A deep roar came from the ground, and large streams of dark red magma suddenly erupted, rushing straight up to an altitude of several thousand meters before scattering and exploding! Falling to the ground again, wherever it goes, the rivers dry up, the vegetation turns to ashes, and all life is reduced to ashes!

Thousands of beams of destruction fell from the sky, and the Kilizako fleet began to attack the entire planet. The blue ocean was directly boiled by the terrifying high temperature, and all the life forms in it were killed! Then the entire sea area was evaporated and turned into a large thick dead gray lead cloud, completely covering the planet's surface!

This planet with extremely beautiful natural environment, the highest power center of the Federation, and one of the most prosperous places of human civilization, was brutally destroyed like this! It turned into a dead planet without any life breath and lava flowing everywhere! More than 100 million people were killed before the higher authorities had time to evacuate!

The furious lord issued a cruel order. The capital star field, together with more than ten nearby planetary systems within a hundred light years, a total of more than fifty administrative planets, all suffered such a devastating blow! All the more than three billion people who have not yet evacuated were killed!

"Dear Lord, the palace has been severely damaged and must be repaired on a large scale. For this reason, you will not be able to ride on it for the next period of time!"

In the asteroid, the golden-robed priest reported his analysis conclusion to the high lord after comprehensively assessing the status of the palace. ***

"How long will it take to completely repair it?" the great lord asked coldly.

"It will take at least thirty days!" said the golden-robed priest.

"Why does it take so long?"

"The various precious metals and equipment needed to repair the palace are only available in the tribe! During this expedition, because there was no possibility that the palace would be damaged, these things were not prepared! Therefore..." Jin The priest replied sheepishly.

"Can't we postpone it for a while?" the big lord said angrily.

"Sir, if you ignore the damage to the palace and forcefully go out, then in the ensuing war, it will only be able to exert about 50% of its combat power! Moreover, humans have already explored some key points of the palace through this attack. Data. If they attack like this a few more times, we can’t be sure that the palace will not be damaged in any way!”

"Moreover. Along the way, the palace has passed through hundreds of wormholes. In addition, the high-density firing of the main gun group has depleted the palace's energy reserves to a level that worries me. We must transport enough energy from the rear. Yes, a special high-density energy crystal specially designed for use by the palace envoys! Only in this way can the palace's strong combat power be guaranteed!" The golden-robed priest patiently persuaded.

"Okay! Then find a place to rest for a while, and notify the rear to transport the supplies as soon as possible!" The big lord finally made a concession unwillingly, "However. Order the fleet below, they can continue to pursue the remaining enemies, and cannot let those The damn reptiles need to catch their breath!"

"Also, order the priests to immediately conduct a comprehensive inventory of the planets and select qualified planets to build sacrificial temples! Hold a Qianlin sacrificial ceremony to allow some races to enter the transformation period first!" the big lord ordered, "This matter is of vital importance It’s important, it’s related to my race’s control over this starry sky in the future, and there must be no mistakes, you know?”

"I obey your will. Dear Sir!" The commanders of Mo Jing below accepted the order in unison.

"Okay, everyone has received detailed analysis and feedback on the results of this attack. What should we do next?" Yan Qinghong said on the coalition flagship, looking at his colleagues on the monitor.

At this time, the huge fleet of the coalition had retreated to the Yanzhou Star Territory, which was seven hundred light years away from the Capital Star Territory.

"Although this big guy is surprisingly powerful, it is not without its weaknesses! As long as our commando team launches such a round of attacks, we can almost completely destroy it!" Lomonov said.

"That's not necessarily true. The reason why this attack was effective is largely because the opponent underestimated the enemy and was unprepared!" Admiral Romulus from the Republic of Tiloia said, "They are unlikely to give us the same opportunity again. !”

"According to the latest information obtained, the big guy is stopped in the Yilan Star Territory at this time. It is no longer moving forward!" Admiral Fang Yukun said, "Maybe. It is seriously damaged and will take time to repair! But there is no way to be sure. How long it takes!”

"Perhaps. This is an opportunity for us! Their fleets are currently dividing their forces and heading to different star fields through major wormholes to sweep. We can take some measures depending on the situation! For example, we can concentrate local superior forces to attack their small fleets that are alone. Carry out an encirclement and annihilation campaign and eliminate as much of their vitality as possible!" Yan Qinghong suggested.

"Is it possible?" Romulus asked doubtfully.

"I think it's feasible," Lomonov said. "While their forces are dispersed, we can concentrate on fighting a few battles. We can definitely make them suffer some losses! This will reduce the pressure for future wars!"

"I agree too!" Fang Yukun said.

Generals from various countries have expressed their support for direct war, and most of them are waiting for opportunities to annihilate the enemy.

"Okay, then let's discuss the specific deployment, delineate the areas where each is responsible, and the details of mutual support!" Yan Qinghong said.

While the top leaders of the coalition were arguing about the new battle plan, Wei Dongyang's fleet and friendly forces stationed in other places also rushed nearby and were about to join the country's main fleet!

"What is the plan above? Didn't you say to evacuate to the country before?" In the main control room of the battleship, Ye Qingyuan said to Luo Hanxing with some confusion: "You are planning to fight a few more games here, right?"

"It's better to fight on other people's territory than to fight in your own home!" Luo Hanxing said with a smile, "As long as there is a glimmer of hope, the higher authorities will not temporarily reveal the option of defending the enemy from outside the country! Their losses here The bigger it is, the longer it takes, and the less pressure we will have in the future!"

"Well, that's the truth!" Ye Qingyuan nodded gently.

"That's not why I came to you this time!" Luo Hanxing said solemnly, "Her Royal Highness the Princess and her entourage arrived at the fleet station three hours ago and are meeting the generals!"

"What does this have to do with me?" he asked with some confusion.

"Of course it does matter!" Luo Hanxing said, "Her Highness the Princess already knows about you and plans to receive you alone!"

"What?" He almost jumped up in shock. "I'm just a small colonel. Why does Her Royal Highness want to see me?"

"But this colonel is extraordinary! In less than a year after activating his superpower, he rose from one star to nine stars in a year and a half. And he is still an incredible being who can fight against strong men from the Qianxing. His military rank was promoted from second lieutenant to colonel. He is only one step away from being a general! Moreover, this colonel is a bloodline left by a certain super-class family among the people. Now because of the grievances of the previous generation, the family owner has given a killing order! Such a colonel. Isn’t it worth it? Your Highness, would you like to pay special attention to me?"

As Luo Hanxing spoke, his face became darker and darker.

"Did you tell Her Highness the Princess everything about me?" He said with a sullen face, "Why did you say that in the first place? It seems that I didn't do anything wrong to you, right?"

"It's not that I broke my promise, but Her Royal Highness knew it herself!" Luo Hanxing sighed lightly.

"You have to know that although I am a general of the Empire's Security Department, I am considered a high-ranking and powerful person by outsiders! But all this is based on the trust of Her Royal Highness. Since I debuted, the Security Department has been Her Highness's. It’s our territory! Don’t expect anything that happens here to be hidden from His Highness’s eyes and ears!”

"Contains my business?"

"Yes. It involves you!" the general said with certainty, "I have tried my best to help you cover it up, but anyone can hide it, except His Highness! The reason why she didn't wear it was just because of my previous My performance was pretty good, it just made her feel like I was still useful!"

"...How should I correct this?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. The princess is very interested in your life experience. According to my estimation, she has no reason to embarrass you at the moment! She just called you over to have a chat with you. You don't need to worry!" Luo Hanxing comforted! he said. "Come with me. Your Highness is not in the habit of waiting for others!"

He thought about it, but there was nothing he could do, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

The temporary base of the fleet was chosen near a defective administrative star. Since the war has not yet approached this star field, most of the Federation people on the planet are still there. The various industrial facilities on the planet are relatively complete, so it was chosen as a place for the fleet to rest.

At this time, in the synchronous orbit of the planet, five hundred silver-gray warships with beautiful shapes and harmonious lines were parked there, guarding a bright yellow giant ship with a length of more than three kilometers at the core, the capital of all warships. Engraved with a huge golden ribbon. Above it is a knot of beard and hair, with strong and powerful lines. The five-clawed golden dragon pattern is about to fly!

A small spaceship flew from a distant station and stopped for a moment when it was almost at the outskirts of the fleet. After strict identity verification and password verification, they were allowed to approach the mothership.

The small spaceship flew in along the large ejection port in the belly of the mothership. Dozens of high-star awakened people wearing golden light armor were already waiting there!

"Miss Mu Qingya, is Your Highness free now?" Luo Hanxing stepped off the spaceship and saw that the leading awakener was an old acquaintance of his, so he asked.

The woman, whose whole body was wrapped in light armor and whose combat prowess was at the level of Qianxing, nodded gently. Her eyes glanced at Ye Qingyuan behind him. A flash of shock flashed in her calm eyes, and she asked in a solemn voice: " Is this the person His Highness is looking for?"

"Exactly!" the general responded.

"Follow me! Your Highness is not in a good mood right now. Colonel, please wish yourself well!" She said lightly.

"Are you Ye Qingyuan?"

A soft, melodious, yet majestic voice sounded in my ears.

In the magnificent study room, behind a large bright yellow crystal desk, the woman in blue who was peeling lotus seeds finally raised her head and glanced at him indifferently.

A pair of beautiful eyes full of energy, beautiful cherry lips, and a straight bridge of the nose are embedded in the smooth face that can be broken by blows, forming an almost absolutely perfect face! The so-called beauty is like a painting, it is nothing more than this!

With his clear eyes looking forward, there was an aura of awe and pressure, which is the unique aura of those who have been in high positions for a long time and have wielded great power! Perfectly blended with her peerless appearance, it has a fatal temptation!

"I don't know what Her Royal Highness's orders are!" He suppressed the embarrassment in his heart and responded in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

According to rumors, the noble Highness Fang Yuqing, who was born in the royal family, was favored by the current emperor and had been in charge of the Imperial Security Department for many years! She is a woman who combines beauty and wisdom, cunning and uncanny, and is also moody!

"I heard that you are the direct heir of the Yun family and left behind among the people?" the princess asked casually.

"That's right! That's it!"

"Then how did you collect the money for the DNA awakening surgery and activate your powers? It is said that you were an ordinary student a year ago, but now you are a nine-star powerhouse! The speed of this breakthrough seems to be too fast. Some more!"

"Your Highness, you definitely know the information about me better than anyone else, so there's no need for me to say more, right?" After a moment of silence, he responded in a nonchalant way.

"Yes! There is indeed a lot of information related to you here in this palace!" The corner of the princess's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a meaningful smile: "However, I still hope to hear it from you yourself! You can almost know whether the guys below are careful enough in their work and whether they have overlooked something!"

"...Understood, Your Highness!" He thought quickly for a while and decided to tell the truth except for the matter about the mysterious base. However, he was not sure whether he could get through it.

If the person in front of me was so easy to fool, then she wouldn't have been able to sit in this position for many years without anyone being able to threaten her status!

After straightening out the thoughts in his mind, he began to talk about his experiences over the past year. The princess opposite her lowered her beautiful eyes, peeling the lotus seeds slowly, then put the peeled lotus seeds into the sandalwood mouth and chewed them carefully. There was no trace of it from beginning to end. She looked at him again and didn't interrupt.

After about half an hour, he stopped talking and stared at her anxiously, as if he were a student who had handed in his exam paper and was waiting for grading.

"Just these? Are you sure you haven't overlooked anything?" the princess asked softly.

"No!" he responded bravely. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com

There was an imperceptible sigh.

"Look at me!" There was a hint of chill in her voice.

He raised his head and stared at her calmly, not sure what she was planning to do. However, he soon realized something was wrong!

Without any warning, the body was like a wine barrel with the bottom pierced, and the originally abundant energy in the body was completely lost in an instant!

Terrified, he subconsciously planned to run away!

"I advise you not to do stupid things!" The princess smiled softly, "For me, it is too easy to deal with Jiuxing like you!"

"Tell me! What are you hiding?

What should be done? He quickly thought about how to deal with it! You can't do it by force, the woman in front of you is unfathomable, not even comparable to that Yun Qingfeng, at least she is a terrifying existence of semi-divine level! Even with Lan Yu's help, there was no way he could escape! (To be continued.)

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