Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 502 Battleship Cluster

However, he deliberately suppressed his own cultivation, and planned to advance to the stars after accumulating more solidly. Only when his foundation is solid enough, he can go further in the future!

This time, the casualties of the 808th Division of the Superpower Corps were not without heavy casualties. Of the more than 5,000 awakened people, over a thousand were killed and nearly 3,000 were injured to varying degrees. More than half of them were seriously injured and needed to be nursed back to health for a long time. Just look at maybe recovery! Other supernatural troops, the mecha army also suffered huge losses!

"Boss, are you okay? Can you still hold on?" He came to a floating chariot, where Fidel, half of his body covered with first-aid bandages, was sitting there smoking.

"Don't worry, he won't be dead for a while!" Fidel blew out a smoke ring.

"You are the only one left in our team, and then there are more than ten wounded soldiers!" He sighed sadly.

"These guys are too difficult to deal with! However, their losses are greater than ours! There are more than three million Bocharhans on the entire planet who have left their lives here! It is said that friendly forces on the Western Continent have also killed Some extremely powerful guys!" Ye Qingyuan said.

"More than three million? It sounds like a lot, but compared to their huge numerical advantage, it's nothing at all!" Fidel said with a smile from the corner of his eyes, "And our casualties may not be much lower than theirs, it's even more terrible. We understand that even if we try our best to rescue them, millions of civilians will be kidnapped by them!"

"Their fleet in the sky cannot escape to a large extent, but our casualties are even greater! In order to ensure the complete annihilation of the enemy, we can only carry out indiscriminate attacks! Those civilians who have been kidnapped into the warships will definitely not be rescued! "

Ye Qingyuan was silent.

In just a few hours, millions of living lives were reduced to nothing! The cruelty of war was so bloody displayed before his eyes!

Judging from previous experience, the batch of guys who came in today are just a fleet with average combat effectiveness, not much better than cannon fodder! The Mecha Legion and the Awakened Legion dispatched by humans are the essence of the human army!

Of course, the Bocharhan Tuo people have elites, and they are a surprising number of elites! The fleet currently confronting humans outside the defense line. It is the demon army directly under the great lord!

Every day, they go out in large numbers! Conduct raids on major interstellar fortresses on the defense line! They used warships to attract human artillery fire, and at the same time sent a large number of landing craft carrying Bocharhanto strong men to find openings and rush into the interior of the human fortress. Kill without any scruples!

The number of Bocharhanto elite warriors is much higher than that of various special legions of humans, and their quality is not inferior to humans at all! Under such circumstances. Human beings can only defend to the death!

The landing ship appeared in the distant sky, and the brutal battle in outer space also came to an end! Humanity won the victory with more than 9,000 warships and tens of millions of officers and soldiers casualties. Today’s mission is finally over!

After finally clearing out this group of enemies and cleaning the battlefield, the reinforcement fleet returned.

The 79th Legion arrived in great strength, but when they returned to their base, the size of the fleet had shrunk by nearly half! Based on an average of five hundred people on each warship, warships containing tens of millions of people were destroyed, but fortunately each ship had a complete escape system. If you rescue in time after the battle, you can save a lot!

After counting the losses after the First World War, tens of millions of officers and soldiers died in the battle. About 30% of them could not even find their bodies. They were beaten into cosmic dust by the fierce artillery fire! The number of disabled people is similar! After the regiment commander, Lieutenant General Wei Dongyang, finished handling his official duties, he hid in the lounge alone and cried bitterly!

This is war, a cruel war!

Since the war began, it is impossible to count how many officers and soldiers humans have died in battle!

However, the war is far from over! For the sake of the same race and relatives behind us. In order that the fire of human civilization will not be cut off! This war will continue, and more people will bleed and sacrifice! Until the day victory comes!

Most of the officers and soldiers who were still alive received various medals, ribbons, and honorary titles, and the wounded were sent to star fields far away from the front line for treatment. The remains of the martyrs were sealed in ice coffins and transported back to the country by transport ships!

When hundreds of large black transport ships decorated with white wreaths set off, all the officers and soldiers in the base stopped what they were doing, stood silently, and paid attention! Until the fleet gradually moves away and disappears at the end of the field of vision!

Quite a few people have been promoted in military ranks! Because of his outstanding performance in the rescue operation on the planet's surface, Ye Qingyuan was awarded a first-grade Imperial Gold Medal of Glory, promoted to lieutenant, and led a team of Awakeners.

Fidel was promoted to major. Replaced the position of deputy commander who died in the battle. And Tian Xuanhao, who has begun to rise to prominence, not only was promoted to lieutenant colonel, but also became the deputy of Major General Powis!

After returning to base. The legion was given seven days of rest, and the battle preparation task was taken over by the fleet that arrived later.

the next day. Ye Qingyuan prepared some gifts and asked Tian Xuanhao to visit Fidel in the base nursing home.

"I heard that Wormhole No. 7105 was lost!" Tian Xuanhao said dullly, "The large fortress near the wormhole, together with 150,000 warships, was almost completely destroyed! Even the two legions that came for reinforcements were devastated. deficit!"

"The wormhole is one of the important supporting points of the current defense line! The defensive forces should all be elite, right? How could they be lost so easily?" Ye Qingyuan asked in surprise.

"That group of devils dispatched 29,000 warships! They also used landing craft to forcibly airdrop 9,000 troops into the fortress. It is said that the attack was led by many particularly powerful men!" Tian Xuanhao said, "For several days, In battle, our Awakened Legion has suffered too many losses! It’s no surprise that we can’t stop them!”

"How many troops do the Bochar Khanto have?"

"How many? It's impossible to calculate!" Tian Xuanhao looked around and found that no one was paying attention to them, so Fang whispered: "It is said that the Bocharhantu battleship in front of the defense line has more than five million. There are fifteen large fortresses! Each one has a semi-divine being leading a large number of strong men to guard it! This does not include the power that is hidden in the dark and cannot be revealed!"

"Moreover!" There was a hint of bitterness in his voice, "According to the situation detected using the hyperspace detector above, there are a large number of warships jumping over near the ancient wormhole!"

"...Does this battle still need to be fought?" Ye Qingyuan's heart sank when he heard this.

"With this style of play, there is no hope for the Federation!" Tian Xuanhao twitched the corners of his eyes, "Just by sticking to it all the way, the chips will be eaten away bit by bit! There will always be a day when there is no way to retreat. Until then……"

He did not continue. But Ye Qingyuan knew what he meant. If he didn't change this conservative strategy, the destruction of the Federation was a foregone conclusion! And it won’t be too long until this day!

One has battleships in the millions. A big country with a population of over one trillion perished, and it did so on the basis of strong foreign aid. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the bad impact it will have on the morale of the military and people in the human world.

By then, facing the incoming Bocharhanto fleet, can the Shuofeng Empire survive this challenge?

Outside the ancient wormhole, heavy troops gathered at this time.

There are endless flying saucer warships coming out of the wormhole, and from time to time a fortress with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers and a crystal-clear appearance will appear in each fortress. There is a powerful aura as vast as the abyss!

After Bocharhan asked people to rush over, all information near the wormhole was strictly blocked, and all the detection instruments placed by humans here were cleared away one by one! At present, humans can only understand the situation in this area with the help of the ghost race's hyperspace monitor!

"Humans are busy this time!"

Hidden in a space fault near the wormhole is a spherical spacecraft hundreds of meters in diameter.

In a living room inside the spacecraft, there are several golden thrones lined up.

The words just now came from a ghost race person. It is two sizes larger than an ordinary ghost race person! A large number of pale golden light clouds surround its round body like smoke! The vague aura that emanates is even far better than the existence in those fortresses!

"The great master of space, the wise King Zhanying, I am very interested in your suggestions! I just understand that if human civilization is destroyed, it will not be good news for us! Maybe, we should consider taking action!"

The speaker this time was a two-meter-tall lizard-like creature whose whole body was blood red and covered with dark purple spots! It is the special envoy of the alien civilization Miriam Empire.

"Dear Urozirag! I did not stand idly by. I mean to sit back and watch the destruction of human civilization! I understand what I mean, weaken and control it!" King Zhanying said gently.

"If this is the only purpose, then it should be about the same now! Since the war broke out, trillions of human beings have been kidnapped by the Bocharhantu civilization! Enough blood has been shed!" This time The speaker was a half-human, half-snake being. The upper body looks like a young human woman, but the lower half is a snake body several meters long! This is the special envoy of the Yanwei Tribal Alliance.

"Enough? No, no, no! Dear Ariel Rose! You don't know enough about the human race. Although they are not very powerful, they are a life form with extremely strong survivability and rapid reproduction! Trillions of them Individual destruction is indeed an incalculable number for our civilization! The total number of people in your entire tribal alliance is less than one-tenth of this number!"

"However, this is nothing to the human race that is so huge that it is incalculable. When this race came out of their home galaxy not long ago, the number of individuals was less than 30 billion. However, it is so square and long. Time? Their number has exploded to more than 20 trillion! What a surprising number is this?!"

"My God! If we only predict it, this race will one day fill every corner of the universe! By then, will there be room for us to survive?"

"Therefore, for the sake of future generations, we must make some moves! It is very necessary to maintain a divided, contradictory and disputed situation in the human race! Let them consume each other and weaken their own strength and momentum. Luck! It makes it impossible to expand externally on a large scale! This is in our long-term interests, haven't we always done this?" King Zhanying said.

"Then! When do you think it's better for us to intervene? The combat effectiveness of Bocharhan's people is inferior to even ours! If it is delayed for too long, the losses may become difficult to control!" Urozila Ge asked.

"I think it's best to wait until these two big countries that are close to each other are destroyed! When Bocharhan asks people to rush into the hinterland of the human world, most of the human elite will be lost by then. In order to keep the fire of civilization, we will have to agree Any conditions we put forward!"

"A human being that has lost most of its race and almost all its powerful individuals, a human being whose development lifeline will be controlled by us for a long time to come, is in our best interest. Don't you think so?" Zhan The pale golden light cloud beside the Shadow King trembled, and he let out a burst of cheerful laughter.

"Your Majesty, King Zhanying, we sincerely admire your wisdom! I have no objection!" Wulozilage said with admiration.

"I have no objection!" The envoy of the Yanwei Tribe Alliance, Arililos also said.

"Dear Princess, you have not spoken just now! I don't know what you think of our decision?" King Zhanying said to the person sitting on the throne beside him.

It was a human woman wearing a sapphire blue dress, with a peach blossom face, clear eyes, and a beautiful appearance! The appearance is quiet, the body is leisurely, and the figure is unparalleled! She was sitting on the throne, lowering her head to play with a lush jade flute, and turned a deaf ear to their conversation!

Hearing King Zhanying's question, she raised her head, smiled calmly and said: "The Bojiang Empire unreservedly supports your decision!"

"That's great!" King Zhanying said with satisfaction.

At this time, there were changes outside the ancient wormhole.

When an asteroid with a diameter of 300 kilometers slowly and difficultly emerged from the mouth of the wormhole, all the battleships and fortresses outside the wormhole let out earth-shaking cheers!

The surface of the planet is extremely smooth, and the blue ground is engraved with countless layers of intricate and huge patterns. Occasionally, some unknown light balls will suddenly appear, flying along some mysterious trajectory for a while and then disappearing out of thin air. Disappeared, looking weird and inexplicable!

After the asteroid came over, I didn’t stop too much. I looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com led a large number of battleships and headed straight for the human defense line thousands of light years away!

The 79th Legion was given seven days to rest, but on the fifth day, Ye Qingyuan's supernatural legion received the order to go to war.

The wormhole located in the middle of the defense line has a fixed interstellar fortress with a diameter of 500 kilometers stationed nearby. The fleet assisting the defense consisted of two legions with approximately 280,000 warships. When the war situation became tense, an additional legion was dispatched. The mecha troops stationed in the fortress include nearly 80,000 mechas of various types, as well as a legion of tens of thousands of awakeners!

This is already an extremely powerful defensive force. Almost all the fortresses on the frontal defense line have similar specifications! It would be better to have a large amount of foreign aid, even the Gardre Federation's strong financial resources cannot support it! But currently, the situation in this heavily guarded fortress is not optimistic!

The Bocharhans launched a new large-scale attack two days ago. This fortress is their focus. After the war, 150,000 flying saucer warships were dedicated to participate in the battle for this fortress!

The fortress here is one of the important supporting points of the central defense line, and there is no reason to let it go easily! The human coalition headquarters immediately dispatched a large number of reinforcements from behind the defense line to join the battle! (To be continued.)

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