Everyone was speechless, the order was immediately issued and implemented! Ten minutes later, all the troops who received the order were withdrawn one by one.

"You guys should go too!" Looking at the officers in the main control room, the general said: "The main gun has been charged, and the next operation is very simple. Only a few people can be used! You can all leave, and the rest will be done It’s up to me!”

Everyone was shocked and spoke out against it!

"General, you can't do this. Why don't you leave! I will be responsible for the attack then!" his adjutant said.

"General, I am the fire control instructor, and what happens next is my responsibility. You all should leave!" an older officer pleaded.

"You are not allowed to argue with me! This is an order!" Zhu Yixin said angrily. "As long as I am alive, I will be your general, and you must listen to my words!"

At this moment, a major officer next to him suddenly jumped up, took out a particle gun and put it against Zhu Yixin's head, saying: "General, I'm sorry! Please go with everyone, your life should not be sacrificed." Over here!" As he spoke, more than a dozen officers came over to surround him.

"Asshole, what are you going to do?" Zhu Yixin yelled angrily.

The major did not answer, but turned to the other officers and shouted: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and escort the general away! We will be responsible for what happens next!"

Everyone hesitated for a while, but finally approved his arrangement without objection. More than 90% of the personnel "escorted" Zhu Yixin to the battleship berthing area, with less than 20 people remaining in the main control room.

Sweep, General! I don't think I would treat you this way. However, the Federation now has very few high-quality officers with brains and responsibility left! Those damn politicians have reduced the Federation to what it is today. It's all their fault!

In order to leave some sparks of revival for the Federation, I can only do this! I hope you don't hate me!

Watching everyone's leaving figures, the major muttered.

"Okay! Now I am the supreme commander of the fortress! I order. All main guns aim at the wormhole, and wait for that guy to show up. Then hit me hard!" He ordered.

"Understood, sir!" the remaining officers and soldiers responded loudly.

Time passed by minute by minute, more than two hours, whether it was long or short, the last moment finally arrived!

The wormhole has slowly expanded to a diameter of three hundred kilometers. It is pitch black inside, like a ferocious cosmic beast opening its gluttonous mouth!

A more violent vibration occurred. It's like the whole universe is shaking! A cold, icy, inhuman and terrifying aura slowly escapes through the wormhole! Even millions of kilometers away, the major, who was under heavy protection, could clearly feel it!

As the vibrations continued, the darkness inside the wormhole slowly faded, turning into light black, and then replaced by a palpitating blue!

The terrifying aura is getting stronger and stronger. The palace of the great lord has entered the wormhole and will appear here soon!

"Prepare to attack!" the major roared, staring intently at the wormhole. The fire control instructor's finger has already been placed on the huge blood-red launch button!

Tens of seconds later, the faint blue became clearer and clearer, and the devil-like figure of the entire palace began to emerge! A terrifying aura as deep as the sea rushed over unbridled. Chilling!

"Main guns No. 1 to No. 5, test attack at full operating rate!" The major suppressed the fear in his heart and ordered loudly.

"Yes!" The fire control instructor locked the target for the last time and suddenly pressed the launch button.

The fortress shook, and five almost black light pillars with a diameter of tens of meters and a thickness of dozens of meters rushed towards the target with destructive energy that was enough to shatter the stars!

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the wormhole!

Ten seconds later, the light beam hit the target without any suspense, the universe shook, and a colorful array of photons appeared!

"How effective is the attack?" the major asked nervously.

soon. The photons dissipated and the space returned to stability. The planet was unscathed. Not even a scratch on the skin!

"Damn!" the major cursed angrily, and then ordered: "All main guns. Aim at the target, 120% operation rate, fire!"

Thirty beams of destruction light spurted out from the thick muzzle, roaring towards the target!

The figure of the planet has completely squeezed out of the wormhole and is floating quietly in the universe without any movement, allowing the fortress cannon to attack!

A few seconds later, the beam of destruction hit the target again. It could be seen through the hyperspace monitor that the layers of patterns on the planet's huge body were vibrating, twisting, and deforming at a strange frequency and first-level speed, as if they were alive. Objects generally wander around on the surface of the planet!

As those patterns reacted, an extremely thin film of light was covered around the planet. The energy, which was so huge that it was immeasurable, fell on the light film, stirring up bursts of colorful halos, but never harming the light film. The main body is half a star!

All the energy, like a mud cow entering the sea, disappeared in just a few seconds!

"What should we do now?" A feeling of despair arose in everyone's hearts.

"Inject all the energy into the commando team, achieve a 170% operational rate, and shoot again!" the major roared with a livid face.

"Sir, this has exceeded the ultimate design load of the machine commando and will melt the main gun barrel!" the fire control instructor said hesitantly.

"How long has it been? Are you still worried about this?" the major scolded, "We only have this one chance! If it doesn't work, we will all die. Do we want to leave this fortress intact to the enemy?"

"Okay!" The fire control instructor clenched his teeth and began to operate on the photon computer.

The planet was still waiting quietly. From the wormhole behind it, a large number of saucer-shaped battleships swarmed out and lined up behind the planet.

More than ten seconds later, with the harsh warning sound of the commando unit being overloaded, the third round of attacks was launched!

This time, the light film on the surface of the planet seemed to fluctuate, just like the ripples caused by a stone thrown into the water. I regretfully understood that after the energy of the light pillar was released, the light film still showed no sign of collapse!

The major slowly adjusted his uniform and appearance, and then said calmly: "Okay. We have tried our best! What happens next has nothing to do with us!"

"The last command is to activate the fortress's self-destruction program. I will live and die with the fortress here! But for everyone, please do as you please!"

"We are the same. We live and die with the fortress!" Everyone present responded firmly.

"Okay!" the major exhaled softly, "go find some bottles of wine, let's have one last drink!"

Several boxes of red wine were quickly brought in. Everyone took a bottle and unscrewed the cap.

"I hope we can still be soldiers together in the next life!" the major said solemnly.

"Yes, everyone should be like today in the next life, sharing life and death!" the fire control instructor said.

“I just hope we never have to deal with such a dirty and incompetent government again!” Someone else sighed.

"Don't worry. If that's the case, let's just overturn it!" the major said proudly.



"They don't seem to be attacking anymore!"

In the palace, the great lord asked with some confusion: "Who can tell me why this is?"

"Sir, maybe they have realized that their attacks have no effect on us, so they stopped doing unnecessary actions!" the golden-robed priest analyzed.

"Sir, an abnormal energy reaction was discovered in that fortress!" A leader of Mo Jing came in to report.

"Are you ready to risk your life? They are really a bloody race!" The big lord sighed, "Okay! As a sign of respect for this race, just help them!"

"I will obey your will, sir!" Commander Mo Jing said in awe.

A place near the central axis of the planet suddenly sunk. A deep shaft with a diameter of three hundred meters was exposed.

A small ray of light flashed rapidly in the shaft for a while, and then quickly expanded into a miserable green light pillar three hundred meters thick. Rush to the human fortress millions of kilometers away!

The light beam hit the target without any hindrance, and only a burst of strong light flashed. This metallic celestial body, which is hundreds of kilometers in diameter and represents the world's first-class technological level of mankind, quickly melted into a huge ball like snow under the scorching sun. liquid metal balls, and then evaporated under the action of terrifying high temperatures!

In the universe, a ball of iron-gray fireworks exploded silently, and then slowly dissipated!

"Let's move on! Go through another wormhole. This will be their last line of defense!" the big lord said lightly.

Federal capital star area, coalition headquarters.

In the core conference room. High-ranking generals from all major countries gathered together, with Federal President Tang Tingjun sitting at the head. Close to him was a ten-meter-square monitor on one side, which displayed the capital's defense line in detail.

With the capital star and the seven nearby planets as the center, and five star systems within a radius of 130 light-years as barriers, the last elite forces of the Federation were deployed along the entire defense line, as well as reinforcements from major countries! The monitor is filled with dense red light dots, and each light dot represents a reorganized fleet! Those larger light spots are mobile interstellar fortresses, and the larger red stars are fixed interstellar forts, fortresses, fortresses and other large combat facilities!

There are only more than 300 integrated fleets and 11 mobile interstellar fortresses left in the Federation; plus more than 900 integrated fleets from major countries, 39 mobile interstellar fortresses; and more than ten large fixed fortresses. ! There are more than seventy Awakened Legions. This is the entire defense force of the human coalition here!

From a literal point of view, the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces is not weak, but this is for a conventional situation! Encountering the Kilizako people, this military force that usually seems to be so powerful that it is immeasurable becomes a child's toy! All because of that asteroid, the palace of the great lord!

At this time, everyone was staring at the monitor, with pale faces!

On the huge display, the strange blue planet has passed through the last wormhole. Surrounded by a large number of saucer-shaped battleships, it is slowly but surely heading towards the defense line of the capital star field!

"How long does it take for it to get here?" the president asked as calmly as he could.

"At the current pace, there are still less than eighteen hours!" a general responded.

"In this case, can our current military deployment be able to stop them? If not, how long can it be sustained at most?" the president asked again.

"If the opponent is just a combination of battleships and fortress commandos, we can completely block them with our existing combat power!" An admiral licked his lips and said, "The focus of the problem is that big guy! According to the information sent back from the front News, the Federation’s most powerful fortress main gun can’t do anything to it with its overloaded attack, so we must find another countermeasure! If we don’t destroy this thing, the ensuing war will be really meaningless!”

"Well, do you have any good ideas?" the president asked.

"In fact, there is no means!" Jing Feng, the newly appointed federal marshal, responded with an embarrassed look, "The technological level represented by this planet has far exceeded the upper limit of what the human world can recognize! At present, it is actually estimated that only But there are weapons that can deal with it!”

"Then what you mean is that we don't need to fight this war?" The president's face began to look ugly. It would be better if the marshal was his confidant, and he would have been angry a long time ago!

"The only feasible method at present is to mobilize all the main guns of the fortress and concentrate firepower to attack that big guy! I hope to find out its upper limit of defense. If luck is good, we may be able to cause absolute damage to it!" Shuo Feng! Fang Yukun, the empire’s top commander in the federation, said.

"Yes, this is the safest choice we can take at the moment!" Yan Qinghong, the top commander of the Xuanluo Federation, agreed.

"But don't expect to destroy it with our existing power!" Lomonov, the commander of the Genaslok Empire, said coldly: "This big guy, maybe there are some in the top-secret research institutes of several big countries. The things I have researched can be used to deal with it, but those things are currently not at the star level that should be used, so it will not help! Therefore..."

"So what?" the president asked expressionlessly.

"We should think it's time to retreat!" The bearded admiral stared at him sarcastically and said, "In the entire capital star area, all the people and materials that can be evacuated have almost left! At present, find Shuyuan www. zhaoshhuyuan.com Let the last group of people, everyone who can leave, leave!"

"Mr. President, maybe you can consider the commandos to establish a government-in-exile right now! Or maybe you were ready many days ago?"

"Let your government officials also start to transfer! Of course, before you leave, don't forget to leave a group of clones to replace your government officials. They should also show their naked bodies from time to time to show that they will live and die with the Federation. Before you leave, There are not many people left who can maintain that little bit of glorious image in front of their eyes!”

"Then, your government can set off. The star sea is so big that you can go anywhere! Except our country, of course! Although the empire is hospitable, it only welcomes real heroes. There is no need for shameless, weak and incompetent politicians!" The general! There was unmistakable contempt and disdain in his voice, and even the generals from other countries had sarcastic expressions on their faces.

Rao is a well-educated President, and his face could not help but be covered with a layer of blue-grey at this time, but he did not dare to have an attack after all.

"Okay! Now that you have all decided, the federal army will stay here until the last breath!" He endured his anger, "But for those who need to retreat, the federal will make unified arrangements later! I am already tired. I plan to take a rest for a while. I’ll leave the rest to you!” (To be continued.)

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