"There are already many people from the Gardley Federation running over, and there will only be more in the future! And people from the Empire are also running towards the other side of the Star Sea! Anyway, the farther away from here, the better! Don't leave now, wait until the Empire Start banning people from leaving the country, and then you won’t be able to leave!”

"I have prepared the spaceship for you. Arrange everything here as soon as possible, and then take your family and go! I will go to the front line soon, and I can't take care of you!" He finally advised.

"Then! When you go to the front line, will you fight those monsters?" Meng Xuan asked worriedly.

"There is definitely danger, but it's nothing! My luck has always been very good, nothing will happen to me!" He smiled.

"..." She was still trying to figure out what to say, but in the end she just sighed softly.

After a brief deliberation, several people decided to wait and see and decide whether to stay or not after a week. Ye Qingyuan no longer goes along with them.

In the bedroom, Ye Qingyuan sat quietly on the large bed alone and meditated.

We will go to the battlefield tomorrow. It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous.

Looking back on all the encounters in the past year, it seems like just yesterday, I was still a stupid young man fishing for seafood on the seabed hundreds of meters deep, fighting for a chance to survive under the eyes of many dangerous things!

If it weren't for Lan Yu's arrival, even if he didn't die there, he would be just an unknown student now. How could he have the wealth in front of him?

Friendship, love, family affection, wealth, and powerful abilities! I have owned these and enjoyed everything I should enjoy. Even if I can’t come back this time, I have nothing to regret!

Everything behind you has been arranged! Your family and friends, they can live well without you!

What he is currently concerned about is his father's safety, and he is not sure whether he can survive this. Everything I can do has been done!

By the way, there’s also Chen Yan! I don’t know how she is doing right now? Are you still sad, or have you found a new relationship?

Guessing and guessing. My heart aches!

The door opened silently, Shuangyan looked like a cat. She walked in quietly, climbed onto the bed and hugged him.

"Master, are you leaving tomorrow?" she asked anxiously.


She didn't say anything else, she just hugged him tighter.

"When can I come back?" After a long time, she asked again, her delicate body trembling slightly.

"I can't say for sure! Maybe..." Before he could finish speaking, Shuangyan had already covered his mouth, preventing him from saying any more.

"What's wrong with you?" He turned his head again when he saw her. His shoulders twitched slightly.

"It's nothing, I'm...fine!" She said as calmly as possible, with tears on her face.

He knew why she was sad. Once she lost her master, and once the war spread here, the fate of these biochemistry people could be estimated!

"Actually, it's not without means!" Looking at her look, he finally relented.

"What is it?" she asked expectantly.

"I will benefit you in the dimensional space, so no matter where I go, you can follow me! Just understand. The danger is greater! If something happens to me, your ending will not change at all! Are you willing to do this? ?”

"Of course I am willing, as long as I can follow the master! I am willing to do anything!" She said firmly.

Dimensional space equipment. Generally, it cannot be loaded with life, and living creatures will die if it is taken in! Only a very small number of specially modified space equipment are exempt from this restriction! This type of equipment is generally used by high-star awakeners to capture powerful mutant beasts, also known as war beasts, which they carry with them and released to fight against the enemy when needed!

Of course, sub-artifacts and artifacts can also be loaded with living creatures without restriction! No one knows the secret of the artifact in his hand! He won't tell anyone, not even his closest relatives. But the chemistry of life is different for humans. They would never betray, even if she knew it, it would be okay. Then just put her into the ancient scepter!

Let go of the most worrying things in my heart. She soon became happy and had sex with him directly. Try your best to please him until he feels comfortable all over...

Satellite No. 1, the strategic headquarters fleet station.

Thousand-meter-long faint blue tail flames gush out from the engine nozzle of the "Qinghai" battleship! Carrying this empire's most advanced war beast, it flew towards the wormhole hundreds of light seconds away!

Around it, there are ten integrated fleets with a total of 50,000 warships taking off from dozens of secret bases in this star system, marching towards the wormhole in formation! Accompanying them are a large number of giant transport ships loaded with supplies!

At the same time, half of the fleets of the entire Jihua Star Region, as well as the nearby Ziqing Star Region, White Bird Star Region, Tianluo Star Region, and major military bases were mobilized, and all of them were transferred to the Jiadley Federation as reinforcements! In the past few days, the cumulative number of fleets dispatched has reached 300 reorganized fleets!

As for the large fleets carrying supplies, they continued to flow and never stopped. Not only that, the Imperial Academy of Sciences also moved out the "Sky" product mobile interstellar fortress that was successfully developed not long ago. This large killer weapon with a diameter of 300 kilometers can be dismantled through wormholes for cross-system strikes. Its diameter is 20 When the eight-meter fortress main gun is bombarded at full operating rate, it is said that it can penetrate an asteroid with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers!

The emperor, the cabinet and the parliament jointly issued a general mobilization order, and all factories were operating at full capacity to produce military products! A large number of young and middle-aged people were recruited into the army!

The empire's rarely used strategic reserve warehouse was completely open. A large amount of rare metals, energy crystals, and various important materials were sent to the military industrial base like water, and then flowed out in the form of battleships, aircraft, missiles, mechas and other finished equipment. ! Assigned to major military bases and handed over to new recruits for intense running-in training!

Most of the awakened civilians were forcibly recruited by the empire, and those who dared to put on airs and bargain, were without exception severely suppressed by the Ministry of Security! At this critical moment, where the survival of mankind is at stake, there is no room for any unstable factors!

In the interstellar era, as a superpower with a population of over one trillion, the manpower, material and financial resources it can mobilize are extremely terrifying! When her supreme ruler decided to prepare for full-scale war, the fighting power he unleashed was enough to capture the stars and the moon, and change the world!

Not only the empire, but other countries also had money to contribute. Make a contribution with force. Fully assist the Gardley Federation and the Shuofeng Empire! The top leaders of the human world have reached an understanding to regard the Jiadrey Federation as the first strategic line of defense and the Shuofeng Empire as the second strategic line of defense!

If the Gardley Federation cannot hold on. Then concentrate all your strength on the Shuofeng Empire and engage in a full-scale decisive battle with the alien race! This is also an arrangement based on the geographical location of each major country. The rear of Shuofeng Empire is a piece of loose sand. There are many small and medium-sized countries, and the remaining big countries are relatively far away. It is difficult for the commandos to form a solid and unified line of defense. Once a foreign race breaks through here, the situation will become uncontrollable!

Rather than sacrificing the Gardre Federation to reduce the combat effectiveness of other races, the Shuofeng Empire must be preserved! This is the basis for whether the human world can continue to exist!

The five top commandos who have been hiding in the darkness have also taken action. The top leaders of "Cangling" have sent a large number of high-star awakened people to the Gardley Federation, and the three major commandos have also mobilized the resources at hand. Support the front line.

At the same time, the human world also jointly sent envoys to visit major established civilizations, including Zhanying Royal Court, Miriam Empire, Bojiang Empire, and Yanwei Tribal Alliance. Don't hesitate to promise them a lot of benefits and strive to get them to help! After all, the human world is over, so don't expect them to be better off!

As a senior leader of the Shuofeng Empire, they did not want the war to spread to their own country. Blocking this scourge in the Gardley Federation is the most reasonable outcome! Therefore, even though it was also a recipient of assistance, the empire transferred a large number of fleets and supplies to the Gardley Federation!

If you send out some fleets and supplies. You can exchange for domestic peace. Why does this deal seem to be a good deal! Otherwise, when those demons come over, the losses will be far more than that!

Ye Qingyuan stayed in his cabin, seizing the time to practice his martial arts. The slight vibration when the battleship took off did not affect him. Only when he was about to pass through the wormhole, he stopped and opened his eyes.

This is the first time I have gone far away since I have grown up, and I look at the blue planet that gradually goes away from the porthole window and finally disappears from the field of vision. Just tell me what it feels like in your heart.

Now there is no use in overestimating, the only way is to improve the combat effectiveness as soon as possible. There will be more chances to survive on the battlefield! After breaking through 8 stars, he still did not relax. Now the source energy in the body has reached more than twice that of the strong men of the same star, and the practice of sword art has also benefited a lot. It is indeed an extremely satisfying thing to feel that one's combat power is increasing rapidly every day!

With the equipment in hand, it is not difficult to kill the superior level. Even when facing an eight-star strong person, he can still fight, as long as the opponent does not have too powerful equipment.

When passing through the wormhole, the ship's hull trembled for a while, but he personally didn't feel anything special.

The fleet rushed all the way, passing through hundreds of wormholes and spanning thousands of light-years. A week later, it finally almost reached the territory of the Gardley Federation.

There are gradually more and more fleets outside the portholes, and what you can see are all kinds of steel behemoths, space carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, and so on! There were also many special ships and mobile space stations with extremely strange shapes. He even saw various huge interstellar fortresses, some of which were larger than the "Sky" fortress. They were probably from the most powerful country, Gnerslok. empire!

There was a knock on the door outside, and he pressed the control button beside the bed. The door opened, and a handsome young white officer came out of the door.

"Hi! Brother Qingyuan, let's go have a latte!" He greeted friendly.

This is a friend he made during training, named Fidel Meltello, a five-star awakener. He is a warm and kind guy.

"Okay! I originally planned to find you." He smiled, stood up and went out.

The battleship has bars, latte rooms, dance halls and other high-end leisure places specially designed to serve officers. Awakened people can also go in and enjoy them.

"The recent situation is not good!" Fidel said after finding a place to sit down.

"Indeed, I think so too!" Ye Qingyuan said.

In recent times, the Federation has been losing battles continuously. The commander-in-chief, Marshal Bevis, has been frightened by the crazy offensives of alien civilizations and has become helpless! The fortress defense line on the national border has long been breached! The civilization of the alien race once advanced to a place only 800 light years away from the capital star field. Later, it relied on the help of reinforcements from major countries to fight a counterattack, causing the opponent to retreat a few star fields.

"Do you think there is still hope for this country?" Fidel asked worriedly.

"It's weird to have hope! Those old guys who control the military have lost their spirit. They can only defend to the death! This battle is getting worse and worse!" A soft, slightly magnetic voice sounded in my ears.

There was already a gentle and elegant young man at the table. Judging from his epaulettes, he was also a major.

"Tian Xuanhao, my colleague in middle school! Currently the tactical staff of our fleet!" Fidel introduced directly,

"Hello! My name is Ye Qingyuan!" He stood up and greeted in a friendly manner.

"I heard Fidel talk about you!" Tian Xuanhao smiled gently, "I heard that you were very good at the special training camp, and your assessment results were all full marks!"

"Forget it, I almost didn't hang it in there! I really don't know which master I offended! You want to punish me like this!" He said a little depressed.

By this time, the latte had been served, and the three young men sat down again and continued to discuss.

Tian Xuanhao was born in a family of doctors, the second eldest child, and was deeply loved by his parents. My father is an academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and an authority in the field of genetics! His father had used his power for personal gain since he was a child, and secretly injected him with many genetic medicines that were still under research!

In addition to the fifth-grade DNA awakening drugs on the market, there are also fifth-grade and eighth-grade optimization potions that are still under research, as well as various energy catalysts developed for awakeners, gene stabilizing potions, potions for specific ability enhancement, and finally There are certain contraindicated drugs that exploit the functions of specific parts of the brain!

His father couldn't give a definite answer to the consequences of injecting so many medicines into Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com! Of course, he didn't dare to tell anyone. If his wife found out that her husband actually experimented with her own son, she would immediately fight him for her life!

His father's original intention was to estimate and develop human genes in a perfect state. However, this goal was too far away, and there was no hope of success within the foreseeable hundreds of years.

Perhaps because he was so favored, this child has been somewhat rebellious since he was a child. I don't like anything else, but I love everything about military affairs! When he grew up, he ignored his father's strong request and applied for the Imperial Central Military Academy.

It shouldn't be said that his talent was good in the first place, but it was due to those genetic medicines. He has quite a set of opinions on military strategy research. He has always been the best in the school in virtual network battles and battle simulations. Even the principal looks at him with special eyes.

I just understand that being arrogant and arrogant is a common problem among young people! Because of this, he offended many people overtly and covertly! Later, when I joined the army, I was not immune to the jealousy of others, and suffered a lot of humiliation!

"According to what you just said, does the Federation have no outstanding generals anymore?" Fidel asked. (To be continued.)

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