"Did something happen?" An officer judged that this situation was not uncommon, and was even a common phenomenon in exploration operations in unfamiliar galaxies.

"It's almost an equipment failure," another officer said.

"They have more than one set of hyperspace communication equipment. It can't possibly have problems at the same time?" His companion immediately retorted.

"Who knows! Maybe he was captured by some group of aliens!"

"Never mind him, it's none of our business! Report the situation to the general and let him have a headache! Our mission has been completed, it's time to relax!" said the leading officer.

"It's like a scene that only appears in dreams!"

In a small star system, the commander of the 22nd detachment, Lieutenant Colonel Thorode, stared at everything in front of him in stunned silence, extremely shocked! Not only him, but tens of thousands of officers and soldiers on his hundreds of battleships also had this expression.

This star system is not big, with only three planets surrounding an orange star. After identification by the scientific research ship, two of them are extremely barren planets, with nothing but stones on them, and there is no value at all!

The exciting harvest was on the planet that was closest to the star. This planet also had a solid surface made of rock, but giant crystal core veins were discovered on it!

Yes, a huge ultra-high-grade mineral vein. According to the scanning of the high-speed instrument on the ship, the surprising energy response shows that the reserves of this mineral vein are at least more than a billion parts! Moreover, the purity is extremely high, and after a little refining, it becomes a crystal nucleus of standard color!

For ordinary crystal core mineral deposits, the reserves of a single mineral vein generally do not exceed tens of millions, and large mineral veins with hundreds of millions are rare! The reserves discovered this time were so huge, no wonder they collectively lost their composure.

But that's not the most surprising thing. They have discovered multiple mineral veins on this planet. Most of them are in the surface layer that is easy to mine. As the exploration continues, there will definitely be more surprising discoveries deep in the ground!

This is Jinshan! And there’s more than one! A lifetime of unimaginable wealth. Shan Shan appeared in front of them without any warning, allowing them to take whatever they wanted. How can such an opportunity not drive people crazy?

"Land immediately and release the detection robot to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the planet!" Lieutenant Colonel Trod finally came to his senses and ordered loudly, "Bring out all the mining equipment and mine it for me! Work harder!"

"Sir, do you want to report to the general?" his deputy asked him quietly.

"Report? What report?" An abnormal blush appeared on Thorode's face, and his eyes were full of heart-stopping madness!

"Report to the big guys above. Give them all the credit? Give them all the crystal nuclei?"

"Then... what do you mean, sir?" The deputy looked at him timidly.

"Man! Don't you know it yet? This is an opportunity, an opportunity given to us by God!" Torode's face became distorted and ferocious due to excessive excitement. "From now on, we will no longer be a group of pitiful inferiors. People, with a meager salary, do extremely dangerous jobs, worry all day long, and have to keep their smiles on their faces to please those high-ranking men!"

"With so many crystal cores, we are qualified to become a major force! We no longer need to look at the faces of those people! This is our property, and it belongs only to us!"

"Man! Don't you think you can get ahead by yourself? Are you willing to be a little lieutenant all your life, licking the butts of those big shots? No! I've had enough, I don't want to live such a depressing life anymore!" He gritted his teeth. The ground roared, "I also want to be a superior person! I also want power. Wealth, women, everything, they have it, we can have it too!"

"I want to build my own fleet, my own race, and my own consortium! Finally, I want to build my own country! By then, you will all be the founding fathers!"

"Guys, come with me!" He stared at the officers beside him. His hand has firmly grasped the handle of the particle gun.

Several officers looked at each other, and a trace of crazy blood gradually appeared in their eyes.

"Okay! Boss. We listen to you! Please give orders on how to act and behave!" the adjutant said enthusiastically.

"Yes. From now on, you are our lord! I just hope that we will be successful in the future, and don't forget our brothers!" Several subordinates expressed their opinions one after another.

"Okay! Very good! Wait until I become the king! You are all meritorious ministers!" Thorode laughed wildly and said, "Currently, I order that the hyperspace liaison device be guarded immediately. Without my order, no one is allowed to contact the outside world. !”

"Inform the battleship commanders of each ship to come to the flagship for a meeting and show them off. Anyone who dares to have second thoughts will be shot to death!"

The order was given immediately, and a moment later all the battleship commanders were present.

After listening to Trod's crazy plan, most battleship commanders chose to join the group after weighing it.

For the few warship commanders who were unwilling to submit, Thorode kindly invited them to a closed cabin for a "persuasion education."

A minute later, Thorode walked out, the barrel of the gun in his hand still heating up, and the cabin behind him was littered with corpses.

"Free up all the cargo boxes and storage warehouses, except for the necessary supplies! Leave as much space as possible to store the crystal cores!"

"After all the places are filled, we will secretly return to the Anluo Star Territory, lurk for a while, and then recruit troops! Waiting for an opportunity to cause trouble!"

"Take good care of your people, I don't want anything to go wrong at the most important moment!" he roared loudly.

"Now, hurry up and get to work! Hurry up! You idiots! Don't you hope to become famous in the sea of ​​​​stars and be passed down through the ages?"

An almost crazy commander, with a group of guys who were also crazy about the crystal core, began to plunder the mineral veins on the planet like crazy!

All detection and communication equipment on the warships have been shut down, and everyone has rushed away to mine for a while!

A five-kilometer-diameter flying saucer-shaped warship quietly appeared in the universe tens of light seconds away from the planet. The shape of the battleship, the casting process, the layout of the weapon system, and the numerous three-dimensional emblems on the ship are not in human style, and have no relationship with the battleships of known old civilizations.

After a while, another thirty similar giant flying saucers emerged and slowly approached the planet.

This is the 337th time Porozarofi has come to patrol the outer space.

During this period, the imperial fleet's patrols became much more frequent. This is an order jointly issued by the three great lords guarding the western frontier of the empire. The specific reason is not qualified enough to know.

However, listen to the words of the higher-ranking sages in the race. The three great lords were not clear about the origin of the order, which came from the highest level of the empire. The will jointly issued by the nine crystal emperors and the high priest!

The nine emperors and the high priest jointly issued an order on a certain matter. Such a situation rarely occurs once in nine thousand years! It is said that the most recent one happened during the war with the ancient race of gods on the other side of the Star Sea!

The matter must be serious, not ordinary! Could it be that the enemies from the Star Sea are about to invade again?

It is currently in a bad mood because the fleet it commands is lost.

When the fleet crossed the wormhole, the space locator malfunctioned. The fleet that was supposed to return to the base unexpectedly popped out of a wormhole that had never been recorded. Came to a strange small star system.

Repairing the positioning system, reconnecting with the base, and finding the way home are not problems that can be solved in a short time!

Damn it, if we delay it too long, we won’t be able to catch up with the great Qianlin Sacrifice Ceremony! After the Qian Dian, you will enter the transformation period. If you cannot make it back in time, you will not receive the blessing from the high priest, and the transformation period will be postponed. Your own combat effectiveness will be greatly affected! It is also planning to reach the level of General Mo Jing as soon as possible so as to further enhance its status in the race!

The blood-red light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the large black crystal embedded in his chest gave off a faint green brilliance. Several long fleshy tentacles on its back also squirmed restlessly, showing its irritable mood at this time!

On the large crystal platform in front of you, there is a huge crystal vessel. Inside is a thick dark red liquid. The liquid is boiling and churning endlessly! From time to time something appears, a colorful life form that looks like an octopus!

The multi-legged sea cucumber is produced from aquatic products on certain planets with carbon-based life forms. Possessing absolute wisdom, he has established a first-class civilization. It tastes delicious and is the favorite snack of the middle-level soldiers of the empire!

A long snake-like tentacle stretched into the vessel. He deftly rolled up a sea cucumber and put it into its bloody mouth. With a few rows of sharp teeth, the poor thing was completely dismembered! After chewing for a while and swallowing hard, red blood foam flew out!

The feeling of satisfaction after eating the delicious blood made it feel slightly better.

In the vessel, the remaining sea cucumbers gathered together in horror, emitting bursts of mournful cries. The sound was mellow and rhythmic, and it was obvious that it was a complete language. However, it has no idea what they are talking about and has no interest in knowing!

I heard they are intelligent life forms? Maybe, it doesn't care about that! It only knows that the taste of intelligent life forms is many times stronger than those of life forms without brains! And it tastes more delicious when eaten alive than when eaten!

It's a pity that due to its quality, it can only eat primitive intelligent life forms with a low level of evolution! The great lords of the empire will open up a star field on their own to raise some more delicious and highly developed civilized races, and then regularly send fleets to harvest the young and powerful individuals among them, or use them for their own consumption, or Process it into high-quality food and sell it to other lords!

When will I be able to evolve to the level of a great lord? Have your own vast territory, endless slaves and fleets! You can also raise a group of intelligent species that you like to eat in captivity! Those kinds of pleasant days make him excited every time he thinks about them!

However, this goal is a bit far away. It is estimated that to become a great lord, one must at least have a combat power close to that of the Black Crystal God King. With his own transformation speed, it will not take thousands of imperial standard years. Don't estimate. Reach this point!

"Sir!" A slave officer nervously stood at the door to report something to it. All the tentacles on his body were spread out and lying flat on the floor. This meant absolute surrender and absolute respect!

"What's the matter? Has the fleet's position been determined?" it asked coldly, perfectly playing the role of the superior.

"No! Not this..." the slave soldier responded nervously, his tentacles trembling slightly with fear.

"What?" Its voice suddenly became sharp, and its powerful power suddenly burst out: "Then you still dare to disturb me? Do you think you are my food?"

"Distinguished Sir!" The slave officer was about to faint with fright and said tremblingly: "I never meant to tease you! I came here to estimate and report back. The fleet discovered something on that planet! Maybe you will interested!"

"Oh? What is it? Let me see!" It calmed down its anger slightly.

The slave officer took out a palm-sized dark green crystal piece and fiddled with it for a few times. The dark green chip lit up and released a three-dimensional image.

The image is a certain place on that planet. At this time, a simple landing site had been opened there, and hundreds of aircraft of different styles were parked there, which looked like a kind of warship.

An area not far outside the battleship was already filled with all kinds of equipment, and many life forms that had never been seen before were busy on the side.

"What kind of race is this? It seems that I have never seen it before, and there is no record in the database! I don't know if it tastes good?" It said to itself with some confusion, "What are they doing here? They seem to be digging something. Something! Huh? Something’s wrong!”

As the detector approached, the image became clearer, and it finally saw clearly what the group of life forms were doing!

"Magic crystal? It's actually a magic crystal?" It roared excitedly, and the fleshy tentacles behind it began to dance, and a strong wind blew up in the main control room!

"Damn it, these hateful life forms are mining magic crystal veins!"

"This is the territory of our great Bocharhanto Empire. Find Bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com All property belongs to our great Bocharhanto race! These damn barbaric life forms, they dare to steal Our precious treasures! This is an unforgivable crime! They must all die! They all must die!"

"Pass my order! Open fire immediately and kill all those annoying guys!" it ordered fiercely.

The slave officer responded respectfully and was about to convey the order.

"Wait!" Porozarofi changed his mind again, "Don't kill them! Send a team of soldiers to catch them back. I don't know if they can be eaten. I want to try how they taste!"

On that planet, except for a few people who remained on the battleship, most of the officers and soldiers put on sealed combat uniforms and rushed away for a while to dig for crystal nuclei!

When the first batch of sparkling raw ore was mined, everyone's emotions reached a climax!

Through those crystal interesting ores, they seem to see countless wealth flowing into their pockets, and powerful fleets are constantly coming, ready to listen to their orders at any time! Countless beauties of all shapes and sizes crowd around me, trying their best to please themselves in the hope of gaining their favor! (To be continued.)

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