Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 471 Luxurious spaceship

"Is this it? I've already figured out how to do it. I'll tell you when I get back!" An inexplicable smile appeared on her lips.

The New Year festival in the interstellar age is different from that in the earth age. On every inhabited planet in the outer galaxy, there are at least two New Year holidays every year! One is based on the time of humankind’s home planet, the Earth, and the other is based on the interstellar calendar! This New Year is calculated according to the calendar of the Earth Age.

After dinner, night had fallen, and three satellites appeared in the night sky.

"'Dream Rose' is a limited edition product produced by Gramen Heavy Industry. Only 3,000 ships were built in total! How do you feel?"

In the huge warehouse, a fifty-meter-diameter flying saucer covered in golden color stood quietly in front of you. The appearance is simple and harmonious, and the surface is engraved with gorgeous and complex patterns. Under the soft light, the entire flying saucer seems to be a perfect art sculpture placed there!

"Maybe you can buy this thing if you have money, right?" Looking at this aura of luxurious spaceship, he was drooling a little!

"Yes, I also asked a familiar customer to order it from the Imperial Capital! I usually keep it here and don't want to use it. Do you like it? If you like it, I will give it to you!" Chen Yan said with a smile.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"As long as you like it, you can take whatever you like here!" Chen Yan said generously. But I added in my heart: "What's yours is mine!"

The door of the UFO opened silently, and a ball of bright white liquid poured out from the door. In a few seconds, a powerful ramp was transformed. After the two people walked in, the ramp automatically retracted into the liquid and disappeared into the dark space beside the door. Gerry.

The interior of the flying saucer was filled with soft golden light, which shone warmly on my body, like the sunshine on an autumn afternoon.

The subtle sound of an electric motor sounded. The huge dome of the warehouse quickly parted to both sides, revealing the starry night sky above.

Amidst the gentle music, Chen Yan came to the general command room. Takeoff orders were issued.

There was an imperceptible vibration under my feet, and I waited until the vibration subsided. The flying saucer has been steadily suspended in the air hundreds of meters high.

Turn on the anti-gravity propulsion system, and the flying saucer soars straight into the sky, drawing a bright trajectory in the night sky!

A few minutes later, the flying saucer had entered low-Earth orbit thousands of kilometers high.

"Okay, now you can move around freely!" Chen Yan unbuckled the safety buckle.

Although the electromagnetic gravity system is used, the effect is only half that of the ground, and it feels light when walking around.

As bursts of photons develop and change, the top of the spacecraft gradually becomes transparent, and the quiet and brilliant galaxy appears in front of us.

"This is Haoting Xiaodu Tian. Isn't it spectacular?" The slender fingers pointed to the northwest.

It was a magnificent and magnificent galaxy, tens of thousands of light-years away from the Jihua Star Field, and together with several smaller star belts around it, stretched for tens of millions of light-years! This super large galaxy named after one of the thirty-three heavens in ancient Chinese mythology is a region full of mystery and murder.

Since humans discovered this galaxy, they have sent out elite fleets many times to explore, looking for precious resources and planets suitable for human colonization. But the progress so far has been extremely limited!

Due to the viewing angle, only part of it can be seen on the ground. It is estimated that a full view can only be achieved in space!

Each light point is a world, and the dense light points connect into pieces of magnificent halos. In the end, the commando team became countless majestic river systems!

For thousands of years, human beings have never stopped exploring the outside world, and their footprints have spread to dozens of river systems. Countless alien life forms have been discovered, and there are also many intelligent civilizations.

In order to compete for resources and living space, the relationship between human beings and those intelligent civilizations is not very good, and wars have even broken out many times! However, this is normal. No matter how advanced the civilization is, in the face of the pressure of survival and resources, there is no awareness of sacrificing oneself to help others!

A glass of red wine was handed to him, exuding a faint mellow aroma.

He reached out and took it, his eyes falling on the beauty in front of him. She had changed into a white sleeveless dress with a deep V neckline. A large area of ​​ivory-like skin is exposed, and a waterfall of black hair hangs easily on the chest. Moving room. The alluring curves can be seen at a glance.

He clinked the glasses gently and drank it in one gulp. Just as he was about to say something, a pair of arms wrapped around his neck.

"You said you wanted to give me a gift!" A low, magnetic voice sounded in his ears.

"Yes, what do you want!" He hesitated for a moment, but still wrapped his hands around her waist. The warm, smooth and wonderful feeling slowly ignited the fire in his heart.

The beauty responded with action, her seductive red lips sealed his mouth, and the sweet orchid-like breath poured into his mouth. He only felt that his body temperature was rising at an astonishing speed! It's as if there is a volcano inside the body!

With a gentle exertion of his delicate hands, a gust of wind swept through the cabin, tearing his clothes to pieces in an instant!

The waterfall-like black hair was flying in the air, and the white and crystal clear breasts fell heavily on him, completely detonating his volcano...

In orbit, the spacecraft is flying according to a predetermined procedure. At a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour, it can circle the planet in more than two hours. In other words, every two hours, the spacecraft will experience an alternation of day and night!

When the sun shines on the two of them for the third time, the battle finally comes to an end!

Chen Yan stretched her body lazily and slowly sat up from him.

The black hair was soaked with sweat and stuck messily to the perfectly curved breasts, and the face was a thrilling blush!

Ye Qingyuan didn't speak, just stared at the dome of the spacecraft in a daze.

"Honey, what are you looking at?" she asked, staring into his eyes.

"Well...I..." He responded in a panic.

Chen Yan curled her lips slightly, gently pulled him up, leaned into his arms, and said softly: "Are you nervous? Don't worry, you won't be like this in the future!"

At dawn, the spaceship was bathed in the morning light and finally returned to its original place.

The cabin door opened, and an energetic Chen Yan walked out with Ye Qingyuan on her arm.

"Master!" Several housekeepers have been waiting here for a long time.

"It's none of your business, let's just leave!" Looking at his embarrassed expression, Chen Yan dismissed them considerately.

"Don't be embarrassed. This will be your home from now on, and they will obey your orders!"

"Okay, let's take a shower! Then get some sleep!" She smiled.

"Dear General Xing Feng! How long will you stay here to recuperate?"

In a luxurious wellness suite. Xing Feng, wearing a white hospital gown, was lying on a large bed sleeping.

Hearing the voice, he replied without raising his eyelids: "How long will it take to recuperate? That's my freedom! It's not your turn to ask!"

"I've already said it, don't come to me! Even if something happens, it's your business, respected General Luo Hanxing!"

Having said this, he finally opened his eyes and glanced at the other party coldly: "The mission failed, all my men and horses died! Even Chen Nan died! Are you happy now?"

"Coming to me every day is called visiting! But I seem to remember it. Our relationship is not that good yet, right?"

The general named Luo Hanxing stood in front of the window, staring at him calmly.

"The failure of the mission is not entirely your responsibility! The higher-ups didn't expect that the volleyball group was so determined!"

"It's just that you shouldn't leave so many wounded people alone. I don't know how many people can survive without dying!"

"I came to you to follow the orders of Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Xing Feng's face twitched and his tone softened: "Why did your Highness say that?"

"The above plan is to conduct a comprehensive inspection of certain places on the seabed of the cyanobacteria star to find the settlement of the trench civilization!"

"For this reason, Her Royal Highness the Princess has allowed me to mobilize all the forces of the Strategic Command and the Ministry of Security here to act cheaply! I also need your help!" Luo Hanxing said simply.

"Comprehensive inspection?"

"With the few people you have, even if you add me! I will only be able to fill the gap between the teeth of those demonic life forms!"

"This is an impossible mission!"

"I will not die, even if Her Royal Highness punishes me. I will admit it!" Xing Feng finally said, "At worst, I will quit this general!"

A flash of anger flashed across Luo Hanxing's face, and then he said patiently: "General, eating the emperor's salary is a matter of loyalty to the emperor! Her Highness the Princess has specifically said that this matter is crucial to the security of the empire! You and I both It is to serve the empire, even if there were some contradictions in the past, at present, general, please put the overall situation first!"

Xing Feng sneered: "The overall situation? Throw your life away for the overall situation! Am I crazy or stupid?"

"Since you are so loyal, then you can take the people there yourself!"

"Now I am a mere commander. One more of me is not more. One less of me is not more!"

"I still need to rest, so excuse me! General, please help yourself!" He turned over. He closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Luo Hanxing twitched the corners of his eyes. The person in front of him had a profound background. As long as there was no particularly serious fault, it was impossible for him to receive substantial punishment! He has no scruples anymore!

With a slight sigh, he turned around and left the cabin.

There were two school officers standing at the door. When they saw him coming out, one of them asked, "General, what are you doing now?"

"If he wants to slow down work, let him do it! It's just that the tasks ordered by above can't be delayed any longer!" Luo Hanxing said.

"However, with our manpower, there is simply not enough to use it!" the officer said with a frown.

"I feel like we don't need to take action on our own!" Another officer said.

Luo Hanxing's face perked up and he asked, "What methods do you have? Tell me!"

"General, aren't there many people on this planet who go out to sea to fish for seafood every day? What if..." He did not continue.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of that!" Luo Hanxing thought for a moment and finally made up his mind: "Let's just do this! Let's go to the Awakening team now!"

It was almost noon, and Ye Qingyuan was still sleeping.

There was a passionate night in the sky last night, and the clouds stopped and the rain stopped until early morning. After returning to the ground, the two couldn't help but have a fight in the shower, and they had to linger several times after getting into bed! Even the physique of an awakened person is a little too much!

Chen Yan lay on her side, her bright eyes staring at the sleeping young man in her arms without blinking. No, he is already a man now!

There was only a touch of tulle on her body, and her ups and downs, round and harmonious curves were clearly visible. The face of the country and the people is full of lazy spring, looking forward to it, full of charm!

His head was buried in that mutton-fat jade-like breast. As he breathed, waves of warm breath stimulated her bright red cherries. Unconsciously, there was a vague impulse in his heart.

She was no longer tired at this time. Originally, it was more difficult for men to do this, and her physical ability was far better than his. So she woke up an hour ago and just stared at her man silently.

After a long time, she stretched out her slender hand and gently stroked his face.

Ye Qingyuan finally opened his eyes and saw the beauty in front of him, with a gentle smile on his lips. He put his arms around her soft waist, kissed her red lips directly, and said softly: "Are you awake too?"

"Wake up early!" She smiled softly, "You'd better sleep a little longer! I'll get you some food!"

Yingying stood up, and the transparent gauze could not be used as a cover. The thrilling breasts were fully visible, and his breathing suddenly became heavy.

She turned around and gave him a soft smile, then grabbed a pink nightgown and put it on her body, heading towards the door.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared outside the door that her mood calmed down.

"Have we finally reached this point?" He stared at the ceiling above his head, thinking a lot.

He knew Chen Yan was good to him. It's just that in the past, because of his personality and the setbacks he had suffered in this area, he was always hesitant or even evasive about emotional issues!

Fortunately, the other party is straightforward and dares to love and hate! If you change it to someone with a more reserved personality, you will be left with a lot of regrets!

"My temperament is still a bit unbearable! I'm afraid I will suffer a loss in the future!" He reflected on his past actions in private.

The door opened and Chen Yan walked in holding a tray.

"Are you hungry?" She put down the tray gently. Find the bookstore

In the tray are two exquisite small bowls, which contain golden concentrated nutrients.

"This is specially prepared and added with the blood of the lava shark. It is of great benefit to ability cultivation!" She picked up a bowl and said: "I'll feed you, just sit on the bed!" Show a peaceful smile.

Ye Qingyuan thought about rejecting it at first, but then he thought again: Isn't that what she expected? Since she is deeply affectionate for him, why should he ruin her fun just for some boring face and self-esteem?

He took a soft cushion and stood up to sit on the head of the bed.

Watching his obedient look, Chen Yan felt a sense of happiness in her heart. She sat sideways on the edge of the bed, holding the bowl of steaming nutritional supplements in her hand. She took a spoonful of it and put it to her lips to test the temperature. Just feed it to him.

Ye Qingyuan swallowed a mouthful of nutritional supplements, which felt sweet and seemed to have the fragrance of her lips. There is a hint of sweetness and warmth in my heart.

It didn’t take long and both bowls of nutrients were finished. (To be continued.)

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