What attacked were nine Borhan trustees. Different from the previous batch, they all wore simple black alloy armor and held an axe-shaped weapon in their hands, with a trace of black brilliance looming on the blade! The aura emanating from the whole body is also much stronger! It’s almost equivalent to 8 Seven Stars!

After a successful attack, these guys did not stop and continued to attack the remaining teammates!

"Damn it!" Fidel roared angrily, charging forward with his energy knife, and the other awakened ones also fought back.

Almost seeing the difference in Ye Qingyuan, they separated two guys to deal with him, and the two battle axes slashed at him quickly with a harsh sound of breaking through the air! It made a dull sound when it hit the energy shield! It can be seen that its strength is not small!

Ye Qingyuan was forced to take a few steps back. The energy shield was like a dark golden transparent crystal, without even a trace of fluctuation!

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the two guys fired hundreds of axes one after another, but it was still useless!

"Okay! It's my turn to attack! You two beasts!" Dozens of meters long light blades flew out, cutting off most of their tentacles at once!

The two guys screamed fiercely, and violent mental shocks were released. The light gray mental ripples hit the energy shield, like waves hitting the rocks, and were smashed to pieces! The humans inside didn’t respond at all!

He didn't hesitate to tangle with them any longer, and swung his sword a few times at high speed to completely dismember them! Then go help your teammates.

By the time all opponents were eliminated, dozens of awakened ones had fallen into a pool of blood, and many of the remaining ones were injured! More than seventy mechas were also damaged!

"These bastards!" Ye Qingyuan was angry and distressed at the same time.

"Treat the wounded quickly!" Fidel said. "The mission has been completed. Report the situation to the regiment leader and ask for instructions on the next step. Then contact the landing ship to come over to respond. All brothers who died in the battle must be brought back!"

The landing ship sent by Bocharhan started slowly, and the guys inside saw that the situation was not good. Planning to run away!

"Mecha attack! We can't let them just leave like this!" Fidel shouted.

Hundreds of missiles flew over, tearing open the energy shield that had not yet been fully transformed, and paralyzing those landing ships!

Ye Qingyuan rushed over with several uninjured team members. Quickly destroy the anti-gravity generator of the landing ship so that it never has a chance to take off.

Swing your sword to open the hatch. Thousands of civilians were already packed inside, and a dozen Bocharhan servants were standing guard. There were still large smears of blood that had not yet dried on their mouths, paws, and on the floor. It was self-evident what had happened!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he killed all the people inside Bocharhan! Everyone felt relieved and began to clean up the battlefield!

Rescue civilians from the landing ship and treat the wounded. Calm everyone's mood! The corpses of dead Bocharhan trustees must also be collected and burned to prevent unknown virus infection!

"That crystal is a good thing!" Lan Yu suddenly spoke while carrying the body.

"Crystal? Are you talking about the things on the chests of these monsters?" he asked.

"I understand, I feel like the energy inside can be absorbed!"

He looked at the dead body in his hand with some confusion. The guy was completely mutilated. There was a dark green crystal about the size of a fist embedded in his chest but it was still well preserved!

Using gentle force with your fingers, you dug out the crystal, and you could feel the restless energy inside slowly dissipating! It's just that this energy is quite violent in nature, and it's impossible to absorb it with the physique of a human awakened person!

"It doesn't seem possible! If you absorb it rashly, your body won't be able to control it!" he said.

"You can't do it. It doesn't mean I don't have the means!" A bit of golden light appeared in the palm of his hand, turned around in the crystal, and swallowed up the energy!

After a few seconds. A gentle heat surged into his body, which eliminated the destructive energy!

"Absorb all those crystals! I believe it will have a lot of benefits in improving your combat effectiveness!" She smiled.

He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him. He immediately walked to the place where the corpses were piled up, and there was no need to dig them out one by one. As long as his hands were brushed on the crystals on the chests of the corpses, all the energy could be taken away by Lan Yu!

Lan Yu's power can be slightly reflected outside, and can be absorbed even from a distance! It’s just that the golden light is too eye-catching, otherwise even this step would be saved!

In a short time, hundreds of corpses were turned over by him!

"What are you doing?" Fidel finally noticed him.

"I'm studying the corpses of those powerful guys. See what's the difference!" He responded, taking off the black armor from the corpses.

in previous battles. Several light blades were blocked by the ax and armor, and the light blades left scratches on them. But it was not completely broken! This was the first time he saw a material that could block this energy knife, and he was a little surprised.

"The material looks very good. You can take it back and show it to the old guys at the Academy of Sciences!" Fidel said in agreement without doubting his presence.

The last nine Bocharhan Tuo people are powerful in combat, and the crystals on their chests are also extremely large, about half the size of a human head. The crystals on other corpses are between the size of eggs and fists!

Waves of gentle heat flowed into the body continuously. In this moment alone, the energy in the body increased by more than 80%! It’s already five times more powerful than those awakened by the same star!

"Kill more monsters like this in the future! Let's share half of the energy collected!" Lan Yu said with a smile.

This is a good idea. As long as you kill enough Bocharhantuo people, a quick breakthrough in a short time is completely feasible! As your combat effectiveness increases, your chances of survival will become much greater!

At this time, in the space outside the planet, the battle between the fleets also entered a fierce phase!

"Your Majesty Commander, the 3711th Fleet has suffered more than 30% battle damage. Please retreat to rest and recuperate!"

"I understand, let the reserve team go up! Notify all departments, pay attention to cooperation, and concentrate firepower attack! In addition, remind Fleet 3709 that they are too far forward, be careful of being targeted by the opponent!"

Wei Dongyang looked expressionless as he watched the battlefield situation on the monitor.

The difference in the number of warships on both sides reached a ratio of nearly one to ten. After negotiation, the commander of the federal fleet agreed to temporarily transfer command authority, and Wei Dongyang unified the dispatch of more than 200,000 warships to preside over the operation!

Bocharhan asked people to see that the situation was unfavorable and transferred all the remaining warships over! The two sides started a seemingly disparate battle near this planet!

The firepower of the human fleet is not weak. However, the performance of Bocharhanto's warships far exceeds that of humans. Most of their warships are saucer-shaped warships with a diameter of 3,000 to 5,000 meters, while human warships generally do not exceed 3,000 meters in length. In terms of the internal volume of the ship, it is much smaller than the opponent!

The advantage of a larger ship is obvious, as it can accommodate larger numbers. Weapons with larger caliber also have enough space to store energy! With enough energy, the strength of the energy shield will be greater! The firepower and survivability will be stronger! Moreover, they also have obvious advantages in terms of main gun charging speed, battleship maneuverability, energy shield replenishment speed, and fire control system accuracy!

The Bocharhanto fleet formed a spherical shape, firmly resisting the firepower of the human fleet, and launched counterattacks from time to time! It can keep the human fleet busy for a while every time!

Whenever the outer battleship energy shield is about to collapse under human attack. They will retreat directly into the interior of the sphere to take a short rest, allowing the reserve team to take the place first, and then rotate after the warships in the inner layer have recovered!

This method is extremely effective! On average, the human fleet has to pay the price of five to eight warships to destroy a saucer-shaped warship. Such a high exchange ratio, even if the number is far superior to the opponent, is extremely painful!

Less than an hour after the war started, the losses of the human fleet reached as much as 50,000, while the opponent's losses were less than 9,000, and the rest were mostly injured but not destroyed!

"Order, the 19th detachment moves back 30 kilometers. The 28th detachment moves 25 degrees to the right. All secondary guns fire at an output operation rate of 80%. Divert the enemy's attention!"

"Sir Brigadier General, the main guns of the 58th and 51st detachments have been recharged!"

"Very good! Notify them that the bombardment will be covered at full operating rate in five seconds."

"Retreat immediately after the attack. The main gun will continue to charge, and the space fighter will be dispatched. You have two minutes to attack freely!"

On the flagship of the 3709 fleet, Fleet Commander Commodore Powis stared at the battlefield situation map on the monitor and kept issuing orders. Occasionally, I would go back and ask for advice from staff officer Tian Xuanhao.

After a sudden attack, more than 300 energy shields of the Bocharhanto fleet on the opposite side collapsed. The hull of the ship was torn apart, and the broken limbs of many Bocharhanto men were thrown out by the violent explosion! The space fighter planes and the fleet's secondary artillery stepped up to beat the drowned dog!

"Commander Tian. The effect of your strategy is really good! I'm sure that after this battle, our fleet's record will be the best!" The kind-faced and slightly bloated Commodore said cheerfully.

Before the war started, based on the performance characteristics of the Bocharhanto fleet, Tian Xuanhui proposed a covering artillery bombardment method to enhance the firepower density in some places. The main guns of each unit were charged in turn to conduct intensive attacks without interruption.

This method of bombardment is not unique, many generals know it. The difference is that Tian Xuanhao has corrected it, relying on the precise calculations of the photon computer and the wise man on board the ship, plus his own coordination and control ability that is beyond estimation, to compress the attack coordinate error of the main gun to decimeters. !

The effect of this ability is extremely terrifying. Thousands of main cannons attack a few selected coordinate points at the same time. The powerful energy tide generated in an instant can even affect the stability of space! No matter how powerful the turtle shell of the Bochar Khanto battleship is, it is enough to tear it open!

In the battlefield, the fleets of both sides are moving at high speed every moment! This method of warfare requires extremely skilled cooperation among fleet officers and soldiers to accurately deduce the movement trajectory of the enemy's fleet. It also requires extremely high requirements on the commander's ability to control the battle situation! Not many people can do this!

This fighting method is somewhat similar to the "Yi Sword Technique" in an ancient novel. Pay attention to knowing the enemy aircraft first, any response from the enemy will be included in the precise calculation! This is a very powerful method in a duel between two strong men, but to apply this method to an interstellar war, the difficulty has reached an immeasurable level!

Tens of thousands of high-speed warships are much more complicated than the actions of two people. Apart from him, it is rare to find another monster in this sea of ​​​​stars that can use this kind of fighting method!

When Tian Xuanhuo proposed this strategy to the brigadier general, he felt a little embarrassed. He had only simulated this method on the Internet before, and the effect was good. But there is always a difference between theory and reality. If something goes wrong, it means that the fate of the entire fleet of 5,000 warships and more than 3 million officers and soldiers will be ruined by him!

But fortunately, the brigadier general appreciated his guesswork and agreed to try it. He was also disgusted by the incredible energy shield of Bocharhan's fleet!

The current energy shield level of main battleships in the human world can generally only withstand one or two attacks from the main guns of battleships of the same type. But the battleship energy shield entrusted by Bocharhan used the 2,500mm space-charged cannon on the "Qinghai" battleship. It would take at least ten bombardments at full operating rate to make it collapse. However, the main gun charging is If it takes time, the opponent's shield will quickly recover between attacks! And the other party is even less likely to stay where you are and let you hit him!

To deal with such an enemy, there are no warships of the same technical level to use, so we have to find another way to tap the potential of existing warships and use new tactics to make up for the shortcomings! Tian Xuanhao's method was invented for this kind of situation. Only his inexplicable brain can master this set of tactics. It is difficult for others to imitate!

Not long after the war started, the effect of this method had begun to show. The other fleets in the entire legion were suppressed by the enemy, but the 3709th fleet was not only unaffected, but also had the highest survival rate and number of destroyed warships!

"Thankfully, I was smart enough to get this guy here!" Povis was secretly scared, "This guy has the potential to become a famous general!"

"it is finally over!"

Ye Qingyuan chopped into pieces the last Bocharhan trustee in front of him with one sword, and he was almost exhausted from exhaustion!

After sending the bodies and wounded of their comrades to the landing ship, the remaining people rushed to other places for support at the order of the regiment leader, Lieutenant Colonel Frankie. In a few hours, thousands of Bocharhanto people had died under his hands, and many of them had powerful fighting abilities!

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"Everyone, take a rest! Call the landing ship to come over and send a few brothers to collect the corpses of those beasts and burn them. The disinfection and cleaning procedures must be in place!" said the pale Lieutenant Colonel Fraki.

In the previous fierce battle, several powerful Bocharhan soldiers surrounded him. Even with his eight-star combat power, he was seriously injured, and half of his shoulder was almost torn off!

"Leave it to me to clean up the battlefield. Go help the injured brothers!" Ye Qingyuan directly took over the task of moving the corpses in order to take the opportunity to search for energy crystals.

As the corpses passed by his hands and were thrown into a large pit blasted by the light cannon nearby, a golden light flashed in the palm of his hand, and energy of varying sizes was taken away by Lan Yu. After the attributes were transformed, they were imported into his body.

Huge and gentle energy poured into the body, and the whole body felt warm, as if soaking in a hot spring, which was simply comfortable.

I've almost made enough money today, and I don't think I would have had such benefits if I didn't go to the battlefield! The total amount of source energy in the body has more than doubled on the original basis, and even ordinary Seven Stars can't compare with him. (To be continued.)

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