Before the several venerables spoke, Yun Xinyao spoke up first: "I don't think there's any need to discuss it. I'll just follow the previous practice. What do you think?"

The two brothers shivered and almost fell to the ground! According to past practice, if you commit such a serious mistake, you will be deprived of all reputation and status, sent to a remote planet to perform hard labor, and have no chance of power for the rest of your life!

"No! We can't all be blamed for this!" Yun Haihua howled at the top of his lungs.

"Yes! Someone deliberately framed us!" Yun Can also shouted.

Yun Qingfeng sneered: "All the money has been lost from your hands, how can you still be justified?"

"You are children of the Yun family, who dares to deliberately frame you?" Yun Hui said angrily. These two guys with bad conduct had caused him trouble in the past, but in order to exchange for the support of the branch behind them, he Tolerated! However, this time, the two guys caused too much trouble! Even he couldn't cover it.

"It was a guy who acted as a cheat and we lost everything!" Yun Haihua planned to take the blame. "He is an officer with special powers in the Imperial Regiment! It was him. I don't know what tricks he used to harm us." Lose again and again! Originally, we just thought about having fun for a while and then left!"

"Huh? Who is that person?" Yunhui asked with a suspicious look on his face. He didn't believe what these two guys said at all, and was just asking for help as a routine matter.

"His name is Ye Qingyuan!" Yun Can said hurriedly.

"What? It's her??" Yun Xinyao asked in surprise.


"Why? Do you know this person?" Yun Qingfeng asked with some confusion.

"Ye Qingyuan, I think I've heard you talk about it before!" Yunhui said hesitantly, "The genius you mentioned to me that time seems to have this name!"

"Yes! That's him!" Yun Xinyao nodded slightly, "He is indeed a genius! I am trying to find ways to bring him into the family race! No... let him return to the family race!"

"Why? Is he also a distant descendant of the Yun family?" Yun Qingfeng asked.

"Well! Let's talk about this later. Let's deal with these two people first, right?" Yun Xinyao pointed to the two guys who were still kneeling on the ground. "I suggest we just follow the past practice! How do you feel?"

"I agree!" Yunhui said immediately.

"I agree too!" A venerable person beside him also said.


The two direct heirs spoke, and other venerables and heirs immediately seconded their opinions. In the end it was passed almost unanimously.

"Okay! Then it's settled!" Yun Qingfeng said, "Take the two of them down and imprison them, and inform the head of the family of the whole story and the results of the matter. If he has no objections, this matter is settled! "

Several blood cloud guards came in immediately. Drag the two guys who were almost fainting away for a while.

Yun Qingfeng signaled everyone present to leave, leaving only Yun Xinyao, Yun Hui brother and sister.

"Okay, tell me about Ye Qingyuan!" He asked with interest.

"That's right..." She explained his situation in detail.

Although she was a little embarrassed, after all, she promised him not to leak his information, but after thinking about it, he and she soon became a family! I believe he won't care about this little thing.

"Is there a genius who might be able to break through the semi-divine level?" Yun Qingfeng asked with some confusion, "Are you so sure?"

"Of course." Yun Xinyao said, "After you meet him, you will be able to see how extraordinary he is! He is currently at the level of eight stars. Venerable Yun Qianqian has competed with him, and there is no winner. !”

"Bixing? How old is he?"

"She seems to be younger than me. She comes from a commoner star level. I don't think she would be able to practice so fast!"

At this time, Yun Qingfeng couldn't help but feel moved: "If that's true, that's incredible! Such a talent should be recruited as soon as possible. By the way. Did you just say that he is also a descendant of the Yun family?"

"Well!" Yun Xinyao nodded lightly and said, "He is the illegitimate son of a direct descendant of his family's race among the people. He may have suffered a lot in the past. Therefore, he has some misunderstandings about us. However, at present, I am sure Make him change his mind!"

"Illegitimate child? Whose is it?" Yunhui asked awkwardly.

"Yun Yuxi! The former second-in-line heir in the race." As soon as she said these words, Yun Hui didn't feel anything, but Yun Qingfeng's expression changed drastically.

"What? Who do you think his father is?" he asked urgently.

"Yun Yuxi! Is there any problem?" Yun Xinyao said blankly.

A strong wind suddenly blew in the living room, and all the antique furniture and valuable hangings in the hall were smashed to pieces.

"Follow me!" He said with a gloomy expression, "Use the inter-galactic remote light transmission communication system and contact the head of the family immediately!"

"Why?" The brother and sister were a little confused. Follow him into the secret liaison room located deep in the base.

In the Tianhua Star Territory, the Yun family is in a palace somewhere in the imperial capital.

Hereditary Prince of the Empire. Cheng Guiyun, the current head of the Yun family, was enjoying tea in an elegant and simple small garden.

This powerful figure was second only to the current emperor in power and influence. He is a slightly slender middle-aged man with extremely handsome features. However, the look that flashes inadvertently in his eyes, with a typical indifference and deepness of a superior person, makes his overall temperament tend to be feminine. .

Since the previous head of the family, Yuntianque, retired ten years ago and he took over the throne, he has indeed made a lot of achievements, steadily developing the combat effectiveness of the De family race and further expanding his influence in the empire! Even compared to the royal family, they don’t give in too much! As long as he is given a few more decades, he is confident that he will be able to push his family's race to a new peak!

With such a strong fighting power as the backing, then a certain secret motto that has been circulated within the family race for thousands of years has the basis to be realized! Demand more rights and status from the royal family, and even...

In fact, his calculation method is not unusual. On the surface, the eight aristocratic families are extremely respectful to the royal family, but secretly they all have the same idea!

Thousands of years ago, seven impoverished miners built such a foundation from scratch. At that time, the ancestors of the eight major families were loyal and took a step back. Recommend the eldest brother named Fang to the throne and establish the country as emperor! But it doesn't mean that this person will always belong to their family!

Since several founding fathers passed away one after another, the friendship between the descendants of subsequent generations is not as good as that of their ancestors! No one thinks they have too much power. Since this empire was built through the hard work of our fathers, why will this artifact always be in your family's hands?

Since the birth of the empire. The overt and covert fighting between the royal family and the aristocratic family has never stopped! Hundreds of years ago, the brilliant and brilliant Emperor Fang Hongqian almost succeeded in making the eight great families history! But in the end, they were able to breathe a sigh of relief. They had been dormant for hundreds of years, and now they have become a force that cannot be lost!

Among the racial elites of the previous generation family, Cheng Guiyun was not almost the most outstanding disciple, but he was definitely the one who was best at strategy and scheming. He was able to stand out among many powerful competitors and reach this place. It's enough to prove his ability!

Cheng Guiyun slowly played with the exquisite tea cup in his hand, with a smug smile on his lips. In a few decades, to be precise, about thirty years, he would be sure to take the Yun family a step further! At that time, the honorable title of "Your Majesty" will be added to his name, as will his descendants. They will all stand on top of all living beings! Enjoy the most noble rights and glory!

At this moment, a maid with a dignified and beautiful face hurried over and stopped in front of him. Bow and salute! His face turned slightly red due to excessive tension.

"What's the matter?" he asked with a slight displeasure, thinking that these maids were too impetuous and were so flustered when things happened, so it seemed like they had to replace them with a new batch!

"Dear Your Highness, the Gardley Federation, the Family Race Expedition Fleet has sent an urgent ultra-long-range space contact request. The grade is the highest SS+. The Family Race Venerable Yun Qingfeng requires you to speak to him personally!"

"What?" Cheng Guiyun stood up. The cost of hyperspace communication spanning tens of thousands of light years was extremely surprising. Even a superior race like the Yun family cannot use it on a large scale and can only use it once in a while on extremely important matters!

This time Yun Qingfeng sent such an urgent contact request. Something big must have happened. Could it be that the race fleet was destroyed? Will something happen to Yunhui and Xinyao? With a sense of anxiety and some incomprehension. He hurried to the secret underground liaison base.

Waving to signal the personnel in the base to exit, he went straight into the secret room of the highest grade, which only the owner of the family had the right to use. It was extremely empty, with only a golden sphere with a diameter of two meters floating in the air two meters above the ground.

This is the ultra-long-range optical transmission communication system. The sphere is only the imaging part. The main body of the equipment is hidden deep underground. It is larger than the combined volume of ten space battleships! If this thing is used once, the energy burned is enough for twenty integrated fleets to fight for a month!

After entering the multiple passwords, the golden sphere lit up. After a few seconds, Yun Qingfeng's figure appeared on the surface of the sphere.

However, within half a minute, a voice filled with shock and anger echoed in the secret room: "What did you say? That boy Yun Yuxi actually still has blood left in the world?"

Cheng Guiyun's voice contained a subtle tremor due to his extreme anger and surprise.

"What's going on? Tell me what happened in detail!" He took a few quick breaths and tried to ask in a calm tone.

"Xinyao knows the specific situation best, let her say it!" Yun Qingfeng said.

So Yun Xinyao recounted everything she knew. As she spoke, Cheng Guiyun's face became more and more gloomy, as if water might drip out at any time!

"Is he really a very good genius? At the level of an eight-star, he has real combat power that is no less than that of a Qianxing?" he asked eerily.

"Yes, this has been confirmed!" Yun Xinyao responded.

"A poor boy who grew up on a remote planet achieved such amazing achievements under the age of twenty thanks to his independent cultivation! Yun Hui, Yun Xinyao's qualifications are extremely outstanding, and they have The family’s cultivation at all costs is only at this level!” He muttered to himself.

"This boy is even more powerful than Yun Yuxi back then! What a pity, with such a good talent and beauty, why is he not the heir of me, Cheng Guiyun?"

Sorry! Child, who said you are of that person’s bloodline? After guessing that he was here, he suddenly raised his head, stared at Yun Qingfeng opposite and said:

"Uncle, you also know what happened back then! What do you think I should do now?"

"If that's the case, then we can't keep this kid!" After hesitating, Yun Qingfeng said: "It's a pity that this genius, with his qualifications, could have grown into a semi-divine powerhouse! "

Cheng Guiyun curled his lips sinisterly: "No matter how outstanding a genius is, it still takes time to grow! Besides, for us, it is meaningless whether he is excellent or not!"

"Father, what's going on?" Yun Xinyao couldn't help but felt something was wrong in her heart, and asked: "Did you estimate that you would kill him? Why did you do this? Is it possible that his qualifications are not good enough or not qualified enough?" Are you going back to your race?"

"No matter how talented he is, there is no place for him in this family's race!" Cheng Guiyun said coldly, "Uncle, figure out the means to kill him as soon as possible! You can easily do this with your fighting power! I won't I guess I won’t hear any news about him in the future!”

"Yes! I know!" Yun Qingfeng responded.

Yun Xinyao was anxious and angry. She didn't know why things would turn out this way. Yun Hui also looked confused, wondering how his father could be so out of control today.

"Did I hurt him?" she guessed apologetically, "I should probably remind him again, but it depends on him whether he can escape this disaster!"

While the senior officials of the Yun family were discussing how to get rid of him, Ye Qingyuan was enjoying a drink in the high-end bar at the base.

"This is the secret wine of our family, a drunken dream pool that has been in existence for more than 700 years!" Zhou Junyi sat opposite him and introduced it enthusiastically.

"Yeah! It's indeed a good wine!" Ye Qingyuan responded with satisfaction while looking at the transparent wine in the Hanyu wine glass.

This kind of wine fills the room with fragrance when the bottle is opened, rich and tangy, and the aroma fills the mouth when drinking. The wine is clear and clear. Although it has a high alcohol content, it has a mellow taste without any strong irritation! The wine feels soft and sweet, delicate and refreshing. It is truly a rare wine!

"Well, little brother, you and I hit it off right away and we got along very well. Since you like it, I'll give you a few more gifts later!" Zhou Junyi said with a smile. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

"In that case, I would be disrespectful!" Ye Qingyuan smiled and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Luo Qingyue, who was next to him, reached out and filled a cup for him.

"Your Majesty invited me out today for more than just drinking, right?" Ye Qingyuan said calmly, "It's really a worthwhile trip to be able to drink such fine wine! If you have any questions, you might as well tell me and see if I can help. Get busy!"

"Okay! Since you are so happy, little brother, I won't beat around the bush!" Zhou Junyi straightened his face and asked in a serious voice, "The Yun family must have been in contact with you, right?"

Sure enough, it happened again!

"Yes, and the conditions offered look very generous!" Ye Qingyuan chuckled, "It's a pity that I really don't like the practices of some of them, so I have been putting off accepting it!"

"That's good!" Zhou Junyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I also know your purpose of coming. But I really don't think about signing such a lifelong contract. I don't know how you plan to convince me?" Ye Qingyuan stared into his eyes and said. (To be continued.)

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