Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 467 Re-entering the Trench

The trench warship goes out to sea every three days, ten times a month. Except for one missed occasion during the retreat a few days ago, Ye Qingyuan must be there every time! And every time, the harvest is so high that even those high-star awakened people are jealous. It would be better if Chen Yan is here, I guess they will take action in private!

When the destination is reached, the warship begins to dive and all defense systems are activated. The strange patterns on the surface of the battleship shone with a dark light, the invisible magnetic field pushed away the pressure of the sea water, and the huge ship moved towards the depths of the ocean at a speed of three hundred meters per minute.

"This is a complete set of 'Slayer' equipment, three-star quality equipment. My sister ordered it specially for you! Does it feel good?" In the cabin, Chen Yan explained while helping him put it on.

"It's really good. This set must have cost a lot of money, right?" Feeling the effect of the new equipment, he said with satisfaction. The entire set of cyan equipment is more harmonious and compact in appearance than the previous set, and its thickness has been reduced a lot. However, the defense index has increased by more than ten times! It also has many powerful functions and is indeed a first-class life-saving equipment! Such a method is used by high-star awakeners, and the ones he used before are almost ordinary goods.

"It's just a few thousand crystal nuclei, not a lot!" Chen Yan said lightly.

"So much?" He was a little surprised, "I'll give you the money later!"

"Don't! If you do that, you will treat your sister as an outsider!" Chen Yan flatly refused, "Your combat power is too weak. You can hone yourself in an environment like the deep sea. I gave you this equipment because I was afraid that something would happen to you. , do you still want to be polite to your sister at this time? Don’t forget your previous promise, it’s less than two hours!”

Ye Qingyuan was silent.

When the seabed arrived, the trench battleship chose a slightly flatter terrain and slowly stopped.

There are no longer the strange mutant plants that glowed with moonlight from the previous few times, but there are also many other light species. ▼Moreover, in the seabed mountains that are vaguely visible in the distance, volcanoes will appear from time to time. Large streams of magma flow out of the craters and flow along the mountains. The dark red fire turned this sea area into a red world!

Of course, Ye Qingyuan was the first to leave the cabin. In fact, no one dared to compete with him. The battleship commander personally opened the watertight door for him. With his impressive record. You have the right to receive such preferential treatment! Chen Yan followed him closely and asked with some confusion: "Why are you the first to come out every time? Do you really think your luck will always be so good?"

"As long as you are here, sister, why should I worry?" Ye Qingyuan responded in an evasive manner.

Chen Yan twitched the corners of her eyes. This guy couldn't tell the truth at first sight! There have been no accidents when going to sea so many times, and others don't know it. But with her clear mind, she had already vaguely judged that she had something to do with the young man in front of her! No matter how much imagination she had, she would never have guessed that there would be someone like Lan Yu in the world!

In the past, when she went to sea, she had nothing to do and was just looking for some excitement. Anyway, she was confident enough in her own fighting ability, and she had encountered a few unnecessary troubles, both large and small, but all of them were safe.

Since meeting Ye Qingyuan, it has become much easier to go to sea. As long as they are with him, there will be no unnecessary troubles from any living beings. Even those deep-sea overlords such as the notorious Moro sharks will not show any concern when they see them. Take care of it! Therefore, she also made a lot of money during this period.

She didn't point it out either. He just continued: "This place is more dangerous than that time in the sea. There are especially many ferocious things in the volcanic area. Don't be unprepared. If something happens, my sister won't be able to protect you!"

"Well, I know. What kind of life form should we start with this time? I've read the information in the photon computer. It doesn't seem to be a very powerful thing. It should be easier, right?" Ye Qingyuan asked. ▲●

"That's what I say, but those prey are usually accompanied by some serious and dangerous things, so it is estimated that there will be a lot of trouble in catching them!" Chen Yan said solemnly, "Let's go over there and look for it first! "

The two identified the direction. Swim towards a relatively nearby volcano.

Due to the use of magma, the temperature of the sea water here is very high, so many life forms that are very different from other places grow. Clumps of red kelp-like light life forms that are hundreds of meters long can be seen everywhere. Like thousands of red streamers. Large groups of strange fish patrol and feed among these streamers; the pitted ground is covered with a layer of reddish-brown seaweed, and there are many conches of several feet in size swimming around.

Occasionally, an unknown strange fish swims by their side, and several transparent soft arms will suddenly protrude from the shell and wrap around the strange fish. The soft arms are equipped with sharp serrations and are extremely powerful. . Once entangled, it is difficult to break free! A few conches can easily divide and eat a fish. In less than a minute, only some broken skeletons are left in place!

After eating and drinking, the conchs dispersed and waited for the next suitable prey to come! On the hellish seabed, scenes like this happen all the time!

"Lan Yu, what does she think about me? Can you tell?" Looking at Chen Yan's figure, Ye Qingyuan, who was following behind, asked secretly.

"It's not easy for me to answer you! When it comes to sincerity, there's a little bit of it! When it comes to other ways of guessing, there are also a few!" Lan Yu's words were ambiguous.

"How should I respond?" Ye Qingyuan was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

"How to correct it? It depends on your personal judgment! I can't help you with this kind of thing!" Why did he feel that Lan Yu's words sounded like watching a drama. ▼▲

"Let's reveal it for now. If you don't know the truth, don't speculate. There will always be a day when you find out!" He was a little depressed, and even once doubted whether the other party had seen the secret in him. But then she denied it. Unless Lan Yu was willing, no one in this universe could discover her existence!

"What are you guessing?" Chen Yan turned around and stared at him, her eyes shining brightly in the transparent helmet, as if she could see the bottom of his heart!

"Well, it's nothing! Have you found the target?" He felt a little guilty and looked around.

The beauty rolled her eyes at him angrily and said, "The one right in front of you is the life form attached to that tree, its name is the Twin-tailed Fish!"

At the foot of the volcano relatively nearby, a strange mutant plant over three meters high and half a meter thick took root on a fiery red hill. The leaves that are shaped like cattail fans are covered with earthworm-like textures. The textures change from time to time, twisting and bulging like living creatures! Occasionally, an unknown red liquid seeps out. It soon evaporated into a large mist under the action of high temperature.

The entire mutant plant is just shrouded in a red cloud, and on the trunk of the mutant plant, there are many one-foot-sized twin tails that are covered with reddish-brown carapace and have many ferocious bone spurs. Strange fish. It's obvious that it's a double-tailed fish!

This was one of the prey named by the organization, and a high price of three hundred and fifty crystal cores was offered. certainly. This thing is difficult to deal with. Not only is its carapace extremely hard, but it can also control flame energy to protect itself! Furthermore, the mutant plant that grows with it is called Thousand-Handed Demon Sophora japonica, and it is a dangerous thing that is extremely difficult to deal with! I guess I'll succeed. All we have to do is clean it up first!

"How do you recommend it?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"What a lot of unnecessary trouble! The Thousand-Handed Demon Sophora japonica is more difficult to deal with than the Purple Blood Sea Anemone. If you want to catch the fish, it's impossible to get around it!" Chen Yan said with a frown. ■▲

"Are you not sure at all?"

"I don't understand, but this is where the lava sharks roam! If a big guy like that comes, we won't even be able to escape!" She was a little embarrassed.

"It seems that today I have to expose my trump card. However, there is nothing wrong with letting him know!" She weighed it in her mind and finally made up her mind. She opened the energy shield to the extreme range and transformed it into a waterless ball with a diameter of several meters. space. Then he took out the black crossbow and a few arrows.

"This thing is called 'Yuehong'. It is a five-star superpower equipment that was given to me by my teacher!" She said proudly while looking at the bow and arrow in her hand.

Five-star equipment? I remember that in the space seal there is an energy knife left to me by my father, which seems to be a five-star grade! He stared at the five small stars on the back of the crossbow and guessed it.

"Okay, I'm going to take action! You stand back, and when it attacks me, you go deal with those fish, settle them as soon as possible, and then come and help me!" Chen Yan said to him.

He nodded slightly. He swam thirty meters away. He adjusted the energy shield to the extreme and looked at her nervously.

Seeing that he was ready, Chen Yan began to activate the source energy in her body with all her strength, and a layer of cyan light appeared around her body. The halo gradually expanded, transforming into a ball of light with a diameter of two meters! Within the ball of light, there was lightning and thunder, and violent energy surged! Immediately afterwards, a moon-white light wheel appeared behind his head, and the restless energy quickly calmed down!

"It seems! This combat power is more than 8 stars, right?" Ye Qingyuan looked at her with some confusion. It seems that this beauty really showed off her hidden fighting power today. It's not clear whether she can clean up the tree.

Noise the arrow, string it, and fire the bow! The energy penetrates, and a cold light gradually emerges. As the light becomes stronger, the arrow seems to come alive! It vibrated slightly and made a heart-stopping trembling sound!

When her momentum reached its peak, she aimed the first arrow at the root of the strange tree in the distance! The black light flashed, and the energy beam went straight towards the Thousand-Handed Demon Sophora Tree. However, just when the energy beam was about to arrive, Thousand-Handed Demon Sophora Tree reacted!

As if sensing the extraordinary nature of this arrow, the tree twisted a few times, and immediately seven or eight cattail leaf-sized leaves drooped together, blocking the direction of the energy beam and firmly protecting the ground. Live the trunk body!

At the same time, dense holes suddenly appeared on the tree trunk, and a large amount of red mist gushed out, quickly transforming into a red cloud with a diameter of about tens of meters, completely covering the figure of the Thousand-Handed Demon Sophora japonica!

The energy beam was extremely fast and struck the leaves in an instant. The leaves, which appear to be several millimeters thick, are surprisingly tough. The earthworm-like textures on the leaves are shaking and rolling like crazy. A large amount of red liquid seeps out from the surface of the leaves and rushes towards the energy beam. The leaves are like human hands. Curl it up to tightly wrap the energy beam inside! Although the energy beam was extremely powerful, it only penetrated five or eight leaves before it was exhausted!

A ball of clear light emerged from the leaves and exploded with a "bang"! The leaves wrapped in the energy beam were blown away in an instant, and the branches were also blown to pieces. The sea water conducted the huge energy to the nearby tree trunk, and a strange and sharp roar sounded at the spiritual level, shaking Ye Qingyuan's head. My eyes are dazzled and my heart is extremely upset!

Peiran's shock wave tore the red cloud into pieces. After the fog dissipated, a big hole opened in the part of the strange tree near the root, many branches and leaves disappeared, and even a large piece of the stone where it took root collapsed! However, although the strange tree was severely damaged, it did not lose its ability to resist. On the contrary, it was completely angered!

The tree trunk twisted strangely again, and even the stone trembled. Fist-sized blisters appeared on the surface of the stone. The blisters continued to expand and burst when they reached the size of a football, releasing bursts of black mist!

Then the mist condensed, and countless soft arms as thick as fingers stretched out towards Chen Yan! It seems that the stone is also a living form that is associated with the Thousand-Handed Demon Sophora japonica, or is it simply a part of its body?

It’s a long story, but it only takes a few dozen seconds! The second arrow has roared out, and its target is still the body of the Thousand-Handed Demon Sophora japonica. It's a pity that the energy beam was only caught halfway by the soft black arms rushing towards it, and before it had time to explode, it was as silent as a mud cow entering the sea!

As soon as she saw this situation, Chen Yan knew that there was no need for a third arrow, and immediately took out the energy knife. The soft arms were extremely fast, and were in front of her in a few seconds, wrapping around her as if they had eyes!

She retreated slightly and looked for Shuyuan With every movement of the energy knife in her hand, a soft arm was cut off! The severed part was floating in the water, still not dead, squirming crazily, and making a heart-stopping "gurgling" sound. After a few breaths, it turned into black mist and melted into the group of perfectly soft arms!

More and more soft arms are stretched out! She had tried her best, and the energy knife in her hand danced high, transforming into a ball of gleaming light to protect her body. But those soft arms were extremely tough, and she had to use all her strength to completely cut off a few of them. Soon, those soft arms were wrapped around her energy shield!

On the other side, Ye Qingyuan's attention has been attracted by the Thousand-Handed Demon Sophora japonica, and he immediately swam towards its body! His target was the two-tailed fish attached to the tree trunk. There was such a big movement, and the group of fish had woken up, but they did not run away, they just guarded around the Thousand-Handed Demon Sophora Tree!

Seeing him coming, the fish closest to him let out a piercing scream, opened their mouths wide, and a red light shone, and a ball like a flame shot towards him! The temperature of the sphere was extremely high. Even with the double-layer barrier of energy shield and diving suit, he could still feel the burning sensation coming towards his face! (To be continued.)


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