Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 495 This is not a dream

This is not a fantasy. As long as all the crystal cores here are dug out and loaded on battleships to be transported back, everything that is expected will become a reality!

The officers and soldiers collectively fell into a state of madness, and their eyes were full of shiny ore shaking, just like the fair and attractive body of the beauty! No one noticed that dozens of disc-shaped aircraft with a diameter of 100 meters broke away from the mothership and rushed into the planet's thin atmosphere at high speed.

After the batch of aircraft almost reached the ground, they had no intention of turning to evade. They simply rushed over their heads in such a big way, and then smashed to the ground not far away from them with great arrogance. The violent airflow blew all the people away. All kinds of rocks are flying everywhere!

Such a big movement finally brought those guys back to their senses.

"What is that?" An officer looked at the aircraft in surprise, which was very different from a human spacecraft.

"Is it an alien?" Another officer judged.

There is no need to guess. There is no spaceship of this style in the human world. It may only come from an alien civilization.

"Use this to judge that they came with bad intentions!" Thorode finally became more awake at this time, and immediately ordered: "Leave some people to guard here, and the rest return to the battleship! Kill them all! It's almost like the King of Heaven, too. Don't touch our wealth!"

His order was given a little late. The hatch of the flying saucer has been opened, and a large number of life forms inside have poured out!

They are almost human-shaped, with arms and legs that seem to be carbon-based lifeforms, and their skin is a strange blue-black color! There are many thick fleshy tentacles on the forearms, thighs, waist and back. The tentacles are moving flexibly. The thickest ones are even twisting around the body like pythons, which is really eye-catching. My hair is numb!

The face of a living being. The slender eyes emitted bursts of cold, murderous, and violent red light, while the huge mouthparts opened and closed. It can be seen that the densely packed sharp teeth are arranged in three layers, inside and outside, and the corners of the mouth reach directly to the base of the ears. One mouth occupies most of the first part!

On the chests of those living creatures, dark green crystals of varying sizes are embedded, with rays of brilliance flowing through them, exuding oppressive auras!

"What kind of monster is this?" The human officers and soldiers stared in horror at the increasing number of alien life forms in front of them.

"Attack and capture all the life forms in front of you! Be careful to keep them alive!" After the alien life forms were assembled, the leader issued the order!

The alien life forms divided into multiple groups and surrounded them in a well-trained manner, holding unknown tubular weapons in their hands.

At this time, the formation of officers and soldiers in the human camp was scattered. The weapons are all mixed up, and many people are still holding on to the shiny raw ore in their hands. The outcome of the battle can be estimated.

In the encirclement, the commander gave an order, and the weapons in the hands of the alien life forms were all pointed at the human officers and soldiers, and green beams were sprayed out. The beams had a strong fainting effect, easily penetrated the sealed combat uniforms, and knocked out the people inside. !

Several low-star awakened ones in the team tried to resist, so they took action! He was discovered by several alien life forms. The thick tentacles wrapped around them flexibly. They were equipped with super powers and were extremely strong. They were tied up tightly without any resistance!

There were also a few armed soldiers who attacked. But no matter whether it is a ray gun, a laser beam or a small-caliber particle cannon, it can't cause much damage to the living creatures in front of you. Occasionally, those who are injured will recover at an astonishing speed! Only when multiple particle cannons hit an alien life form at the same time can it be truly killed!

Thorode roared angrily, raised his energy knife, and with a blur of his body, he rushed towards an alien that was relatively close!

The other party didn't take him seriously and easily raised the weapon in his hand and pointed it at him. Unexpectedly, he accelerated again midway. He dodged the blow and rushed towards it. The energy knife in his hand suddenly slashed down! In the haste of the alien, it only had time to mobilize the tentacles behind it to intercept it.

The extremely sharp energy light blade slashed on the flesh. There was a sound of iron and stone colliding, as if it was not flesh and blood, but a high-strength alloy! Trod's reaction was also very fast, and he immediately changed his attack, turning it into a thorn, and plunged into its big mouth!

The mouth is the weakest part of the alien, and the light blade penetrated without any hindrance, and then emerged from the back of its head! The guy made a shrill scream, and several tentacles whipped around like crazy. Every time he hit it, a big hole would be drawn out of the hard rock ground! Huge chunks of rocks were flying everywhere!

As soon as Torode succeeded in the attack, he stepped back and avoided its near-death counterattack! However, his actions also attracted the attention of other aliens, who were greeted by dozens of beams of light! With his five-star ability, he managed to dodge for a while, but in the end he failed to escape the fate of being knocked down and captured alive!

The battle ended in less than half an hour, and the alien life form almost won a victory! Capture tens of thousands of human officers and soldiers alive with less than 300 casualties!

"It's time to report the results to your Excellency!" the leader of the team said with a big smile, "This group of life forms seems to be quite civilized, and they can actually build such a large battleship! But why are their individual combat capabilities so unbearable? I was expecting a tough fight! I’m so disappointed!”

After receiving the news from the landing force, Porozarofi was both happy and disappointed. Fortunately, I have obtained the magic crystal vein. As long as I report it to the lord, I will receive great benefits! What's disappointing is that this batch of life forms doesn't look very good, and the taste is definitely not much better. Originally, it was supposed to be a change of taste for itself.

"No matter what the reason is, since you caught it! Let's try the taste. If it doesn't taste good, just throw it to the slaves below for processing!" It thought so.

"Boss, what should we do now?" an officer asked Thorode who was nearby.

After a while, the captured soldiers woke up and found that they had been tied up with extremely sticky fleshy ropes.

"What else can I do? Just leave it to fate!" Thorod responded with a sad face. Not long ago, he had a dream of establishing a country, but in the blink of an eye he became a prisoner of the stars. The huge psychological gap completely defeated him!

"They are obviously also highly developed civilizations, and I hope they won't be too vicious to us!" He comforted himself by guessing, "If they are willing to negotiate, they might be able to be replaced by the superiors!"

His calculation was good, but the facts quickly shattered his last hope!

A group of alien life forms came over, grabbed a few prisoners and walked out of the hatch. Contains him.

At this time, the flying saucer has entered the mothership. As far as the eyes can see, the interior space of the mothership is huge. Like a super city! And it’s a city made of crystals! All facilities are composed of crystal commandos that sparkle with various colors of light! On both sides of the corridor, which is tens of meters wide, murals full of weird styles can be seen everywhere!

A large number of alien life forms may be riding hoverboards. Or rely on your own power to float in the air and fly at high speed, coming and going in a hurry! At a glance, most life forms have combat capabilities that are not weaker than those of human low-star awakened beings!

Trod and the others were thrown onto a weird-looking hovercraft, and they flew all the way, and soon arrived at the door of a huge cabin.

The life form leading the team chatted with the guard at the door for a few words. He couldn't understand it, but he also discovered that it was an extremely complex and profound language, with hundreds of syllables included in the brief conversation. The same syllable often has many different vibratos, and the meanings expressed by the commando team are simply ever-changing!

The thick crystal door slowly opened, and several guards dragged them in.

The interior layout of the cabin is also dominated by various crystals. It seems that this civilization particularly prefers crystal-textured materials.

Sitting on the large seat in the center was a tall alien life form, exuding a powerful oppressive aura! It is obvious that the status is extraordinary.

What makes it different from its kind outside is that the dark green crystal on its chest is extremely huge, almost covering half of its body! Moreover, part of the fleshy tentacles on the body also turned into a crystal-clear crystal-like substance.

A guard came to it, bowed and saluted, and spread out all the tentacles on his body and laid them flat on the floor. Report to it humbly.

The life form on the seat moved. It stood up and slowly walked towards the prisoners. Looks like a tall and thick body. It is extremely light to move!

It came to a captive and looked at it with blood-red eyes for a while. Two thick tentacles entangled themselves like spiritual snakes, and the sharp bone spurs at the ends of the tentacles easily cut through the combat uniform, and he was ripped clean in a few strokes!

Before the guy could react, with a flick of his thick tentacles, he was thrown into the huge crystal vessel, rolled around in it and then caught out again!

It tilted its head, as if it was thinking about how to eat! Then two more tentacles stretched out and wrapped around one of his arms. With a slight twist and pull, the arm was torn off! Put it in your mouth and chew it!

The prisoners' screams echoed in the cabin for a long time. The few remaining guys had pale faces, and some simply fainted with trembling eyes!

Savor it carefully. After a long time, the life form let out a high-pitched roar!

"What kind of race is this? My God, I have never eaten such delicious food!" Porozarofi roared with excitement, "It's so wonderful! Even at the banquet of the great lord, there may not be anything like this. Delicious!”

"Who could have guessed it? An unexpected getaway led to such an exciting harvest for me. It was just a vein of magic crystal ore, and it actually allowed me to find a wonderful food that I had never seen before! I'm so happy!"

"Supreme God! Did you specifically guide me here?"

When it got excited, several tentacles worked together to completely cut the man into pieces, threw it into his mouth and chewed it deliciously!

"Go! Order them immediately to conduct a comprehensive search of the nearby airspace of a hundred light years! Find out where this species lives!"

"Work hard to repair the space locator and try to contact the big lord! Send an army immediately. This star field is fully worthy of becoming the territory of the empire!" It yelled at its subordinates, not even caring about the magic crystal veins under its nose.

"General, are you looking for me?" In the base office, Ye Qingyuan opened the door and walked in.

Luo Hanxing stood in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside in trance. Hearing a voice behind him, he turned around.

"Yes, there is something! And it is a very important matter!" His face lost the usual warmth and hee, and became serious, with a hint of worry in his eyebrows.

"Take a look at this first!" He picked up a paper document from the table and handed it to Ye Qingyuan.

In today's era, all data storage and official correspondence are conducted online. Even for key departments such as the Imperial Security Department, most of the information is sent and received through the intranet. Only particularly important intelligence documents will use this. The most original way to record!

Ye Qingyuan opened it and looked at it with some confusion, but his expression suddenly changed!

"Is this...information reliable?" he asked in disbelief.

"It has been confirmed through multiple channels!" Luo Hanxing responded in a heavy tone, "Even the fleet sent by the empire..."

He didn't say anything further, but the meaning was already obvious.

Just a few days ago, a big change happened outside the ancient wormhole! The human fleet was attacked by a powerful being of unknown origin and suffered heavy losses. It can be said that the entire army was almost annihilated!

Most of the officers and soldiers on the few battleships that escaped have gone insane, and the rest are almost on the verge of collapse!

After a large number of psychological experts' comfort and treatment, a few people were finally able to tell the truth. Combined with some video images that were lucky enough to be saved, the general cause of the matter was finally figured out!

The Xiaodu Galaxy has an owner, and it is an owner who is definitely not easy to mess with!

Over the past few months, the fleets sent by major forces in the human world to the outer space have reached millions, not counting the number of civil society groups! Although they are not affiliated with each other, they can use their past pioneering experience as a reference. These fleets are all elites that the major forces can use, and they have reached an absolute degree of tacit understanding with each other. They can advance and retreat together when encountering unpredictable risks! To minimize the probability of unexpected situations!

The accident still happened! Millions of elite fleets, just like this, let the unknown powerful force make dumplings easily! Unfortunately, I don’t even know their origins!

"What exactly is it?" Ye Qingyuan asked in a deep voice.

"See it for yourself!" Luo Hanxing turned on the photon computer.

On the monitor, there are some fragmented video images. Judging from the constantly flashing images and angles, they were all shot in an extremely hasty situation!

A giant flying saucer battleship that is completely different from human style, a ferocious alien life form, and extremely powerful weapons! It is indeed a powerful civilization! Moreover, it is more powerful than any civilization that humans have encountered so far!

If the image is correct, it can be inferred that the fleet sent by this civilization is about five to nine thousand, with only five or nine thousand warships. If you look for Shuyuan, it will almost completely wipe out the millions of human fleets! Although these fleets do not belong to each other and are scattered, in the end, they are all elites sent by the major forces! It's so easy to make people cook like this!

I don’t know whether I should say that humans are incompetent or that the other party is too powerful!

"What should we do now?" After watching the video, he asked Luo Hanxing: "The higher-ups must be prepared, right?"

"You are right! There is indeed something happening in the empire!" the general said, "The higher authorities have ordered that all armed forces in the empire be put on the highest alert, and there will be large-scale fleet mobilization in the near future!"

Now that we have offended this powerful opponent and suffered such a big loss, the human race is bound to retaliate! I will never give up, whether it’s for face or for profit! There is absolutely no reason to give up until there is a result!

But for the other party, it doesn’t seem to be a good thing! Xinghai has entered a troubled time from now on!

Beyond those three ancient wormholes is the territory of the human world. Facing the wormholes are seven or eight small and medium-sized countries, followed by the superpower Gardley Federation, and next to the Federation is the Shuofeng Empire! (To be continued.)

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