Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 508 The traitor appears

"In more than two months, our country has lost more than 150 first-class fleets and more than 350 second-class fleets, accounting for almost 70% of our country's standing military strength! We have lost nearly 10 billion soldiers of all types. , one percent of the total population of our country! More than 5,000 generals and officers were killed in battle! Including one marshal with a staff, 8 marshals, and 32 first-grade generals!"

"Fifteen legions of the mecha army have been demobilized! There are still more than 80 legions left, with a total loss of more than 20 million people! The supernatural legion has lost more than half a million people, including one and a half There are eleven strong men at the divine level and Qianxing level! There are more than 8,000 high-star awakened people above seven stars!"

"Since the war started, nearly one-third of our country has fallen, with a total of 77 star regions and more than 250 billion people! Dozens of large military fortresses, countless military bases, and heavy industry hubs. All the planets with rare resources have fallen into the hands of Bocharhan’s envoys! A large number of high-quality talents were kidnapped because they were too late to be transferred!”

"So far, our country has lost one-third of its strategic mineral reserves, 50% of its warship production capacity, 33% of its energy reserves, and 25% of its reserve military bases. Due to the fall of a large number of important industrial planets, our country's war mobilization capability is 50% lower than expected! The total strategic potential is less than half of what was expected!"

"Currently, the battle line has approached the Capital Star Territory! With our current strength alone, we have no hope of winning this war! If we do not get enough foreign aid, it is only a matter of time before the Capital Star Territory falls!" Richard finally said .

There was silence in the venue, and everyone had a worried look on their faces.

"Mr. Vice President, you seem to have ignored a question!" After a long silence. A blue-haired young man wearing the rank of general stood up and said: "Your long speech just emphasized your losses and difficulties. You didn't mention a word about the selfless assistance given to you by other countries! Is this a bit too much? "

"Your country's losses are indeed not small! But is our contribution taken for granted? The battle loss rate of the reinforcement fleets of all major countries is more than 50%, right? Your country's current defense line. How many areas are yours? Are you a person? Aren't our soldiers using their lives to protect them?"

"Of course, facing a common enemy! These sacrifices are necessary, and I have no other ♂style_txt; meaning! I am just trying to gauge whether your country still has the confidence to fight on? Lead the human world to drive those devils back to themselves. My hometown!" At this point, the general's voice became cold and solemn: "Out of trust in your command ability, our reinforcements have always been under your command! There are also many important positions in the coalition headquarters. Your general will be in charge!"

"However, the war has been going on for so long, and your performance is really disappointing! Our elites have been treated as the cheapest cannon fodder by you, and have been thrown into various battlefields to implement suicidal combat plans!"

"If you pay such a high price and achieve the predetermined combat goal, then that's it! In the end, there are always sacrifices in war! But what have you done? You are retreating steadily, losing troops and generals! Even the people and leaders are the first Throw the block away!”

"I'm going to consult the supreme commander of the coalition forces, the staff-wielding marshal of the Gardley Federation, Lord Beavis, who was once known as the patron saint of the federation! What have you done?" The admiral's face was ashen and he was almost scolding. "Since the beginning of the war, you have never fought a decent battle, other than passive defense or passive defense! Do you deserve our trust? Do you deserve those soldiers who died?"

With his severe accusations, Marshal Beavis's face turned blue and white. But he didn't say anything! The high-ranking foreign generals who attended the meeting all had angry expressions on their faces!

"Your Highness Fang Yukun, please don't get excited!" President Tang Tingjun came out to smooth things over. "We are all aware of the help provided by various countries to the Federation, including your Shuo Feng Empire! We are also very grateful! We deeply regret the losses of various countries! But war is war, and there is nothing we can do about the death of people! But it is not good for the war situation, because There are many aspects, and the reasons cannot be attributed entirely to the inaction of the high command!"

"At this critical moment, everyone should work together, regardless of gains and losses, to get through the difficulties, right?" This old guy was clearly protecting his people.

"Old fox who avoids the important and takes the easy!" Fang Yukun cursed in his heart,

"The purpose of this meeting is to convene everyone to discuss the future combat strategy! In order to reverse the unfavorable war situation as soon as possible, let's not get entangled in these trivial issues anymore, okay?" Tang Tingjun said with a smile.

"Minute details? What you said is really light!" Fang Yukun sneered, "A soldier is in raging state, and a general is in raging group! The performance of the supreme commander is directly related to the life and death of hundreds of millions of soldiers! You actually said that this is a matter of minutiae? Really? Easier said than done!"

"Mr. President, you are from a civilian background. I don't think you are qualified to express your own opinions in the military field!" Another sarcastic voice sounded. The speaker was a middle-aged woman with elegant temperament and good looks. She Also the rank of general.

"I propose a motion on behalf of the Xuanluo Federation Strategic Command!" She said coldly, "In view of Marshal Bevis's previous performance, he is no longer suitable for his current position! We request to change the supreme commander and at the same time change the commando coalition force Headquarters!"

"Shuofeng Empire seconded the proposal!" Fang Yukun said immediately.

"Black Kingdom seconded the proposal!"

"Gnerslok Empire seconded the proposal!"

"The Republic of Tiloa seconded the proposal!"

High-level officials from all parties have expressed their opinions!

As high-level officials from all parties expressed their opinions one after another, Marshal Bevis's face became darker and darker. The expressions of the high-ranking generals on the federal side also became embarrassed.

Soon, the resolution was passed almost unanimously. Some friendly countries including the Gardley Federation voted in favor this time!

Everyone's eyes are turned to Federal President Tang Tingjun. Whether the marshal will stay or not, all he has to do is wait for his word!

Looking at the angry, mocking, and contemptuous glances around him, Tang Tingjun sighed softly and said slowly: "Okay! Since you all think it is necessary to change the commander, then, Marshal Bevis, you can rest A few days!"

As soon as these words came out. Suddenly there was a commotion among the federal generals. Several young generals jumped up and shouted excitedly: "The Marshal cannot leave. The current situation in the Federation cannot be separated from him!"

More generals remained silent, and the expressions of the civil servants became subtle. They communicated silently with each other's eyes, as if they were already thinking about what they could do for themselves and themselves from this incident. How many benefits can be gained by the group to which one belongs!

Marshal Bevis watched the reactions of others with a dull expression. He had anticipated today's situation from the beginning of the war, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly!

He is the Commonwealth's Minister of Defense and has served this country for hundreds of years. I have spent all my life's efforts here! Due to his outstanding military exploits, he rose through the ranks and eventually became one of the only two staff-wielding marshals in the Federation. The Marshal's Scepter is the highest honor a soldier can receive! Only those with extremely outstanding military talents and undoubted contributions to the Federation may be awarded the award!

There is no false person under the great reputation! How could he be so miserable in the eyes of others if he could reach this point? Today's situation only shows that the commander's ability is not everything that determines victory or defeat on the battlefield!

Only he himself knows that it is the authority of the supreme commander. How many hands are held!

More than two months ago, the fleet of Bocharhanto appeared on the border for the first time. With hundreds of years of experience, he has already realized that this is an unprecedented crisis for the Federation. The troops of the alien race were at their peak, and the Federation was right in front of their guns, almost able to withstand all the pressure on its own!

During that time, the federal forces had not yet been fully mobilized and foreign aid had not yet arrived. He barely slept a wink as he moved his home to the military command hall. When you're hungry, you'll take a few sips of nutritional supplements, and when you're sleepy, you'll take a nap on the seat. After only half an hour, you'll open your eyes and start worrying about the battle situation on the front line!

In view of the fierce enemy offensive, he proposed to shrink the defense line, temporarily uncovering some remote star areas that are difficult to defend, and concentrate on guarding the areas where the Federation has a higher level of development and is densely populated. For this reason, the interests of tens of billions of people in the Frontier Star Territory had to be sacrificed!

Such a sacrifice is undoubtedly painful, but it is the only feasible approach! Facing an opponent whose combat power is far superior to our own, in order to preserve the Federation, we can only adopt this strategy of a strong man cutting off his arms!

Although the strong man broke his wrist, he saved his life. As long as his life is still there, he will naturally have a chance to make a comeback in the future!

However, the federal lawmakers quit! There are more than a dozen frontier star regions, tens of billions of people, and countless factories, mineral deposits and military bases. Just give up without a fight? Throw it all to Bocharhan's trustee? There is no such truth!

Yu Mingming, instigated by these politicians who had no military knowledge, public opinion was abuzz. The official and private media were at full capacity, and the generals were scolded bloody! Large-scale public demonstrations have never stopped!

President Tang Tingjun said to him sincerely: "War is a continuation of politics. A general who does not understand politics cannot be a general without problems! Any decision you make must not ignore the political impact and must take into account the people." Feelings!”

"If you insist on going your own way, it will bring unnecessary troubles to this government that will be difficult to clean up! It may even affect the mid-term elections of the parliament!"

"We must talk about politics, govern, and take the overall situation into consideration!"

Big picture? What is the big picture? Does the life and death of the Federation count in the overall situation? Or is it that the interests of a certain political party and certain politicians are more important to the overall situation! Are votes the most important thing in the big picture?

Only he knows how politicians make calculations. Those border star regions are areas with considerable resources, and the major chaebols have huge investments there! If the invasion of alien races is simply ignored for the time being, wouldn't all these investments be in vain?

These plutocrats don't care about the lives of the people, they only care about their own pocketbooks! I guess asking them to temporarily expose certain interests for the sake of the overall situation is equivalent to cutting off their flesh. Can they agree?

Most of the guys in the parliament are representatives of the interests of the major plutocrats. It’s unclear how much campaign money is received from them each year! After receiving benefits, how can we not do our best to cheer for the Lord?

Yu Ming understood that amidst the scolding of the media, the threat of parliament to initiate impeachment proceedings, and the joint pressure of the federal president and cabinet, the federal military god had no choice but to give in! A new combat plan was formulated aimed at comprehensive defense without losing an inch of ground!

There is no need to talk about the subsequent situation! The defense line hurriedly set up by the federal army was easily torn apart by the ferocious Bocharhanto fleet! In just one week, all those star regions fell, and tens of billions of people were originally scheduled to evacuate the rear. The migration plan was also considered by the government as "large-scale relocation of people will make the people suspicious of the war situation, and may trigger widespread panic. It was rejected on the grounds of "disturbing social order"!

The real reason is that the wealthy star regions in the rear are unwilling to accept such a large population. This will undoubtedly squeeze out employment opportunities for local people and consume a lot of resources to accommodate them!

After the fall of the Frontier Star Territory, those politicians did not learn their lesson. On the contrary, they only intensified their efforts! Sometimes an order issued not long ago will be vetoed by the president for various reasons! The Congress, on the other hand, threatened impeachment at every turn to force the military to submit!

Just like that, under the thumb of a group of politicians, the federal army was retreating steadily! Even the reinforcements from various countries have suffered disaster!

Marshal Bevis's ability to command troops ranks among the top ten in the entire star sea! It was out of their trust in him that the rebellious and famous generals from various countries agreed to establish a joint command headquarters with him as the highest command.

However, they did not realize that the power of the marshal had been completely divided by the stupid actions of federal politicians! He worked so hard on the plan! It was also destroyed by their various selfish calculations!

The actions of this group of politicians, or in other words, the actions of the major forces behind them, have gone far beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

For example, look for Shuyuan www. When a certain star field is about to fall, the Strategic Command sends a transport fleet to help people evacuate. When the last fleet was about to leave, a certain rich man asked the fleet to stay for a while longer because one of his pet dogs was lost! It was an extremely valuable pure-blood breed produced on Earth. It was said that there were no more than twenty of them in the entire star sea!

The fleet commander had no intention of paying attention to such a ridiculous request. Unexpectedly, he figured that the guy was an important figure in a large consortium, so he immediately turned on the hyperspace liaison device and lodged a complaint with the deputy speaker of the House of Representatives. The deputy speaker clearly told the commander that the parliament is preparing to propose a bill in the near future to review the performance of certain generals in the federal army during the war! What should be done is up to you!

Faced with this brazen threat, the commander caved. All the fleet's mecha units had to be dispatched to search for dogs on the entire planet's surface!

In the end, the dog was not found, but Bocharhan's fleet came! Five thousand warships, together with more than three million officers and soldiers, and nearly 100 million people on board 23,000 large transport ships, all became food for Bochar Khan's people! It's because of that dog! (To be continued.)


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