Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 504: Corpses everywhere

The shallow pit on the ground continued to expand and deepen at a speed visible to the naked eye! The human in the pit had almost no resistance and was kept being smashed into the bottom of the pit! The energy shield rippled, but it never collapsed!

Ye Qingyuan is also a little angry! You're still addicted to smashing! Do you think you are a pile driver?

Run the Star-Shattering Sword Technique with all your strength, stimulating 30% of the source energy in the body, and a two-meter-long cyan light blade emerges like a substance, slashing at the crazy guy on the opposite side at a speed that is difficult to discern with the naked eye!

As if realizing the power of the light blade, the guy suddenly stopped and took two steps back! Try to avoid the blow. ??一看书www?w·1?k?anshu·

It's just that the light blade was so fast that it barely avoided the vital point, but blocked a thick leg right in front of the light blade!

Without any suspense, the light blade sliced ​​through the black heavy armor like cutting through foam, gently cutting off its thick legs and several tentacles! And its remaining power was not diminished, it flew straight over and cut into pieces the more than twenty Bocharhanto warriors behind it who could not dodge! It penetrated two more thick alloy walls before dissipating!

The guy's voice changed in pain, and he finally realized that the weak-looking human in front of him was not as easy to mess with as he had thought!

It knew it was a little late. The second light blade came one after another. It lost one of its legs, and its balance and reaction speed were greatly reduced. It could no longer dodge this blow! In desperation, he swung the heavy hammer in his hand towards the light blade.

The blood-red heavy hammer had a huge body, one size larger in diameter than a bucket. It was held in the hand of a Bocharhan servant who was over three meters tall, holding a fierce murder weapon!

The light blade accidentally struck the heavy hammer. You can see that its speed slowed down a bit, passing through the hammer body with a slight sluggishness, and its luster dimmed a lot. Then he slashed at its right chest!

The chest is the key part of Bocharhan's trust, and the heavy armor here is also the thickest! But the weakened light blade still tore open the armor, cutting off its right arm, half of its body, and more than a dozen tentacles!

The tall body fell heavily to the ground with a dull sound!

That guy hasn't died yet, don't fight for your life! The remaining tentacles flapped at everything around them like crazy. Draw deep marks on the alloy ground! A large amount of blue-black blood flowed all over the floor together with unknown internal organs!

Ye Qingyuan added a few more swords, completely ending its pain!

Reaching out to grab the huge crystal on its chest, golden light emerged, completely absorbing the violent energy inside!

Unprecedented energy surged into the body. Filled every meridian and every acupuncture point! And it continues to rush towards the Dantian area!

Energy accumulation has reached its peak!

A round of blue light, a crystal clear photon image emerges from the body, rapidly expands and solidifies! It turned into a blue sun and enveloped him!

In the sun. ??一看书www?w·1?k?anshu·Dots of stars appeared out of thin air, flew high for a while and then exploded silently, bringing out magnificent trajectories like meteors cutting through the night sky! The cool silver-blue starlight filled the energy shield, making the people inside look like aloof gods!

Seven stars, breakthrough!

There were waves of heat coming from the center of my stomach again, mixed with a trace of pain! That is the energy essence absorbed in the Yuangu base. As the combat power increases, some of it is completely absorbed by the body!

The source energy intensity in the body suddenly increased tenfold! With each breath, violent energy surges! An easy punch can have a force of nine thousand tons! As long as he wants. You can also smash through the ten-meter-thick alloy door like Bocharhan asked others, but it will take longer!

The intensity of the brain waves has also increased significantly, approaching the million mark. With a slight thought, an extremely solid energy knife is generated in the hand, and its sharpness is no less than a five-star supernatural weapon!

The legacy of the ancient race of gods, several days of diligent practice, and the absorption of a large number of energy crystals from Bocharhan's trustees! Finally, he was promoted to the level of Seven Stars and truly entered the ranks of high-star awakeners!

Ye Qingyuan's current combat effectiveness. According to the standards of the ancient civilization, he is already at the level of the Youhuang Warrior. Moreover, they are genuine Youhuang warriors, far beyond what the human Seven Stars can match! Even those strong men from the same star in the old civilization are not as good as


On actual combat power. He is already far away from the eight-star awakened person, and the ordinary nine-star strong person does not have much advantage in front of him.

With the equipment in hand, the terrifying power of the Star-Shattering Sword Technique! He can easily defeat the ordinary Nine-Star Awakener!

To defeat him now, unless multiple Nine Stars rely on powerful equipment to besiege him, or Qian Star takes action, it is possible to take him down!

the other side. Colonel Frankie, his two companions, and the remaining Bocharhanto were engaged in a fierce battle!

Bocharhan trusted people to be extremely powerful, and he danced like a tiger with the heavy hammer in his hand! Even though he was surrounded by three strong men, he didn't lose at all! And all three of them were more or less injured. Of course, it itself wasn't much better. Several of its tentacles had been cut off, and there was an obvious knife mark on its abdomen!

Ye Qingyuan, who had been promoted not long ago, joined the battle circle. The energy knife in his hand produced a light blade that was as solid as a substance and slashed at its back in an almost sneak attack.

The guy was swinging his heavy hammer to attack the three flies in front of him with all his strength. Yes, in its own view, they were just three flies. It was only because they adopted the shameless fighting method of surrounding and beating that they managed to survive until now without being crushed by it!

When the light blade flew over, it had already appeared. ?Want to read?Book 1ka?nshu·Ben estimated that he would withdraw and retreat. Frankie in front of him saw the opportunity and swung out his knife, slashing it hard on the waist! The sharp blade broke through the heavy armor, leaving a deep wound! The remaining two people saw the advantage and launched their most powerful attacks. In an instant, seven or eight wounds of various sizes appeared on its body!

It roared in pain and swung the heavy hammer, intending to smash these hateful guys in front of it to death!

With this distraction, the photon development behind has been added, and there is no time to dodge!

The indestructible light blade tore open the armor like tearing paper, removing half of its butt and an entire leg! Blue-black blood rushed out and sprayed everywhere!

Several other people took this opportunity to cut it into a pile of meat!

"Captain, are you okay? Can you still fight?" Ye Qingyuan asked nervously.

"Leave me alone, go get rid of the remaining guys!" Colonel Frankie gritted his teeth and responded. The light armor and magic square matrix on his body had been smashed by that guy's hammer, and his chest was a bloody mess!

Ye Qingyuan nodded lightly, turned around and rejoined the battle circle, killing the enemies who were still alive with his companions.

Wave after wave of light blades kept coming out, and everyone who got hit by them fell down! After the breakthrough, the source energy in his body became much richer. It’s also more pure! The lethality is naturally greatly increased!

After taking care of these two most powerful leaders, the remaining hundreds of Bocharhanto warriors will be much easier to deal with! The first round of covering attacks had already forced one-third of the guys to be injured. With their numerical and equipment advantages, it was relatively easy to deal with them.

After a brief fierce battle. No one alive from Bocharhan could be found at the scene! The thick alloy walls and the ground are full of pits and sword marks of varying depths! Broken limbs and broken arms can be seen everywhere, and blue-black blood gathers in several large pits on the ground to form blood pools, exuding a strange fishy smell!

Then came rest, cleaning the battlefield, and dressing wounds. Contact the medical team at the rear to come up and transport the seriously injured comrades back for treatment.

After the battle, more than a hundred people in the Awakened team were injured, but fortunately, less than fifty people died in the battle. With human medical technology, as long as they did not die on the spot and the brain was not too damaged, most of them can be rescued! It just takes a long time to recuperate to regain combat effectiveness.

After taking advantage of the opportunity to transport and burn the corpses to collect energy, Ye Qingyuan returned to the group leader and discussed the next move with the other leaders.

"Judging from the battlefield situation on the tactical photon computer, due to timely reinforcements, the current battle situation is pretty good. Let's talk about the next steps!" Frankie applied a layer of highly effective repair medicine on his chest. Wrapping the first aid bandage twice more, he poured energy recovery fluid into his mouth and spoke to the leaders.

"Our mission is to guard the place and clear out all the existing Bocharhan trustees." Temporary deputy commander Yu Jichang said, "Other places have their own detachments in charge, so we don't need to worry about them!"

"Yes. There must be many enemies in this area. Our current task is to clear them out one by one!" A leader agreed.

"I mean the same thing!" Ye Qingyuan said.

The other leaders also had no objections.

"Okay, that's all we need!" the leader said, "but the scope of this place is not small. It has more than twenty floors and hundreds of square kilometers! I don't know how many deadly guys are hiding in it. What should we do? What’s the best tactic?”

"Should we divide into several teams and search separately, it would be more efficient." An officer of the mecha unit suggested.

"Absolutely not! If you accidentally meet the Bocharhan trustees of the brigade, then the only thing you can do is deliver food to them!" Yu Jichang categorically objected.

Everyone also felt that the idea of ​​dividing the troops was undesirable, and this plan was quickly abandoned.

"With our limited manpower, we can only concentrate our efforts to eat as many of their smaller teams as possible! If there is an existence with stronger combat effectiveness, we have no choice but to ask for help from the command center!" Frankie said.

"However, in places where they have wreaked havoc, most of the surveillance systems have been destroyed! It is difficult to grasp their movements." A leader said.

"Do you have any special ability detection equipment on your body?" the leader asked.

"I have one," Yu Jichang took out a card-like item, "but it can only detect the situation within a radius of 500 meters, and it's not very clear! Do you have any more problems?"

"I also have one, but the effect is almost the same as yours." The leader ticked the corners of his eyes.

"I have a bead, the effect is pretty good, the detection range can reach two kilometers!" Ye Qingyuan said.

He concealed the true power of the Mirage Cloud Beads and kept some trump cards. At key moments, he might be able to deliberately unpredict the effects.

"It's so powerful? It's enough for use!" Captain Vladi said excitedly, "You have a lot of good things in you!"

He has been paying attention to the other party for a long time. The equipment of this young man is so excellent that only the general can compare! Moreover, his own fighting power is extremely strong, so why doesn’t he look like an ordinary awakened person?

The other party definitely has a backing, and it’s not small! Maybe they are the core disciples of a certain human race who came out to experience! When Lian Guo touched the other party's last name, he felt more and more that his inference made sense.

If the other party really comes from a thousand-year-old family in the empire that has a solid foundation comparable to that of the royal family, then you are really lucky!

Not only him, but other team members also had the same judgment.

"Then let's take a look at the surrounding situation before making a decision! I hope there won't be anyone too difficult to deal with!" Yu Jichang said.

Ye Qingyuan took out the mirage cloud bead and injected it with source energy. The bead displayed a three-dimensional display in front of everyone according to his wishes, which clearly displayed the structure of the fortress within a two-kilometer radius.

In each corridor, there are varying numbers of light spots of various colors flashing! Each point of light represents a living entity.

The light spots symbolizing Bocharhan's people all have a stone-colored halo without exception. According to the level of energy intensity, the color of the light spots ranges from light to dark, white, cyan, green... red, purple , until deep black!

The grades above red have already passed eight stars, and there are a lot of them, so they are a harder nut to crack. If you go higher up, they won't have anything to do! It can only be dealt with by the powerful Qianxing warriors on our side.

At this time, fierce battles broke out in many passages. In some cases, Bocharhan's people gained the upper hand and forced the human army to kill them. Some humans have the upper hand, but they are also slaughtered without mercy!

The complex and maze-like fortress turned into a meat grinder, and the armies of both sides fought selflessly inside!

"Let's go this way!" Ye Qingyuan pointed at the monitor and suggested, "Follow the passage at your feet, 700 meters ahead, which is the material warehouse. Look for There are three corridors leading to other units. Let’s choose the one on the left, there is a group of guys resting there! There are about five hundred of them!”

"None of their combat effectiveness exceeds five stars. Except for the leader, it is almost at the level of nine stars! We can eat it! After we have solved this group, we will pick another one.

Pick your next target! What do you think? "

"I think it's okay!" Yu Jichang said immediately, "Our current combat power is limited, so we can only pick the soft persimmons! Let others take care of the hard bones! Aren't the teachers and the others here too?"

"Then let's do it!" Seeing that no one objected, Frankie made his decision.

Everyone protected each other along the way and moved carefully. Ye Qingyuan nervously paid attention to the surrounding situation to avoid unforeseen accidents.

Arriving at the destination soon, hundreds of Bocharhans were sitting on the ground, and some of them were still holding the corpses of human officers and soldiers in their hands.

Colonel Frankie didn't say much. With a wave of his hand, the mecha troops behind immediately launched an attack. Various energy weapons and thousands of missiles were thrown at them overwhelmingly!

Ye Qingyuan and the captain and deputy captain took action together and eliminated the leading strong man as quickly as possible, and the ensuing battle became much more enjoyable!

A quarter of an hour later, this group of Bochar Khanto people were all turned into corpses. Among them, Ye Qingyuan killed the most. With the Magic Square Matrix guarding him, he could attack with all his strength without worrying about defense! Even the leader of the group is inferior to him! (To be continued.)


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