Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 536: Don’t reason with women

When Yun Xinyao saw that he was silent, she simply grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

Not to be outdone, Luo Qingyue on the other side grabbed his other arm and dragged him in the opposite direction! The two beauties just played a wrestling game like this, and he was the only one in the middle who was miserable!

Fortunately, his fighting power is strong enough and his body is strong enough. If he had been an ordinary person, he would have been torn in half!

"That's enough!" He finally got a little annoyed and suddenly shouted: "Stop making trouble, okay?"

When he got angry, his whole body suddenly showed an awe-inspiring power! The two beauties were forced to take a breath and couldn't help but let go!

"That's it for today!" He said coldly, "I will give you an answer within ten days. How about it?"

"Then...okay!" Luo Qingyue said unwillingly.

"The door to your family's race has been opened to you!" Yun Xinyao said simply, "I will immediately arrange for manpower to bring your father's relatives over. You haven't been back for so many years, it's time to meet them! "

"Don't tell others about me yet, okay? Before I make a decision!" He sighed softly, "For the sake of saving your life, I am making this request to you. Isn’t that too much?”

"Okay, I'll just obey you this time, but from now on, you have to listen to me!" Yun Xinyao blinked her eyes and finally relaxed.

"Let's go! The battle over there should be over soon!" She gently turned a bracelet on Hao's wrist, and the bracelet shot a red light towards the ground. The aircraft appeared in front of us.

It was a golden platform of about twenty square meters, a bit like the flying magic carpet in myths and legends, with large and exquisite patterns embroidered on it.

"Come up!" she greeted with a smile. Ye Qingyuan hesitated for a moment, then pulled Luo Qingyue up with him.

The flying carpet took off. The whole body was shrouded in a gorgeous golden energy shield, flying rapidly towards the battlefield nearly ten million kilometers away.

Yun Xinyao fumbled around in the space bracelet a few more times and took out a few jade-colored futons. A crystal coffee table and a set of exquisite and simple tea sets! on those items. Without exception, they are all engraved with the Yun family's emblem, the colorful golden bird.

"This is the best Longjing brought from the earth. How does it taste?" she asked Ye Qingyuan diligently. He glanced at Luo Qingyue again and added lightly: "If someone doesn't feel rare, it's not appropriate!"

Luo Qingyue's pretty face was filled with anger, and she glared at her suddenly, then picked up the small teacup in front of her and drank it in one gulp.

"Hey! This tea should be savored carefully, like this. What a waste of natural resources!" Yun Xinyao shook her head sadly.

Ye Qingyuan was afraid that the war between the two people would rekindle, so he quickly interjected: "Since this tea is shipped from the earth, it must be very precious, right? Moreover, the production of this kind of top-quality tea on the earth is not large now. , I’m afraid I can’t buy it even if I have money!”

"Yes, yes! This race sent people to the earth and spent a lot of money to get this!" She immediately said with a smile, "As a sister, I only have three kilograms of supply a year! However, If you like it, it doesn’t hurt to give it all to you to drink!”

"Well, what about this! I don't really like drinking tea. I prefer wine!"

"That's easy. There are hundreds of top-quality large-scale wineries in our race! There are even ancient brands that have existed since the age of the earth, and there are all kinds of wines. You can drink whatever you think you want to drink!" She smiled and said, "What else do you like? You might as well tell me, my sister will definitely meet your requirements!"

"He likes women! Lots of women! Is it possible that you can also help him find them?" Luo Qingyue said coldly, "Of course, you look pretty good in person, so I might as well give you to him personally." !" She really couldn't stand Yun Xinyao's deliberately showing off and deliberately wanted to embarrass her!

Yun Xinyao's face turned red and she glanced at her with shame and annoyance.

"Ahem..." Ye Qingyuan never imagined that in order to save face, she would go so far as to denigrate her own reputation! As a result, he had to pretend to cough to hide his embarrassment.

"We're almost there! The speed of this aircraft is really good. It's quite comfortable to sit on!" He changed the subject.

"Of course, this is the latest product released by this race's research institute. If you like it, take it!" She said with a smile, "It's a pity that one person's weight is too shocking. The energy loss is a lot, It’s really distressing!”

Luo Qingyue was furious, yelled and asked: "Who do you think is fat enough?"

"Then there's no need to say it, right? It's fine if someone knows it in their own mind!" She said lukewarmly.

In fact, Luo Qingyue's figure is perfect, slightly plumper than Yun Xinyao, and her temperament is cold and bright! Of course, his sister's figure has absolutely no flaws! It's just that the figure is more slender and slender, with an innate noble and elegant temperament! The two of them are like spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, equally beautiful! He had already reached this conclusion through many secret observations and comparisons.

"Please calm down for a while!" Ye Qingyuan said with a headache. He was really afraid of these two!

The battle in the Wakli system finally came to an end, and the Kilizako people suffered a rare major setback. Fifteen powerful war fortresses were all destroyed by humans, and only nine thousand of the eight or nine thousand warships escaped from the battlefield! A large number of elite warriors and totem priests were killed in battle, and the commander-in-chief was seriously injured. His combat effectiveness was permanently damaged and he had to return to his hometown to recuperate!

Of course, the loss of the human fleet is also extremely surprising. Only less than half of the 129,000 warships participating in the war remain! In the final hand-to-hand battle, the Kilizako people's near-death counterattack caused extremely heavy casualties to the Mecha Legion and the Awakened! Ye Qingyuan's division lost as much as 50% of its combat personnel. Division Commander Yalvis was also seriously injured. The casualties of other regiments were even greater, some even reaching more than 70%!

The Kilizako retreated, but only temporarily. A reinforcement fleet with a larger number and stronger combat effectiveness will be sent soon! The human fleet, at this time, no longer has the combat power to fight another battle of this scale!

Therefore, after weighing the situation, General Wei Dongyang decided to rest in place for a few days and wait until signs of reinforcements from the Kilizako people were found before retreating. The high command also approved of his actions.

Those who can survive will receive absolute awards, and those who perform outstandingly will naturally be promoted. There was another small star on Ye Qingyuan's shoulder and several medals on his chest. And Tian Xuanhao. Luo Qingyue has been nominated as a brigadier general, but if something unexpected happens, their promotion appointments will be issued soon!

"You have to help me figure out a method! Why deal with the princess of the Yun family!" In a secret room in the base. Ye Qingyuan said to Luo Hanxing a little anxiously.

"The easiest way is to transfer you out of here!" Luo Hanxing said. "However, in other war zones, the danger is probably even greater than here! And we don't have enough manpower, so we might not be able to protect you. But for that princess, now that she knows your identity, given her character, she will never It will be easily exposed temporarily!"

"If she finds out that you are missing, she will definitely search for your whereabouts! Maybe she will use the influence of her race to put pressure on us! Then it will be difficult!"

"Then there are no means to estimate?" He said depressedly, "Are you just willing to watch me being pulled back by her?"

"Of course not!" Luo Hanxing stood up. I slowly walked around the cabin a few times.

"Then you quickly figure out the means!" Luo Qingyue said anxiously, thinking about what the princess would do, she became very angry. If that woman really succeeded, she might kill her!

Luo Hanxing finally stopped and asked in a deep voice: "It's not that there are no means, but... I have a question!"

"You ask!" Ye Qingyuan responded simply.

"What is your attitude towards that race!" The lieutenant general's eyes were as cold as a knife, and he stared at him coldly and said: "Have you considered going back? If they promise you a lot of benefits, you will be a little bit Aren't you excited?"

Ye Qingyuan's expression also became serious. He stared at the other person and said, "I was not yet born when my father left his family's race! Everything about that family's race was completely foreign to me. The so-called sense of belonging to the family's race is impossible to talk about. rise!"

"According to what my later parents said, my biological father spent almost all of his net worth trying to figure out how to solve my mother's genetic stability problem. The property in his name was also embezzled by his brothers, and he had no choice but to do so. That’s when I decided to go fishing for seafood in exchange for money to treat my mother’s illness. In the end, they both died in that damn place, and even their bodies couldn’t be recovered!”

"It can be said that my biological parents were indirectly killed by people from my own race! Do you think I will have a good impression of that race? And because of my genetic problems, they will never accept me after knowing the truth. ! It’s almost more likely that I will be wiped out!”

"But for the so-called heavy profits, yes. I am an ordinary person! I also have seven emotions and eight desires, and I also hope to live a better life. But I am confident that I have enough ability to obtain it. I don't have to sell myself to that family and race. In exchange for a little leftovers!”

Luo Hanxing took a breath, and a smile appeared on his face again: "Okay, I really saw the right person! If you can estimate it like this, then I can rest assured!"

"The potential power of the Yun family is indeed difficult to estimate, but it is not their turn to make the decision in this empire yet! We cannot handle their pressure, so of course someone will handle it!"

"Who is it?" he asked.

"Her Royal Highness the Princess will arrive in two days to patrol the war zones on behalf of the Emperor!" Luo Hanxing said, "I will report your situation back to Your Highness, and she will definitely solve it! You don't need to worry!"

Yun Xinyao returned home to the race station, washed up in a hurry, and then got into her temporary palace and slept soundly! This battle almost exhausted her, and she didn't wake up until the afternoon of the next day!

When she had finished packing not long ago and was about to go out to find Ye Qingyuan, Yun Qianqian told her a piece of news that made her extremely angry: about the Yun Haihua brothers!

She entrusted the two brothers with the public funds of two billion crystal cores for safekeeping. Part of it was the purchase of materials needed by the children of the family race, and part of it was the military salary for the Awakened Legion in the next two months. This time, because the fleet of the family race suffered heavy losses, several logistics instructors decided to use the money as pensions for the fallen personnel, and they also obtained her consent.

Unexpectedly, when the instructors took her authorization document and went to the brothers to allocate funds, the two brothers couldn't get a single copper!

The instructors were her people, so naturally they would not buy into the brothers' fault, so they filed a complaint with Yun Qingfeng, the leader of the family race!

After Yun Qingfeng learned about the misdeeds of the two brothers, he became furious and wanted to punish them on the spot. Later, several of their direct descendants who were close to them begged for mercy, and they temporarily suppressed their anger and imprisoned them.

According to the rules of the family clan, if a close descendant commits a serious mistake, the family clan elders will meet to discuss the solution, and then the family head will make a decision. We are on the battlefield at this time, so keep everything simple. The direct heir of the family head and several family clan sages can make the decision through consultation!

"I remember that when these two guys were in the imperial capital, they were quite responsible and capable, so I arranged this important job for them! Who would have thought that they would do such a thing for the first time when they came out for training? I am in vain. They trust her so much!" Yun Xinyao said angrily as she rushed towards the family's ethnic meeting room.

"Your Highness! The talents of these two people are quite good, but their moral character..." Yun Qianqian's eyes twitched, "The things they did in the imperial capital were just hidden from them by someone. You have been busy practicing, These chores are not taken care of much! That’s why I don’t know the way!”

"Even if I don't know, why is Yunhui gone? He is the first heir and will succeed his father in managing the family race in the future! Is he just letting these people do whatever they want?" Yun Xinyao said angrily.

"In order to win people's hearts, Your Highness has to turn a blind eye to some things!" Yun Qianqian sighed softly, "It's just that it's too much, and he won't care at all!"

Yun Xinyao cursed in a low voice and stopped talking. She is also aware of the power disputes within her family's race. As the direct heir of her family's race, while having great power, she also has to bear more responsibilities and greater pressure than others!

Moreover, their status is not static, and they may be squeezed out at any time! In order to keep everything in hand, in addition to making contributions and sweating for the family race, you also have to manage your own connections within the family race and win over all the people who can help you! It's understandable that her brother would do this.

However, this time the two brothers made such a big fuss that even he couldn't cover it up!

When the meeting room of the family race arrived, the blood cloud guard at the door opened the door and welcomed her in respectfully.

There are more than a dozen large golden nanmu chairs in the living room. Several venerables on this expedition and the other eight heirs are already seated. Yun Qingfeng is taking the main seat.

Brothers Yun Haihua and Yun Can were kneeling in the center of the living room, their faces pale.

"Saurui, I'm late!" Yun Xinyao walked over and sat down in her place. Next to her was Yunhui, the eldest son of the current head of the family.

"Okay, everyone is here." Yun Qingfeng put down the tea cup in his hand and said coldly: "About the faults committed by the family members Yun Haihua and Yun Can! You all already know about it, and they have confessed their guilt. How to punish me? Everyone here please come up with a plan!" (To be continued.)

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