After graduation, find an unsatisfactory job, marry a decent wife, work hard for ten or eight years and then join the ranks of middle-class celebrities, and die silently after three hundred years! Throughout his life, he was just an ordinary citizen. Like the trillions of citizens of the empire, he could not make a splash in the long river of time and never left even a trace.

But Lan Yu's arrival completely changed his fate! A door that he had never imagined has opened in front of him. The humble people are no longer humble. The dreams that he could only look up to before are coming true one by one! Today, his confidence is stronger than ever!

After enjoying it comfortably in the bath for half an hour, I reluctantly got up. Two maids waited on him to get dressed and led him to the restaurant.

On the long oak dining table covered with a white tablecloth, a variety of delicacies from the mountains and seas were served on jade plates, filling the entire tabletop. There are all kinds of famous wines on the silver dining cart nearby! There were also ten beauties wearing sexy black silk maid uniforms standing neatly beside him, waiting for his orders at any time.

I was bored in the underground practice room and could only eat concentrated nutritional supplements for three days in a row. I really felt like a bird in my mouth! He rushed to sit down, and regardless of table etiquette, he picked up the food and started to eat it! The ugly way of eating made all the maids hide their mouths and snicker.

After finishing all the food in a hurry, he took the napkin handed by the maid, wiped his mouth and asked, "Did anything happen during the three days I was away?"

"Yes, hundreds of messages have been stored in your personal terminal!" Shuangyan responded.

"So many? Who sent them all? Let me see!"

But he expected that most of the information belonged to Chen Yan. The tone was relatively gentle at first, then gradually became anxious, and in the end it was almost every half hour! The most recent message was just twenty minutes ago, and it said that she had started using the human resources at hand to search for him all over the planet!

"She definitely thought something happened to her!" Ye Qingyuan was also a little moved as he didn't expect that she would care so much about him.

He sent a call request to the other party. There was a response within a second. A familiar three-dimensional projection appears before your eyes.

"Where have you gone?" The beautiful voice contained an unmistakable anxiety.

"I bought a house of my own and have been practicing behind closed doors these past few days..." he responded apologetically.

"Tell me the direction and I'll be right over!"

"No problem. I'll wait for you." He agreed sheepishly and uneasily.

I looked through some of the remaining messages and found a few messages from colleagues with whom I had no problem. It was nothing more than inviting him to leave for a while to play. When he saw no response, he stopped asking further questions.

There were also a few that turned out to be from Chen Shuhua. Ever since they said goodbye at the military academy, he had deliberately avoided this hot-headed girl and would not go to public classes to avoid being caught by her again! However, this can be used to judge that the other party has not given up yet!

The last message was from Zhong Zixia. After briefly talking about the situation in the imperial capital, the brother and sister had already found a superior military academy to study. It’s just that my parents’ injuries are still not optimistic! This made him feel very bad. Maybe he should take the time to go over and have a look. If his parents really survive this, the family will have to rely on him to support them in the future!

With a gentle sigh, he left the restaurant and walked in the back garden.

Outside, the sky was clear and the blue sun was spreading light and heat wantonly in the sky. It is already winter on the planet, but the temperature is still relatively warm.

A translucent light blade shadow was formed in front of his eyes. With the continuous injection of spiritual energy, the light blade gradually became solid. In the end, a shining silver sword finally emerged!

With a slight movement of thought, the energy knife flew out quickly. It passed lightly on a big tree nearby. The half-meter-thick tree silently broke into two pieces, and the crown fell suddenly!

good! With a brainwave index of up to 8,000, it already has considerable attack power. It is no longer like before where it can only move some not-so-heavy items!

With a wave of his hand, the sharp sword turned into a rain of light and dispersed quietly. A powerful spiritual energy surged out and instantly turned into a silver energy shield that enveloped the whole body!

The energy shield blocked gravity, and the body rose slowly, reaching a hundred meters above the ground in a few seconds.

Flying into space, soaring into the sky. This has been the dream of mankind for thousands of years. And a long time ago, we achieved what we wanted with the help of machinery, but we did it by relying on the human body's own ability. But it was only after the advent of DNA awakening technology and the emergence of awakeners that it truly became a reality!

This was the first time Ye Qingyuan experienced the feeling of floating in the air after his breakthrough. Control the energy shield to turn into a streamlined light shuttle. Concentrate the brain waves on the soles of your feet, stir up the airflow, push your luck, and your whole body shoots out like an arrow from a string! In the blink of an eye, we were hundreds of meters away!

After adjusting several times, he finally adapted. The light shuttle pushed aside air resistance and flew through the universe following his will. The powerful air flow roared violently in my ears, and the mountains and rivers below quickly receded to the rear. I felt that it was just so refreshing!

Flying through the air with one's own power is a combat capability that only five-star awakened people possess. Below five stars, you must use equipment to fly like this.

Moreover, the combat power of the five-star awakened ones is unmatched by the three-stars. Regardless of equipment factors, a five-star with considerable experience can easily defeat more than ten three-stars! That's why some experts believe that awakened ones with five stars and above are almost the real awakened ones, and those with one to three stars are just reserve members of the awakened ones.

After flying for ten minutes, we were probably dozens of kilometers away. The brainwaves were also a little weak, and there were waves of tiredness in the brain, so he found a flat ground to land on, and used the method of concentrating the mind and nourishing the energy in the Nine Heavens Galaxy Zhengfa to adjust his breath and recover.

In the underground practice room, he has successfully condensed the first star core. In the future, as you become more proficient in the operation of your mind, the speed will increase. The benefits of this set of exercises have begun to emerge. One of them is that the brain wave intensity is increasing at an obvious speed. According to this trend, in just a few months, the brain wave index will exceed 10,000!

Moreover, the power of the stars is refined into the body, expanding his sea of ​​meridian consciousness all the time, allowing it to accommodate more energy! And so on. The power of his source energy will be significantly ahead of those of fellow star awakeners. Without relying on equipment, seven or eight fellow stars would probably not be his opponents!

Just make another breakthrough and reach the fifth star. *Affinity with the free energy of the universe reaches a new level. At that time, you can move freely in outer space without any equipment, and your flight speed can even exceed the speed of sound! The combat effectiveness has also been greatly increased. And after reaching the 8th star. It can even deal with space battleships!

All the major forces have a large number of high-star supernatural warriors. The Strategic Command has also set up a separate military branch for this purpose, all composed of awakened commandos with three stars or above. It plays a decisive role in various combat operations and secret missions! When measuring the military strength of major powers, the number of high-star awakened people is a weight that cannot be ignored!

If Ye Qingyuan joins the Strategic Command now, he can immediately obtain the rank of lieutenant. Don't think it's low, the rank of an awakened person is much more valuable than the rank of an ordinary officer! At least the salary is dozens of times higher than that of similar products, and they have high-quality training resources. The authority is also much greater! In the future, as long as you make an absolute number of contributions, you will be promoted very quickly!

If he can be promoted to the ten-star level, he will immediately obtain the rank of general! With a hereditary title, the actual salary may be better than that of a marshal! If the merit is great enough, you may be rewarded with a resource-rich planet as a hereditary fiefdom! Such a strong man doesn't have to be too humble even when facing the emperor! In the entire empire, there are very few strong men with the combat power of Qianxing!

After adjusting my breath for a while, I felt refreshed and my brain waves were back to their peak! Counting the time, it’s time to go back! Chen Yan may be arriving soon.

He rose into the sky again and flew towards the path he came from. On arrival at the villa. The familiar fiery red speed car has appeared in the sky and is rushing towards this direction! He thought about it, but didn't go down. Just stop in the air and wait for her to come over.

Chen Yan spent the past three days in a state of confusion.

Ever since she met the young man, she, who was naturally flamboyant, just played with him with a game mentality. Later, she agreed to give him guidance on his practice. Seeing that he had good qualifications, she started to think of recruiting him into the commando team. However, during these days together, she didn't even know when her mood began to change subtly!

She knew that she had a crush on that boy, but it was just a crush. No matter how close she is to the other person, she doesn't think he will be very important to her! At least that's what she thought before!

But three days ago. She made a habit of asking him to leave for a while to train, but there was no response. At that time, she thought something was wrong with the other party. Didn't care either. Unexpectedly, the next few contacts we made were all in vain and there was no news. She suddenly felt a little panicked!

Called once an hour, still no response.

Why is this so? She didn't know it, but she was used to controlling everything since her debut. At this moment, she really lost her control!

For three days in a row, she kept contacting him, and went to his military academy, his former home, and all the places he might go to look for him! Still no news, just like disappearing out of thin air!

The trench battleship went to sea again in the past three days, but according to friends on the battleship, no trace of him was found! She even checked the spaceport's personnel entry and exit records, and the results showed that he had not left the Cyanobacteria!

In desperation, she almost broke the rules of the commando team and used some of the secret relationship channels at hand to track down his whereabouts!

"What happened to me?" She asked herself more than once. He and I have only known each other for a total of two months. When did he occupy such an important place in my heart? So Dan feels like he has lost his soul towards his current self, and he doesn’t even think about food and drinks!

Just when she was at a loss for words, that guy finally showed up!

After asking for the truth, he rushed to drive away.

On the way, she was thinking a lot. What should she do after seeing him?

Such a state of mind is extremely detrimental to her career. If Commando Origami finds out, she will face extremely severe punishment! And she herself will never tolerate the existence of anyone who may interfere with her mood!


The bright eyes suddenly burst into a cold light!

We were almost reaching our destination when a familiar figure stood quietly in the sky. What's going on? Did he actually break through again? Why maybe?

The flying car got closer and closer, stopping more than ten meters away from him, suspended in the air.

Chen Yan didn't get out of the car immediately, she was still hesitating.

The other party seemed to have been waiting for her for a while, and the breath of her whole body was constant, mellow, and harmonious, without a trace of sluggishness! It was obvious that it was not forcibly lifted up by relying on external objects!

What a rare qualification! Do we really want him to...

Anyway, go talk to him again!

Sighing privately, she stood up and opened the car door.

After not seeing her for a few days, a trace of haggardness could be seen on the beauty's face, which was simply hard to fathom for a high star awakener. Is he really so important in her heart?

"Sister..." he called softly.

Chen Yan looked at him with a complicated expression. After a long time, she whispered: "I only want to ask you one thing! From now on, are you willing to be with me?"

"...Yes!" Looking at those expectant eyes, he was really moved.

Chen Yan's lips curled up slightly, and the amorous feeling in that moment was so beautiful!

"Hey! Your enemy..." She sighed in her heart.

Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, Lan Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the worst situation did not appear!

"You fool..." It's not clear which one she was talking about.

Inside the battleship, Yun Qingshan was telling everyone about things.

"This operation is a little different from the past. Looking for Shuyuan The main reason is that the organization has released some new tasks. It is aimed at certain specific prey. The specific information has been sent to your photon computer, so I will not To say more, as long as one or more of them can be caught, the organization is willing to pay twice as much as usual!" Yun Qingshan said, "The warship will go to the seabed volcanic area in the Susland Sea area, where the average water depth is five About 1,500 meters. Everyone, work hard!"

There are more than 80 awakened people who went to sea this time, including veterans and newcomers. However, the most frequent trips to sea are no more than ten. Members of the Trench Commando usually only need to go to sea once a month to almost complete their mission!

The unbearably high battle damage rate means that people who come here will not stay here for a long time, or they will stay in the deep sea and never come back. If their luck is good, they will quit after making enough money after three or five attempts. Very few people do this for a long time!

Chen Yan and Ye Qingyuan have gone to sea many times, without any accidents, and their reputations in the organization are extremely loud! The 8-star combat power here is not foolproof, and Ye Qingyuan is said to be only three-star, so the two of them must have some hidden combat power, such as powerful equipment and so on.

Of course, this is all the judgment of others. No one knows what is going on. Everyone has their own secret! (To be continued.)

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