Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 496: Ancient God Region

Using a clock dial as an analogy, the Gardley Federation is at eleven o'clock, while the Empire is at twelve o'clock. Behind the Empire are a large number of small and medium-sized countries. The most powerful country, the Gennarok Empire, is at three o'clock. , it will not be affected for the time being.

"What do you need me to do?" He looked at the general. Since the other party specifically called him to inform him about this matter, he would definitely not be in vain. There was a task to be issued!

"The superiors have decided to secretly send a group of members to join the Strategic Command. From now on, you will be the one there!" The general said seriously, "You will join the special forces of the Strategic Command and be mobilized together with the empire's main fleet. Station in the direction of the ancient wormhole. If that alien civilization comes over, you will be the empire's first barrier!"

"Of course, you have to know in your heart which side you are on! If something happens, you have to be responsible to this side first, do you understand?"

"I know!" After thinking for a while, he knew what the other party meant.

This approach, to put it nicely, is to concentrate the use of awakened people to strengthen the combat power of the strategic command. To put it bluntly, it means infiltration and surveillance to prevent some abnormal changes there! At critical moments, these hidden secrets will be used for unexpected purposes!

The Imperial Security Department is pervasive, and any key department has a large number of people deployed by them. As the Awakened Force with powerful force, it is the sharpest blade in the hands of the superiors! Stealing secrets, spying on political opponents, and eliminating dissidents, this is their job!

"However, I still have something to ask you personally!" Luo Hanxing's face softened and he showed a smile.

"What is it?" He was a little careless. Is there any private matter that the general can't solve by himself and he wants to ask for help?

"Qingyue, come in!" Luo Hanxing turned around and called out the door.

A young female officer wearing the rank of lieutenant colonel appeared at the front door. The skin is as white and delicate as fine porcelain. She has a graceful neck and a well-cut and well-pressed uniform that accentuates her proud figure even more perfectly! Bright eyes and white teeth, very charming!

"This is my sister. Luo Qingyue!" He introduced, "This time. She will also go there with you!"

"If war breaks out, on the battlefield, I hope you can take care of her safety! Any questions?"

As soon as he said these words, a trace of anger appeared on the face of the female officer named Luo Qingyue. She thought about saying something, but was stopped by her brother's eyes.

"General, no one can tell what will happen when the war breaks out! So I can only promise to do my best!" After a while of silence, he said.

"You can say that, I'm very satisfied! I have always believed in you! Well..." Luo Hanxing's mouth curled up slightly.

"When are you going to report there? I guess I'll go back and take care of some housework first, is that okay?"

"You still have half a day to do what you thought you would do. Of course, what should be said and what should not be said! You personally know it!" the general said with a smile.

"No problem, in that case I'll leave first!" He saluted, turned back and left for a while.

As soon as he went out, Luo Qingyue couldn't hold it in any longer and stared at Luo Hanxing with her big clear eyes. He shouted angrily: "What were you talking about just now! Do you want that guy to take care of my safety? Are you drunk too much?"

"Why? You know I never drink!" He said with a smile.

"But that pretty boy is only five-star, how can he take care of me with his little ability? I should take care of him!" Luo Qingyue shouted angrily.

"Five stars? Almost! But I can guarantee that in a life-and-death fight, you, a seven-star, are no match for me with just one move!" Luo Hanxing said leisurely.

Luo Qingyue's face suddenly turned red, and she turned around and was about to rush out.

"Where are you going?" Luo Hanxing swayed and stopped her.

"I'll drag him back! I'll have a showdown with him in front of you!" She said suddenly, "If I don't hit him, he'll have teeth all over the floor!"

"But what about this? My good sister!" Luo Hanxing said with twitching eyes, "That's the only thing you are not good at. Your personality is too competitive, and you will suffer a loss sooner or later!"

"If you knew that that guy had killed dozens of awakened beings by himself before, including two Seven Stars, you wouldn't think so!"

"What?" Luo Qingyue looked incredulous. "Are you sure no one is helping him? Can he do it alone?"

"Although there is an element of trickery, he is indeed the only one!" Luo Hanxing responded affirmatively. "You know I never lie to you! There are some things that you don't know yet, but you just need to remember that I sent you to his side, and there will be absolutely no harm to you!"

"Sister, you have to know that our kind of existence is not tolerated by the world! You have also seen so many similar experiences!"

"Although we are one of the few exceptions, and Her Royal Highness the Princess also relies heavily on us, this trust is unreliable. One day, when our use value has been drained, we will be abandoned without hesitation. ! We have to plan for the future!"

"He is almost half of our kind, and his character is not bad! Therefore, I don't expect him to stay in this dark circle for a long time, and the same goes for you!"

"You know what? I have a hunch!" Luo Hanxing finally said slowly and logically, "Our future will almost all be changed because of him!"

Luo Qingyue frowned, thoughtfully.

Outside the ancient wormhole, it is currently a hell on earth.

The human fleet and many temporary bases were all wiped out by the alien fleet that emerged from the depths of the galaxy! Warship wreckage can be seen everywhere. The closer you are to the ancient wormhole, the more wreckage there is!

Although the fleet was destroyed, there were no human corpses to be seen. All the corpses were taken away by the alien life forms, even the broken limbs and arms!

That day, after discovering traces of the human fleet, Porozarofi notified the great lord as quickly as possible.

The three great lords who guarded the western border of the empire felt as if they had found a treasure after receiving the information! A large number of fleets were immediately dispatched to conduct a comprehensive exploration of this star field!

The result is obvious, more human fleets have been discovered, and for them, there is a lot more extremely delicious food!

The human fleet was not without resistance. The most ever. Led by the Gnaslok Empire, nearly a million warships were gathered in an attempt to deliver a decisive blow to the pursuing saucer fleet!

It’s just that the fleet of the alien civilization is too powerful. The performance of their warships is far better than that of human warships. No matter the warship size, speed, main gun caliber, detection system, or energy shield strength, they are not as good as their opponents! Even their individual combat effectiveness is extremely powerful. An ordinary soldier has the fighting power of a human being who has awakened from the first star. Why should we fight this battle?

The opponent dispatched 9,000 warships, completely crippling the millions of fleets in the human world and annihilating them at the cost of losing less than 30,000 ships!

Since then, the alien fleet has never encountered any decent resistance! All the way to the star field near the ancient wormhole, the human world's fleet in this starry sky was completely annihilated! The loss of human, material and financial resources is countless!

However. The matter is not over yet. After tracking all the way and discovering the ancient wormhole, the alien life forms will definitely not give up! They have decided to attack again and will definitely find more delicious food!

On this side of the ancient wormhole, there is already a roar of wind and cranes, and the vegetation is full of soldiers! Countries approaching the wormhole are desperately expanding their armies and preparing for war, hoping to last as long as possible in the ensuing war! Countries further away are also privately on heightened alert.

Among them, the most active one is the Gardley Federation, one of the top five superpowers. At this time, it has entered a state of emergency and the whole country is preparing for war!

Xiaodu galaxy.

Deep within the galaxy. Around a certain newborn star, three asteroids with a diameter of 300 kilometers were quietly orbiting along their own orbits.

The surface of the planet is extremely smooth, and the blue ground is engraved with countless layers of intricate and huge patterns. Occasionally, some unknown light balls will suddenly appear, fly along some mysterious trajectory for a while and then disappear out of thin air, which looks weird and inexplicable!

This is not a naturally transformed planet, but a creation of a super civilization! A large number of saucer-shaped spacecrafts are constantly taking off and landing on these planets.

Inside the planet is a huge and magnificent city, with countless alien life forms living in it.

At this time, in a magnificent crystal palace somewhere in the center of the planet, a powerful alien life form sat on a throne made of huge magic crystal. can be seen. Its entire body has been transformed into a bright and clear crystal texture, including those tentacles! Only the head can still be seen with blue-black fleshy skin.

One of the great lords who guarded the western territory of the empire. Alastam Qiqiqi, this is where its palace is located!

It and the other two great lords. They all come from the ancient and noble Munegrans tribe. Since serving as the great lords for tens of thousands of empires, they have been guarding this star field, quietly developing and accumulating strength.

A powerful spiritual wave was sent from another planet: "Alastam Zizig, my dear brother! Have you received that message?"

"Of course, dear Uligilotemus, our loyal servant Porozarofi has sent me great news that makes me excited! In that starry sky, they discovered an unprecedented civilization, that The individual tastes of this race are more delicious than all the food we have ever eaten before!” Alastam Ziziqi responded.

"Praise the Great God! This is the best gift we have received in the past ten thousand years!" Another powerful mental wave came through the air, "I have tasted their taste, and it is really better than the best quality ones we have raised in captivity. Food! I don’t even think about eating anything else now!”

"Well! Dear Tukat Mugolol, I think so too!" Alastam Chizige let out a deep, hoarse laugh, "Now, we have to discuss the next step!"

"In addition to getting a delicious food, the bigger gain from this discovery is that we found those three wormholes. On the other side of the wormholes are infinitely vast strange galaxies! You have no idea about this. What?"

"Why? My dear brother, the three of us have been guarding the borders of the empire here for tens of thousands of years, and we are also responsible for opening up the territory for the empire. However, this is already the end of the sea of ​​stars, and there is no way to go further. It's an endless dark universe! Although we can also see the galaxies on the other side of the universe, without finding a passable wormhole, my race's fleet cannot go there in large numbers!" Uli Gilotemus said.

"However, this time, the omnipotent God has brought us good news. No one would have guessed that after accidentally getting lost, we found a bridge to the other side of the sea of ​​​​stars! On that end, there is delicious food, countless A strange galaxy!" Tukat Mugolor roared excitedly, "We can send out a fleet to completely conquer that starry sky!"

"This is a very tempting idea! However," Alastam Qiqig said calmly, "not long ago, from the highest level of the empire, the nine crystal emperors and the imperial high priest jointly issued an order, saying that they had discovered someone from On the other side of the Star Sea, there is the aura of the ancient race of gods! Don’t you feel something is wrong?”

"You mean..." Uligilotemus asked hesitantly, "That starry sky may be related to the race of the ancient gods?"

"It's not maybe, but absolutely!" Alastam Qiqig said gloomily, "The place mentioned above is in this direction. Nine thousand years ago, my race and the race of the ancient gods went to war! At that time, , because the opponent’s combat power was too strong, my race was once forced to a situation that was close to genocide!”

"However, until the end of the war, my race did not find out how they invaded our homeland! Since we became the great lords in that starry sky, the three of us have sent fleets to explore many times. However, no traces of the existence of wormholes were found! Now I know that they used some unknown method to block the space wormholes!"

As soon as this conclusion came out, the three great lords fell silent for an instant. The war nine thousand years ago and the terror of the ancient race of gods have been deeply imprinted in their memories! Even after such a long time, I have never forgotten it!

"At that time, the three of us were just the most ordinary Black Crystal warriors!" Uli Gillotemus sighed, "I fought with them many times under the leadership of the tribal chief, and saw with my own eyes that our race Many Crystal Emperors were killed by them effortlessly! That scene... is terrifying at first glance!"

"In that battle, the strong men of my race suffered all casualties and had to return underground to recuperate. Even now, nine thousand years later, the power of my race is far less than it was at its peak in ancient times!"

"Dear Alastam Zizig, our brother! Are you saying that the other end of the wormhole is the territory of the ancient god race?" Tukat Mugolor asked, "However, our fleet did not find it. Their traces! The combat power of the newly discovered civilized race is too weak, and it is impossible to have anything to do with them!" (To be continued.)

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