Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 545 The roar of willow branches

He stood up and walked out of the conference room slowly.

The president's exclusive luxury motorcade was already waiting in the square outside. Several dignified and beautiful internal affairs staff came to welcome him into the most luxurious car.

"Is everything done?" The president changed his appearance and asked impatiently as he sat down on the sofa not long ago.

A woman with a fiery figure and an extremely charming face immediately responded: "All the crystal core reserves of the federal treasury and the central bank have been transported and stored in a safe place! There are also various precious metals, precious resource reserves, and the universe. Rare treasures, high-grade supernatural equipment, and cultural relics and antiques have all been transported away by the secret fleet loyal to you!"

"That's good!" The president breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's leave later! There is no oil and water left in this place. It's time to change to another place to enjoy the blessings. The sea of ​​​​stars is so big that you can go anywhere! With all this wealth in hand Here, we can do anything!"

"Let those terrible devils be taken care of by those pretentious generals! We have worked for the Federation for so many years, so we should get some remuneration and find a place to retire!" As he said, he hugged the man The woman put her hands into her uniform and rubbed it vigorously!

"When this war is over, let's find a place to commando again and build a federation, no, an empire!" He gasped, "I'm fed up with the anger of those congressmen! I want to build an empire this time , I have the final say on everything!”

"Then I wish your Majesty success!" The woman said with a sweet smile, "By then, I will be your queen!"

"Okay! No problem!" The president laughed, "Baby, your figure is getting more and more attractive!"

With a strong tug with both hands, she tore her thin uniform into pieces, and then rushed towards the white body...

Just when the president of the Federation was having sweet dreams. The senior leaders of the strategic commands of major countries have also begun to take action! The generals have reached an agreement. When the big guy enters the defense range, all the fortress main guns will be concentrated on it to attack it with extreme intensity. Regardless of the outcome, all fleets will retreat immediately after the attack!

The fleets of various countries are in the process of withdrawing to the rear star field. Try to calculate the means to slow down the actions of the Kilizako people. Finally, he retreated to the territory of Shuofeng Empire, relying on the defense line there and acting with discretion. At the same time, the higher-ups will send envoys to visit the major established alien civilizations, trying to ask them to help deal with the planet!

The federal officers and soldiers in the fortress were fully in place at this time, even though they knew that the ensuing battle would be fatal! But they still did not retreat and still performed their duties as a soldier!

On monitors that can be seen everywhere in the fortress, the federal president and a group of government officials are still delivering passionate speeches, calling on the people to resist until the last moment. Vow to live and die with the Federation! But few people know whether it is the real person or a clone!

When the bodies of these borers boarded the spacecraft and passed through the wormhole, the Kilizako fleet had already entered the defense circle of the federal capital star field!

Countless fleets formed a neat array and retreated in an orderly manner through more than a dozen wormholes on the other side of the star field. When the great lord's palace moved outside the defense circle of the federal capital star field, in addition to dozens of large and slow-moving mobile interstellar fortresses, there were also several larger fixed fortresses. There are also countless densely packed self-controlled space forts in planetary synchronous orbits. There are not many traces of human beings in Nuoda's defense zone!

In those fortresses, all redundant personnel have been evacuated. Only a few extremely important operating positions that cannot be replaced by biological chemical human soldiers will be controlled by real people!

their tasks. It is to control the fortress's main gun to launch the last and most violent salvo bombardment on that planet! Injure it as much as possible, or even try to find out some of its key data, such as the upper limit of defense, ultimate acceleration, the number and attack frequency of its own main guns, and what other unknown attack methods it has!

The entire star field is covered with various detection instruments, from the cheapest nano cloud monitoring system to the highest quality multi-dimensional tomography analyzer. From thermal energy, magnetic energy. Light energy to antimatter energy, vacuum zero point energy. There is also the hyperspace energy tide. A complete detection system established using various energy characteristics covers the entire star field!

At the other end of the star field, beside the wormhole leading to the rear, there are hundreds of large exploration ships parked there. All kinds of analytical instruments representing the highest level of technology in the human world are all turned on. Inside each exploration ship, there are There is a top-of-the-line giant photon computer, and hundreds of photon computers are networked for calculations. They can analyze and organize the collected information in the first time and give the results that are closest to the facts. Countless high-operation rate antennas are all pointed at the planet. The direction of the attack!

The high-level fleets of all major powers are staying on the wormhole side. The next actions are crucial, related to the direction of the subsequent war process, and even the life and death of human civilization. They cannot help but ignore it!

"All the fortress main guns have been charged, and are controlled by a small commando team. We only have one chance to attack this time!" Fang Yukun said on his ship, watching his colleagues on the monitor. : "Of course, I don't have high expectations for this operation. I hope you will also be prepared!"

Yan Qinghong said on the monitor: "After the video data of the fortress attack was sent back, experts have conducted careful analysis and research on it, and initially determined that the planet's defense method is an extremely superb one, which is consistent with space. Technology related to characteristics! It is almost an energy impact that is enough to affect the stability of the space structure. When it reaches its eyes, it will be pulled to the alien space fault by the light film-like thing, and it will be differentiated and ablated!"

"No matter how powerful that thing is, it should have an upper limit, right?" Lomonov immediately asked, "Then I don't believe that it can even absorb and convert the energy of a star in this way!"

The corner of Yan Qinghong's mouth curled up slightly, and she elegantly twitched the corners of her eyes and said: "Of course that's impossible! If they have the ability to do that, the entire universe must be their territory! According to our experts, We have conducted multiple simulation tests based on the information we have collected, and found that even an energy impact that is five times stronger than that attack will not have any impact on it!"

"More than five times?" Fang Yukun asked immediately.

"Five to ten times the energy will initially affect the stability of the light film!" Yan Qinghong said. "But it's not enough to harm the planet itself! About twenty times the energy can completely render the light film useless! About fifty times the energy may affect the defense of the planet itself. It will cause some slight damage to it. s damage!"

"It is estimated that to really damage that planet, at least a hundred times more energy will be needed. That means at least three thousand fortress cannons of that caliber can be overloaded to attack!"

As soon as this horrifying conclusion came out, the generals of the various countries couldn't help but feel a little pale.

"If that's the case, then the various fortresses and forts in the defense circle add up to this number! I just understand," Lomonov said, "this inference is based on the fact that it has no other means of defense. Under the premise! And even with that extremely strange layer of light film, we can’t be sure that there is only one layer. If there are two or three layers, then there is no need to say anything!”

"So let's just take a gamble!" Fang Yukun sighed, "Anyway, those fortresses won't have time to evacuate, so let's take a chance at the end!"

The asteroid that has entered the range of the fortress's main gun is still moving forward unhurriedly. Faced with the locking of countless giant cannons, there is no other reaction on the surface of the planet except for the reappearance of the thin layer of strange aurora film!

Perhaps, in their view, as long as the big lord takes action, this weak race has nothing to worry about! Even if there are more cannons. There is nothing we can do about the great lord’s palace!

"Energy injection, the one-hundred-second countdown begins!" In a fortress, the leading commander ordered: "I request an overload attack! But as for how much more. I understand what I mean, as long as the body is not only able to collapse immediately! Anyway, it is a Hammer sale!”

"Yes! Sir, we understand!" Shen Ning's solemn reply came from various fortresses.

"They seem to be planning to attack again!" In the palace, the golden-robed priest said in confusion: "Didn't the lesson learned that time be enough? These ignorant guys, although they have more cannons this time, they are still not enough to challenge the great lord. The majesty of it!"

"Never mind! Let them see the power and majesty of the palace again!" the big lord said calmly.

"Understood, sir!"

"Ten, nine, eight, seven,..., two, one, launch!"

As the commander shouted the last two words with all his strength, thousands of fortress-grade main guns in the entire capital star field simultaneously fired their strongest blow! Blazing light flashes across the universe. Thousands of thick beams of destruction roared out of the muzzle and rushed towards the intended target! This can be seen through monitoring satellites. After firing this blow, nearly half of the fortress cannon barrels were already in a molten state. Mostly scrapped!

At the expense of thousands of fortress-grade main guns self-destructing, they only attack one target! This is unprecedented in the history of war in the human world, if not unprecedented!

At the intersection of the energy beams, the mysterious light film appeared again on the asteroid, but this time, it disappointed the great lord!

Countless branch-like cracks appear in the universe! The crack is a darker color that is deeper than the deserted universe! Wherever it affects, the laws of space are completely out of balance, and endless space energy storms surge out!

Under the action of these cracks, the light film quickly disintegrated and melted like boiling water and snow! Those mysterious huge patterns also dimmed, and then the violent energy tide acted directly on the planet itself!

"Not good! The barrier of gods has been breached!" The golden-robed priest's expression changed drastically. "Quick, activate the second defense system!"

A circle of gray brilliance emerged from the interior of the planet. It resisted for less than half a second before being torn apart by the energy tide. Then came the second, third... until the tenth layer of brilliance completely offset the space cracks. Destructive impact!

The reaction of the golden-robed priest was still a little late. The side of the planet that was attacked had already melted away almost two kilometers of armor, and caused considerable damage to various internal facilities! If the energy tide continues for two more seconds, the planet's armor will be completely melted through, and this big guy will not be far from being completely scrapped!

In fact, this planet originally had a lot of defense methods. If they were all activated, then no matter how many times more main guns were used, they might not be able to cause effective damage to it! It's a pity that from the big lord down, the entire Kilizako people's top brass have too little regard for human war machines! That resulted in the boat almost capsizing in the gutter!

Around the planet, there were many fleets that were closer and were affected by the space energy storm. They did not have the incredible defense of the planet. In just ten seconds, nearly 29,000 warships were directly strangled. It’s turned into pieces!

"Damn, why is this happening?" The great lord reacted from the shock and made a furious voice: "These low-grade primitive life forms actually dare to harm the things of the great Kilizako race! They actually Anyone who dares to attack my palace will die, they will all die!"

The pressure as vast as the abyss was raging in the spacious palace, and all the commanders of Mo Jing were so frightened that they lay on the floor and trembled!

"Attack! Attack with all means!" the big lord roared fiercely, "Destroy all these damn primitive forts! Destroy all military bases! Destroy all these planets! No! Still! Not enough! All the planetary systems in this place must be destroyed!"

"Destroy, destroy them all! I want those low-grade reptiles to know! The dignity and glory of my race cannot be desecrated! The nobility and power of my race cannot be compared to their low-grade reptiles!"

Under its crazy order, look for Shuyuan The planet slowly turned around, turning the side that had not been attacked towards the defense circle of the capital star. On the blue surface, there were suddenly many areas. It sunk down, revealing a total of 80 deep shafts with a diameter of 300 meters!

Dots of light flashed in the shaft, and the next moment, 80 thick green beams of light roared out, rushing towards those fortresses that had lost the ability to fight back!

The target was destroyed without any suspense, melted into balls of metal juice, and then directly vaporized by the terrifying high temperature! The attack speed of the planetary main gun is extremely fast. Such a large-caliber killing weapon was fully charged in less than ten minutes, and the second round of destruction beam rushed out of the shaft!

The accompanying fleets and war fortresses also opened fire, destroying all the fortresses, forts, armed satellites, and spaceports they could see! Then, all the main guns of that planet were aimed at the surface of the capital star!

"Attack!" Following the ruthless command of the great lord, 80 beams of destruction tore open the atmosphere and slammed into the coastline of the Eastern Continent with thunderous force!

That place is the weakest point of the continental plate. The powerful main gun easily penetrated the earth's crust, shot deep into the ground and exploded! In an instant, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, smoke and clouds covered the sun, and the colors of the heaven and earth changed! (To be continued.)

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