was midnight. On the dark sky, the stars were shining and the galaxy was brilliant!

Since mankind entered the interstellar age, it has been committed to external expansion. After thousands of years of development, with the Milky Way as the center, it now has territory in dozens of galaxies, divided into hundreds of various forces. The ultimate Grassrock Empire controls an area equivalent to eight galaxies. In terms of territory, the smallest country largely only has one ecological planet and several nearby resource planets.

The national power of the Shuofeng Empire ranks among the top ten in the human camp. Thanks to the continuous expansion of successive monarchs, its territory now reaches almost two galaxies, although quite a few places were only included in the empire's territory in the past three hundred years. , has not yet been developed on a large scale, but with the land and resources, as long as the population is sufficient and the policies are appropriate, it will develop very quickly!

The Blue Algae Star is located on the edge of the empire and belongs to the Jihua Star Territory. There are dozens of planets suitable for transformation into administrative stars in the entire star field, but currently there are only three planets that are inhabited and developed. This is also the current situation in most star regions under human rule. There are many planets that are suitable for habitation, or that can be habitable after slight modification. However, due to population reasons, not many planets have been truly developed!

Although the reproduction rate of human beings is the fastest among known intelligent life forms in the universe, compared to the vast starry sky of the universe, a population of trillions is just a drop in the ocean! Most planets with suitable environments are still sparsely populated today. The Cyanobacteria Planet is listed as one of the priority planets for development by the Imperial Planet Planning Agency because of its considerable marine life resources!

Ye Qingyuan leaned on the railing, looking at the starry sky above his head in trance. Three satellites hang low in the distant sky, forming an irregular triangle.

Suddenly, there was a faint flash of light on Satellite No. 3, attracting his attention. At a distance of 8 to 9 thousand kilometers, ordinary people can't see anything, but with his current combat power, he can clearly see that it is a red cloud, which should be caused by an explosion, and it is quite powerful!

Suddenly, his heart tightened. If he remembered correctly, that should be the base on Satellite 3, right? Mom and Dad are up there! What happened?

The source of energy in the body surges, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com All gathered in his eyes, staring at that place for a long time! I went back to the cabin and got a high-power telescope. I could vaguely see the wreckage of a large battleship, and there were no traces of the above-ground buildings in the base! Others are just looking at nothing.

Tried to contact using photon computer, no reply. He guessed that there was no other way. The place was a military dangerous place and ordinary people couldn't get close to it. So he might as well rent a spaceship and go there to have a look!

Just when he was at a loss, there seemed to be another movement in that direction. When he raised the telescope to look again, he couldn't see anything again! He didn't give up and still stared there. After a long time, there seemed to be a subtle light that flickered and disappeared again! A few minutes later, the light appeared again, and this time I could see it more clearly. The light was slightly golden-red, and it looked like a bolide, traveling at high speed through the atmosphere!

After another ten minutes, the bolide became clearer and clearer. It can be seen that its size is not large, and there is something wrong with its state. It often flies for a certain distance and then suddenly disappears. When it reappears, it has "drifted" a long way away. distance! It should be space teleportation! He was right, the bolide flew over from that place! It’s unclear if Dao is a survivor or something else! (To be continued.)

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