"Are we about to retreat?" Luo Qingyue said melancholy as she looked out the window and saw countless spaceships of all kinds passing through the wormhole in the distance.

"Yes, all combat units will be evacuated within ten hours! We are the last batch!" Luo Hanxing responded from the side, "The Kilizako army has passed through the tgd0979 wormhole, and the nearby fortress It won't take long to intercept them, they will be here soon! There is not much time left for these civilians to evacuate!"

Since the war broke out to this day, most people have left the front line through various means and moved to the temporarily peaceful rear. But for those who are unable to leave, the Strategic Command has no control at the moment and can only send them some old weapons. The future is up to them!

There are many civilians abandoned by various parties in this way on thousands of administrative planets in all major star regions! They are all people living at the bottom of society. They have not received higher education, have not undergone DNA awakening, and have not received various benefits under the social security system. They were the forgotten group in peacetime, and no one comes now. Think they are doomed!

As the war continues, there will be more and more such civilians! Until the Kilizako people are defeated and mankind regains its lost land! However, even if one day comes, this formerly prosperous and powerful country will be completely finished!

All valuable resources have been wantonly embezzled by corrupt officials in the country, and have been diverted away by the fleets of major countries in an almost plundering manner! All high-quality population resources have been divided up, and the remaining civilians will definitely be wiped out after the catastrophe! At that time, there would be nothing left in the Federation except a large devastated planet!

"Where are we going this time?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"Go to the federal capital and join the other fleets of the Imperial Regiment!" Luo Hanxing said, "Then, we will try to delay there for a few days. When things are too late, we will evacuate! All major countries are gathering their forces and preparing to take the same measures. action!”

"The troops in the capital are quite strong. It is said that a group of reinforcements arrived a few days ago. Don't they have the strength to fight?"

"Originally, the senior leaders of the coalition thought so. I just understand," Luo Hanxing said with twitching eyes, "Ever since that planet came and went, all the combat plans have become just words on paper!"

He turned on the photon computer in front of him. In the three-dimensional image, the asteroid with a diameter of 300 kilometers and a strange style appeared in front of him!

"Just three days ago, this planet passed through the xcv1097 wormhole near the capital's defense line!" Luo Hanxing frowned. "The superiors ordered a fleet to conduct a probing attack, and the result..."

"What's the result?"

"The planet was unscathed and the fleet was destroyed!"

Everyone was silent, watching the planet slowly but unstoppably approaching the human defense line, but they were helpless! Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts!

I don’t know how long humanity can last here. Once all the federal lands fall, it will be the empire’s turn to bear the pressure alone! What will the situation be like then? No one can tell!

At this time, the federal capital was outside the defense lines.

The faint blue planet passed through a wormhole not long ago and was parked quietly outside the wormhole, waiting for the large fleets accompanying it to come and join them.

"Dear Great Lord! Directly ahead is the core defense line of human civilization!" In a magnificent and luxurious palace somewhere in the center of the planet. A black crystal leader respectfully reported to Alastam Qiqig who was sitting high on the throne.

In the spacious hall, there are hundreds of thrones, and on each throne sits a powerful person from the Black Crystal Commandery category. There are more guys of the Black Crystal War General category. They are not qualified to sit down in front of the noble lord and can only act as guards.

"This should be their most important line of defense, right?" The great lord on the throne moved slightly, and a loud yet majestic voice echoed in the spacious palace: "Since the beginning of the war, our race has lost fleets and There are not a few elite warriors anymore. I originally thought this was just a weak primitive civilization, but I didn’t expect that their resistance would be so strong! For this reason, our race has to repeatedly increase its troops, and even postponed the Qianlin Sacrifice Ceremony!”

"It's a pity that the energy required to travel through the wormhole is too great, and the speed is too slow! Otherwise, the progress of my race will be much faster!" Beside the throne. One was wearing a golden robe, surrounded by three large deep purple crystal balls. Holding the crystal scepter, the totem priest who was obviously of extremely high status said: "Of course. The vast territory of the human world and the large number of individuals are indeed far beyond our prior estimation! This will lead to the predetermined plan of my race. Repeatedly postponed!”

"Yes, this starry sky is dozens of times larger than the star field occupied by our tribe! There are also a lot of resources!" The big lord said, "If they can all be brought under our control, the revival of the tribe will be greatly affected. Play a decisive role!"

"I just understand that the postponement of the Ganlin Sacrifice Ceremony is an extremely rare thing in the history of my race! Many race people in the tribe were forced to postpone their entry into the transformation period, and had to spend extra energy to do so. Maintain the stability of the body!" said the golden-robed high priest, "If it is delayed for too long, it will cause unbearable damage to their combat effectiveness, and even affect their future transformation and strength improvement! Therefore, there is not much time left for us. too much!"

"It doesn't matter, respected high priest! I have ordered to select a group of planets with considerable mineral resources and beautiful environment to build sacrificial temples on the newly occupied lands! First arrange for some racial people to hold sacrificial ceremonies. As long as the human defense line in front of us is completely Destroy it, and our race can rest in peace and rest. After the transformation period is over, we can continue our revival plan!" The great lord let out bursts of deep and sinister laughter.

"At that time, we will have a vast territory, countless precious resources, and the most delicious food! A large number of elite warriors will be born continuously, and the three brothers and I will also break through the final Shackles, become the crystal emperor with supreme power! The most important thing is to have the existence of a great god! The revival of the tribe will become a goal that is within reach!"

"At that time, we can regain everything we have lost before! A tribe with three crystal emperors, its nobility and power cannot be questioned! Such a tribe should naturally have the responsibility to lead the empire!" Jinpao The sacrifices were enthusiastic and authentic.

"Okay! Speed ​​up! After passing through two more wormholes, we can face their final power!" The big lord smiled, "As long as this line of defense is defeated, the defeat of mankind will be a foregone conclusion! At that time, we can Let’s develop our combat power with peace of mind! Those hateful bastards who control the power of the empire, one day I will trample them all under my feet!”

Federal Capital Defense Line. In the interstellar fortress numbered qwe1045, Lieutenant General Zhu Yixin stared worriedly at the dark wormhole ten light seconds away.

He has received an order from above to hold on! To this. He doesn't have much resistance. He has been in the army for many years and has been on the verge of life and death many times. He is no longer the recruit who is greedy for life and afraid of death! Since you put on this military uniform, you must have the consciousness to die in battle. What he was worried about was whether such a sacrifice was meaningful or not!

That big guy is right on the opposite side. Maybe in an hour, maybe in two hours, he will start passing through the wormhole! This fortress is under my own jurisdiction. Although he has thirty of the most powerful space-focused fission particle fortress main guns in the Federation, he is really not sure whether he can deal with that weird planet!

The above sent a fleet to try to explore its details, but it was completely eaten by the accompanying flying saucer fleet without even touching its skin, and no one escaped!

A large number of wise men have calculated back and forth based on some of the observed information, but they can't figure out its attack and defense upper limits, or even what kind of weapons it has! The technology required to create such a terrifying war machine is far beyond the reach of current humans!

Thirty light seconds behind him is the wormhole leading to the federal capital star. If he is finished, then the fall of the federal capital will be a foregone conclusion.

Suddenly, the universe shook slightly. The starlight shining in the distance seemed to be slightly distorted, and then returned to normal.

What's going on? Is it an illusion? He rubbed his eyes and found that there was nothing strange around him, and the various observation instruments in the main control room had no reaction.

However, soon, the shock occurred again, and the amplitude was larger! He was finally convinced that his feeling was correct.

When the third shock occurred, the officers and soldiers in the main control room felt it! And the source of the oscillation was confirmed!

The wormhole with a diameter of tens of kilometers is experiencing unusual fluctuations, and the intervals between fluctuations are not long or short. Every few minutes, it's like a giant cosmic beast panting.

Something creepy happened. In those fluctuations, the diameter of the wormhole is increasing extremely slowly. But it is slowly expanding at an irreversible speed!

"Enemy attack!" the officer in charge of the observation shouted nervously.

Zhu Yixin's heart suddenly sank, it was that big guy, it was finally coming!

"Get ready for battle!" he shouted with all his strength.

The sharp and piercing siren suddenly resounded through every corner of the fortress!

The piercing siren suddenly stimulated the officers and soldiers who were already on high alert. Under the anxious orders of the superiors, countless soldiers rushed to their posts like a tide, and all parts of the fortress were running crazily!

In the energy center, all reactor machine commandos have been fully activated to charge the main guns! The mecha army, the alien awakened army, and the space fighter wing are ready to go! Although they all knew that they would not have a chance to appear in the upcoming battle, they were still well prepared to attack!

The auxiliary fleet outside the fortress has an integrated corps of about 150,000 warships. The battleship is the latest model that has just left the factory. Unfortunately, most of them are controlled by new recruits. Since the war started, there are not many experienced veterans left!

"How long will it take for that big guy to come over?" Zhu Yixin asked in the main control room.

"According to the current rate of expansion of the wormhole, it is estimated that there will be about two hours and seventeen minutes left!" an officer in charge of the observation responded.

"Very good! The main gun is ordered to accelerate charging, all unnecessary functional areas and equipment are locked and supplied with energy, and the reactor commando team can operate at overload," Zhu Yixin said. "All secondary guns should stop supplying energy, and the fortress energy shield can also be removed! Don't be surprised, in front of that big guy, the result will be the same whether there is an energy shield or not!"

"The priority is to recharge the main gun! With this arrangement, how much energy can be accumulated?"

"Enough for the main gun group to fire three rounds at full operation rate! In fact, the existing equipment is only enough for the main gun group to temporarily reserve the energy required for three rounds of firing! The commando team cannot bear any more!" Another one An officer quickly pushed it aside for a moment and replied.

"That's enough!" Zhu Yixin sighed softly, "We only have three chances to attack at most, and we may not even have three chances, just one! After the opponent reacts, the steel shell under our feet will definitely block it. I can’t hold them back!”

Thinking that the main gun of the fortress was slow to recharge, he applied for more reactor commandos from above in advance and doubled the energy center in the fortress in order to have one or two more attack opportunities. However, Now it seems that his efforts may not mean much!

"Sir, we can attack the wormhole to prevent them from getting through!" A young staff officer suggested.

"It is not used. The spatial structure of this wormhole is extremely stable. Under the most reasonable situation, the bombardment of the fortress cannon can cause spatial disturbance and temporarily block it for a while! But after a long time, it is still not suitable for use! Zhu Yixin shook his head and said, "Besides, given the technological level shown by the other party, why is there no way to deal with it? Therefore, this plan will not work!"

"I heard that the Federation has also conducted research on space technology to block wormholes before. I don't know what the results were!" an officer said, "If there were some results back then, we wouldn't be so passive now!"

"There has been some research," Zhu Yixin said, "This technology has violated the interests of the ghost race. The volleyball group didn't know where they got the news. After some operations, the federal officials put the project It’s been chopped off!”

"That group of volleyball players has always been like this!" an officer said angrily, looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com "They regard the field of space technology as a forbidden area for them. No matter which big country in the human world, if they want to conduct space-related research, they will pay close attention to it! For those who study related technologies without their permission The country and the commando organization are trying their best to suppress and destroy them! Hey! These hateful guys!"

"Those federal officials are also cowards. They dare to betray anything after receiving some benefits!"

"Okay, stop complaining!" Zhu Yixin said, "It's useless to talk about this now. It's better to figure out what to do next!"

"I order all space fighter fleets, Awakened Legions, and Mecha Legions to leave the fortress and retreat to the wormhole behind! The fleet must also withdraw, because you will not be used in the upcoming battle. Instead of being here If you die in a ghost place, it is better to go to the rear and save more vitality for the federation!"

"General, is this..." an adjutant said hesitantly.

"This is an order!" Zhu Yixin said solemnly, "They are the few elites left in the Federation, and they should not be buried needlessly here! There is almost a glimmer of life if we go back, but for me, I will be here with everyone. Life or death!" (To be continued.)

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