Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 505: Attack and defend to the death

( ) After finishing packing, the team immediately retreated to prevent the other party from discovering that reinforcements were sent.

This team is just playing guerrilla in the local area. If it encounters a team that is not too strong, it will eat it. If there are hard bones to chew, try to avoid them! Report the situation to the headquarters and let them figure out how to deal with it.

Fortress command center.

Dozens of monitors were lined up in the huge space, showing the combat situation in various parts of the fortress. There was a snowflake on many monitors. The surveillance systems in those places had been completely destroyed by Bocharhan's agents!

Major General Luo Feng, the fortress garrison commander, stood in front of a monitor, watching the battlefield information that was constantly being fed back, his eyebrows furrowed and silent.

"General, the situation is not optimistic!" A charming female officer walked in, and it was Luo Qingyue.

She put on a suit of ice blue combat light armor with several scratches of varying depths on it. The sealed helmet has been taken off and is being carried in his hand. His expression is a little tired, and it is obvious that he has experienced a fierce fight not long ago.

She came to Luo Feng and said sideways: "Our empire has more than 7,000 awakened people and 50,000 mecha troops reinforcing the fortress this time. So far, the casualties have exceeded 30%! In some places, the fighting situation is still good. But the overall situation is not optimistic! Bocharhan asked the people to increase their efforts to deliver reinforcements, and the number of enemies in the fortress has not decreased significantly compared with three days ago! "

"According to the previous agreement, our empire's reinforcements are responsible for cleaning up the enemies inside the fortress, while you are responsible for recapturing the lost landing port and cutting off reinforcements from the Bocharhant people! But judging from the current situation, you are not The planned combat objectives were not achieved! As a result, our army’s efforts were in vain!”

"On behalf of Shuofeng Fang, I am here to ask you sir, are you no longer able to complete the planned plan and have decided to leave the fortress temporarily? If you don't understand, please invest sufficient support as soon as possible!"

Luo Feng's face turned blue, and he said with a wry smile: "Lieutenant Colonel, I'm very sorry for your losses, but in a war, people will die! This is also a helpless thing! Of course, your casualties are heavy. But our losses It’s even more tragic! There have been nearly 29,000 officers and soldiers casualties, including thousands of awakened people!”

"But we have no intention of exposing it temporarily. You know the importance of this fortress. Once it is left to Bocharhan's people! Then their fleets will rush over in a steady stream. Cut off the entire defense line! The consequences will be catastrophic!"

"Please rest assured, we will mobilize our elites to launch a new round of blocking operations, and we will absolutely cut off their channels for transporting reinforcements!" Luo Feng promised.

Luo Qingyue nodded lightly and said: "Okay, I will forward your opinions to the commander of the legion. In addition, I want to make a statement. If our casualties exceed 50%, we have the right to request to withdraw from the battle. Rest!”

"No problem, beautiful lieutenant colonel!" Major General Luo Feng responded simply.

Luo Qingyue put her helmet back on, saluted, turned and left for a while.

The fortress command center has the strongest guard force, so it is still safe for the time being. But the Bocharhanto people have already discovered this place and are mobilizing a large number of elites to besiege it.

A total of five lines of defense were set up outside the command center. The reinforcements of the Shuofeng Empire were responsible for the defense on the west, led by Lieutenant General Zhou Junyi, deputy commander of the 17th Army Corps. Except for half of the troops who were sent away for a period of time to clear out the enemies in the fortress, the rest were on the defensive line and guarding the command center.

Bocharhan asked many strong men above Qianxing to lead countless powerful elites to attack the defense line. Below the command center is the main energy hub of the fortress! They also see the importance of this place. As long as they capture this place and cut off the energy supply, all the fortress guns will be turned into decorations. The Bocharhanto fleet, which is greatly reduced in pressure, will attack and easily destroy the human beings. The fleet is defeated!

Lieutenant General Zhou Junyi and several division commanders had personally taken action. When the battle was at its fiercest, all personnel, including civilian personnel who did not have to participate in the war, also took up arms!

Luo Qingyue left the command center and walked quickly along the corridor. After passing through more than a dozen heavily guarded intersections, we arrived at the regiment's temporary command post, verified our identity and walked in. The sound of missile explosions could be heard in the distance outside, mixed with the unique roar of the Bocharhanto people!

The command post was deserted, with only two lieutenants sitting busy in front of the monitor.

"Deputy commander?" she asked the two men.

"Have been gone for a while. Those guys launched another offensive not long ago! It is said that guys from five dry stars or more have come, and the generals have gone to fight!" An officer raised his head and responded.

"It seems that the situation is a bit unnecessary. How many times has this happened?" she asked with a frown.

"It's not some unnecessary things, but a lot of unnecessary things!" Another officer said, "There are more and more powerful guys among them, as if they can't kill them all. Yesterday, only one or two appeared during each attack. Back and forth. They were all solved by the generals in the end! Five of them came at once this time, and it is said that there is a trend of increasing!"

"It's all the fault of those losers from the Federation! It took so long to take back the landing port! They can send reinforcements continuously! No matter how much combat power we have, it's not enough!" Luo Qingyue cursed angrily.

"While you were negotiating with them, our number of casualties increased by more than fifty! These are all the elites of the empire! They are all used as the cheapest cannon fodder here!" An officer also said He said angrily, "Major General Mei Lin has been sent to the rear to recuperate because of his serious injuries! This is the third Qianxing strongman on our side who has withdrawn from the battle due to injuries!"

"I'm going to find the deputy commander!" Luo Qingyue turned and walked out.

"You were just injured, why don't you take a rest?" the officer asked. Before she finished speaking, her figure had disappeared from the door.

Her cold voice came from far outside: "When you die in battle, you will have plenty of time to rest!"

"Captain, you go and have a rest! I will handle the rest!" In a warehouse, Ye Qingyuan put away the energy knife and said to Colonel Frankie.

"Okay! Find a few brothers to help you, and quickly complete the retreat! We don't have much time!" the leader responded weakly.

There are countless various wounds on his body! There were layers and layers of first aid bandages, but he just gritted his teeth and held on, refusing to go back to the rear to recuperate.

For three days, their team has been fighting guerrillas in this area. If you encounter a large group of Bocharhans, please avoid them first and try to lure them into dividing your troops. If you encounter a small group of people, rush over! Use the shortest possible time to resolve the battle, then retreat quickly and wait for the opportunity to find the next target!

This tactic is quite manageable. In a few days, they had killed nearly 10,000 Bocharhan followers one after another, including more than 300 powerful guys with seven stars or above!

But they themselves were reaching the point of exhaustion. In every battle, several people are injured or killed. Accumulated over and over again, the battle damage rate is surprisingly high! Although they received support two days ago, more than 300 Awakeners and three regiments of mecha troops were sent from above. By now, the losses were already unbearable!

Currently, there are still 520 people in their team. The mecha army also has more than 1,750 mechas of various types. It's just that many people have some injuries on their bodies, and less than half of the members maintain intact combat strength.

Several days of high-intensity fighting, a battle between life and death for trapped beasts! Everyone's mood was very high, and there was no hint of timidity or boredom.

"I just killed five more!" A team member with a thick bandage on his leg said proudly.

"That's nothing! I even cut off half of a strong man's head! That guy is at least seven stars!" A team member beside him curled his lips in response.

"You don't have as many kills as me. From the beginning of the war to now, I have killed more than fifty people in total!" A team member who was nursing his arm next to him turned his head to show off.

"Come on! In terms of the number of enemies killed, who can beat that lieutenant!" Yu Jichang pointed to Ye Qingyuan who was carrying corpses nearby.

"It makes sense. That guy killed at least 1,500 enemies!" The team member who spoke earlier agreed.

"That equipment is too good! Unlike us, the three-star supernatural light armor will be broken into pieces by those guys' axes, and the vagina is more fragile than the hymen!" A team member said sourly.

"The combat power is not enough. Good equipment is useless! You haven't seen his combat power, which is at the peak of Seven Stars. His actual combat power is much better than that of the leader! Can you compare?" Yu Jichang gave him a sideways look.

Even though they were hundreds of meters away, Ye Qingyuan still listened to their words word for word, and he just laughed it off.

With the magic square matrix protecting him, he didn't worry about getting hurt. In every battle, he is at the forefront, and he usually takes care of the toughest guys. After the beating, he would directly take over the task of collecting and burning the corpses. After three days, the energy collected has reached a new level! According to this trend, it won’t take long for it to become a star again!

After finishing work is done. Several leading officers held a short meeting.

"Captain, you should go back to the rear to recuperate! The brothers will be responsible for the upcoming war!" Ye Qingyuan urged.

"Yes, yes! Captain, your current injuries are enough to cause unnecessary trouble. If you don't deal with it, it will be difficult to deal with it!" Others also echoed.

If the awakened person is injured too seriously and does not receive timely treatment, some unpredictable consequences will occur, which is very unnecessary.

Gene stability is affected, and there is no hope of becoming a star. It is one of the most difficult to solve among the many adverse consequences!

"Okay! Then I'll listen to you!" Colonel Frankie couldn't stand everyone's repeated persuasion, and finally nodded gently in agreement.

According to convention. The position of group leader is taken by deputy group leader Yu Jichang. He is also an eight-star player, so everyone has no objection. Then Yu Jichang suggested that Ye Qingyuan be the temporary deputy leader. Based on his previous performance, this was passed easily.

Now that the war has started, they have accumulated a lot of credit. As long as they can return alive, they can generally be promoted. They are called agents, but in fact they are no different from their regular jobs.

In the dark universe outside the fortress, the battle between the fleets of both sides was still in full swing.

With every round of artillery fire, a large number of warships would be hit and disintegrate in a silent explosion! A large number of broken limbs were mixed with countless broken hulls, and there were countless spherical escape cabins!

The human fleet has increased its troops several times, and the Bocharhanto people are not to be outdone. A large number of fleets continue to jump out of the wormhole! Both sides are determined to win and will never give up until they achieve their goals!

The top leaders of the coalition have decided that if the situation is overwhelming, they will try to detonate the energy center inside the fortress at the last moment when the opponent enters the fortress, and perish together with the opponent's fleet!

Dozens of fortress main guns were finally charged again, the huge muzzles began to flash with a faint blue light, and destructive energy quickly gathered through the thick energy transmission pipes.

After a few seconds, the energy was accumulated, and the fire control instructor gave an order, and the main guns opened fire in unison. The entire fortress trembled!

Dozens of thick dark blue light pillars roared out, penetrated the universe, and rushed into the Bocharhanto fleet camp in the distance with thunderous momentum.

The violent energy tide surges, the universe is trembling and burning! Wherever the light beam passed, whether it was a powerful battleship, an unparalleled fortress, or a heart-stopping large number of powerful men, everything was turned into ashes!

Every time a beam of light sweeps across, the universe with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers will be squeezed by a huge magnetic field, and the space structure will show signs of distortion! Only those who are semi-divine or above, with their powerful equipment, have an absolute chance of surviving!

The beam of light only lasted for ten seconds. When this round of strikes ended, more than 9,000 Bocharhanto battleships turned into cosmic dust! If we come here a few more times, it won't be difficult to clean up this fleet. Unfortunately, the charging time of the fortress's main gun is too long, and it only takes 8 hours to have a chance to show off its power! In the following period, the human fleet will have to bear the pressure of the other party alone again!

The commander of the Bocharhanto people hated these damn fortress guns. Under its crazy roar, a large number of saucer-shaped landing ships rushed towards the fortress desperately.

Around the fortress's main gun, tens of thousands of secondary guns fired continuously, and superpower legions, space fighters and mecha units also came into action. Regardless of the sacrifice, about 80% of the landing ships were destroyed before they almost reached the fortress. However, the remaining landing ships, with numerous scars, still made it to the fortress!

The hatch opened, and Bocharhan's people poured out like a tide, rushing into the fortress without stopping! Although the resistance inside is still strong, the balance of victory has begun to tilt towards them!

"Roar..." The giant ax, as thick as a door panel, danced crazily in the thick hands, causing a series of ear-piercing sonic booms!

Wuli Jianluoge screamed angrily. This Bocharhan entrusted by the man who had fallen into a state of rage, led hundreds of subordinates to chase the target that was relatively close to the front. It was a person with a weak aura and wrapped in Humans in dark golden energy shields!

This human being doesn't have much strength, but his speed is extremely fast. It twists and turns in the maze-like fortress, and with its powerful fighting power, it is at a loss what to do!

It turned out that it had brought five thousand elite warriors to attack all the way, and it was invincible! However, after entering this place, everything started to go wrong.

Every time it reaches a corridor entrance, it will be attacked by a large number of missiles. When it rushes past, there is no trace of the opponent, as if it had never appeared! (~^~)Mobile phone users please visit

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