Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 498: Shuangyan’s Attachment

But he didn't know clearly that the instructor's training plan for him was secretly "cared for" by that hateful Luo Qingyue. This young lady had a bad impression of him from the moment they met! To a large extent, women are a bit cautious. Seeing that he has fallen into their hands, not taking this opportunity to give him a good rub is simply an unforgivable behavior!

Yu Mingming would come over to check on Ye Qingyuan's training situation every day after finishing her work at hand! When she saw how energetic he was, she felt unreasonably angry! Yu Ming knew that his training tasks were changing day by day, becoming more and more arduous! In the words of this cold beauty, "The limit is not to kill someone!"

Fighting battles in a weightless environment, the use of various individual equipment, general tactical literacy assessment, and survival training in complex and unfamiliar environments. Cooperation with other awakened beings, joint operations with mecha troops, etc., as well as layers of increased training. By the last few days, even the instructors couldn’t stand it anymore! Even the awakened ones of Seven Stars may not be able to withstand this kind of intense training!

Something's not right with him. Where did this new guy get the monster from above? He didn't even collapse under such perverted torture! Even if there is a possibility of hiding combat power, it's not just an exaggeration, right?

In the theoretical class, there are various papers and works on the combat of special forces. He was trained according to the standards of mid- to high-grade officers. It was unclear whether this was Alves's decision or Luo Hanxing's instruction. According to the normal situation, he would have to stay at a regular military academy for at least one year before he would be eligible to graduate! However, now that the situation is serious, we can only keep everything simple!

The brain wave index of the awakened person far exceeds that of ordinary people. In addition to the lethality, another side benefit is the super memory and understanding ability. It is not difficult to "eat" all the course contents in one month, but is it possible to transformed into real abilities. That is not a problem that the military academy can solve.

Virtual reality network combat can play an absolute role. The easiest way is to go to the battlefield and practice on the battlefield for a period of time without dying. To a great extent, you will become a qualified military officer!

I left on the last day almost out of guilt. It was almost as if he was really good, and the instructor gave him full marks in all assessments! Finally, his resentment calmed down a little.

However, when he is satisfied, some people are unhappy! Luo Qingyue, who came to pick him up, was so cold that she could scrape a layer of frost off her face!

"You have a day off right now, so you can go back and take a look!" She said coldly, "At this time tomorrow, you will report back to the base! Then, let's set off with the fleet together!"

"Start? Where to go?" he asked with some confusion.

"Over there, the Gardley Federation!"

"...Has the situation developed to this point?" He was a little shocked.

Even this super-powerful country is struggling. It got to the point where we had to ask for foreign help! The combat effectiveness of alien civilizations has far exceeded most people's expectations. Maybe, the situation facing the human world this time will be much worse than during the Sycamore War thousands of years ago!

"Are you afraid?" The clear black and white eyes stared at him coldly, with undisguised contempt and disdain: "If you regret it, let me beat you until you are half dead, and then report it to you As a wounded soldier, you can lie down comfortably in the rear and enjoy the blessings!"

These words were harsh enough, and Ye Qingyuan was a little annoyed, and said unceremoniously: "Lieutenant Colonel! Please pay attention to your words! I am also a soldier of the empire, and a man! I have never judged you. Shirking the responsibilities that I should bear. On the battlefield, I will use actions to prove my words!"

"Huh! That's best!" She turned her head and stopped talking.

What happened to this woman? It seems that I have nothing to offend her, so why do I meet her every time? She never gave herself a good look! It was as if he owed her a large sum of money!

With a mind full of confusion, Ye Qingyuan drove the spaceship and left the base.

Sky Villa, a small pavilion with a simple and unique shape.

Shuangyan sat alone on the stone bench, holding half a bag of bait in her delicate and beautiful hands, and slowly sprinkled it into the small lake below the pavilion, where a group of colorful goldfish crowded together and competed for food.

The owner has been away for a month and has not sent any information back. It is not clear what he is doing or whether he is encountering difficulties.

Huge villa. There are hundreds of sisters of the same kind, but she is currently in charge of them all alone. She had to make the decision on every matter. certainly. This is nothing, there is no difference between the human body and the human body. They are all made of flesh and blood, and their brain chips also give them the intelligence of at least a ten-year-old child! For ordinary things, it is handled effortlessly.

I just understand that after not seeing the master for such a long time, I am really overestimating him! There is also a strange feeling slowly growing in my heart.

That feeling is almost called attachment, almost called uneasiness, almost called concern, almost...

Biochemistry: Do humans have feelings? Of course there are. Since leaving the factory, they have been set to be absolutely obedient to their masters. All emotional filming must comply with the master's wishes, and everything is centered on the master!

However, her master seemed to be different from other humans. He has a kind temperament, has no bad habits, and treats them very well. He has never beaten or scolded them!

Biochemical people are not treated as human beings in this era. Although they have beautiful appearance, extremely high intelligence, and quite a lot of emotions. But from the mainstream point of view, they are just a manufactured commodity.

The purpose of their existence is to let their masters vent their lust and take care of their housework. Sometimes they are tortured and abused by some mentally twisted masters for fun! Once you get tired of playing with it, it will be thrown away mercilessly like garbage! Not even as good as an ordinary pet dog.

Fortunately, I met my current owner. He was kind-hearted and easy-going. He looked at me the same way he would look at a real woman. He never scolded me like a master. She and her sisters live a better life than most normal women!

I don’t know how long such a happy time can last? Will one day he also...

Youyou sighed softly, stood up gently, walked out of the pavilion, and walked away along the gravel path. Judge based on this. There will be no news from the master today!

After walking a few steps, the shadow of a spaceship appeared on the horizon, dragging a bright blue plasma tail flame dozens of meters long and flying towards it. He paused briefly outside the energy shield of the villa, then went through the shield on his own. Land smoothly on the square!

The master is back!

She was surprised and happy, carrying her skirt and rushing away for a while.

Ye Qingyuan stepped off the spacecraft and stared at the familiar scenery in front of him, feeling very friendly.

After today, I don’t know when I can come back next time.

"Master!" Shuangyan came forward with joy on her face.

He smiled softly at the corner of his mouth, opened his arms, and let her throw herself into his arms, bringing up a refreshing fragrance.

"There's nothing going on at home during my absence, right?"

"That's not the case. It's just..." She hugged him tightly and said coquettishly, "It's just that the sisters are thinking about the master!"

That kind of unpretentious demeanor and tone almost completely broke his guard!

Will I really fall in love with a biochemist? This question came to mind, and even he felt a little incredible!

But fortunately, at this time, Meng Xuan and the others also heard the sound and came out, allowing him to put this problem in his heart for the time being.

"Qingyuan, what have you done? Can't be contacted for a month?" Ziyuan Lan said with a slight complaint.

"He! He is famous for liking to disappear, and this is not the first time!" Meng Xuan snorted.

"There are some things that I haven't told you before. There's a reason!" He said with some shame. "It's rare that I come back today, so I'll tell you! My current identity is a member of the special forces of the Strategic Command. !”

"What?" All colleagues asked in surprise, and then they came to know.

"During this period, you were participating in secret training, right?" Link asked.

"Yes, that's it, and the mission is tomorrow!" He sighed softly, "Let's have a drink tonight! It will be rare to have such an opportunity in the future!"

The area near the ancient wormhole is now occupied by alien life forms. Looking around, the vast expanse is filled with giant flying saucers with strange patterns on their surfaces.

Less than 10% of the human fleet escaped from the ancient wormhole! When this disastrous news spread, several small and medium-sized countries near the wormhole, together with the Gardley Federation, came together. Emergency dispatch was carried out to set up a temporary defense line outside the wormhole. In order to delay the other party for a few days. Good to buy time to expand the army and prepare for war!

However, the alien life forms are not stupid, and they also understand the importance of war and speed! The defense is not yet complete. Endless flying saucers poured out of the wormhole like a tide. Although they were violently attacked by the human fleet as soon as they emerged, causing heavy casualties, they could not withstand the opponent's large number! After holding on for less than fifty-eight hours, the defense collapsed!

Immediately afterwards, the fleet of alien life forms rushed into the flock like tigers, easily defeating and annihilating all human fleets discovered. This time humans lost even more miserably! Less than five thousand battleships escaped, and the rest were all beaten into space garbage. The corpses of officers and soldiers were searched for by the demons to serve as food!

One day later, the Principality of Droa, which was closest to the wormhole, was destroyed by the alien lifeforms, and all the more than 30 billion humans in the country were captured by the alien lifeforms!

Two days later, Luke's kingdom was destroyed! There are hundreds of billions of people, but less than one in a thousand has escaped!

Five days later, the Buslov Union Republic was destroyed! Hundreds of billions of people have become food for alien life forms! Less than 500 million people escaped!

Nine days later, the Moncharhan Federation was destroyed! Of the nearly 150 billion people, less than 2 billion have time to relocate!

In less than a month, all eight small and medium-sized countries near the ancient wormhole were destroyed! Nearly one trillion people have been abducted by alien life forms! The bad news came, and the sea of ​​​​stars shook!

Together, these countries are equivalent to one of the top ten countries in the human world. How could they be destroyed so easily! All the citizens have become food for other races!

shame! An unprecedented shame!

Although there were ferocious alien civilizations that did this kind of thing thousands of years ago, after humans developed, they jointly launched wars, forcing those several civilizations to a situation of near genocide! Force those races that have ill intentions towards humans to think twice before taking any actions against humans in the future!

Even in the war with the Sykmaw civilization thousands of years ago, humans had never suffered such heavy casualties!

With a population of nearly one trillion, if it falls into the hands of a foreign race, the fate can be estimated! Maybe there will be no death for a while, but judging from the current situation, the truly difficult moment for mankind has not yet come, and regaining the lost ground is far away! If there is a counterattack one day, it is difficult to say how many people can be saved!

crisis! An unprecedented crisis! Crisis close to genocide!

The attention of the human world has focused on the wormhole. Whether it can withstand the offensive of the alien race now depends on the Gardley Federation! If this super power also collapses, then the Shuofeng Empire that follows will not be able to be saved to a large extent!

Behind the two big countries is the vast hinterland of the human world, a large area of ​​small and medium-sized countries. The remaining big countries are mixed in! It’s hard to say how long it can hold out against the crazy alien race!

After emergency consultations, high-level officials from various countries agreed that the most urgent issue at present is to support the Gardley Federation and the Shuofeng Empire at all costs! No matter how much it costs, we cannot let the alien race take another step forward!

If even these two super powers fall, it will be a heavy blow to the morale and morale of the entire human world! By then, maybe the human camp will collapse without the other party attacking!

The entire human world is mobilized! A large number of fleets loaded with various supplies shuttled around the major waterways day and night, and their destinations were all the Gardley Federation! And the Shuofeng Empire! At this time, the human world finally abandoned its prejudices and once again joined hands to overcome difficulties!

This is the most correct approach, go to Shuyuan, otherwise everyone will be reduced to food for other races!

"Okay! I've told you everything I can say, whether to stay or go! You can make up your own mind!" Ye Qingyuan briefly talked about the current situation, then stopped talking and concentrated on the banquet on the table.

"It won't affect us here for the time being, right?" Tongshan asked slightly nervously.

"Not at the moment, but what will happen in the future, it's hard to say!" Link fiddled with the knife and fork in his hand and said dullly.

"If that's the case, what should we do now?" Zi Yuanlan asked.

"The easiest way is to expose everything here for the time being! Immediately move to the Imperial Capital Star Territory, or a country further behind!" Meng Xuan said.

"Then how do you deal with everything here? Leave it all behind, it seems like such a pity!" Tongshan said with some pain.

"Compared with life, nothing is important!" Ye Qingyuan said, "If you don't have money, you can make money again by figuring out the means. You have all undergone fifth-grade DNA awakening surgery, and you can find reasons for it no matter where you go. job! Why don’t you miss this place?” (To be continued.)

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