Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 500 Protective Cover

"There are generals, but the important places are dominated by a few old men. How can they have a chance to perform?" Tian Xuanhao sighed softly, "Now this big country can still hold on without collapse. Because there is a lot of foreign aid! Otherwise, the country would have been destroyed long ago!"

"However, if they continue to spend like this, no matter how many chips they have, they will lose it all one day! How will they deal with it then?"

"I don't feel right either. However, the civilization of the alien race is so powerful that there seems to be no more effective method besides holding on!" Ye Qingyuan said with a frown.

The performance of human warships is far inferior to that of their opponents, and their individual combat effectiveness is also incomparable! Whenever there is a confrontation with their fleet, there is no hope of winning without a military force eight times that of the opponent! In such a situation, few generals would have the courage to launch an attack!

"That's not what you said, the methods are all guessed by people!" Tian Xuanhao disagreed.

"Do you have any estimates?" Fidel asked with interest.

Just as Tian Xuanhao was about to answer, messages came from the photon computer terminals of the three of them.

Looking down, the faces of several people changed completely!

A fleet of the alien civilization broke through a corner of the defense line and rushed into the Canberra star field behind the defense line! The reserve fleet has been urgently mobilized to put out the fire, and the battleship formation they are in is one of them!

"It's so fast!" Fidel smiled bitterly.

"It's useless to talk more! Get ready to fight!" Ye Qingyuan stood up, "I hope this battle is over and we still have lives to come back. Then we can talk slowly!"

The human camp retreated all the way, and the Gardley Federation also lost a lot of star fields. At the cost of countless people's sacrifices, it finally figured out some of the enemy's situation.

Based on the large number of intercepted communication signals of different races, the wise men and linguists of the Federation have jointly deciphered their languages! After paying a great price, the Awakened Legion captured several high-level alien prisoners and interrogated them secretly. A conclusion was drawn based on the information from all aspects.

The other party is indeed the native intelligent civilization of the Haoting Xiaodutian Galaxy. Existing for millions of years! It was on the verge of genocide several times, but miraculously rose again. They call themselves the Bocharhanto race, a kind of life form that lives underground on the planet. A strange life between carbon-based and silicon-based!

When they were born, they were in a standard carbon-based form and relied on absorbing energy crystals from the ground to strengthen themselves. When the power grows to an absolute level, it will enter a period of dormancy, which they themselves call "transformation". After transformation, their power will be greatly improved!

Every time they metamorphose, part of their bodies will be siliconized and turn into a crystal-like existence! The more times of transformation, the higher the degree of crystallization and the stronger the power! Until the end, all the commando fabrics all over his body turned into crystals. Become a crystal clear crystal person! Combat power reaches its peak!

In the entire empire, there are nine crystal beings who have reached this perfect form, and together they control the highest power of the empire!

The Bocharhanto civilization is divided into countless tribes, and some of the more powerful tribes constitute the upper echelon of the empire! In star regions with the most mineral resources, tribes with weak combat capabilities will be driven to barren frontiers to fend for themselves.

The invading fleet was sent by a large tribe located in the west of the Bocharhanto Empire, and was not an action of the entire empire!

After understanding this news, the top leaders of major countries did not feel alarmed, but fell into even greater worries! If a tribe is so difficult to deal with, then if the entire empire invades with all its strength. Can the human camp hold on?

The 79th Legion of the Shuofeng Empire has twenty integrated fleets and three special fleets. There are also some miscellaneous establishments, and the number of warships in the entire legion is almost 150,000. This time to assist the Gardley Federation, the entire legion was mobilized and placed behind the defense line as a reserve force.

There was a gap in the defense line, and the Supreme Command urgently dispatched nearby fleets to put out the fire. This regiment happened to be closest to the Canberra star field, passing through two wormholes. Therefore, after receiving the order, Legion Commander Wei Dongyang immediately ordered the entire army to set off, and the 17th Legion of the Strategic Command's special forces also set out with the fleet!

Fleet 3709, where Ye Qingyuan was located, was one of the fleets under the legion's jurisdiction. The nearly 8,000 Awakeneds of the 808th Division have their own special battleship formations, but they are on the ships of the fleet commanders. Some awakened people will also be stationed at designated locations. Normally, he protects and assists officers of all ranks, and when necessary, he can also monitor their words and deeds!

Wait until the fleet passes through the wormhole. The fight is already in full swing on an administrative planet hundreds of light seconds away!

There were not many Bocharhanto fleets that came in this time, about 30,000 ships. After they came in, they did not attack without scruples. They deliberately avoided human fleets and defensive fortresses, and only targeted those densely populated administrative planets.

Every time a planet is discovered, their fleet will rush over, drop a group of landing ships, and plunder the population in large numbers! And it is often difficult for these civilians to put up any decent resistance! An administrative planet with a population of hundreds of millions will be emptied by them in just half a day!

Nearly 80,000 warships from the human side have arrived first. The commander of the team weighed it up and ordered the attack! Although his combat power was not superior, he had no reason to stand idly by while watching his own race being robbed and slaughtered!

The Bocharhan people were not afraid, and sent 20,000 warships to entangle the human fleet. The remaining warships stepped up to airdrop landing ships, and then robbed the population!

The commander of the human fleet had no choice but to airdrop a large number of landing ships, loaded with mechas and awakened troops, to land on the surface of the planet, striving to stop the atrocities of those demons!

The reinforcement fleet is approaching the battlefield. With its powerful detection equipment, it can clearly see the cities on the surface of the planet. Countless unarmed civilians are driven by groups of ugly Bocharhanto people to land on the saucer-shaped landing nearby. As the ship approaches, those who dare to resist will be swarmed by several Bocharhan entrustees, killed on the spot, and eaten! No matter old or young, women or children! Large swaths of blood stained the ground red, and the cries were loud!

"These damn beasts!" Lieutenant General Wei Dongyang, commander of the army, crushed the light pen in his hand with a "click" and cursed through gritted teeth. Not just him, all the officers and soldiers in the command room looked sad and angry!

"The landing fleet is ready to be launched, all mechas, and the Awakened Army! Except for the necessary remaining forces, all of them will leave me for a while to kill the enemy!"

"The fleets are preparing to attack. We must keep them here this time! Not one of them can be put back!" He ordered suddenly.

Three-hundred-meter-long landing ships flew out of the ejection port in the belly of the space carrier one after another, adjusted their direction slightly, and rushed into the atmosphere at high speed!

Ye Qingyuan was sitting in a heavy suspension tank. There were more than ten awakened people in the car, all of whom were in the same team as him. The leader, Captain Fidel, was among them. The leader of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Frankie, is an Eight-Star Awakener and is currently on another tank.

The landing fleet rushed all the way, and from time to time, the unlucky one was hit by enemy artillery fire, and the entire ship exploded in the air!

When it was almost reaching the ground, the landing ship suddenly decelerated, and with the help of the anti-gravity device, it was steadily suspended in the air. After releasing the mecha and the suspended chariot carrying the awakened ones at the fastest speed, it returned to the mothership as if running for its life!

The tactical photon computer has clearly displayed the surrounding battlefield situation. Lieutenant Colonel Frankie briefly discussed with the staff beside him, and then began to assign tasks!

"Our target is a small town twenty kilometers away!" Fidel looked at the action plan sent from the photon computer. "The number of opponents is about 800 to 800, and there are three disc-shaped landing ships. They are kidnapping people!”

Ye Qingyuan's team consisted of 80 people, divided into five floating tanks, and rushed to the destination together with the other two brigades and the 300 single-person mechas of the mecha corps. The electromagnetic interference equipment is activated, and any unknown signals within a radius of ten kilometers are blocked!

Twenty kilometers. Compared to the speed of tanks and mechas, it can be said that they are so close and arriving in an instant!

Hundreds of Bochar Khanto men were armed with strange-shaped long-handled weapons. A large number of civilians were driven towards the landing ship, and many guys were searching for people from house to house.

The top of that weapon is an extremely strange beast head. From the monster's mouth, bright blue energy shock waves can be sprayed out. The shock waves are so powerful that they can easily destroy a building! A bit similar to the particle beam used by humans! The small town is full of rubble, and I don’t know how many people who refuse to come out are buried inside!

"Expand your formation and attack with all your strength!" Fidel shouted, "Kill all these bastards and don't let anyone go!"

Ye Qingyuan picked up the individual light cannon. The first one rushed out of the chariot, and a blazing white beam spurted out. Closer, a Bocharhanto man was waving a weapon and laughing wildly. The high-temperature beam was thrown straight into its disgusting mouth, and it fell down without even a groan, with half of its head burned!

Three hundred mechas and the light cannons on the tanks opened fire, violently bombarding the surrounding Bochar Khanto people.

The Bocharhan people reacted quickly, abandoned the civilians, and began to fight back fiercely.

Ye Qingyuan landed not long ago, and dozens of energy shock waves targeted him. I could feel the terrifying high temperature coming from dozens of meters away!

He fell hastily and rolled aside! The shock wave swept over the place where he stood not long ago, and instantly burned a big tree dozens of meters away with several people hugging it into ashes!

"C!" He cursed suddenly, the Magic Square Matrix was instantly activated, and the dark golden energy shield easily withstood the power of the energy shock wave!

With his worries behind him, he just had to attack every target he saw without risking his life!

The awakened ones have all landed. In mid-air, three hundred mechas are firing on all cylinders, and hundreds of missiles are falling rapidly with sharp whistling sounds!

After a round of missile attack, more than 300 Bocharhanto people were blown away. But soon, almost two-thirds of the guys stood up again! Moreover, the muscle tissue in the wound area on the body is squirming like crazy and healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Why are these bastards so tough?" Fidel frowned slightly.

"Then I don't believe that I can't kill you!" Ye Qingyuan picked up the light cannon and targeted the injured guys!

The crystals in the mouth and chest were Bocharhan's weak points. The Awakeners accurately fired at the group of guys and quickly eliminated dozens more!

The deaths of their kind only aroused the ferocity of these monsters! The remaining Bocharhanto people have already rushed to a place a hundred meters away!

The energy block was exhausted. He threw down the light cannon, took out a few proton grenades from the space ring, pressed the trigger button and threw them away for a while!

The huge shock wave generated by the explosion had no effect on him at all. By the time the dust settled, he had already reached the remaining Bochar Khanto people.

He showed his energy knife, his forearm trembled slightly, and several light blades about a meter wide were fired at the two guys in front of him! The opponent waved his tentacles to resist, and at the same time, the weapon in his hand counterattacked him without showing any weakness!

The light blade flew past without any hindrance, cutting more than a dozen tentacles into dozens of segments! But the opponent's energy shock wave hit the shield but had no effect at all!

The two guys "hissed" and screamed in pain! Abandoning his weapon, Evil suddenly pounced on him, his thick claws desperately scratching at the energy shield! That ferocious and ferocious demeanor made him feel a chill in his heart!

The light blade was fired again, easily dismembering the two guys. Relying on the protection of the magic square matrix, he rushed into the enemy group without hesitation and started killing! Teammates also showed off their weapons and joined the battle circle.

The individual combat effectiveness of the Bocharhanto people is extremely strong. Even ordinary soldiers like this generally have the combat effectiveness of human awakened people with one star or above. A few have reached the level of three or five stars, and their defensive power and resilience are excellent. It's unbelievable, and it's far less than the awakened humans!

In other words, the enemies they faced were hundreds of Bocharhanto Awakeners, although these guys may only be regarded as cannon fodder over there!

The only advantage is that the human awakeners still have equipment to make up for their lack of combat effectiveness, and these guys generally do not have any decent individual equipment, except for things similar to particle beams.

Countless fleshy tentacles wrapped around like pythons, scraping at the energy shield in vain, but they couldn't help him in the slightest! Every time the energy knife in your hand is swung, the head of a Bocharhan trustee will be chopped off! In a matter of tens of breaths, hundreds of guys had died under his sword!

The Awakened Ones and the mecha team took action together. After a moment, there were no living enemies in front of them! The Awakened suffered more than ten casualties, and more than twenty mechas were lost.

"It seems so!" a teammate said easily.

"Okay, let's go rescue the civilians quickly!" Fidel said.

Just then, something unexpected happened!

Several black shadows shot out from the distant disc-shaped landing ship, and suddenly rushed into the crowd!

"Be careful!" Ye Qingyuan warned urgently, grabbing Fidel and moving him behind him.

A dull crash sounded, mixed with screams! He watched helplessly as a teammate a few meters away was easily cut into two pieces by a sharp blade that appeared out of thin air, and blood spurted out far away!

In the blink of an eye, many teammates were torn to pieces by enemies that suddenly appeared, and the energy shield and the light armor on their bodies failed to save them! (To be continued.)

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