"Therefore, I judge that there must be some unknown change in the race of the ancient gods! They may have gone to other star skies, or they may have been wiped out by a more powerful race!" Alastam Zizige road.

"In this case, what should we do now? Should we report this news to the Crystal Emperors and High Priests?" Tukat Mugolor asked.

"Why should we report it?" Alastam Qiqig said with a smile, "Don't you think this is an absolute opportunity for the three of us and the tribe behind us?"

"Dear brother, what do you mean?" Uligilotemus asked with some confusion.

"According to the agreement handed down from ancient times, the position of Crystal Emperor must be assumed by the most powerful member of our race! And to become the Crystal Emperor, you must obtain as many resources as possible. Where do the resources come from? There is no way to plunder them but to plunder them all. A lot of territory! Only in this way can we get the opportunity to improve our combat effectiveness!"

"Don't you feel that the current distribution of power in the empire is somewhat unreasonable? Those Crystal Emperors will only favor their tribes! Their race occupies the richest star field and can cultivate more powerful warriors. To defend their dominant position!" Alastam Ziqig's sharp teeth grinded loudly, obviously extremely angry:

"But us? We are from the ancient and noble Munegrans tribe, but we were thrown into the barren and desolate western border! Those damn guys, our tribe was the most powerful tribe in ancient times, and there were too many The tribe of a powerful Crystal Emperor! In that war with the Yuangu God Race, our tribe suffered extreme casualties!"

"Those bastards! They forgot the sacrifices of our tribe in the blink of an eye! They suppressed us openly and covertly, deprived our tribe of its inheritance rights, and forced us to move from the richest central star field to this barren ghost place! The high priest didn't even care. ask!"

"I've had enough! I can't help but watch my tribe continue to decline like this, and eventually be annexed by other tribes! Fortunately! The Supreme God has not forgotten our sacrifices! This time, it is a perfect opportunity! A An opportunity to revitalize the tribe!”

"As long as our fleet can occupy that starry sky! We will be able to obtain endless resources and cultivate countless powerful warriors! And we can also use this transformation to become a strong man of the Crystal Emperor Grade!" Alastam Qiqi Ge roared loudly, "At that time, our tribe is the tribe with the most crystal emperors, and the high priest can no longer favor them! The power of the empire will fall into our hands! Our tribe will become the imperial race of the empire again!"

It says this. The other two great lords also became excited and wanted to restore the glory of the tribe. This goal was so attractive!

"Tell me! Dear brother! What should we do?" the two great lords asked in unison.

"Seal the news immediately, and then all the tribal fleets will be dispatched. The three of us will also attack together! Conquer the rich star field over there as quickly as possible! Make it a fait accompli before those hateful guys find out! What do you think?" Alastan Mzizige asked.

"We have no objection to this. However," Uligilotemus reminded, "in a while, it will be the Qianlin sacrificial ceremony of my race. By then, a large number of race people in the tribe will enter the transformation period! This time The war can’t drag on too long!”

"Don't worry! You have also seen the weakness of that race. It won't take us much time to conquer them!" Alastam Qiqig laughed.

"So, that's the best!"

The resolution was passed, and more fleets rushed towards the wormhole like crazy. An unprecedented crisis was about to come to the human world...

In the study room, several boys and girls were discussing together.

"The plan was just canceled like this?" Meng Xuan asked reluctantly, "Then the work these days has been in vain? I can't get back the money I spent to leave for a while! What happened?"

"There are some problems over there in the wormhole. The fleet that went past encountered an intelligent civilization. And there was a conflict!" Ye Qingyuan said as lightly as possible, "So it is not the right thing to send an expedition fleet now!"

Although the major forces strictly blocked the news, such a big thing. It's impossible to hide it for a long time, and they have already called. In a few days at most, the news will spread throughout the entire star sea! He didn't mind reminding them a little now.

"Is it a very powerful civilization? How is the fleet on the other side of the wormhole?" Link asked.

"It is said to be relatively strong, but humans have millions of fleets over there. I guess it won't be too much trouble to deal with them!" Ye Qingyuan said vaguely.

"Then what should we do now?" Meng Xuan stared into his eyes, trying to find some clues on his face. Most women have more delicate minds, and their eighth sense tells her that things are not that simple.

"Let's forget about this plan for now. You can continue to help me take care of the affairs of the mining organization! Don't worry. You won't miss a cent of your salary or bonus!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile, "Besides, I have something to do recently and I have to go on a long trip. Everything here is up to you!"

"There are enough cabins here, you can all move here! Choose the place you like, and Butler Shuangyan will arrange your daily needs!" He finally said.

He did not mention to them that he had joined the Ministry of Security. He was now secretly transferred to the Strategic Command, and he would probably go to the battlefield, let alone talk about it.

I don't know if the other side can hold on. If that big country collapses, this place will immediately become a front line and let them live together for the sake of safety.

After settling them, Ye Qingyuan entered the online black market alone and finished processing all the prey on hand. The number on the account had reached a surprising number.

Prices have risen again, and military and civilian supplies have increased across the board. Many big forces behind the scenes have realized the seriousness of the problem! Start stocking up on supplies!

He walked around inside, thinking about various unexpected situations after the war, and began to make purchases without any scruples. Concentrated nutritional supplements, individual soldier equipment, various foods and medicines, energy blocks, armed robots, suspended combat vehicles, small spaceships, etc. As long as it is estimated that it may be used in the future. He bought a lot of them! Anyway, there is no shortage of money at the moment!

Finally, he also bought two large high-speed spaceships, which were prepared for them. Convenient for running away when the situation is bad!

Half an hour later, when he logged out of the network. Several spacecrafts outside had sent landing requests, and Shuangyan came in to ask him how to arrange it.

"Let them come in and land!" he ordered.

Several spaceships landed on the square in front of the villa one after another. They were delivery spaceships. The person in charge of the spacecraft came over to negotiate with him and then directed the unloading.

There were a little more things ordered this time, and various boxes and packages were placed on the floor. After counting the numbers, the robots in the villa were ordered to move the things into the warehouse one by one.

By the time everything was done, the huge warehouse was already packed to the brim. There are several brand new spaceships parked in the square in front of the villa.

"Master, why did you buy so many things at once?" Shuangyan asked with some confusion.

"Well, I can't tell you for the time being!" He smiled and hugged her for a kiss, "You also need to purchase the daily necessities needed to run this villa for at least half a year, otherwise it will be difficult to buy things in the future. ! Go and do your business, I guess I can take a rest alone."

After sending her away and looking at the mountains of things in the warehouse, he raised his hand, and the ancient scepter emerged from his hand. The huge gem at the top of the scepter emits a beam of red light. Wherever the light sweeps, all items disappear. Being taken into the artifact space!

The internal space of the complete version of the Ancient Scepter is already a huge space with a diameter of tens of kilometers. Even a city can fit in it. Of course, such a small thing is not a problem!

He didn't know what the situation was with other artifacts, but one thing was certain. The dimensional space that this artifact came with was definitely one of the best. The race-suppressing treasure of ancient civilizations was certainly no small matter!

The next day, Luo Qingyue came to see him early in the morning. He was still sleeping, Shuangyan hugged his neck. Her round and strong thighs were wrapped around her waist.

I got up in a hurry and washed up as quickly as possible. She had been sitting in the living room for a while.

"Your current life is quite comfortable!" She said with a half-smile.

"You have a powerful brother as your backer. You are not only doing worse than me, right?" He laughed and said, "I don't know what the eldest lady is doing when you come to visit me so early."

"You have to report there today. The general wants me to take you there!" She didn't want to talk nonsense anymore and directly stated her purpose.

"Okay! But I just got up! Beautiful Miss Luo Qingyue, do I have the honor to invite you to have breakfast?" He said with a smile.

"You are so undisciplined!" Her voice became colder and colder, "You don't need the concentrated nutritional supplements, but you still want Qing to eat those things every day? Do you think you are a pampered young master?"

"Let's go! We can't keep them waiting any longer!" She stood up.

Ye Qingyuan twitched the corners of his eyes helplessly, thinking to himself, wasn't he just joking with you? But for giving me such a look?

The two people walked out of the gate, and a small spaceship with the logo of the Strategic Command was parked in the square.

After the spacecraft took off, she threw a box over and said: "This is the newly prepared identity information for you. Remember it personally! Over there, your public identity is the second lieutenant of the Strategic Command's special ability force!"

"If there is anything important, you can use the method inside to contact us. If you have any tasks, there will also be a dedicated person to contact you!"

"This time your immediate superior is General Alves from the Strategic Command, and he is also from our side! After you go there, you must obey his arrangements in everything!"

"What about you?" he asked.

"You don't need to worry about this. My identity is public. I am a special liaison stationed at the Strategic Command. I am different from you!"

It turns out that this is the case, the other party is a person on the surface, everyone knows. And he is a hidden man who will never show up unless needed.

After she finished telling her what to pay attention to, she stopped talking and just concentrated on driving.

The spacecraft left the atmosphere and flew rapidly. Soon we arrived at the strategic command base on satellite No. 1.

After strict identity verification, the two were able to enter the heavily guarded base.

The 808th Division of the 17th Corps of the Strategic Command's Special Forces. The division commander, Major General Alves, is a strict and rigid middle-aged man. He has first-class combat effectiveness and outstanding command skills. He has made many meritorious deeds on the battlefield in his early years. ! Because of his unpopular personality and lack of a strong backer, he was inevitably ostracized in the military, and now he might even get the rank of general!

When I arrived at the general's office, I happened to see several officers filing out of the office. They all seemed to be awakened ones with strong combat capabilities!

After waiting outside the door for a minute, an officer who looked like a secretary came out and invited the two of them in.

Walking into the iron-gray door, I found that it was very empty inside. A man with silver hair and slightly brown skin was sitting behind his desk and "working hard" on a pile of documents.

Luo Qingyue obviously knew him. After saluting, he walked over and whispered a few words. The other party raised his head and glanced at him.

"Is this the new guy?" he asked casually, his brown-gray eyes twinkling. Judging from the vaguely powerful aura, he should also be a Qianxing, or even higher!

"Second Lieutenant Ye Qingyuan, reporting to you!" He gave a standard military salute.

The other party nodded gently and said nonchalantly: "You look good, but I don't know how much real ability you have! I don't need a coward here!"

"Since you are a new recruit, you must be willing to endure hardships! Go to the special training camp for a month first! Only if you can survive it can you truly become a member here. If you can't bear this punishment, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Good! You won’t have to be scared and become a deserter when you go to the battlefield in the future! Is there any problem?”

"I have no objection, General!" he responded in a deep voice.

"Okay! Go over there now!" The general pressed the button on the table and called a secretary to take him away.

"This life is really not what humans live!"

This is the conclusion Ye Qingyuan came to after spending a month in the special training camp. ***

Classes are fully scheduled every day, from five in the morning to midnight, and generally you won't be allowed even a minute's rest. Even going to the toilet has to count seconds!

Except for a few theoretical classes, most of the time is spent on various overload training, disguise, lurking, running with weights, hand-to-hand combat, etc., which seems to be nothing to an awakened person! The problem is clear, all of this is carried out in an environment with 300 times the gravity! The huge loss of physical energy is self-evident!

His currently registered superpower level is five-star, and the instructor who led the team formulated a corresponding training plan for him. To use the guy's own words, this plan is just within the limit of a five-star awakened person. It can maximize potential without exhausting people!

But currently, he just thinks that guy's words are farts! He currently has an 8-star combat power, top-grade nutritional supplements to replenish his physical strength, and the super-recovery effect of that set of exercises! Still exhausted to death! If this were replaced by a real five-star, ten lives would be exhausted! (To be continued.)

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