The heavy weapon hit the war puppet with great force. The war puppet only swayed slightly, as if it was not affected in any way. Raise your sword and fight back without showing any signs of weakness! They are strange existences between physical and spiritual bodies, and ordinary attacks cannot have a substantial impact on them.

The extremely sharp golden sword light filled this space. Wherever the sword energy passed, the alloy walls, floors, isolation doors, and various thick and heavy weapons were easily torn apart! Crushed to pieces!

The five Qianxing warriors fought tooth and nail, and the power generated was earth-shattering! The originally spacious space had been "processed" by them and turned into a living room with a radius of several hundred meters! Ye Qingyuan had a quick idea and ran away. It was estimated that the time was almost up before he dared to come back.

The strong man Bocharhantuo had wounds all over his body, his heavy armor was torn to pieces, and most of his tentacles were broken off! Blue-black blood sprayed everywhere! Just like that, he didn't fall down yet, he was still holding on and fighting back fiercely!

It’s almost done, let me give you another ride!

The blue sword light flew by silently, and there was a war partner holding him right in front. There was no way to escape this time! The guy who controlled fire energy had his head chopped off without any suspense! Then there is the remaining one, and I can solve it easily!

When the time was up, the runes that made up the war partner exhausted their energy and dissipated. All traces of existence were quickly annihilated!

Those two guys fought for their lives for a while, and finally died! He walked over and kicked something under his feet. I looked down and saw that it was the halberd in that guy's hand. He was still holding on to it even after he died! It seems like a good piece of equipment.

He sized it up and picked up the halberd. After just one glance, he was sure that this was definitely not something Bocharhan had entrusted to others!

The long black translucent handle is engraved with countless diamond patterns, like pieces of ice. There are fine silver inscriptions on the sharp blade. The detailed inscription commando looks like a beast with teeth and claws! The long handle and sharp blade are made of some kind of strange crystal, and there seems to be countless brilliance flowing inside!

The whole halberd has a simple shape. Exquisite, natural! The end of the long handle is studded with 8 ruby ​​stars. There is also an unknown ribbon.

This should be the weapon of a certain strong human being. After being killed by this guy, this sharp weapon also fell into the opponent's hands. Now it is an advantage for him!

After putting away his halberd and planning to dispose of the two corpses of the Black Crystal warriors, Lan Yu suddenly stopped him.

Several powerful auras rushed over from a distance, and they were in front of them in a blink of an eye.

" that you?"

A steady voice sounded. He took a closer look and saw that it was the division commander, Major General Alves.

"General!" He stood at attention and saluted.

Alves nodded slightly. He stared at him for a while, showing a hint of satisfaction.

"It seems that your boy has performed well. He has survived until now, and his combat effectiveness has also improved a lot!" He said with a smile.

"Brother Alves, who is this young man?" another voice asked.

There were two people standing next to the division commander, both of whom were powerful Qianxing men. One of them, a tall and mighty middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually carried the rank of lieutenant general, and the blue ribbon on his chest was dotted with Eleven gold stars!

"Well! He's a new recruit, and he's currently in Frankie's regiment!" Alves said lightly. "Lieutenant, this is our deputy army commander, General Zhou Junyi! This is General Xing Feng from the Imperial Security Department!"

He saluted again. Lieutenant General Zhou Junyi returned the salute with a smile, and the Major General named Xing Feng just nodded lightly indifferently.

"Lieutenant, what's your name?" he asked kindly.

"Ye Qingyuan."

A flash of surprise flashed in the lieutenant general's eyes, and then he asked calmly: "Well! Your fighting ability is good. What kind of source energy do you practice? Who is your father?"

His heart tightened slightly and he responded calmly: "My father is no longer alive!" and then remained silent.

"Oh! So that's it!" The lieutenant general rolled his eyes and stopped asking questions.

"General, this wave of offensive launched by Bocharhan has been repulsed! How should we prepare now?" Alves said, "The defense line has been damaged in many places. Let's rearrange it!"

"Have all our people gathered?" the lieutenant general asked.

"Yes, everyone who is still alive is here!"

"Okay then. Let's retreat now!"


Looking at the surprised expressions of his subordinates, the lieutenant general smiled and said: "The troops from the Gnerslok Empire have arrived. They will take over the ensuing battle! Our casualties are too great. According to the agreement, it is time to withdraw from the battle!"

As he spoke, a powerful mechanical roar sounded in the distance, and a large number of heavy-duty suspended chariots appeared one after another along with countless mechas.

The appearance of the chariot and mecha is rough and slightly bulky, which is obviously different from the exquisite standard equipment of the Shuofeng Empire. The black shell is without exception engraved with an 8-sided purple gold ribbon, and on the ribbon is a shaggy beard and hair. , a vigorous and powerful blood-red two-headed flying dragon!

The most elite awakened force in the Genaslok Empire, the "Nightmare Dragon" Legion!

The leading chariot rushed to the front of several generals, and when it almost hit them, it suddenly braked, spun around and stopped! Roll up a violent air current! Extremely arrogant!

Lieutenant General Zhou Junyi frowned slightly in private, but did not have an attack. Smiling and saying: "Vladimirnović, you have become more and more prosperous recently!"

The car door was kicked open hard, and a middle-aged white man with the rank of Lieutenant General and a big beard leaned out of the car and laughed: "Dear Zhou, we have known each other for a long time. I heard that your recent Life is not going well, so naturally I, an old friend, want to come over and give you a hand!"

"It's not to help us, but to help you! If this country is finished, everyone will have to be food for those devils!" Alves said lukewarmly.

"The Gardley Federation? The combat effectiveness is still good, but it's a pity that a bunch of weaklings control the power of the country!" The lieutenant general named Vladimir Novovich said disdainfully: "It's better to think that this bitch is for the sake of the overall situation. The same government should have told them to get out! They have wasted so much of our aid, but they have been defeated in a row! In the past, they were able to defend the territory with the loss of soldiers and generals, but now they have lost both the people and the land!"

"Beavis, that stupid pig who is afraid of death, has been looking for us all day long to beg people and things. But he only gets half decent results! These losers!" The lieutenant general became more and more angry as he spoke, and he raised his hand and punched, Knock the entire alloy wall beside you away!

"Okay! No need to complain here!" Zhou Junyi sighed softly. "We are soldiers, and soldiers protect their homes. It is only natural! No matter what we are doing, we are all in the same boat! Do your best! I hope those old guys at the coalition headquarters can enlighten themselves and stop taking our elites. Becoming cannon fodder!”

"According to the agreement, the defense of this place is now officially handed over to you! Then it will be up to you!"

"No problem, you can go!"

"Hmph! I wish you good luck!" Zhou Junyi glanced at him and issued a retreat order through the photon computer in his hand.

Ye Qingyuan had no choice but to follow suit.

The two corpses of the Black Crystal Warriors containing huge energy were still there, but in front of several Qianxing strongmen. He didn't dare to play tricks at all. These people's eyesight was very good. If they saw something was wrong, the consequences would be unnecessary!

He watched with some pain as the two corpses were dragged away and burned. He could only comfort himself: he had made enough money today. Anyway, there would be continuous wars in the future, and there would be many opportunities! At most, it's just a little later to become a star, it doesn't count, it doesn't matter!

"In view of Lieutenant Ye Qingyuan's outstanding performance in the defense of the fortress, he is now awarded the rank of captain. He is awarded an Imperial Golden Lion Medal, a Silver Iron-Blooded Medal, and a Cross of Swords. He is awarded a set of five-star superpower equipment and a job title. Adjusted to the commander of the 8305th Regiment..."

After fighting with your life on the battlefield, you can get a promotion to prove your efforts! That feeling is pretty good! Staring at the information on the photon computer, Ye Qingyuan smiled happily.

"You've been promoted! You're very proud, aren't you?" Luo Qingyue snorted.

"Of course I'm happy! Aren't you happy? You're a colonel now!" Ye Qingyuan said gently, ignoring her sarcastic words.

In the high-end ward, Luo Qingyue was half-reclining on a nanmu recliner. She had changed out of her uniform, and her body lost the aura of being capable and serious, and gained a touch of feminine charm. The black silk stockings spread easily over her chest, and the wide moon-white nightgown still couldn't hide her curvy figure!

It has been three days since the fortress was evacuated. Luo Qingyue was recuperating in the base hospital, and he would bring a bunch of gifts to visit her every day.

After this battle. The relationship between the two has improved a lot. At least he no longer looked so cold when I saw him!

"Why did your combat power increase so quickly?" She asked awkwardly, "I remember that the time I saw you, you were only five stars. In less than a month, it turned out to be seven stars. And judging from this, eight stars are not enough. Far away! Why do you practice?"

"It's very simple. I just hid my combat power before!"

"Huh?" She had some doubts, but she didn't ask again.

"According to the latest battle report, the fortress has been defended!" Ye Qingyuan changed the topic and said, "Bocharhan's people suffered heavy losses, with a total of more than 5,000 or 9,000 warships lost, and none of the 9,000 elite regiments that sneaked into the fortress. Go back! This is a rare and important victory for mankind since its inception!"

"Is it a major victory? It's time to publicize it!" Luo Qingyue curled her lips, "I just don't know how much the losses on the human side are! It is estimated to be several times theirs. Of course, this number will never be Announced! Those federal politicians only report good news but not bad news!"

"It's not entirely their fault!" Ye Qingyuan picked up a series of round and clear crystal grapes from the tables nearby and handed them to her. "Up until now, the war has begun. Humanity has been suppressed by foreign races for the most part! The morale of the military and the people is very worrying. The human world needs a victory to boost morale and regain confidence!"

"It sounds reasonable!" She laughed softly.

"That lieutenant is extraordinary!" Lieutenant General Zhou Junyi said in the high-ranking officers' bar at the base. "He has such a powerful cultivation level when he is less than 20 years old, and he looks like he has great potential! He is really just a man of ordinary background. A student from the bottom?"

When he first saw Ye Qingyuan, he was very surprised! A seven-star awakener has so much source energy in his body that even nine-stars can't match it. Moreover, its purity of energy and vitality are even comparable to his! Why couldn't he pay attention to this?

But unexpectedly, this is the future Qianxing strongman, a being who is qualified to be at the top of the empire's pyramid! In fact, even if there is a strong Jinxing semi-divine grade, it is not impossible!

When he heard that the other party's surname was Yun, he once thought that he was an elite secretly trained by the Yun family! Only such a super-class race can have enough resources to cultivate such outstanding strong men!

Later he found out that the other party was just an ordinary student on the Blue Algae Planet, and now he was even more surprised! I also started thinking of ways to recruit him!

"He's almost a genius!" Xing Feng, who was sitting opposite him, said nonchalantly, "But so what? In today's situation, human life has become the cheapest thing! Who knows if he will come back alive tomorrow?"

"I guess we should wait until the battle is over to win over him!"

"When the war is over, he will definitely have a higher status, and his combat power will probably improve a lot. It will be too difficult to win him over!" Zhou Junyi said with a smile, "It is better to figure out some means to win him over now!"

"Why are you planning to do it?" Xing Feng finally became interested.

"It's nothing more than those methods! As long as he is recruited and used appropriately, I estimate that our career will go further!" the lieutenant general said with a meaningful smile.

Xing Feng held his chin, thoughtfully.

The capital of the Gardley Federation is located in the Diers Star Territory.

The major power agencies of the Federation are located on a planet with beautiful scenery. At this time, in the underground military base of the Federal Ministry of Defense, a meeting to determine the fate of the Federation was taking place.

In the spacious conference room, stars shone brightly, and many powerful figures gathered together. Find Shuyuan

Sitting at the head of the table was an old man with elegant manners and slightly conservative attire. He was none other than Federal President Tang Tingjun.

The Minister of Defense, Federal Staff Marshal Bivis, is sitting first on his left, followed by a long list of high-ranking generals, almost none below lieutenant general!

On the right are a group of high-ranking civil servants including Federal Vice President Richard.

Also present were the generals in charge of the reinforcements from the major countries, sitting in a circle of seats on the outside.

The atmosphere at the venue was solemn and solemn. All the dignitaries present had their lips pursed and their expressions were gloomy, looking enigmatic!

At this time, Mr. Richard, the vice president of the Federation, was briefing everyone on the situation since the war began.

"Since the Bocharhanto civilization invaded the human world more than three months ago, it took less than a month to wipe out eight countries near the ancient wormhole! The soldiers pointed at the border of our country seventy days ago. Due to the rush of time, , there is no time to perfect the preparation for the battle, and the performance of the opponent's warships, the individual combat effectiveness is far better than ours, our fleet is still unable to control the situation even if it fights bloody!" (To be continued.)

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