Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 470 Thinking too much

Well! This is a good guess. Maybe I should give some "gifts" to the big men in the imperial capital. They will definitely be very interested in gifts related to those guys! Maybe I can use this to get in touch with them!

Of course, what is even more gratifying is that Zhao Zhixiong, his old rival for many years and the guy who has always been against him, was finally defeated by him when he got the chance!

Soon, he could hear the news that the guy was bankrupt!

It’s ridiculous that that guy is still thinking about clearing his name and living a stable life from now on! Go ahead and dream. If you offend Godfather Achilles, you will not be able to bear the consequences!

On the Blue Algae Planet, no one can make Achilles unhappy without paying any price!

He drank the red wine in one gulp, took off his bathrobe, and walked towards the lake.

He casually grabbed a charming woman, raised and lowered her hand for a while, then pressed her to the ground and let out his lust in public...

After just a few touches, a secretary hurried over and whispered something in his ear.

The godfather who was originally in high spirits suddenly turned pale, jumped up and cursed: "Zhao Zhixiong?! or something!"

"Why do you want to give me so much property?" Ye Qingyuan asked on the speeder.

"Is it so bad? You don't think you have too much money, do you?" Chen Yan said with a smile.

"That's what I say, but how can I have time to mine now? Besides, I don't understand this business at all!"

"What does that matter! You can hire someone to manage it for you!"

"I'm still a student! My network resources are almost zero. Where do you want me to find people?" Ye Qingyuan was a little embarrassed.

"I can help you find some, and let that guy Zhao Zhixiong come out with some, that's almost enough!" Chen Yan said, "As long as all operations are automated, a mine can only use a few people! It's just that the initial investment is larger. However, this It’s nothing to you, you are not short of money now!”

"Very good! You got these anyway, so I'll leave them to you to manage!"

"Why is this so? Your name is written on the property ownership certificate! Who cares about it?" Chen Yan was unambiguous on this issue.

Seeing Ye Qingyuan, he was still trying to figure out what to say. She raised her hand to stop him, and added: "You don't expect to catch fish for the rest of your life, do you? Although so far, your luck is good! But can you guarantee that it will always be like this?"

"Now that you have earned money, you must invest it and purchase various high-quality properties. Using money to make money is the long-term solution!"

"I had no means before, but now that I have the conditions, I still put myself in danger at any time. Isn't this stupid?"

Ye Qingyuan was silent as the words were spoken. Although the words were just words, he already recognized in his heart that Chen Yan's words were reasonable.

"Take time to visit those two planets! These are all properties in your name! I'm still waiting for you to marry me in glory when you become a business tycoon in the future!"


"Right. One more thing!"

Chen Yan filmed the speeding car in autopilot mode, then stood up and came to his side, sitting on his lap naturally, wrapping her slender arms around his neck, and asked: "About this, should you give it to me?" An explanation?"

A delicate energy sword hilt appeared in her hand, which was exactly the one Ye Qingyuan gave her before.

He rolled his eyes slightly before he could speak. Chen Yan suddenly reached out and held his face, and said in a commanding tone: "Look at my eyes, don't try to fool people. I just want to listen to the truth!"

Looking into those shining bright eyes, he said helplessly: "I didn't intend to hide it from you originally, so don't be so nervous, okay? This is what happened..."

He told everything he knew.

"That's what happened. Regarding my identity, no one else knows except my current family!" Ye Qingyuan said finally.

"I didn't expect it! You have such an interesting life experience!" Chen Yan was also a little surprised.

"Is it interesting? I don't think so! The Yun family in the Imperial Capital Star Territory has already removed my father from the racial tree! It has nothing to do with me now!"

"Then... have you ever thought about going back and taking a look?"

"Are you kidding?" Ye Qingyuan looked at her and said, "If they knew someone with my bloodline existed, might their first reaction be to kill me?"

"That's right! That old guy in Yun Tianque values ​​his face more than his life! I also heard about the turmoil in the Yun family back then. It's just a pity for your father. At that time, his talent was not popular among the upper class of the imperial capital. It is famous that if this tragedy did not happen, it would be sooner or later to break through Qianxing! However..."

She suddenly guessed a question, "By the way. Since your mother is a clone, your genes must also be defective. Why is your cultivation speed so fast?"

Ye Qingyuan's heart tightened and he didn't know what to answer.

"Even if you tell the truth, she won't believe it. Just pretend to be careless until the end! Can she still eat you?" Lan Yu's voice sounded faintly in his mind.

Yes, that's it. Why can't she understand Lan Yu's existence? Ye Qingyuan suddenly understood, and immediately said with a confused look: "Huh? Is there such a situation? Why don't I know?"

Chen Yan looked at him deeply and said: "You can't fool me! Your eyes have betrayed you! Also, your heartbeat was a little faster not long ago, although you quickly controlled it! However, it has reflected your Real psychology!”

Ye Qingyuan remained silent and simply stopped speaking.

"Okay! Since you won't say anything, let the facts speak for themselves!" Chen Yan stood up and walked to the corner, took out a small instrument from a hidden secret room, and said, "This is the latest model. portable genetic tester, let me see your..."

"Can I refuse?"

"Sure enough, there is something wrong in your heart!" Chen Yan had a wicked smile on her face, as if her conspiracy had succeeded, "Stop being so mean, just let me see!"

She stretched out her hand to catch him, and Ye Qingyuan shrank back. Unfortunately, the space inside the speeding car was not too big, so it was not a good place for hide-and-seek! After a few rounds, he was firmly held down by Chen Yan.

"Don't force me!" He whispered, and his voice became colder.

Chen Yan was stunned for a moment. He asked in confusion: "Why? Are you angry? It's not just about that! I just took a look at your genetic map, nothing else!"

"Since you don't want to, let's expose it for now!"

"I just understand. Because of your mother, there will really be problems with your genes. I'm just trying to help you!"

"Could it be!" She suddenly changed her expression, "Are you not a human being? Are you a Bo Eridanus, or..."

The Eridanus race is also an old civilization in the universe. Its characteristic is that its individual combat power is extremely powerful. It is also the most intelligent race similar to humans in the known universe. Not only does it look very similar, but its genetic map is also 90% Seven similarities!

Some scholars even judge it. The two civilizations were originally one family, but they separated in ancient times and developed and multiplied in different worlds. Unfortunately, this statement has never been recognized by the public! Bojiang Civilization will never admit that humans, a race with weak individual combat capabilities, will be their nepotism!

"That's enough! Don't have so much imagination, okay!" Ye Qingyuan said with a headache, "Just watch it if you want! But you have to swear that you won't leak anything about me and leave for a while! Otherwise, you will really She’s going to be a widow!”

Chen Yan stared at him suspiciously, not sure how he could be so serious.

However, that night Qingyuan took a drop of blood and put it into the instrument. One minute later. The results given on the genetic tester petrified her on the spot!

"No, no flaws! Absolutely perfect genes! Why maybe?" she muttered.

There are thousands of densely packed data on the detector, and every indicator is perfect! Only in the minds of experts are there possible theoretical estimates and numerical values!

Human DNA awakening technology is for ordinary people who have not activated their powers. At present, the fifth-grade optimization is already the highest grade! But this does not mean that the subject of DNA awakening has come to an end! In fact, research institutes in major powerful countries are stepping up research on more complete optimization technologies!

Above the fifth grade, there are also the fifth grade and the eighth grade. The technologies of these two grades are still being intensively researched in the research institute! But for seventh grade and above, it is only something that may exist in theory! Although human beings are developing at an extremely fast rate, it is probably an unattainable dream to make it a reality within a thousand years!

What should the most ideal genetic model of the human race look like? What kind of miracles will happen after a species evolves to near perfection? When a person possesses absolutely perfect genes, how will the structure of the human world change?

This series makes people speculate about the possibility of being inexplicably excited. In the past, it was just the YY of experts!

And now. This kind of gene that only existed in legends appeared in front of Chen Yan in such a real way!

Never seen it though. But she is absolutely certain that this is the most perfect gene! This is only possible in theory. A near-perfect representation of human evolution!

"A miracle! This is a miracle! Am I dreaming?" she estimated in disbelief.

It took her a long time to react, and she managed to suppress her excitement and said: "I won't tell anyone what happened today, so don't worry! Also, be careful in the future! Don't let anyone know. Your secret! Otherwise..."

Obviously, as long as this secret is leaked even a little bit, it is guaranteed that the top leaders of the major powers will go crazy for it! There is no need to say what result Ye Qingyuan will face by then!

As soon as she imagined the scene of all kinds of scientific madmen rushing up to him with all kinds of instruments and cutting him into pieces, she felt frightened!

After looking at the detector, she crushed it to pieces with one stroke of luck, and then sent out a bolt of lightning that completely "destroyed" those delicate components! So Fang clapped his hands in relief.

After all this tossing, the speed car has already reached its destination.

"From today on, you can live here!" Chen Yan hugged him and said, "Just keep your apartment empty for now. This place is big enough anyway!"

"Then you have to let me go back and tidy up first!"

"No need, we have everything here! It was originally prepared for you that time, but you insist..."

The strength of his arms gradually increased, and if he didn't agree, he would use violence to kidnap him!

"Okay! I promise you'll understand, but let me go to the Military Academy first, okay?" He said helplessly.

"What to do?" she asked warily.

"I'm going to ask my colleagues if they are interested in helping me! Considering our past friendships, now that we are prosperous, we must find an opportunity to support them!"

"That's the same truth! However, it's better for me to accompany you there!" She said slyly. She was determined not to let him get away again!

"……All right!"

"...These are the specific conditions. If you have any other ideas, you might as well just say it!" In the dormitory of the military academy, Ye Qingyuan, Link, Ziyuan Lan and Tongshan were sitting together to discuss the mining.

"I have to say, Qingyuan, the salary you offered is quite good! It would be false to say that we are not impressed, but this is not in line with the major we have studied, and it will inevitably lead to trouble! Even if we start learning how to adapt to the new position from now on, It takes absolute time! Are you sure you want to do this?" Link, with a steady temperament, spoke.

"Don't worry, the new position is not difficult. You just need to do your best! If you really don't understand something, you can ask your colleagues. I will also hire some professionals to help!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Very good! Such good things don't happen often. You would be a fool if you don't agree!" Tongshan said carelessly, "When will the new organization open?"

"It will take a while, but it will be soon! We have to take time someday to go to those two planets for on-site inspections, and then we can make detailed plans."

"After signing this agreement, the first year's salary will be paid to you in advance!"

Several boys thought about it and signed.

Ye Qingyuan took out his bank card and transferred the money to their account.

After everything was settled, Tongshan said: "Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year. I don't know if you have any plans for Qingyuan tomorrow? Let's go away for a while and find a place to play..."

Ye Qingyuan was about to speak when Chen Yan, who was sitting beside him, suddenly reached out and pinched his waist, gagging his words.

"He won't be free tomorrow. You can go away for a while and have some fun!" She said with a smile. Find Shuyuan

Several roommates looked at each other with stunned expressions on their faces.

"Ahem..." Looking at them with eyes that could only be understood but not expressed, Ye Qingyuan couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to cough to cover up his embarrassment.

Chen Yan didn't feel anything, and said openly: "Okay, the matter is over! Let's go back to eat!" Then she pulled him up and went out. Leaving the three guys snickering in the background.

"You're really generous with your annual salary of millions of credit points!" Chen Yan joked on the car.

"They are not outsiders, I am just trying to help them. Anyway, I am not short of money at the moment! They haven't even done anything to awaken their second-grade DNA!"

"Let's get over it for now, that's your business, do whatever you like!" Chen Yan changed the subject and said, "It's the holiday, how do you plan to introduce it? It seems that you haven't given me any gifts so far. ! Why do you say that I am also your girlfriend now! Don’t you think this is a bit inappropriate? "

"What do you want? I'll buy it for you!" he said cheerfully. (To be continued.)

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